ASTM F1194-2018 Standard Guide for Documenting the Results of Chemical Permeation Testing of Materials Used in Protective Clothing.pdf

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1、Designation: F1194 99 (Reapproved 2010)F1194 18Standard Guide forDocumenting the Results of Chemical Permeation Testing ofMaterials Used in Protective Clothing1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F1194; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal ad

2、option or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.INTRODUCTIONPromulgation of standard test methods for measuring the resistance of

3、protective clothing materialsto permeation by liquid or gaseous chemicals has fostered the generation of increasing volumes ofmaterial performance data. Not all data have been, nor will be, generated using Test Method F739.To be useful, such data should be combined with information that specifies de

4、tailed characteristicsof each test. These characteristics include information on the material specimens, challenge chemicals,test apparatus, analytical method used, and test conditions (for example, temperature). The sensitivityor detection limit of the test system is of particular importance in com

5、paring the data from differentsources during the protective clothing selection process.To date, most reports on permeation testing have not included such specificity.This guide, therefore,presents a standard format for recording all required information and data. The standard format isintended to fa

6、cilitate the use of electronic databases to store, retrieve, and apply test results.1. Scope1.1 This guide provides a format for documenting information and performance data from a permeation test.1.2 Documented information and data are grouped into five major categories that define important aspect

7、s of each test:1.2.1 Protective Clothing Material,clothing material,1.2.2 Test Method,method,1.2.3 Challenge Chemical,chemical,1.2.4 Test Results,results, and1.2.5 Source of the Use of this guide is facilitated by adherence to the procedures outlined in a standard test method.1.4 This

8、international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardizationestablished in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issuedby the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT)

9、 Committee.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2F739 Test Method for Permeation of Liquids and Gases through Protective Clothing Materials under Conditions of ContinuousContact3. Significance and Use3.1 This guide is intended to encourage thorough and consistent documentation of permeation tes

10、ting and its results.1 This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F23 on Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F23.30on Chemicals.Current edition approved Jan. 1, 2010June 1, 2018. Published January 2010June 2018. Originally approved

11、in 1989. Last previous edition approved in 20052010 asF1194 - 99F1194 99 (2010).(2005). DOI: 10.1520/F1194-99R10.10.1520/F1194-18.2 For referencedASTM standards, visit theASTM website,, or contactASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM Standardsvolume informati

12、on, refer to the standards Document Summary page on the ASTM website.This document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Becauseit may not be technically possible to adequately depict

13、 all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current versionof the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428

14、-2959. United States13.2 Uniform information and performance data increase the likelihood of selecting proper chemical protective clothing material(CPC) by permitting direct comparisons of one product with another.3.3 A standard format for test information and data also encourages computer storage o

15、f test results for easy retrieval,comparison, and correlations.4. Data Fields4.1 The A suggested reporting format is shown in Annex A1Appendix X1, Fig. A1.1X1.1.4.2 If a particular data field is not applicable to the testing performed, insert “not applicable” in the field. If a particular pieceof da

16、ta has not been obtained, insert “no data” or “unknown” in the field.4.3 A description of each field of information follows.4.3.1 Description of Product EvaluatedA positive identification of the specific CPC product material evaluated. Condition Before Test (field(Field 1)Notes the prior cond

17、itioning or treatment of the material specimen before testing.Examples are “new,” “laundered,” after two weeks production usage,” and “after decontamination.” Any laundering ordecontaminating procedures should be briefly described or referenced.and “following flexing and abrasion.” Specify test meth

18、odsor procedures that are used for conditioning or treating the material prior to testing. Also, specify the temperature, humidity, andduration of the environmental preconditioning of the specimens immediately prior to testing. Manufacturer (Field 2)Manufacturer (field 2)The name, addressThe

19、name, address, and telephone of the productproducer. If unknown, then enter the source or supplier of the product. Product Identification (field(Field 3)The manufacturers code or catalog number, or “brand name” which uniquelydescribes the product tested. Lot Identification or Manufactu

20、re Date (field(Field 4)The production lot/batch identification or date which uniquelyidentifies the product which was evaluated. If this information cannot be found, enter the earliest date that the specific test product(sample) was known to exist, for example, the purchase date, suppliers stocking

21、date, and so forth.that was evaluated. Thickness (field (Field 5)(mm). The nominal thickness of the barrier material. Where polymers are coated onsubstrates, a obtain the coating thickness may be available from the manufacturer. Material Type (field(Field 6)Ageneric description of the

22、type of chemical resistant material that was tested. Examplesare “neoprene,” “natural rubber,” and “nitrile rubber.” Description (field(Field 7)Includes items such as type of support fabric, supporting or substrate material basis weight,weight of material or substrate, and treatments such as

23、surface chlorination.4.4 Challenge ChemicalThe pure chemical or chemical (mixture) to which the material specimen was exposed. The exactidentity of the chemicalsuggested reporting format in Appendix X1 is essential for the user to determine if the data will beapplicable to his situation. Provision i

24、s made for three component mixtures. More components can be enteredprovides for up tothree components in a mixture. Enter more components if necessary.NOTE 1The exact identity of the chemical is essential for the user to determine if the data will be applicable to their situation.4.4.1 Chemical Name

25、(s) (field(Field 8)The name(s) of the component(s) (of interest) of the challenge chemical(s).4.4.2 CAS Number(s) (field(Field 9)The unique registry number(s) assigned by the Chemical Abstracts Service of theAmerican Chemical Society for each chemical component of the challenge chemical.4.4.3 Concen

26、trations (field(Field 10)The concentration of the components of the challenge chemical. If the challengechemical is a mixture, the concentration of each component is reported. For examplereported, for example, as volume % for liquidsor gases, mg/L for dissolved solids, and weight % for solids.4.4.4

27、Chemical Source (field(Field 11)The manufacturer or supplier, catalog number, and the lot of the challenge chemical.4.5 Test MethodA description of the test method and testing parameters used to generate the test results.4.5.1 Standard Test Method Used (field(Field 12)Reference the specific standard

28、 test method and edition used (for example,Test Method F739121). If no standard test method was used, list “none.”4.5.2 Deviation FromDeviations from Standard Test Method (field(Field 13)Some testing conditions such as low volatile,insoluble, or very toxic chemicals, may require modifications to the

29、 standard test method. The differences could include descriptionof an alternate permeation test cell.Include any differences from the referenced standards, such as an alternative permeation testcell or deviations from specific test conditions.4.5.3 Testing Laboratory (field(Field 14)Include the name

30、, address, and telephone number of the testing laboratory.4.5.4 Analytical Method and Calibration (field(Field 15)A general, not specific general description of the method used toanalyze for the challenge chemical. An example is “GC/FID.”chemical (an example is “GC/FID”) and the method of calibratin

31、gthe analytical method.4.5.5 Temperature (field(Field 16)The temperature, in degrees Celsius (C), at which the testing was carried out.4.5.6 Test Cell and Specimen Area Exposed (field(Field 17)The surface area, in square centimetres (cm2), of the test specimenexposed on the challenge side of the tes

32、t cell and an image or description of the test cell used. Include any special methods usedto mount the sample in the cell.F1194 1824.5.7 Collection System and Sampling Frequency (field(Field 18)Will normally be “open loop” (single-pass), (single pass),“closed loop” (recirculating), or “closed loop/a

33、liquot replacement” (recirculating with aliquot replacement), and so forth. or“cumulative.” Include information on the sampling frequency, for example, “one sample every 5 min.” Include information on thesample volume, for example, “continuous analysis,” or “aliquot sample volume of 0.001 L.” Includ

34、e information on any additionalsteps required for sample analysis.4.5.8 Collection Medium (field(Field 19)The sorbent in which the chemical is collected for analysis. Examples are “nitrogen,”“air,” “saline solution,” “5 % methanol/95 %methanol95 % water,” and “gauze.”4.5.9 Collection Medium Quantity

35、 (field(Field 20)The volume of sorbent or amount of collection medium in the collectionsystem. Units are litres (L) for liquids or gases and milligrams (mg) for solids. This data item is “not applicable” to solid sorbentor open loop open-loop collection systems.4.5.10 Collection Medium Flowrate Flow

36、 Rate (field(Field 21)The flowrate flow rate of the sorbent collection mediumthrough the collection system. The units are litres per minute (L/min) for liquids and gases. This field is “not applicable” for solidsorbent collection media.4.5.11 Breakthrough Detection Concentration (field(Field 22)The

37、typical concentration of each component of interest orindividual chemical determined to be in the collection medium at the observed breakthrough time reported below in 4.6.4.If no breakthrough was measured, the limit of quantification (LOQ) is reported. This is the minimum concentration of eachcompo

38、nent of interest or individual chemical that has been determined to give a measurable analytical instrument response in thetest system. The units are typically reported in micrograms per litre (g/L). (g/L), but other appropriate units are acceptable.4.5.12 Test System Sensitivity Factor (SF) (field(

39、Field 23)A factor for comparing data produced in a given system with datafrom another system. For closed loop and aliquot/replacement systems closed-loop, aliquot/replacement, and cumulative sampler systems,the factor is calculated byby:SF15C*V/A (1)SF15C*VA 5MA (1)where:C* = the breakthroug

40、h detection concentration entered in field 22 (g/L),V = the volume of collection medium entered in field 20 (L), andA = the exposed area of the tested sample entered in field 17 (cm2).SF1 = (mg/cm2)C* = the breakthrough detection concentration entered in Field 22 (g/L),V = the volume of collection m

41、edium entered in Field 20 (L),A = the exposed area of the tested sample entered in Field 17 (cm2),M = the minimum detectable mass of chemical on a cumulative sampler (g), andSF1 = (g/cm2). For an open loop or single pass open-loop or single-pass system, the factor is calculated by:SF25C*FA (

42、2)SF25C*FA (2)where:C* = the breakthrough detection concentration entered in field 22 (g/L),F = the flow rate of the collection medium entered in field 21 (L/min), andA = the exposed area of the tested sample entered in field 17 (cm2).SF2 = (mg/cm2 min)C* = the breakthrough detection concentration e

43、ntered in Field 22 (g/L),F = the flow rate of the collection medium entered in Field 21 (L/min),A = the exposed area of the tested sample entered in Field 17 (cm2), andSF2 = (g/cm2min).4.5.13 Comments/Other Conditions (field(Field 24)Any unnoted Include any other special test conditions or other com

44、mentsthe researcher deems important should be included in this ments not noted elsewhere that are important in describing thetest.4.6 Test Results:4.6.1 Date Tested (field(Field 25)Self explanatory.Self-explanatory.4.6.2 Number of Specimens Tested (field(Field 26)The number of replicates tested.4.6.

45、3 Location Sampled From (field(Field 27)The part of the protective clothing (CPC) CPC product from which the testedspecimen was taken. Examples for gloves are “cuff,” “palm,” and “back.”F1194 1834.6.4 Breakthrough Detection Time (field (Field 28)The individual and average (x) breakthrough detection

46、times of allspecimens tested. Breakthrough time is the elapsed time measured from the start of the test to the sampling time that immediatelyprecedes the sampling time at which the challenge chemical is first detected.4.6.5 Standardized Breakthrough Time (field(Field 29)The individual and average (x

47、) standardized breakthrough times of allspecimens tested.4.6.6 Steady-State Permeation Rate (field(Field 30)The individual and average (x) steady state steady-state permeation rateof all specimens tested. Units are micrograms per square centimetre per minute (g/cm2/min). Steady-state permeation is t

48、heconstant rate of permeation that occurs,occurs after breakthrough when the chemical contact is continuous and all forces affectingpermeation have reached equilibrium.4.6.7 Cumulative Permeation Mass (Field 31)The individual and average (x) steady-state cumulative permeation mass of allspecimens te

49、sted. Units are micrograms per square centimeter (g/cm2).NOTE 2One practice is to report cumulative permeation in addition to or in lieu of breakthrough detection time and steady-state permeation rate.Specify the method used to calculate all reported permeation metrics.4.6.8 Chemical Exposure Time for Cumulative Permeation Mass (Field 32)The total chemical exposure time used to obtainthe cumulative mass. Units are minutes (min).4.6.9 Sample Thickness (field 31)(Field 33)The individual and average (x) th


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