1、Designation: F 1741 08An American National StandardStandard Practice forInstallation of Machine Spiral Wound Poly (Vinyl Chloride)(PVC) Liner Pipe for Rehabilitation of Existing Sewers andConduits1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1741; the number immediately following the design
2、ation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope*1.1 This practice describes the pro
3、cedures for the rehabili-tation of sewer lines and conduits for existing pipelines 6 to180 in. in diameter by the insertion of a machine-madefield-fabricated spiral wound liner pipe into the existingpipeline using a winding machine which remains stationary inthe insertion pit or, alternatively, whic
4、h travels along theinterior of the existing pipeline. These rehabilitation processescan be used in a variety of gravity applications such as sanitarysewers, storm sewers, culverts, and process piping.1.1.1 When using stationary installation equipment for ex-isting pipelines 6 to 48 in., after insert
5、ion, the spiral woundliner pipe is expanded until it presses against the interiorsurface of the existing pipeline. Alternatively, for existingpipelines 6 to 108 in. in diameter, the spiral wound liner pipeis inserted as a fixed diameter into the existing pipeline and isnot expanded, and the annular
6、space between the spiral woundliner pipe and the existing pipe is grouted.1.1.2 When using the traveling installation equipment forexisting pipelines 6 to 180 in. the spiral wound liner pipe isinstalled in contact with the interior surface of the existingpipeline to form a close fit liner, except in
7、 the corners ofrectangular pipes or where obstructions or offsets occur.Alternatively, for existing pipelines 6 to 180 in. in diameter andfor similar sized existing non circular pipelines such as archedor oval or rectangular shapes, the spiral wound liner is installedas a fixed diameter into the exi
8、ting pipeline to form a non-closefit liner and the annular space between the spiral wound linerpipe and the existing pipe is grouted.1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematicalconversions to SI units that are provided for
9、information onlyand are not considered standard.1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of reg
10、ulatory limitations prior to use.1.3.1 Particular attention is drawn to those safety regula-tions and requirements involving entering into and working inconfined spaces.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2C 39/C 39M Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cy-lindrical Concrete SpecimensC 109/
11、C 109M Test Method for Compressive Strength ofHydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2-in. or 50-mm CubeSpecimens)C 495 Test Method for Compressive Strength of Light-weight Insulating ConcreteD 883 Terminology Relating to PlasticsD 1600 Terminology for Abbreviated Terms Relating toPlasticsF 412 Terminology
12、 Relating to Plastic Piping SystemsF 1417 Test Method for Installation Acceptance of PlasticGravity Sewer Lines Using Low-Pressure AirF 1697 Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pro-file Strip for Machine Spiral-Wound Liner Pipe Rehabili-tation of Existing Sewers and Conduit2.2 Uni-Bell Stan
13、dard:UNI-B-5-89 Recommended Practice for the Installation ofPVC Sewer Pipe33. Terminology3.1 GeneralDefinitions are in accordance with Termi-nologies D 883 and F 412. Abbreviations are in accordancewith Terminology D 1600, unless otherwise indicated.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard
14、:3.2.1 extruded PVC profile stripa product available invarious widths, consisting of a smooth inside surface and aribbed outer surface with mechanically locked male and female1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F17 on PlasticPiping Systems and is the direct responsibility of S
15、ubcommittee F17.67 onTrenchless Plastic Pipeline Technology.Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2008. Published December 2008. Originallyapproved in 1996. Last previous edition approved in 2007 as F 174107.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Ser
16、vice at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from Uni-Bell, 2655 Villa Creek Drive, Suite 155, Dallas TX 75234.1*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.Copyright ASTM
17、 International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.edges which are self interlocking, or separate locking stripswhich serve the same purpose Type A and Type B are differentprofiles and are installed by different installation methods. SeeFig. 1 and Tab
18、le 1 for Type A and Fig. 2 and Table 2 for TypeB. See Fig. 1 and Fig. 3 for installation method for Type A andFig. 2 and Fig. 4 for installation method for Type B.3.2.2 insertion pointan existing manhole, existing accessshaft, or excavated pit that serves as the point where a windingmachine field fa
19、bricates the spiral wound liner pipe andsimultaneously inserts the spiral wound liner pipe into theexisting pipeline.3.2.3 non-circular pipearched, oval or rectangular or acombination thereof.3.2.4 production runa continuous extrusion of a givenprofile type.3.2.5 spiral wound liner pipea product fie
20、ld fabricatedfrom extruded PVC profile strip to a round shape, or noncir-cular shape, such as arched or oval or rectangular. (See Fig. 5.)3.2.6 steel reinforcement a shaped steel strip or clipinserted into the inside of the PVC profile to provide additionalreinforcement and stiffening. (See Fig. 3 a
21、nd Fig. 4.)3.2.7 termination pointan existing manhole, existing ac-cess shaft, or an excavated pit that serves as the point of exit ofthe spiral wound liner pipe from the existing pipe.4. Significance and Use4.1 This practice is for use by designers and specifiers,regulatory agencies, owners, and in
22、spection organizations whoare involved in the rehabilitation of non-pressure sewers andconduits. Modifications may be required for specific jobconditions.5. Materials5.1 The extruded profile strip used for the field fabricationof spiral wound liner pipe shall be in accordance withSpecification F 169
23、7.5.2 The profile strip should be coiled onto a reel in acontinuous length for storage and shipping to the job site.Handling and storage should be in accordance with themanufacturers published recommendations.5.3 The adhesive or sealants, or both, used with the maleand female mechanical locking elem
24、ents should be compatiblewith the PVC compound and the spiral wound liner pipeprocess so as not to affect the properties of the spiral woundfinished liner pipe.5.4 The steel reinforcing strips shall be used to reinforce theextruded PVC profile strip, where the design conditions re-quires additional
25、stiffness, such as for non-circular shapedpipes.6. Installation Recommendations6.1 Cleaning and Inspection:6.1.1 Prior to entering access areas such as manholes andperforming inspection or cleaning operations, an evaluation ofthe atmosphere to determine the presence of toxic or flammablevapors or la
26、ck of oxygen must be undertaken in accordancewith local, state, or federal safety regulations .6.1.2 Cleaning of PipelineInternal debris should be re-moved from the existing pipeline. Gravity pipes should becleaned with hydraulically powered equipment, high-velocityjet cleaners, or mechanically powe
27、red equipment in accordancewith NASSCO recommended specifications.6.1.3 Inspection of PipelinesInspection of pipelinesshould be performed by experienced personnel trained inlocating breaks, obstacles, and service connections by closed-circuit television or by direct visual inspection. The interior o
28、fthe pipeline should be carefully inspected to determine thelocation of any conditions that may prevent proper installationof the spiral wound liner pipe, such as protruding service taps,collapsed or crushed pipe, out-of-roundness, significant linesags, and deflected joints. These conditions should
29、be notedand corrected, if necessary, prior to installation.6.1.4 Line ObstructionsThe existing pipeline should beclear of obstructions that will prevent the proper insertion, andexpansion if required, of the spiral wound liner pipe. Obstruc-tions could include dropped or offset joints of more than12
30、.5 % of inside pipe diameter, service connections thatprotrude into the pipe more than 12.5 % of the inside pipediameter or 1-in. (25-mm), whichever is less; and otherobstructions in cross-sectional area of more than 16 % basedon the inside diameter of the existing pipe. If inspection revealsan obst
31、ruction that cannot be removed by conventional equip-ment, then a point repair excavation should be made to uncoverand remove or repair the obstruction. The angle of any bendNOTE 1For values of width, height, and waterway minimum wall, see Table 1.FIG. 1 Type A-Typical PVC Profile StripF 1741 082alo
32、ng the pipeline that can be negotiated by the spiral woundliner pipe depends on a combination of factors such as thecondition of the existing pipe, the location of the bend withinthe pipeline, and whether there are multiple bends. For adetermination of whether a given bend can be accommodated,or whe
33、ther access will be required for termination and start ofa new insertion, consult the supplier of the liner material.Depending on the method of installation used, insertion andexpansion, or fixed diameter, some changes in pipe size alongthe insertion length of the spiral wound liner pipe can beaccom
34、modated, and it is recommended that the spiral woundliner pipe material supplier be contacted.6.2 BypassingThe spiral wound liner pipe process doesnot require a dry pipeline and can be installed with some flowin the existing pipe or lateral connections, or both. If necessary,the bypass should be mad
35、e by plugging the line at a pointupstream of the pipe to be reconstructed and pumping the flowto a downstream point or adjacent system. The pump andbypass lines should be of adequate capacity and size to handleany extreme flows expected during the installation period.6.2.1 Under certain conditions,
36、part or all of the installationmay be carried out with some flow in the existing pipeline orservice connections, or both.6.3 Pipe Liner Fabrication and Insertion Using StationaryInstallation Equipment:6.3.1 A winding machine should be placed in the insertionpit and oriented so that the liner pipe ca
37、n be spirally wound andinserted (rotated and pushed) directly into the existing pipeline.A reel of extruded PVC profile strip should be positioned nearthe insertion point. The initial winding process begins with theprofile strip being fed into the winding machine, forming theprofile strip into the r
38、equired spiral wound liner pipe diameter,which is simultaneously rotated and pushed along the existingpipeline for its full length to the termination point. As theprofile strip is formed into a spiral, wound liner pipe in thewinding machine, the required sealant or adhesive, or bothTABLE 1 Type A Ty
39、pical Profile Strip Moments of Inertia and Stiffness FactorsProfile TypeABMoment of Inertia, I Depth to Neutral Axis, y Minimum Height, H Profile Area Minimum Stiffness Factor, EICin.4/in. (mm4/m) in. (mm) in. (mm) in.2/in. (mm2/mm) in.3lbf/in.2(MPamm3)1 0.00047 ( 7.70) 0.077 (1.98) 0.216 ( 5.5) 0.1
40、18 (3.00) 188.0 ( 21.23 103)2 0.00140 ( 23.00) 0.130 (3.30) 0.314 ( 8.0) 0.146 (3.70) 561 ( 63.43 103)3 0.00537 (88.00) 0.206 (5.24) 0.511 (13.0) 0.205 (5.20) 2148 (242.7 3 103)4 0.00386 ( 63.30) 0.200 (5.08) 0.480 (12.2) 0.125 (3.18) 1600.0 (180.8 3 103)5 0.00400 ( 65.50) 0.180 (4.57) 0.488 (12.4)
41、0.125 (3.18) 1600.0 (180.8 3 103)6 0.00400 ( 65.50) 0.180 (4.57) 0.488 (12.4) 0.125 (3.18) 1600.0 (180.8 3 103)AOther profiles, possibly using supplementary stiffener elements, may be available. Consult the manufacturer.BThe spacing of the ribs may vary for each profile type.CStiffness factors liste
42、d are the minimum values that will be provided by the manufacturer for the given profile type.FIG. 2 Type B-Typical PVC Profile StripTABLE 2 Type B Typical Profile Strip Moments of Inertia and Stiffness FactorsProfile TypeMoment of Inertia, I Depth to Neutral Axis, y Minimum Height, H Profile Area M
43、inimum Stiffness Factor, EIin.4/in. (mm4/m) in. (mm) in. (mm) in.2/in. (mm2/mm) in.3lbf/in.2(MPamm3)1 0.00106 (17.43) . . 0.319 (8.10) 0.132 (3.36) 362.5 409552 0.00218 (35.80) 0.26 (6.56) 0.422 (10.71) 0.150 (3.80) 745.0 841273 0.00571 (93.58) 0.58 (14.67) 0.578 (14.67) 0.227 (5.76) 1946.3 2199004
44、0.01165 (190.92) 0.76 (19.35) 0.762 (19.35) 0.290 (7.36) 3971.0 4486565 0.04142 (678.68 ) 1.12 (28.53) 1.123 (28.53) 0.463 (11.75) 14116.0 15949006 0.00444 (72.78) 0.56 (14.22) 0.560 (14.22) 0.187 (4.76) 1513.8 171042FIG. 3 Shaped Steel Reinforcing Strip Type AFIG. 4 Shaped Steel Reinforcing Strip T
45、ype BF 1741 083unless already in place, shall be placed within the primary andsecondary locks of the locking configuration at the edge of theprofile strip, and wire is placed between the primary andsecondary locks of the locking configuration when the spiralwound liner pipe is to be expanded (see Fi
46、g. 6 and Fig. 7).6.3.2 When the spiral wound liner pipe is to be expanded asshown in Fig. 6, the end of the spiral wound liner pipe at thetermination point should be torsionally restrained. A specificlength of the inserted spiral wound liner pipe is released at thetermination point by pulling the wi
47、re out of the expandableinterlocked joint, thereby severing the secondary lock (see Fig.6), thus releasing the profile strip to slide freely along theprimary rock when a torque is applied to the inserted spiralwound liner pipe. The winding operation should be recom-menced, thereby creating a torque
48、which is applied to thereleased end, thus causing a radial growth or expansion overthe released length of the spiral wound liner pipe. The initialradial growth should be permitted to continue until the releasedend of the spiral wound liner pipe is pressed against theexisting pipeline (see Fig. 6), t
49、hus halting radially growth andtorsionally restraining the spiral wound liner pipe. Subsequentsecondary lock release and winding should continue until thespiral wound liner pipe is pressed against the full length of theexisting pipe. The annular space between the expanded spiralwound liner pipe and the existing pipeline should be sealed atthe ends with a sealing material that is compatible with thespiral wound liner pipe material.6.4 Pipe Liner Fabrication Using Traveling InstallationEquipment:6.4.1 A traveling winding machine should be placed in theinsertion