ASTM F1790 F1790M-2014 Standard Test Method for Measuring Cut Resistance of Materials Used in Protective Clothing《测量防护服用材料耐切割性的标准试验方法》.pdf

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ASTM F1790 F1790M-2014 Standard Test Method for Measuring Cut Resistance of Materials Used in Protective Clothing《测量防护服用材料耐切割性的标准试验方法》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM F1790 F1790M-2014 Standard Test Method for Measuring Cut Resistance of Materials Used in Protective Clothing《测量防护服用材料耐切割性的标准试验方法》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM F1790 F1790M-2014 Standard Test Method for Measuring Cut Resistance of Materials Used in Protective Clothing《测量防护服用材料耐切割性的标准试验方法》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM F1790 F1790M-2014 Standard Test Method for Measuring Cut Resistance of Materials Used in Protective Clothing《测量防护服用材料耐切割性的标准试验方法》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM F1790 F1790M-2014 Standard Test Method for Measuring Cut Resistance of Materials Used in Protective Clothing《测量防护服用材料耐切割性的标准试验方法》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation:F179005F1790/F1790M14 Standard Test Method for Measuring Cut Resistance of Materials Used in Protective Clothing with CPP Test Equipment 1 This standard is issued under the xed designation F1790;F1790/F1790M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original

2、 adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. INTRODUCTION Cut resistance is an important property for protective clothing

3、and equipment, and several standard testing devices have been adopted across different industries to measure this property. A common practiceincutresistancetestingistosubjectamaterialspecimentoatransverselymovingbladeunder an applied load and measure the distance of blade travel required to cut thro

4、ugh the specimen. This test method calculates the load required to cut through different specimens at 25.4 mm 1 in. blade travel. This calculated load, dened as a rating load, can be used to compare the cut resistance of materials. The original F1790-97 test method dened a commercially-available app

5、aratus known as the Cut Protection Performance Tester (CPP). In an attempt to harmonize F1790/F1790M with ISO 13996 (anotherinternationaltestingstandardsformeasuringcutresistance)andimprovethetestmethod,the scope of the test method was changed in F1790-05 to allow the use of other cut testing equipm

6、ent, specicallytheTomodynamometer(TDM-100)andamodicationtotheCPParmcalledtheModied CPP (mCPP). The revision addressed issues related to measurement of high frictional coefficient materials like elastomers, specimen mounting, rating load calculation, and other procedures to harmonize with ISO 13997:1

7、999. After further round-robin evaluation by the subcommittee, it was demonstrated that the revisions to the test method result in a bias between the original F1790-97 test methodandtherevisedF1790-05testmethodwhenusingtheCPP.F1790-05wasnotwidelyadopted in North America because of this bias and larg

8、e amount of data and experience accumulated with F1790-97. F1790-97 continues to be the test method predominately practiced when using the CPP device. To reduce confusion for end-users of F1790/F1790M and to allow for differences between testingdevices,thesubcommitteehasdecidedtolimitthescopeofF1790

9、/F1790Mtoincludeonlythe CPP device and create a separate test method for use of the TDM-100. 1. Scope 1.1 This test method covers the measurement of the cut resistance of a material when mounted on a mandrel and subjected to a cutting edge under a specied load.load using the Cut Protection Performan

10、ce (CPP) Tester. 1.1.1 This procedure is not valid for high-porosity materials which allow cutting edge contact with the mounting surface prior to cutting. 1.1.2 Test apparatus may have limitations in testing thicker materials; see the Annex, or the equipment manufacturers specications.materials wit

11、h a thickness greater than 3 mm or having a high frictional coefficient such as elastomers. 1.2 The values stated in either SI units or in other units shall inch-pound units are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in each system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each syst

12、em mustshall be used independently of the other, without combining values in any way.other. Combining values from the two systems may result in non-conformance with the standard. 1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the resp

13、onsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1 This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F23 on Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment and is the direct resp

14、onsibility of Subcommittee F23.20 on Physical. Current edition approved Jan. 1, 2005Jan. 1, 2014. Published August 2005February 2014. Originally approved in 1997. Last previous edition approved in 20042005 as F1790-04.F1790-05. DOI: 10.1520/F1790-05.10.1520/F1790_F1790M-14. This document is not anAS

15、TM standard and is intended only to provide the user of anASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Because it may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In a

16、ll cases only the current version of the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document. Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States 12. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: 2 D123Terminology Relating

17、to Textiles D1000Test Methods for Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive-Coated Tapes Used for Electrical and Electronic Applications D1776Practice for Conditioning and Testing Textiles F1494Terminology Relating to Protective Clothing 2.2 ISO Standards: 3 ISO 13996Protective ClothingMechanical PropertiesDeterm

18、ination of Resistance to Puncture ISO 13997Protective ClothingMechanical PropertiesDetermination of Resistance to Cutting by Sharp Objects 2.3 ASTM Adjuncts: Cut Test Video Demonstration 4 3. Terminology 3.1 Denitions: 3.1.1 cut resistance, ninbladecuttesting,thepropertythathinderscutthroughwhenamat

19、erialoracombinationofmaterials is exposed to a sharp-edged device. 3.1.2 cut through, nin blade cut resistance tests, the penetration of the cutting edge entirely through material, as indicated by electrical contact of the cutting edge and the conductive strip or substrate. 3.1.3 cut through distanc

20、e, nin cut resistance testing, the distance of required travel by the cutting edge to cut through the specimen. 3.1.4 cutting edge, nin cut resistance tests, a sharp-edged device used to initiate cut through of a planar structure. 3.1.5 no cut, nin cut resistance testing, a trial for which the load

21、used is insufficient to cause a cut through in the maximum allowable blade travel of the apparatus. Discussion For this test method, the maximum allowable blade travel is 50.8 mm 2.0 in. 3.1.6 protective clothing, na product which an item of clothing that is specically designed and construct

22、ed for the intended purpose of isolating parts all or part of the body from a potential hazard; or as a barrier to prevent the body from being a source of contamination.or, isolating the external environment from contamination by the wearer of the clothing. Discussion In this test method, th

23、e potential hazard is cutting. 3.1.5 reference distance, nin cut resistance testing, a standardized distance for a blade to travel across a material to produce a cut through. Discussion For this test method, the reference distance is 20 mm 0.8 in. 3.1.7 rating force,load, nin cut resistance

24、testing, the load required to cause a cutting edge to produce a cut through when it traverses the reference distance across the material being tested. Discussion The rating force is the nal result of this test method, the force required to produce a cut through in 20load is calculated by per

25、forming a series of tests at three or more loads as described in Section 11mm of blade travel. .Amaterial with a higher rating forceload is considered to be more cut resistant. 3.1.8 reference distance, nin cut resistance testing, a standardized distance for a blade to travel across a material to pr

26、oduce a cut through. 2 ForreferencedASTMstandards,visittheASTMwebsite,, Annual Book ofASTM Standards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page on the ASTM website. 3 Available from International Organization for Stan

27、dardization (ISO), 1, ch. de la Voie-Creuse, CP 56, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, http:/ 4 Available from ASTM Headquarters. Request Adjunct No. ADJF1790. F1790/F1790M14 Discussion For this test method, the reference distance is 25.4 mm 1.0 in. 3.2 Additional TerminologyTerms

28、relevant to textiles are dened inTerminology D123.Terms relevant to protective clothing are dened in Terminology F1494. 4. Summary of Test Method 4.1 A cutting edge, withedge under a specied load,load is moved one time across a specimen mounted on a mandrel. 4.2 The distance is recorded,cut through

29、distance from initial contact to cut through, for each load. 4.2.1 A series of tests, at a minimum of three different loadings must be performed to establish a range and to determine the rating force. 4.3 The resulting load versus distance curve can be used to determine cut resistance of the specime

30、n.test method is repeated using multiple loads to calculate a rating load for the material. 5. Signicance and Use 5.1 This test method assesses the cut resistance of a material when exposed to a cutting edge under specied loads. Data obtained from this test method can be used to compare the cut resi

31、stance of different materials. 5.2 This test method only addresses that range of cutting hazards that are related to a cutting action across the surface of the material. It is not representative of any other cutting hazard to which the material may be subjected such as serrated edges, saw blades or

32、motorized cutting tools. Nor is it representative of puncture, tear, or other modes of fabric failure. 6. Apparatus 6.1 Test PrincipleThe principle of the cut test is to measure the distance traveled by a cutting edge as it is maintained under aloadduringthetest.Thecuttestapparatusconsistsofthefollo

33、wingprimarycomponents(seeFig.1):(A)apivotingmotor-driven balance arm to hold the cutting edge and to which the load is applied, (B) a cutting edge; and (C) a xed supporting mandrel on which the specimen is to be mounted. The apparatus should propel the cutting edge across the specimen until sufficie

34、nt work is applied to cause the specimen to cut through. FIG. 1Schematic of Cut TestingTest Principle F1790/F1790M14 36.2 CutCPP Test Apparatus: Apparatus 5 The CPPtest apparatus (see Fig. 2) consists of a motor-driven balance arm (A) that holdsthecuttingedge(B)incontactwiththespecimenmountedonaxeds

35、upportingmandrel(C).Thebalancearmisconnected to the motor using a drive wheel (D) and a connection arm assembly (E). The diameter of the drive wheel is 50.8 mm 2.0 in., and the distance between the center of the drive wheel and attachment point of the pivot arm is 25.4 mm 1.0 in. resulting in a maxi

36、mum linear displacement of 50.8 mm 2.0 in. for the balance arm and cutting edge. Cutting edge displacement is measured by a distance meter (F) attached to the balance arm and pivot arm assembly that is capable of measuring to 0.1 mm 0.004 in. Weights are placed on a pivoting lever arm assembly (G) t

37、o generate the load needed to penetrate the moving edge into the specimenandproduceacutthrough.Thelocationoftheweightontheleverarmwilldeterminetheresultingload.Weightsplaced onthelocationclosesttothearmpivot(G1)willresultinaloadequaltotheappliedweight.Weightsplaceonthelocationfurthest from the pivot

38、 (G2) will result in a load twice that of the applied weight. The apparatus must be capable of loads ranging from 10 g 0.35 oz to 15 kg 33 lb. 6.2.1 Cutting SpeedThe cut test apparatus is designed to measure the distance traveled by the cutting edge as it is maintained under a known load during the

39、test, so that force distance data can be generated. A schematic of the cut test principle is shown in apparatus shall propel the cutting edge Fig. 1. A motor-driven balanced arm (A) holding the cutting edge (B) in contact with the specimen mounted on a mandrel (C). The arm propels the blade across t

40、he specimen until sufficient force is applied to cause thespecimentosustainacutthrough.Theforceisgeneratedentirelybytheweightsmountedontheleverarmassembly.SeeAnnex for details on available cut protection test an average speed of 4.2 mm/s 0.17 in./s. Thecuttestapparatusispoweredb

41、yaconstantspeedelectricmotor.Themotorspeedisadjustedbyapowercontroller. The cut through is electronically recorded as the cutting edge cuts through the specimen and makes electrical contact with the conductive strip or substrate. The distance traveled is recorded on a distance meter capable of recor

42、ding to 0.1 mm 0.004 in. 5 The sole source of supply of the Blade 88-0121 TYPE: GRU-GRU CPPTester known to the committee at this time isAmerican Safety Razor Co., Razor Blade Lane, Vernona, VA 24482. It has proven satisfactory for this test method. Its specications include a cutting edge length grea

43、ter than 69 mm, width of greater than 18 mm, and a thickness of 0.85 to 0.93 mm. Steel hardness is designated using the Rockwell C hardnessRed Clay, Inc., 2388 Brackenville Rd., Hockessin, DE 19707, E-mail: . If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please provide this information toASTM Internati

44、onal Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee, 1 number (HRC) and the Rockwell Supercial Hardness number on the 30 N scale.which you may attend. FIG. 2 Cut Performance Protection Report Form FIG. A1.12Schematic of the CPP Test

45、 Equipment Tester (Side View) F1790/F1790M14 4NOTE 1Since the cutting edge is propelled by a rotating drive wheel, the resulting vertical speed is not constant during the test. The speed ranges from 0 mm/s at the start of the test, then reaching a maximum of 14 mm/s at the midpoint of the test, and

46、then decreases back to 0 mm/s by the end of the test. The average speed blade during the test is thus 4.2 mm/s 0.17 in./s as calculated using the equation for angular velocity. 6.2.2 Cut Through DetectionCut through is detected by an electrical contact between the cutting edge and the supporting man

47、drel. 6.2.3 MandrelWeightsaremountedontheleverarmassembly.Theapparatusmustbecapableofhandlingloadsrangingfrom 10 g 0.35 oz to 15 kg 33 lb.The top surface of the mandrel is a rounded form which has an arc of at least 32 mm 1.25 in. in a circle having a radius of 38 mm 1.5 in. The surface of the mandr

48、el shall be conductive and made of metal. 6.2 MandrelThe top surface of the mandrel is a rounded form which has an arc of at least 32 mm 1.25 in. in a circle having a radius of 38 mm 1.5 in. The surface of the mandrel should either be made of electroconductive material or be covered with an electroc

49、onductive material. 6.3 BladeCutting , EdgeBlades Single-edged razor blades 6 shall be used as the cutting edge. The blades shall be made of stainless steel with a hardness of 78-80 on the 30N scale or approximately 59-64 greater than 45 HRC. Blades shall be 1.06 0.5 mm 0.0396 0.020 in. thick and ground to a bevel width of 2.56 0.2 mm 0.0986 0.008 in. along a straight edge. This is an includededgeresultinginaprimarybevelangleofapproximately222262.Thebladeshouldalso


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