ASTM E668-2005 Standard Practice for Application of Thermoluminescence-Dosimetry (TLD) Systems for Determining Absorbed Dose in Radiation-Hardness Testing of Electronic Devices《电子器.pdf

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ASTM E668-2005 Standard Practice for Application of Thermoluminescence-Dosimetry (TLD) Systems for Determining Absorbed Dose in Radiation-Hardness Testing of Electronic Devices《电子器.pdf_第1页
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1、Designation: E 668 05Standard Practice forApplication of Thermoluminescence-Dosimetry (TLD)Systems for Determining Absorbed Dose in Radiation-Hardness Testing of Electronic Devices1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 668; the number immediately following the designation indicates t

2、he year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the D

3、epartment of Defense.1. Scope1.1 This practice covers procedures for the use of thermolu-minescence dosimeters (TLDs) to determine the absorbed dosein a material irradiated by ionizing radiation. Although someelements of the procedures have broader application, thespecific area of concern is radiati

4、on-hardness testing of elec-tronic devices. This practice is applicable to the measurementof absorbed dose in materials irradiated by gamma rays, Xrays, and electrons of energies from 12 to 60 MeV. Specificenergy limits are covered in appropriate sections describingspecific applications of the proce

5、dures. The range of absorbeddose covered is approximately from 102to 104Gy (1 to 106rad), and the range of absorbed dose rates is approximatelyfrom 102to 1010Gy/s (1 to 1012rad/s). Absorbed dose andabsorbed dose-rate measurements in materials subjected toneutron irradiation are not covered in this p

6、ractice. Further, theportion of these procedures that deal with electron irradiationare primarily intended for use in parts testing. Testing ofdevices as a part of more massive components such aselectronics boards or boxes may require techniques outside thescope of this practice.NOTE 1The purpose of

7、 the upper and lower limits on the energy forelectron irradiation is to approach a limiting case where dosimetry issimplified. Specifically, the dosimetry methodology specified requires thatthe following three limiting conditions be approached: (a) energy loss ofthe primary electrons is small, (b) s

8、econdary electrons are largely stoppedwithin the dosimeter, and (c) bremsstrahlung radiation generated by theprimary electrons is largely lost.1.2 This standard dose not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standar

9、d to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2E 170 Terminology Relating to Radiation Measurementsand DosimetryE 380 Practice for Use of the International System of Units(SI)

10、(the Modernized Metric System)E 666 Practice for CalculatingAbsorbed Dose from Gammaor X Radiation2.2 International Commission on Radiation Units andMeasurements (ICRU) Reports:3ICRU Report 14Radiation Dosimetry: X Rays andGamma Rays with Maximum Photon Energies Between0.6 and 50 MeVICRU Report 17Ra

11、diation Dosimetry: X Rays Generatedat Potentials of 5 to 150 keVICRU Report 21Radiation Dosimetry: Electrons with Ini-tial Energies Between 1 and 50 MeVICRU Report 31Average Energy Required to Produce anIon PairICRU Report 33Radiation Quantities and UnitsICRU Report 34The Dosimetry of Pulsed Radiati

12、onICRU Report 37Stopping Powers for Electrons andPositrons3. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 absorbed dose, Dthe quotient of debydm, where deis the mean energy imparted by ionizing radiation to the matterin a volume element and dm is the mass of matter in thatvolume element.D 5dedm(1)1This practice

13、 is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E10 on NuclearTechnology and Applications and is the direct responsibility of SubcommitteeE10.07 on Radiation Dosimetry for Radiation Effects on Materials and Devices onMaterials and Devices.Current edition approved June 1, 2005. Published June 2005. Orig

14、inallyapproved in 1978. Last previous edition approved in 2000 as E 668 00.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe

15、 ASTM website.3Available from International Commission on Radiation Units and Measure-ments, 7910, Woodmont Ave., Suite 800, Bethesda, MD 20814.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.Previously, the special unit of absorbed

16、dose was the rad;however, the gray (Gy) has been adopted as the official SI unit(see Practice E 380).1Gy5 1Jkg215 102rad (2)3.1.2 absorbed-dose ratethe absorbed dose per unit timeinterval.3.1.3 annealingthermal treatment of a TLD prior toirradiation or prior to readout. DiscussionPre-irradiat

17、ion annealing of TLDs isusually done to erase the effects of previous irradiation and toreadjust the sensitivity of the phosphor; pre-readout annealingusually is done to reduce low-temperature TLD response.3.1.4 calibration conditionsthe normal environmentalconditions prevailing during routine calib

18、ration irradiationssuch as the ambient temperature, humidity, and lighting.3.1.5 equilibrium absorbed dosethe absorbed dose atsome incremental volume within the material which thecondition of electron equilibrium (as many electrons of a givenenergy enter as leave the volume) exists (1)4(see Appendix

19、X1).3.1.6 exposure, Xthe quotient of dQ by dm, where dQ isthe absolute value of the total charge of the ions of one signproduced in air when all the electrons (negatrons and positrons)liberated by photons in a volume element of air having massdm are completely stopped in air.X 5dQdm(3)UnitCkg13.1.6.

20、1 DiscussionFormerly the special unit of exposurewas the roentgen (R).1 R 5 2.58 3 1021C kg21exactly! (4)3.1.7 primary electronsfor the case of electron irradia-tion, the electrons introduced into the device under test by theirradiation source.3.1.8 secondary-electron equilibriumfor the case of elec

21、-tron irradiation, the condition where as many secondaryelectrons of a given energy enter a given volume as leave it.3.1.9 secondary-electron equilibrium absorbed doseforthe case of electron irradiation, the absorbed dose at someincremental volume within the material in which the conditionof seconda

22、ry-electron equilibrium exists. DiscussionAdditional definitions can be found inICRU Report secondary electronsfor the case of electron irra-diation, electrons knocked out of the electron shells of thematerial being irradiated by the primary electron. For the caseof photon irradiati

23、on, energetic electrons (photoelectrons,Auger electrons, and Compton electrons) produced within thematerial being irradiated by the action of the incident photons. DiscussionSecondary electrons are produced bythe interaction of the primary electrons with the atoms of thematerial being irradi

24、ated. This interaction is a principal meansof energy loss for the primary electrons. The kinetic energy ofa secondary electron is typically much lower than that of theprimary electron which creates it.3.1.11 test conditionsthe normal environmental condi-tions prevailing during routine hardness-test

25、irradiations suchas the ambient temperature, humidity, and lighting.3.1.12 thermoluminescence dosimeter (TLD)a TL phos-phor, alone, or incorporated in a material, used for determiningthe absorbed dose in materials. For example, the TL phosphoris sometimes incorporated in a TFE-fluorocarbon matrix.3.

26、1.13 thermoluminescence dosimeter (TLD) batchagroup of TLDs, generally originating from a single mix or lotof TL phosphor, having similar TL responses and similarthermal and irradiation histories.3.1.14 thermoluminescence dosimeter (TLD) readeran in-strument used to measure the light emitted from a

27、TLDconsisting essentially of a heating element, a light-measuringdevice, and appropriate electronics.3.1.15 thermoluminescence dosimeter (TLD) responsethemeasured light emitted by the TLD and read out during itsheating cycle consisting of one of the following: (a) the totallight output over the enti

28、re heating cycle, (b) a part of that totallight output, or (c) the peak amplitude of the light output.3.1.16 thermoluminescence (TL) phosphora material thatstores, upon irradiation, a fraction of its absorbed dose invarious excited energy states. When thermally stimulated, thematerial emits this sto

29、red energy in the form of photons in theultraviolet, visible, and infrared regions.3.1.17 TLD preparationthe procedure of cleaning, an-nealing, and encapsulating the TLphosphor prior to irradiation.3.2 For units and terminology in reports of data, Terminol-ogy E 170 may be used as a guide.4. Signifi

30、cance and Use4.1 Absorbed dose in a material is an important parameterthat can be correlated with radiation effects produced inelectronic components and devices that are exposed to ionizingradiation. Reasonable estimates of this parameter can becalculated if knowledge of the source radiation field (

31、that is,energy spectrum and particle fluence) is available. Sufficientlydetailed information about the radiation field is generally notavailable. However, measurements of absorbed dose withpassive dosimeters in a radiation test facility can provideinformation from which the absorbed dose in a materi

32、al ofinterest can be inferred. Under certain prescribed conditions,TLDs are quite suitable for performing such measurements.NOTE 2For comprehensive discussions of various dosimetry methodsapplicable to the radiation types and energy and absorbed dose-rate rangediscussed in this practice, see ICRU Re

33、ports 14, 17, 21, and 34.5. Apparatus5.1 The TLD System consists of the TLDs, the equipmentused for preparation of the TLDs, and the TLD reader.5.2 Calibration Facility delivers a known quantity of radia-tion to materials under certain prescribed environmental andgeometrical conditions. Its radiatio

34、n source is usually a radio-active isotope, commonly either60Co or137Cs, whose radiationoutput has been calibrated by specific techniques to somespecified uncertainty (usually to within 65 %) and is traceableto national standards.4The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references a

35、t the end ofthis practice.E6680525.3 Storage Facility provides an environment for the TLDsbefore and after irradiation, that is light tight and that has anegligible background absorbed-dose rate.ATLD stored in thefacility for the longest expected storage period should absorbno more than 1 % of the l

36、owest absorbed dose expected to bemeasured in hardness-testing applications.5.4 Environmental Chamber is used in testing the effects oftemperature and humidity on TLD response. The chambershould be capable of controlling the temperature and humiditywithin 65 % over the range expected under both cali

37、brationand test conditions.6. Handling and Readout Procedures6.1 Bare TLDs should not be handled with the bare fingers;dirt or grease on their surfaces can affect their response and cancontaminate the heating chamber of the TLD reader.Avacuumpen or tweezers coated with TFE-fluorocarbon should be use

38、din handling. If required, the TLDs can be cleaned by using theprocedures in accordance with Appendix X2.6.2 TLDs, especially those with high sensitivity, should beprotected from light having an appreciable ultraviolet compo-nent, such as sunlight or fluorescent light. Prolonged exposureto ultraviol

39、et light, either before or after irradiation, can causespurious TLD response or enhanced post-irradiation fading.Incandescent lighting should be used for the TLD preparationand readout areas. However, brief exposures of a few minutesto normal room fluorescent lighting is not likely to significantlya

40、ffect the TLD response except for low absorbed-dose mea-surements (102Gy (104rad). See, however, X2. Reproducibility of TLD Response of Individual ReusableDosimetersCertain types of TLDs may be utilized as indi-vidual reusable dosimeters. In this case, the identity of eachindividual dosimeter

41、 is maintained during repeated measure-ment cycles throughout its useful life. This is in contrast toutilization in the batch mode where individual dosimeterswithin the batch are not identified. To test the reproducibility ofthe response of an individual reusable dosimeter, the followingprocedures s

42、hould be followed:8.2.1 Select the individual TLD to be tested, prepare it,irradiate it in the calibration facility to a specific absorbed-doselevel (for example, at the midpoint of the absorbed-dose rangeof interest), and read it out. In an identical manner, repeat thisprocedure 30 times. Determine

43、 the variance, s2, of the re-sponses and estimate the standard deviation of the TLDresponse distribution s5=s2!. The standard deviation, s,should not exceed 5 % of the mean response value, Y0, that iss # (0.05) Y0.8.2.2 Some types of TLDs may exhibit a change in sensi-tivity (that is, response per u

44、nit absorbed dose) with repeatedanneal-irradiation-readout cycling. This effect is most pro-nounced if the TLD is not annealed thoroughly. The test resultsin accordance with 8.2.1 may not show such a change inresponse sensitivity. However, if such a change is shown in thattest or if it appears after

45、 a larger number of cycles thanspecified in that test, then a different analysis of the data isrequired. In this case, a curve should be fitted to the data ofresponse versus number of cycles by a least-squares method.Ameasure of reproducibility would then be given by the averagestandard deviation of

46、 the data points from the least-squarescurve. The performance criterion is the same as in Since the identity of each TLD is maintained when itis utilized as an individual dosimeter, it is not necessary thatgroups of such individual TLDs meet the batch requirements inaccordance with 8.1.

47、However, for the other performance testsand correction factors discussed in Section 8, it is assumed thatsuch tests and factors are evaluated by utilizing TLDs in abatch mode.8.3 Dependence of TLD Response on Absorbed-Dose Rate:8.3.1 From a TLD batch meeting the requirements inaccordance with 8.1.1,

48、 select a number of TLDs. Divide theTLDs into x number of groups, each group containing nsamples. Determine the absorbed-dose-rate range of interestfor the intended application and divide this range into xintervals (for example, one interval per decade). Prepare all theTLDs in an identical manner an

49、d irradiate each group to thesame dose level, but at a different absorbed-dose rate for eachx group, covering the absorbed-dose-rate range of interest.Read out the TLDs. Determine the mean response, Yi, for eachx group of n samples. Determine an overall mean value, Y0, forall x group means. Then the absolute difference between anygroup mean and the overall mean should not exceed 20 % ofthe overall mean. That is,|Yi2 Y0|# 0.2!Y0(7)8.3.2 If | Yi Y0| (0.05) Y0, then appropriate correctionfactors to the TLD response as a function of a

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