1、Designation: F 1338 91 (Reapproved 2002)An American National StandardStandard Guide forMain Propulsion Medium Speed Marine Diesel EnginesCovering Performance and Minimum Scope of Assembly1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1338; the number immediately following the designation ind
2、icates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This guide covers performance and minimu
3、m scope ofassembly of all medium speed marine diesel engines intendedfor main propulsion of single or multiple screw propelledmarine vessels or for vessels using other than screw propeller-type main propulsion.1.2 This guide is intended to supplement the regulations oflegally constituted regulating
4、authorities. In the event of anyconflict, which may become apparent after publication of thisguide, with such legally constituted regulations, the latter shalltake precedence, as may be applicable within the jurisdiction ofsuch authorities and specific to each case, unless such latterregulations are
5、 formally waived by proper cognizant authority.1.3 This guide is not intended to relieve the purchaser of theobligation fully to advise the engine builder of all of thepurchasers unique operational considerations to allow thoseconsiderations to be satisfied.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ABS Standard:2R
6、ules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels2.2 IEEE Standard:3Standard No. 45, Recommended Practice for ElectricalInstallations on Shipboard2.3 ISO Standard:4ISO 3046/1 Reciprocating Internal Combustion EnginesPerformance2.4 Code of Federal Regulations:5United States Coast Guard Regulations as Publ
7、ished inCode of Federal Regulations No. 46 (CFR 46)3. Terminology3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.1.1 diesel enginea reciprocating or rotary engine inwhich ignition of the main fuel charge, as it is introduced to thecombustion chamber, shall be by the heat of compression of thech
8、arge of combustion air, during regular operation of theengine from idle speeds up to full speed, regardless of whethermiscellaneous methods to augment such heat of compressionare used to facilitate starting of the engine under normalconditions or under low ambient temperature conditions or lowintake
9、 air temperature conditions. Engines that are designed tooperate with a continuously hot spot or bulb or other device tofacilitate ignition or combustion, or both, of low cetane fuels,or any fuels slow to ignite or to burn, or both, shall beconsidered to be diesel engines for purposes of this guide.
10、3.1.2 engine assemblycontains, but is not necessarilylimited to, that apparatus secured to or applied to a basicengine, which is needed to make the basic engine operable andcapable of developing its rated power as indicated or to beindicated on the engine nameplate.3.1.3 fuel mapa chart on which the
11、re is displayed a familyof curves of various constant rates of specific fuel consump-tion, each curve of the family being plotted on a grid, theabscissa of which is engine r/min and the ordinate of which isbrake horse power or brake mean effective pressure.3.1.4 medium speed diesel engineall diesel
12、engines withcrank-shaft rotative speeds encompassed by the maximumcontinuous speed bracket of 400 to 600 r/min (see AppendixX1).4. Significance and Use4.1 Comparison of brake horsepower developed and ofspecific fuel consumption rates from engine to engine may bemade by use of data based upon a stand
13、ard for composition ofan engine assembly.4.2 The purchaser of the engine assembly will be fullyadvised of the minimum scope of assembly which the pur-chaser may rightfully expect to be encompassed by a responseto a request for quotation and to be delivered in response to a1This guide is under the ju
14、risdiction of ASTM Committee F25 on Ships andMarine Technology and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F25.11 onMachinery.Current edition approved April 15, 1991. Published December 1991.2Available from American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), ABS Plaza, 16855Northchase Dr., Houston, TX 77060.3Av
15、ailable from Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE),1828 L St., NW, Suite 1202, Washington, DC 20036-5104.4Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,4th Floor, New York, NY 10036.5Available from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Pr
16、intingOffice, Washington, DC 20402.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.purchase order unless the engine builder in the proposal or inthe offer to sell has clearly advised otherwise.4.3 It will be made apparent to the purc
17、haser that additionalauxiliary and accessory equipment will be needed to supple-ment the defined engine assembly when full consideration isgiven to the application of the engine assembly as a primemover in a specific vessel.5. Regulations, Conventions, and Standards5.1 SpecificThe regulations, conve
18、ntions, and standardsto which a commercial marine vessel may be subject in regardto the main propulsion prime movers will vary depending uponthe flag of registry of the vessel.5.2 General:5.2.1 There may be regulations, conventions, and standardsand such applicable international treaties to which th
19、e countryof registry may subscribe which shall be taken as forming apart of this guide to the extent specified herein and to the extentthey shall be deemed applicable to the vessel by the country ofregistry.5.2.2 Typical examples applicable to vessels of the UnitedStates of America registry are as f
20、ollows: Institute of Electricaland Electronic Engineers Standard No. 45 (IEEE No. 45);Rules of the American Bureau of Shipping; Rules of the UnitedStates Coast Guard as printed in various Part Numbers of Title46 CFR of the United States of America and formerlycommonly known as CG-115 (Marine Enginee
21、ring Regula-tions, also known as Sub-chapter F); and CG-259 (ElectricalEngineering Regulations, also known as Sub-chapter J).6. Ordering Information6.1 Orders for machinery under this guide shall include thefollowing:6.1.1 ASTM designation, title, and date of this guide.6.1.2 Quantity, and6.1.3 Pack
22、aging or packing and preservation requirements,or both.7. Minimum Scope of Assembly7.1 Each engine assembly to meet this guide shall includethe following:7.1.1 The basic power producing unit or engine, be it thatformed by an internal combustion reciprocating engine or byan internal combustion rotary
23、 engine.7.1.2 An engine-mounted intake manifold or manifolds toconduct air for combustion to the basic engine, with suchmanifold properly secured to the basic engine and properlygasketed for the service intended, which is the efficientconduction of air to the basic engine when it is installed in ama
24、rine environment for main propulsion of a vessel.7.1.3 An engine-mounted exhaust manifold properly insu-lated (including insulation by use of a water jacket application)as may be required by laws and regulations discussed in 2.2herein such as the requirements of USCG-115, paragraph56.50-1 (k), Parts
25、 5060, Title 46 CFR.7.1.4 One or more engine-driven and engine-mounted scav-enging air blowers, if required by engine design concept, orone or more single shaft assemblies of an exhaust gas-driventurbine and combustion air blower, or both, if required byengine design concept, to provide a supply of
26、air for scaveng-ing or supercharging, or both, and for basic combustion of thefuel. The single-shaft exhaust gas-driven turbochargers may beengine mounted or separately mounted. The intended methodof mounting of such turbochargers shall be clearly described tothe prospective purchaser by the engine
27、builder in any responseto an inquiry so that the impact on installation cost andresponsibility, if any, will be apparent. Turbocharger arrange-ments, for water-washing or other routine maintenance proce-dures recommended by the engine builder, shall be provided.7.1.5 An engineered arrangement of suf
28、ficient drilled andtapped holes, properly plugged during shipment, to allowmeasurement of combustion air and exhaust gas temperaturesand pressures at appropriate points in the engine assembly.7.1.6 One or more air cooler assemblies, if required byengine design concept and power rating, designed to a
29、ccept allof the air for combustion and scavenging and to cool such airto appropriate temperatures as required by design of the basicengine and by the predicted range of brake horsepower outputand concurrent specific fuel consumption rate range. Followingthe logic of 7.1.4, the air cooler assembly mi
30、ght be offered asa remotely mounted device along with its associated turbo-chargers. If so, as in the case of the turbocharger, the intendedmethod of mounting shall be clearly described to the prospec-tive purchaser by the engine builder so the impact on installa-tion cost and responsibilities, if a
31、ny, will be apparent. Such cooler assemblies, commonly referred to asintercoolers or aftercoolers, shall be arranged, if required byoverall engine design and application, to limit cooling or to addheat energy to the charge of air for combustion to allowoperation of the engine at low continuou
32、s power ranges asindicated by the engine builder on a chart of the descriptivecurves of performance of the engine (see 4.1 and 4.2).7.1.7 A jacket water-circulating pump and any other closedcircuit fresh water pumps required for operation of the engine.If this pump is not engine mounted and engine d
33、riven asparasitic load, the specific fuel rate for the engine on thefactory test stand shall be corrected logically and accurately toincrease appropriately the specific fuel rate demonstrated onthe factory test stand and thereby to allow comparison to otherengines (see Section 8).7.1.8 One or more p
34、ressure pumps for main engine lubri-cating oil supply of each engine unit and, if required by design,for piston cooling service. If this pump(s) is not enginemounted and engine driven as parasitic load, the specific fuelrate for the engine on the factory test stand shall be correctedlogically and ac
35、curately to increase appropriately the specificfuel rate demonstrated on the factory test stand and thereby toallow comparison to other engines (see Section 8).7.1.9 A full flow lubricating oil duplex discharge strainer orfilter for each engine unit to transmit all oil delivered to theengine by the
36、main lubricating oil pressure pump; or, ifrequired by engine design, lubricating oil supplied to thesubordinate and discrete systems of the engine may be suppliedvia an additional separate duplex lubricating oil strainer. Suchstrainers need not necessarily be supplied as engine mounted.F 133827.1.10
37、 An integral, lubricating oil sump, suitable for opera-tion of that engine when installed in a horizontal position butof a limited capacity with respect to total oil charge. Such asump may be provided with two or more openings which, ifleft open for connection to a drain, will allow use of a remoteo
38、il sump of larger capacity as suggested by the engine builder.7.1.11 A duplex suction strainer of mesh as recommendedby the engine builder to be located on the suction side of themain lubricating oil pressure pumps. Such a strainer need notnecessarily be engine mounted.7.1.12 A force feed cylinder o
39、r valve stem lubricator sys-tem, or both, if required by engine builders design, or by theservice intended, or both, or by main engine fuel intended, withboth of the latter as stated by the purchaser.7.1.13 Crankcase pressure relief valves or covers as recom-mended by the engine builder to meet stan
40、dards of cognizantmarine inspection and classification authority as identified bythe purchaser.7.1.14 An engine-barring device which shall be powerdriven unless clearly identified to the purchaser by the enginebuilder as required to be operated by manual effort only.7.1.15 An engine-mounted flywheel
41、 secured to the driveend of the crankshaft complete and sufficient to carry timingmarks. If required by drive system arrangement to the reduc-tion gear (or to the propeller shafting if no reduction gear is tobe used), the flywheel shall be complete and sufficient to acceptmounting of the adjacent fl
42、ange or coupling component. Themachining of the flywheel to accept the adjacent flange orcoupling component is part of an engine assembly. Theassociated set of bolts required shall not be part of an engineassembly.7.1.16 Propeller Thrust BearingNO propeller thrust bear-ing shall be incorporated into
43、 the engine assembly for mediumspeed main propulsion marine diesel engines except as a resultof a specific contractual requirement placed on the enginebuilder as a result of negotiation with the purchaser.7.1.17 Governors: The engine builder shall provide the primary en-gine speed governor.
44、The actuator portion of the governor withits power unit and the speed-sensing portion shall be enginemounted. Nothing in the specification is intended to preventoff-engine location of electro/electronic portions, if any, of thegovernor system. The required functions or other characteris-tics, or bot
45、h, of the governor shall be specified to the enginebuilder by the purchaser. The engine builder shall provide an overspeedautomatic shutdown device or overspeed self-resetting deviceseparate and distinct from the governor of and it shallbe engine mounted.7.1.18 Start-Stop Controls:7
46、.1.18.1 The engine builder shall provide an engine-mounted system either for complete local control only of theengine or adaptable for local control and remote control fromthe bridge or the engine room control console, or both. Thescope of the remote control features required by the purchasermust be
47、 clearly presented to the engine builder in the purchasespecification, and requirements of the therein identified cogni-zant regulatory bodies must be met by the engine builder. If the main propulsion engine(s) are to be direct-reversible engines, the engine builder shall include the feature
48、of reversibility and the engine mounted controls to accomplishstopping and prompt reversing adjustment and restarting of theengine in the opposite direction of rotation. Such controls maybe either for complete local control only, of the engine, oradaptable for local control and remote control from t
49、he bridgeor the engine room console, or both. The scope of the remotecontrol features required in this case also must be clearlypresented by the purchaser to the engine builder in the purchasespecification and requirements of the therein identified cogni-zant regulatory bodies must be met by the engine builder withrespect to components supplied by the engine builder. All required engine-mounted components and pip-ing for compressed control air and starting air or hydraulic oilsupplied shall be engine mounted by the engine builderincluding, but not necessarily limited to