ASTM E3141 E3141M-2018 Standard Test Method for Ballistic Resistant Shields for Law Enforcement《执法用防弹屏蔽的标准试验方法》.pdf

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ASTM E3141 E3141M-2018 Standard Test Method for Ballistic Resistant Shields for Law Enforcement《执法用防弹屏蔽的标准试验方法》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM E3141 E3141M-2018 Standard Test Method for Ballistic Resistant Shields for Law Enforcement《执法用防弹屏蔽的标准试验方法》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: E3141/E3141M 18Standard Test Method forBallistic Resistant Shields for Law Enforcement1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E3141/E3141M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last

2、revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.INTRODUCTIONThis test method for the ballistic resistance of shields has been prepared after consideration of thefeatures of ballistic-

3、resistant shields and of potential vulnerabilities. Specifically, the tests have beendesigned to target the face of the shield, the viewports, the handle support structures, and lights or anyother attachments to the body of the shield. This test method addresses ballistic resistance of shieldsused b

4、y law enforcement and corrections.This test method is to be used in conjunction with documents created by other concerned parties thatestablish performance levels through the specification of threats and other requirements.1. Scope1.1 This test method2applies to personal protectiveballistic-resistan

5、t shields.1.2 The intent of this test method is to evaluate the ballisticresistance of shield products for law enforcement.1.3 Certifiers, purchasers, and other users of this test methodwill specify the ballistic test threats to be used. Within this testmethod, the reference defining the ballistic t

6、est threats will becalled the “test threats document.”1.4 In this test method, “other standards and specifications”and “unless specified elsewhere” refer to documents (forexample, military standards, purchase specifications) that re-quire the use of this test method. Certifiers, purchasers, andother

7、 users are responsible for the “other standards andspecifications” and for specifying any requirements that super-sede those of this test method.1.5 UnitsValues stated in either the International Systemof Units (metric) or U.S. Customary units (inch-pound) are tobe regarded separately as standard. T

8、he values stated in eachsystem may not be exact equivalents. Tests conducted usingeither system maintain repeatability and reproducibility of thetest method and results are comparable.1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is ther

9、esponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter-mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.1.7 This international standard was developed in accor-dance with internationally recognized principles on standard

10、-ization established in the Decision on Principles for theDevelopment of International Standards, Guides and Recom-mendations issued by the World Trade Organization TechnicalBarriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:3E3005 Terminology for Body ArmorE3062 Specificati

11、on for Indoor Ballistic Test Ranges forSmall Arms and Fragmentation Testing of Ballistic-resistant Items2.2 NIJ Standard:4NIJ Standard-0101.06 Ballistic Resistance of Body Armor2.3 ISO Standard:5ISO/IEC 17025 General Requirements for the Competenceof Testing and Calibration Laboratories3. Terminolog

12、y3.1 For terms not defined in this test method, the followingdefinitions of Terminology E3005 apply: complete penetration1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E54 onHomeland Security Applications and is the direct responsibility of SubcommitteeE54.04 on Personal Protective Eq

13、uipment (PPE).Current edition approved March 15, 2018. Published April 2018. DOI: 10.1520/E3141_E3141M-18.2This test method is subject to revision as indicated by changes to threatsexperienced by law enforcement practitioners and subject to review at least everyfive years.3For referenced ASTM standa

14、rds, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.4Available from National Institute of Justice (NIJ), 810 7th St., NW, Washington,DC 2053

15、1, http:/ from International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ISOCentral Secretariat, BIBC II, Chemin de Blandonnet 8, CP 401, 1214 Vernier,Geneva, Switzerland, http:/ ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-29

16、59. United StatesThis international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for theDevelopment of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical

17、Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.1(see 3.2.2), shot-to-edge distance, shot-to-shot distance, strikeface, test item, witness panel, and yaw.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 ballistic layup, nthe layering of ballistic materialsthrough the thickness of the ballistic-resistant i

18、tem underconsideration. DiscussionBallistic materials are typically re-corded from strike face to body side.3.2.2 complete penetrationfor purposes of this testmethod, definition 4 from Terminology E3005 applies: theresult of a test threat impact if a hole is created through thewitness panel.3

19、.2.3 fastener, nhardware device that mechanically joinsor affixes two or more objects together. DiscussionA primary example of this is a bolt thatjoins a handle or light to the body of the shield.3.2.4 opaque, adjnot able to be seen through; not trans-parent. DiscussionFunctionally, no

20、n-opaque, transparentshield components act as viewports.3.2.5 spall, nparticles of material from either the test itemor the impacting projectile that are broken off as a result of theballistic impact. DiscussionFor the purposes of this test method,spall includes secondary projectiles such as

21、bolts or otherfastenings that may be propelled toward the witness panel as aresult of a test threat impact.3.2.6 strike face, nthe surface of an armor panel or plateintended to face the incoming threat (Terminology E3005). DiscussionFor purposes of this test method, theterm strike face refers

22、 to the surface of the test item intendedto face the incoming threat.4. Test Items4.1 In this test method, a test item is a fully assembledproduct.4.2 Inspect all test items for defects, including wrinkles,blisters, cracks or fabric tears, fraying, crazing, or chipped orsharp corners and edges. Docu

23、ment all defects in the testreport.4.3 Inspect all test items for variations in size, appearance,materials, and manner of construction compared to othersubmitted test items. Document all observed variances in thetest report.4.4 Examination of Test Item SubcomponentsThis sectionprovides guidelines fo

24、r identifying regions of identical con-struction and regions of unique construction.4.4.1 Ballistic LayupEvaluate the shield to identify re-gions of identical construction. Regions are considered identi-cal if they have identical layups of ballistic materials throughthe thickness of the shield. Each

25、 region of the ballistic shieldthat is not identical is considered to be unique.4.4.2 Viewport Mounting SystemIf the shield design in-corporates a viewport, examine the mounting system to iden-tify identically constructed corners. Such corners may berounded or squared. Two corners are considered to

26、be identi-cally constructed if the design is visually observed to beidentical in form and function. Any corners that are not foundto be identically constructed are considered to be unique.Evaluate the viewport mounting system to identify identicallyconstructed edges. Edges are considered identical i

27、f the designis visually observed to be identical in form and functionexclusive of edge length. Any edges that are not found to beidentically constructed are considered to be unique.4.4.3 FastenersExamine all fasteners to determine theirform and function. Fasteners are considered to be identical ifth

28、ey match in form and function. Any fasteners that are notfound to be identical are considered to be unique.4.4.4 LightsEvaluate all lights to determine if they areidentically constructed. Two lights are considered to be iden-tically constructed if they are identical in terms of manner ofconstruction

29、 and mounting except for axes and planes ofsymmetry. All lights that are not found to be identical areconsidered unique.5. Test of Ballistic Resistance5.1 Test Range ConfigurationThe test range shall meetSpecification E3062 under normal circumstances. If a shieldsperformance is to be evaluated again

30、st a specific threat whereit is not practical to meet the specifications described inSpecification E3062, then thoroughly document the configura-tion that is utilized in the testing of the shield in the test reportwith respect to the type of test threat used and the means ofpropelling the test threa

31、t downrange.5.2 A separate test threats document will specify test threatsutilized in testing.5.3 Fair-hit RequirementsTable 1 lists default fair-hitrequirements which are applicable when other standards,specifications, or test methods do not otherwise specify suchrequirements. See Table Mea

32、sure the shot-to-edge distance from the center ofthe projectile impact to the nearest edge of the strike face of theballistic shield. In situations where the edge of the shield has arounded profile, the edge is defined as the ultimate edge of theshield when viewed from the strike face. Measure the s

33、hot-to-shot distances from center of one projectile impact to the centerof another.NOTE 1When assessing whether a particular impact location meetsthe minimum shot-to-shot distance requirements, the shot-to-shot dis-tances are measured from that impact location to all prior impactlocations. There is

34、no requirement to record acceptable shot-to-shotdistances or physically measure distances that are obviously greater thanthe minimum shot-to-shot distance.5.3.2 ToleranceThe center point of each impact shall liewithin a 10 mm 0.39 in. radius circle of its intended point ofimpact.TABLE 1 Fair-hit Req

35、uirementsMinimum Shot-to-edge distance 51 mm 2.0 in.Minimum Shot-to-shot distance 51 mm 2.0 in.Yaw #5.0 test threat line of flightVelocity Tolerance 9.1 m/s 30 ft/sE3141/E3141M 1825.4 Sampling and Test ItemsOther standards and specifi-cations specify test item details including quantity, size, andco

36、nditioning.NOTE 2The supplier is responsible for providing a sufficient numberof test items to accomplish the required testing. It is recommended thatspare test items be provided.5.5 Test Equipment:5.5.1 Test Item MountingMount the test item on a testitem mounting system in accordance with the manuf

37、acturersguidance regarding usage. If a shield is intended to be held bythe handles, then test the shield using a mounting system thatholds the shield by the handles. If a shield is intended to beused while its base sits on the ground and does not rely onhandles to keep it aloft then test the shield

38、in this configurationusing an appropriate support.NOTE 3An example test item mounting system is presented inAppendix X1. The example system is not mandatory, and other similar testitem mounting systems may be used.5.5.2 Witness PanelAll ballistic resistance tests utilize awitness panel to determine

39、if a complete penetration hasoccurred. Witness panels shall: Meet the specifications listed in Table Be rigidly affixed 15 cm 6 2.5 cm 6 in. 6 1 in.behind the intended point of impact of the test threat asmeasured from the side opposite the strike face along theintended shot line.5.

40、5.2.3 Have its geometric center positioned along theintended test threat flight line to within a 2.54 cm 1.0 in.accuracy unless restricted by the test item features, the testconfiguration, or the test item mounting system. Be oriented parallel to the plane normal to thesurface of the test ite

41、m at the intended point of impact. Be sufficiently large to allow any test threat thatcompletely penetrates or ejected spall to strike it. At thedistance listed above, the dimensions shall be not less than 35.0cm by 35.0 cm 13.75 in. by 13.75 in. unless the test itemmounting system or shield

42、components necessitate a smallerwitness panel be used.5.6 Determination of Shot ResultAfter each shot or clusterof shots, examine the witness panel for penetration by theprojectile or spall. This is done by holding the witness panelbetween the eye and a light source of at least 800 lumens.5.7 Ballis

43、tic Resistance Test Procedures:5.7.1 The following sections designate shot locations fortest item(s) within a test sequence. Each major section isconsidered a separate test allowing the tests to be conducted onseparate test items. A manufacturer or other entity submittingshields for testing may allo

44、w additional shots to be placed ontoa test item that has received one or more shots. However, if atest is carried out on a test item that was used in a previous test,the result is considered a valid test result provided it meets allof the fair-hit requirements. Table X1.1 in Appendix X1provides a su

45、mmary of the shots required in this section. Conduct measurements for targeting viewports ac-cording to the following guidance:(1) Protruding (proud) ViewportMeasure from the far-thest edge of the viewport inclusive of any bezel that is present.(2) Flush ViewportMeasure from the most outwardl

46、yvisible edge of the glazing component. Thus, if a bezel ispresent, then measure from the most inward edge of the bezel.(3) Recessed ViewportMeasure from the edge of therecessed portion of the shield.(4) Ballistic Shield Viewport Center Shot TestProcedurePlace on shot in the center of the viewport.

47、Thecenter is a point that is equidistant from the top and bottomedges of the viewport as well as the left and right edges of theviewport. See Fig. 1. Replicate this shot on a separate test item.(5) Ballistic Shield Viewport Corner Test ProcedurePlace one shot on each unique viewport corner type. Rep

48、licatethis shot on a separate corner representing that unique cornertype. This may be done on the same test item or separate testitems. If both shots are placed on the same test item, then targetthe shots at diagonally opposing corners of the viewport. Ifshots are placed on separate test items, then

49、 target a differentbut identical corner for each shot. Mark the intended point ofimpact at 13 mm 0.5 in. from two adjacent edges. If thecorner is rounded, place the shot 13 mm 0.5 in. from thecurved portion of the viewport.(6) Edge of Viewport Test ProcedurePlace a single shoton each unique edge such that the intended point of impact is13 mm 0.5 in. from the edge and centered along the edge.Place a single shot at a 45 angle into the junction betweenshield body and the glazing material or the shield body and theglazing mat


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