ASTM E3078-2017 Standard Practice for Conditioning of Hard Armor Test Items《硬装甲测试项目调节的标准实施规程》.pdf

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ASTM E3078-2017 Standard Practice for Conditioning of Hard Armor Test Items《硬装甲测试项目调节的标准实施规程》.pdf_第1页
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1、Designation: E3078 17Standard Practice forConditioning of Hard Armor Test Items1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E3078; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in paren

2、theses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This practice applies to the conditioning of hard armortest items prior to ballistic resistance testing. Hard armor is anitem of personal protective e

3、quipment that is constructed ofrigid materials and is intended to protect the wearer fromthreats that may include ballistic threats, stabbing,fragmentation, or blunt impact, or combinations thereof. (Ter-minology E3005.) Hard armor is also referred to as hard armorplate and plate.NoteBallistic resis

4、tance testing is not covered in thispractice.1.2 This practice describes requirements for subjecting testitems to conditions intended to assess the capability of the testitem to withstand environmental conditions that induce re-sponses similar to those that might result from conditionsencountered du

5、ring use. This practice includes the conditioningprocedures listed below:(1) Controlled ambient conditioning procedure,(2) Thermal/temperature shock procedure,(3) Temperature extremes procedure,(4) Weathering procedure,(5) Fluid exposure procedure,(6) Altitude exposure procedure,(7) Vibration condit

6、ioning procedure,(8) Impact Durability pre-conditioning,(9) Impact Durability procedure for torso front and backplates, and(10) Impact Durability procedure for other plates (that is,other than torso front and back plates).1.3 The user of this practice shall determine which condi-tioning procedures a

7、pply.NoteThis practice may not be applicable to all types ofhard armor.1.4 In this practice, “other standards and specifications” and“unless specified elsewhere” refer to documents (for example,military standards, purchase specifications) that require the useof this practice. Purchasers and other us

8、ers are responsible forthe “other standards and specifications” and for specifying anyrequirements that supersede those of this practice.1.5 This practice does not address pass/fail requirements fortest items subjected to these procedures.1.6 This practice does not address visual inspections orradio

9、graphic inspections of test items that may be requiredprior to or following conditioning.NoteIt is recommended that a thorough visual examina-tion of each test item prior to and after the exposures beperformed to document any change in physical appearanceresulting from the exposure.1.7 This practice

10、 does not address subsequent conditioningor testing of test items.1.8 UnitsThe values stated in SI units are to be regardedas standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematicalconversions to inch-pound units that are provided for informa-tion only and are not considered standard.1.9 This sta

11、ndard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1

12、ASTM Standards:2D1141 Practice for the Preparation of Substitute OceanWaterD1776 Practice for Conditioning and Testing TextilesE3005 Terminology for Body Armor2.2 AATCC Standard:3AATCC TM 169 Weather Resistance of Textiles: XenonLamp Exposures1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committe

13、e E54 on HomelandSecurity Applications and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E54.04 onPersonal Protective Equipment (PPE).Current edition approved Feb. 1, 2017. Published March 2017. DOI: 10.1520/E3078-17.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM

14、 Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists(AATCC), P.O. Box 12215, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2215, http:/www.a

15、 ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United StatesThis international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for theDevelopment

16、 of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.12.3 Military Standard:4MIL-STD-810G Test Method Standard for EnvironmentalEngineering Considerations and Laboratory Tests3. Terminology3.1 The terms and definit

17、ions of Terminology E3005 applyfor the following terms: ballistic resistance, conditioning, hardarmor plate, in conjunction with armor, shoot pack, soft armor,strike face, and test item.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 applique, nfor hard armor testing, backing materialintend

18、ed to fill the space behind the test item during testing orconditioning procedures.3.2.2 controlled ambient, nconditions with temperature of20 6 5.5C (68 6 10F) and 50 6 20 % relative humidity(RH). Within this practice, this definition applies to any director indirect reference to controlled ambient

19、.4. Significance and Use4.1 It is anticipated that this practice will be referenced bycertifiers, purchasers, and other users in order to meet theirspecific needs. Those users will specify which conditioningprocedures are applicable.5. Test Items5.1 The test items are individual hard armor plates.5.

20、2 The quantity and size of test items to be conditioned andother relevant test item details are specified in other standardsor specifications.5.3 Unless otherwise specified, test items shall be stored incontrolled ambient conditions following conditioning proce-dures.6. Controlled Ambient Conditioni

21、ng Procedure6.1 Test items shall be subjected to controlled ambientconditions for at least 24 hours.7. Temperature Shock Procedure7.1 Tests shall be performed in accordance with MIL-STD-810G, Method 503.5, Procedure I-A, with the followingmodifications:7.1.1 The extreme temperatures shall be T1: 31.

22、7 6 3C(25 6 5F) and T2: 48.9 6 3C (120 6 5F).7.1.2 Test items shall be subjected to temperature condition-ing steps as follows: (1) controlled ambient, (2) T1, (3) T2, and(4) controlled ambient. Transfer of test items from one condi-tion to another shall be accomplished in less than one minute.Rampi

23、ng of temperature is prohibited.7.1.3 The test items shall be subjected to each specifiedtemperature for a minimum of 2 h, not to exceed 2 h and 15min.8. Temperature Extremes Procedure8.1 Tests shall be performed in accordance with constanttemperature exposure procedures of MIL-STD-810G, Method501.5

24、, Procedure I (high temperature) and Method 502.5,Procedure I (low temperature).8.2 One set of test items shall be subjected to hightemperature, and another set shall be subjected to low tempera-ture. Ramping of temperature is prohibited.8.2.1 The starting temperature shall be controlled ambient.8.2

25、.2 One set of test items shall be heated in a chamberoperating at 71.1 6 3C (155 6 5F) for a minimum of 6 h, notto exceed 7 h.9. Weathering Procedure9.1 Weathering of test items shall be performed in accor-dance with AATCC Test Method 169 with the modificationslisted below:(1) The test apparatus sha

26、ll be equipped with an automaticlight monitor and shall be capable of automatically controllingirradiance, temperature, and humidity.(2) The test items shall be positioned with the strike facetoward the light source.(3) The weathering cycle shall be a total of 180 min,consisting of the following in

27、order: 40 min of light, 20 min oflight with water spray on the test item, 60 min of light, and 60min of darkness. The cycle shall be repeated until the totalenergy exposure is equal to 100 kJ/m2, and the weatheringcycle shall be terminated at that point.(4) The spectral irradiance level shall be 0.5

28、5 6 0.01W/m2/nm bandpass at 340 nm.(5) The temperatures and RH shall be as specified in Table1.9.2 After the required exposure period, the test items shallbe removed from the apparatus.10. Fluid Exposure Procedure10.1 MIL-STD-810G, Procedure II, Method 504.1 and Pro-cedure I, Method 512.5 shall be u

29、sed with modifications asdescribed below:(1) Test items shall be subjected to conditioning in fluids,with each fluid at a temperature between 16 and 26C (60 and80F).(2) Each test item shall be subjected to only one fluid. Thetype of fluid used shall be documented.(3) Fluid conditioning equipment sha

30、ll consist of a fluidcontainer of sufficient size to allow at least one test item of thelargest size to rest horizontally. Test items shall not be stackedatop each other during conditioning but may be placed side-by-side.4Available from U.S. Government Printing Office, Superintendent ofDocuments, 73

31、2 N. Capitol St., NW, Washington, DC 20401-0001, http:/ 1 Temperatures for Weathering ProcedureDark Cycle Light CycleBlack Panel 38 3C (100 5F) 77 3C (171 5F)Relative Humidity $95% 505%(This does not apply tolight cycle with waterspray.)E3078 172(4) A “20-lb weight” shall be

32、placed on each test item toprevent floating while in fluid.(5) Test items shall be conditioned in containers of fluidusing one of the methods described below:(a) 30w lubricating oil of commercial grade SE or better.The test item shall be placed strike face down in a containerthat is then filled with

33、 enough fluid to cover the strike face. Thetest item shall remain in the fluid for 2 h, not to exceed2hand15 min.NoteThe test item is not required to be completelysubmerged.(b) 10w-40 lubricating oil of commercial grade SE orbetter. The test item shall be weighed to the nearest 5 g (0.01lb) prior to

34、 fluid conditioning. The test item shall be placed ina container that is filled with enough fluid for the test item tobe completely immersed. The test item shall be immersed for10 min, not to exceed 11 min. Following conditioning, the testitem shall be wiped clean and weighed to the nearest 5 g (0.0

35、1lb).NoteThe test item is required to be completely sub-merged.(c) Vehicle fuel. The test item shall be placed strike facedown in a container that is then filled with enough fluid tocover the strike face. The test item shall remain in the fluid for2 h, not to exceed 2 h and 15 min.NoteExamples of ve

36、hicle fuels that may be usedinclude gasoline, diesel, F-24, and JP-8.NoteThe test item is not required to be completelysubmerged.(d) Vehicle fuel. The test item shall be weighed to thenearest 5 g (0.01 lb) prior to fluid conditioning. The test itemshall be placed in a container that is filled with e

37、nough fluid forthe test item to be completely immersed. The test item shall beimmersed for 10 min, not to exceed 11 min. Followingconditioning, the test item shall be wiped clean and weighed tothe nearest 5 g (0.01 lb).NoteThe test item is required to be completely sub-merged.(e) Salt water. The tes

38、t item shall be placed in a containerthat is filled with enough fluid for the test item to be completelyimmersed. The salt water shall have a concentration of 4.6 %sodium chloride (NaCl), and the test item shall be immersedfor 2 h, not to exceed 2 h and 15 min. An alternative to saltwater is Substit

39、ute Ocean Water, prepared in accordance withPractice D1141.NoteThe test item is required to be completely sub-merged.(f) Cleaner, Lubricant, and Preservative. The test itemshall be weighed to the nearest 5 g (0.01 lb) prior to fluidconditioning. The test item shall be placed in a container thatis fi

40、lled with enough fluid for the test item to be completelyimmersed. The test item shall be immersed for 10 min, not toexceed 11 min. Following conditioning, the test item shall bewiped clean and weighed to the nearest 5 g (0.01 lb).NoteThe test item is required to be completely sub-merged.10.2 Follow

41、ing each exposure in which the test item is notrequired to be wiped clean, the test items shall be positionedvertically to drip dry for at least 5 min.NoteOther standards or specifications will give the timeinterval between removal from the fluid and any subsequentprocedure.11. Altitude Exposure Pro

42、cedure11.1 The test items shall be placed in an air pressurechamber to simulate changes in altitude.11.2 The change rate of the air pressure shall simulate achange in altitude of 460 to 610 m/min (1500 to 2000 ft/min).11.3 The temperature(s) in the chamber shall be specified bythe user of this pract

43、ice.11.4 The initial air pressure shall be zero gauge pressure.11.5 The air pressure shall be decreased to 18.8 kPa or 2.73PSIA (5.5 in. Hg) to simulate an ascent to 12 200 m (40 000 ft)altitude and shall be maintained for 1 h 6 5 min.11.6 The air pressure shall be increased to 57.2 kPa or 8.3PSIA (

44、16.9 in. Hg) to simulate a descent to 4600 m (15 000 m)altitude and shall be maintained for 1 h 6 5 min.11.7 The air pressure shall be changed to initial air pressureand maintained for 30 6 5 min, and the test items shall beremoved from the chamber.12. Vibration Conditioning Procedure12.1 Tests shal

45、l be performed in accordance with MIL-STD-810G, Method 514.6, Procedure II for Loose Cargo withthe following modifications:(1) The test item shall be placed strike face down in awooden box. The box shall be rectangular having width andlength 25.4 to 38.1 mm (1.0 to 1.5 in.) larger than themaximum wi

46、dth and maximum length of the test item. The boxshall have a lid attached to prevent the test item from flippingover. The internal height of the box shall be approximately 89mm (3.5 in.).NoteThe box has a bottom, sides, and a lid.(2) The test item shall be positioned with the top andbottom edges par

47、allel to the x-axis.(3) Vibration shall be caused by motion in the x and y plane(that is, circular motion around the z-axis. Refer to Fig. 1 toshow positioning of test item in box (drawing not to scale; topand front of box not shown).(4) The wooden box shall be mounted to the vibrationtable.(5) The

48、simulation of the loose cargo environment requiresthe use of a vibration table that imparts a 25.4 6 2.5 mm (1.06 0.1 in.) peak-to-peak, circular synchronous motion to thetable at a frequency of 5 Hz 6 1.25 % for at least 1 h, not toexceed 1 h and 15 min.13. Impact Durability Pre-Conditioning13.1 La

49、boratory Configuration and Test Equipment:13.1.1 Environmental Chamber: The environmental chamber shall have a controllerthat maintains a set temperature to within 63C (5F) and thatmaintains a set relative humidity to within 65%.E3078 17313.1.1.2 The environmental chamber shall allow for the testitems to be positioned in the vertical orientation in which theyare intended to be used.13.1.2 Environmental Chamber Monitoring Equipment: The monitoring equipment shall include measure-ment and recording device(s), independent from


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