ASTM F1821-2011 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toddler Beds.pdf

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1、Designation: F1821 11Standard Consumer Safety Specification forToddler Beds1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F1821; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parenthes

2、es indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.INTRODUCTIONThis consumer safety specification addresses toddler bed incidents that were identified by theConsumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).In response to inc

3、ident data supplied by the commission, this consumer safety specification attemptsto minimize: entrapment in bed end structures, entrapment between the guardrail and side rail, andentrapment in the mattress support system. Entrapment of a childs head or neck can result inasphyxiation. It also addres

4、ses corner post extensions, which may catch pacifier cords, ribbons,necklaces, or clothing that a child may be wearing and which may be caught on a projection.This consumer safety specification is written in accordance with the current available state-of-the-art technology and will be updated whenev

5、er substantive information becomes available thatnecessitates additional requirements or justifies a revision to existing requirements.1. Scope1.1 This consumer safety specification covers requirementsfor the design and performance of toddler beds. It also containsrequirements for labeling and instr

6、uctional material.1.2 This consumer safety specification is intended to mini-mize incidents to children resulting from normal use andreasonably foreseeable misuse of toddler beds. It does notaddress incidents resulting from alteration or unreasonablemisuse.1.3 For the purposes of this consumer safet

7、y specification, atoddler bed is a bed that is sized to accept a full-size cribmattress and is intended for use by a child not less than 15months of age and who weighs no more than 50 lb (27.7 kg).1.4 No toddler bed produced after the approval date of thisconsumer safety specification shall indicate

8、 compliance withthis specification, either by label or by other means, unless itconforms to all the requirements contained herein.1.5 This consumer safety specification includes the follow-ing sections:Scope Section 1Referenced Documents Section 2Terminology Section 3Calibration and Standardization

9、Section 4General Requirements Section 5Performance Requirement Section 6Test Methods Section 7Marking and Labeling Section 8Instructional Literature Section 9Keywords Section 101.6 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematicalco

10、nversions to SI units that are provided for information onlyand are not considered standard.1.7 The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to thetest methods portion, Section 7, of this consumer safetyspecification: This standard does not purport to address all ofthe safety concerns, if any,

11、associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D3359 Test Methods for Measuring Adhesion by Tape Tes

12、tD3574 Test Methods for Flexible Cellular MaterialsSlab,Bonded, and Molded Urethane Foams2.2 Code of Federal Regulations:316 CFR 1303 Ban of Lead-Containing Paint and CertainConsumer Products Bearing Lead-Containing Paint16 CFR 1500 Hazardous Substances Act Regulations, in-cluding the following sect

13、ions:1This consumer safety specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Commit-tee F15 on Consumer Products and is the direct responsibility of SubcommitteeF15.18 on Cribs, Toddler Beds, Play Yards, Bassinets, Cradles and Changing Tables.Current edition approved Feb. 1, 2011. Published May 2011.

14、Originally approvedin 1997. Last previous edition approved in 2009 as F1821 09. DOI: 10.1520/F1821-11.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards

15、Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents,732 N. Capitol St., NW, Mail Stop: SDE, Washington, DC 20401.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.16 CFR

16、1500.48 Technical Requirements for Determining aSharp Point in Toys and Other Articles Intended forChildren Under 8 Years of Age16 CFR 1500.49 Technical Requirements for Determining aSharp Metal or Glass Edge in Toys and Other ArticlesIntended for Children Under 8 Years of Age16 CFR 1500 .50 -.53 Te

17、st Method for Simulating Use AndAbuse of Toys and Other Articles Intended for Use ByChildren16 CFR 1501 Method for Identifying Toys and OtherArticles Intended for Use by Children Under 3 Years ofAge Which Present Choking, Aspiration or IngestionHazards Because of Small Parts3. Terminology3.1 Definit

18、ions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.1.1 bed, nfor the purpose of this specification, a toddlerbed, as described in bed, toddler, nfor the purpose of this specification,any bed sized to accommodate a full-size crib mattress havingminimum dimensions of 5158 in. (1310 mm) in length an

19、d 2714 in. (690 mm) in width and is intended to provide free accessand egress to a child not less than 15 months of age and whoweighs no more than 50 pounds (27.7 kg).3.1.3 end structure, nan upright structure at the head orfoot of a bed to which the side rails or mattress support system,or both, at

20、tach.3.1.4 guardrail, nof a bed, a rail attached to a bedintended to help prevent a sleeping occupant from rolling,sliding, or otherwise falling out of the long side of the bed.3.1.5 manufacturers recommended use position, nanyposition that is presented as a normal, allowable, or acceptableconfigura

21、tion for the use of the product by the manufacturer inany descriptive or instructional literature. This specificallyexcludes positions that the manufacturer shows in a likemanner in its literature to be unacceptable, unsafe, or notrecommended.3.1.6 mattress support system, nthose components of abed

22、structure that support the mattress.3.1.7 non-paper label, nany label material (such as plasticor metal) which either will not tear without the aid of tools, ortears, leaving a sharply defined edge.3.1.8 paper labels, nany label which tears without the aidof tools and leaves a fibrous edge.3.1.9 par

23、tially bounded openings, nany opening in atoddler bed that is not totally enclosed by boundaries on allsides so that the perimeter of the opening is discontinuous.3.1.10 permanent marking, na marking or label that,during an attempt to remove it manually without the aid oftools or solvents, cannot be

24、 removed or tears upon removal, orsuch action damages the surface to which it is attached.3.1.11 seam, va means of joining fabric components, suchas sewing, welding, heat sealing, or gluing.3.1.12 side rail, nthe structure connecting the end struc-tures.3.1.13 static load, adja vertically downward f

25、orce appliedby a calibrated force gage or by dead weights.3.1.14 structural failure, ndamage to a component(s) orassembly resulting in partial separation (greater than 0.040 in.(1.00 mm) over original configuration) or complete separationof the component(s) or assembly.4. Calibration and Standardiza

26、tion4.1 All testing shall be conducted on a concrete floor thatmay be covered with a18-in. (3-mm) thick vinyl flooring cover,unless test instructs differently.4.2 The product shall be completely assembled, unlessotherwise noted, in accordance with the manufacturers in-structions.4.3 No testing shall

27、 be conducted within 48 h of manufac-turing.4.4 The product to be tested shall be in a room with ambienttemperature of 73 6 9F (23 6 5C) for at least 1 h prior totesting. Testing shall then be conducted within this temperaturerange.4.5 All testing required by this consumer safety specifica-tion is t

28、o be conducted on the same unit.5. General Requirements5.1 The bed shall conform to the regulations specified inSection 2 of this specification before and after testing.5.2 There shall be no hazardous sharp points or edges asdefined by 16 CFR 1500.48 and 16 CFR 1500.49 before andafter testing to thi

29、s consumer safety specification.5.3 There shall be no small parts as defined by 16 CFR 1501before testing or liberated as a result of testing to thisspecification.5.4 The paint and surface-coating on the product shallcomply to 16 CFR 1303.5.5 Prior to testing, any exposed wood parts shall be smootha

30、nd free from splinters.5.6 Scissoring, Shearing, and PinchingA toddler bed,when in the manufacturers recommended use position, shallbe designed and constructed to prevent injury to the occupantfrom any scissoring, shearing, or pinching when members orcomponents rotate about a common axis or fastenin

31、g point,slide, pivot, fold or otherwise move relative to one another.Scissoring, shearing, or pinching that may cause injury shallnot be permissible when the edges of any rigid parts admit aprobe that is greater than 0.210in. (5.33mm) diameter andless than 0.375in. (9.53mm) diameter at any accessibl

32、e pointthroughout the range of motion of such parts.5.7 Protective ComponentsIf a child can grasp compo-nents between the thumb and forefinger, or teeth, such as caps,sleeves, or plugs used for protection from sharp edges, points,or entrapment of fingers or toes, or if there is at least a0.040in. (1

33、.00mm) gap between the component and itsadjacent parent component, such a component shall not beremoved when tested in accordance with Openings:5.8.1 Finger EntrapmentHoles or slots that extend en-tirely through a wall section of any rigid material less than0.375in. (9.53mm) thick and admit

34、a 0.210in. (5.33mm)diameter rod shall also admit a 0.375in. (9.53mm) diameterrod. Holes or slots that are between 0.210 and 0.375 in. (5.33and 9.53 mm) and have a wall thickness less than 0.375 in.(9.53 mm) but are limited in depth to 0.375 in. (9.53 mm)maximum by another rigid surface shall be perm

35、issible (seeF1821 112Fig. 1). The product shall be evaluated in all manufacturersrecommended use positions.5.8.2 Torso EntrapmentThere shall be no openings in themattress support system, headboard, footboard, guard rail, orany point where these components are joined together that willpermit complete

36、 passage of the wedge block (see Fig. 2). Theproduct shall be evaluated in all manufacturers recommendeduse positions when tested in accordance with 6.4, 6.5,or6.6.5.9 LabelingWarning labels (whether paper or non paper)shall be permanent when tested per 7.8. Warning statementsapplied directly onto a

37、 surface of the product by hot stamping,heat transfer, printing, wood burning, etc. shall be permanentwhen tested per 7.8.4. Non-paper labels shall not liberate smallparts when tested in accordance with Corner Post ExtensionsNo corner post assemblyshall extend more than 0.06 in. (1.5 mm)

38、above the upper edgeof an end or side panel, whichever is higher, when measuredfrom the lowest point on the upper edge of the end panel within3 in. (76 mm) from the outermost contour of the elbow (seeFig. 3).6. Performance Requirement6.1 Mattress Retention:6.1.1 The mattress support system, end stru

39、ctures, and sidecontainment shall control the horizontal position of the mat-tress and prevent it from being moved horizontally creating ahorizontal opening that allows complete passage of the wedgeblock when tested in accordance with The top of the mattress shall not deflect more than 1in

40、. (25 mm) below the bottom of the mattress support whentested in accordance with 7.1.6.FIG. 1 Opening ExampleF1821 1136.2 Mattress Support SystemThe mattress support systemshall not disengage or create a hazardous condition as de-scribed in Section 5 of this consumer safety specification whentested

41、in accordance with Mattress Support System Attachment to End Structures:6.3.1 The mattress support system attachment to the endstructures shall not disengage or create a hazardous conditionas described in Section 5 of this consumer safety specificationwhen tested in accordance with

42、 In products that contain both side rails and a separatemattress support system, the tests described in both 7.3.2 and7.3.3 shall apply to both.6.4 Mattress Support System OpeningsThere shall be noopenings in the mattress support system which will permitcomplete passage of the wedge block described

43、in Fig. 2 whentested in accordance with GuardrailsFor products with guardrails, there shall beno opening in the guardrail structure below the lowest surfaceof the uppermost member of the guardrail and above themattress support structure that will permit complete passage ofthe wedge block s

44、hown in Fig. 2 when tested in accordancewith End StructuresThere shall be no openings betweeneither end structure and the mattress support system or abovethe mattress support system in the end structures that willpermit complete passage of the wedge block shown in Fig. 2when tested in accord

45、ance with Partially Bounded OpeningsAll partially boundedopenings in the uppermost edge of any rigid structure of thebed above the level of the mattress support system shallcomply with the requirements of 7.6.7. Test Methods7.1 Test MattressA 4 618 in. (100 6 3 mm) thick by 5158 618 in. (131

46、0 6 3 mm) long by 2714 618 in. (690 6 3mm) wide, open cell, polyurethane foam pad having a densityof 1 lb/ft3(16 kg/m3), having a compression load deflection of30 lbf (133 N) when tested in accordance with Test MethodsD3574, Method B1, to a 25 % deflection, covered witha5to15 gage vinyl material, 0.

47、005 to 0.015in. (0.13 to0.38mm) thick shall be used to represent a mattress during theperformance of the test in Mattress Support System:7.2.1 Conduct the following test without a mattress in placeunless specified otherwise.7.2.2 Center a sheet of34 in. (19 mm) thick plywood 19 in.(480 mm)

48、 wide by 37 in. (940 mm) long on the mattresssupport system. Place a mass of 300 lb (136 kg) on theplywood sheet. The mass is to be distributed equally, appliedgradually within a period of 5 s and shall remain in place for5 min. Remove the mass.7.2.3 Center a sheet of34 in. (19 mm) thick plywood 19

49、in.(480 mm) square on the longitudinal centerline of the mattresssupport system with one edge in line with the inside verticalplane of one end structure of the bed. Place a mass of 225 lb(102 kg) on the plywood sheet. The mass is to be distributedequally, applied gradually within a period of 5 s and shallremain in place for 5 min. Remove the mass. Repeat this testat the opposite end structure.7.2.4 Place the test mattress on the bed. Secure a sheet of34in. (19 mm) thick plywood 12 in. (305 mm) square in the centerof the

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