ASTM F505-1987(2011) Standard Practice for Comparative Evaluation of Imaging Properties of Liquid Electrostatic Toners《液体静电调色剂成像特性的比较评定标准操作规程》.pdf

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ASTM F505-1987(2011) Standard Practice for Comparative Evaluation of Imaging Properties of Liquid Electrostatic Toners《液体静电调色剂成像特性的比较评定标准操作规程》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM F505-1987(2011) Standard Practice for Comparative Evaluation of Imaging Properties of Liquid Electrostatic Toners《液体静电调色剂成像特性的比较评定标准操作规程》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM F505-1987(2011) Standard Practice for Comparative Evaluation of Imaging Properties of Liquid Electrostatic Toners《液体静电调色剂成像特性的比较评定标准操作规程》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM F505-1987(2011) Standard Practice for Comparative Evaluation of Imaging Properties of Liquid Electrostatic Toners《液体静电调色剂成像特性的比较评定标准操作规程》.pdf_第4页
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1、Designation: F505 87 (Reapproved 2011)Standard Practice forComparative Evaluation of Imaging Properties of LiquidElectrostatic Toners1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F505; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of originaladoption or, in the case of r

2、evision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscriptepsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.INTRODUCTIONThis practice is a pragmatic test for the consumer who may or may not have access to sophisticate

3、dlaboratory equipment.1. Scope1.1 This practice guides the consumer toward preparing atest for liquid toners used in copiers, which has significance totheir specific copying needs, and suggests ways in which testprints may be made and used for each evaluation.1.2 This practice does not include those

4、 procedures neces-sary for the evaluation of nonimpact printing toners, thosetoners used in the preparation of offset masters, or otherspecialty toners.1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of thi

5、s standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. See Section 7 forspecific hazards statements.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2F335 Terminology Relating to Electrostatic ImagingF360 Practice for Image

6、Evaluation of Electrostatic Busi-ness CopiesF807 Practice for Determining Resolution Capability ofOffice CopiersF875 Test Method for Evaluation of LargeArea Density andBackground on Office Copiers3. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsFor definitions of terms relating to electro-static copying, see Terminolog

7、y F335.4. Summary of Practice4.1 This practice involves the comparative evaluation of oneor more toner supplies by rating subjectively a number ofsignificant characteristics of imaged copies made under con-trolled conditions on a liquid toner electrostatic copier.5. Significance of Use5.1 Subjective

8、 comparative evaluation of copies made fromthe same test originals can be used to determine the usefulnessof a given toner supply in a specific user application.6. Interferences6.1 Many copy systems are subject to variation due tofluctuation of line voltage. It is conceivable that such fluctua-tions

9、 may cause a normally useful system to give poor results.The manufacturer of the equipment should be consultedregarding the need for voltage-stabilizing devices which canusually be installed easily.6.2 Results from a copy system can vary depending uponthe length of time the system has been operating

10、. The first printafter a system has been shut down for a prolonged time periodcan be of different quality than subsequent prints made aftersome time of operation.6.3 Variations in copy system performance after continuouscopying over relatively long periods can occur (that is, severalhours or more).

11、It is recommended that the procedure berepeated if significant variation in copy system performanceoccurs.6.4 Variations in copy system performance can occur as aresult of copier adjustments (for example, before and afterservice calls).1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F05 o

12、n BusinessImaging Products and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F05.04 onElectrostatic Imaging Products.Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2011. Published March 2012. Originallyapproved in 1977. Last previous edition approved in 2001 as F50587 (2006). DOI:10.1520/F0505-87R06.2For reference

13、d ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Con

14、shohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.6.5 Excessively high or low relative humidity can also causevariation in performance not encountered under normal condi-tions.6.6 All tests should be conducted in the same copier, duringthe same relative time period and environmental conditions.6.7 Toner suppl

15、ies (including both toner and diluents) areoften purchasable from several sources and can affect results ofthe given copy system.6.8 Paper supplies can be purchased from several sourcesand also can affect results of a given copy system. The usershould use only the grade and weight of paper recommend

16、edby the copier manufacturer when evaluating one or more tonersupplies. All paper supplies utilized should be from the samemanufacturing source, and the user should try to use all papersupplies from the same production number (provided one islisted). Some inherent variability within the paper may af

17、fectimage quality evaluation as will certain unintentional paperdefects. Some variability may be encountered from one roll tothe next or from one package of sheets to a second package,and sometimes within a package.6.9 Variations in toner concentration strongly affect copyquality and should be minim

18、ized to the extent made availableby the mechanics of the copy system.6.10 Toners for these systems usually have a finite shelf life.The user should carefully follow the manufacturers recom-mendations on storage conditions and length of storage.7. Technical Hazards7.1 This practice is intended to ori

19、ent the user towardobserving meaningful and significant characteristics of imagedcopies obtained from a limited number of imaged copies. Itdoes not encompass those defects of which the user should beaware such as deterioration, abrasion or scratching, or otheradverse actions that could reduce the ef

20、fectiveness of theoperation of the copier with the test toner supplies. Themanufacturer of the test toner supplies should be consultedprior to the evaluation of the supplies in order to ascertain whatlong-term functional testing (including compatability resultswith the copier and current reference t

21、oner supplies used by theuser) has been performed by the test toner supplier on theparticular model copier the user possesses. The manufacturerof the copier should also be contacted prior to any test shouldany question of consequential damages to the copier beinvolved.7.2 Many toner copier manufactu

22、rers require that onlytrained service people should be permitted access to specificinternal copier components. Prior to any testing, the manufac-turer of the copier should be consulted as to which componentsor copier areas, or both (if any), the consumer may have accessto for visual evaluation of to

23、ner build-up. It may be necessaryfor the user to require the copier manufacturers servicepersonnel to perform all necessary component clean-up.Should this step be required, the user should be present toobserve and record all observations regarding this maintenancestep.8. Sampling8.1 Sampling is not

24、applicable to this practice.9. Procedure9.1 Before beginning this practice comparison, the manu-facturers instructions on the operation of the copier must beread, understood, and followed. The toner being evaluated isbest tested in a copy system at the site of its proposedinstallation under the line

25、 voltage conditions that wouldnormally apply. The test target should be prepared as describedin accordance with the Test Original section of Practice F360.Additional targets are described in Practice F807 and TestMethod F875.9.2 Clean the copier as follows:9.2.1 Drain the system thoroughly, either b

26、y pouring it if thetray is removable or by siphon or drain tube provided by themanufacturer if it is not removable.9.2.2 Flush out the tray several times with clear diluent ordispersant, using 1 to 2 pt (or12 to 1 L) for each rinse,depending on the size and shape of the tray. Some developerunits inc

27、lude a circulating pump, which may trap some of thedeveloper liquid. If so, rinse by returning the unit to the copierand allowing the clear diluent to circulate for about 2 min. Inthis case, the diluent quantity should be the minimum that willcirculate freely.9.2.3 If the tank and tray appear reason

28、ably clean, return thetray to the copier (if it has been removed), fill it with cleandiluent, and make copies of any subject. If an image is visible,it indicates cleaning was not complete. Repeat 9.2.1 and 9.2.2until copies made with clear diluent show no images. Removethe excess diluent.9.3 Load th

29、e supplies into the copier. Follow the manufac-turers directions for adjustments of the various controls.9.4 Turn on the copier and allow several minutes forwarm-up.9.5 Set the exposure control (if one is provided) to eitherend of the exposure range.9.6 Using the prepared test target, make a copy. R

30、ecord theexposure setting, time (if desired), and date on the copy.9.7 Image copies at various exposure settings. Record thesetting, time, environmental conditions, sequence number, anddate on each copy. The operator each time should move theexposure setting in the same direction on the exposure con

31、troldevice when preparing a sequence of imaged copies. Thestarting point on the exposure control device should always beat the same point for each set of copies.9.8 Determine the copier setting that, in your opinion, is theone yielding the best appearing copy. This is referred to as the“optimum copy

32、.”9.9 At this optimum setting, make the number of copies thatwould constitute a normal length of run. This will allowcomparison of toner uniformity as well as the toner replenish-ment system (if replenishment is part of the copier mechanics).Place or set the test subject into the copier in the sameo

33、rientation each time.9.10 At the optimum setting, reverse the orientation of thetest subject placed or set into the copier and make a copy. Thiscopy can then be compared to previous copies to determine theeffect of subject orientation variations. Record all pertinentinformation on this copy such as

34、exposure setting, time, date,and test target orientation for possible future reference.F505 87 (2011)29.11 Image a sufficient number of copies at the optimumsetting, that would constitute a very large copy run, forexample 500 to several thousand. Care should be taken duringthis test by the user to f

35、ollow any recommended maintenancesteps by the copier manufacturer, for example changing elec-trostatic masters, etc if this step is part of the copier mechanics.During the course of this long-range test sequence, the usershould note and record the following observations:9.11.1 Any jamming encountere

36、d including the number ofand location.9.11.2 Cleanliness of the copy on both the imaged and backsides.9.11.3 The user if possible, should inspect the toner in thedeveloper unit at random intervals to ascertain any formationof sludge. Should any buildup of toner be observed that cannotbe easily broke

37、n up, this result is considered unsatisfactory.9.11.4 During this large copy run, the special features thatare included on the test copier should be operated to determinethe range of toner capability. These special features mayinclude light document control, colored background control,image reductio

38、n or enlargement control, duplexing control, etc.9.11.5 At the end of the large copy run, the user shouldinspect the accessible copier internal components and recordany toner buildup, deposits on the various copier components.The user should record the location of any buildups and shouldrate any obs

39、ervations using the following recommended ratingscale: 5light, 3medium, and 1heavy.9.12 To test a different lot or type of toner from the same orfrom another supplier (see 7.2) remove the toner system in thecopier using the cleaning technique outlined in 9.2. When thecopier and the toner developing

40、system is clean, add thesupplies to be tested according to the suppliers recommenda-tion, and make a set of copies for comparison to the previouslymade reference set (9.6-9.11).10. Interpretation of Results10.1 In evaluating the short and long run results from atoner under test in a copying machine,

41、 examine the followingpoints (or those the user anticipates are pertinent to theirparticular copying needs) and compare to the reference toner.In the long-copy run evaluation, the user may want to onlyinspect either every 50th, 100th, 200th, etc, imaged copy.10.1.1 Density, apparent optical contrast

42、, or relative black-ness of characters.10.1.2 Development of large solid image areas; are theyfilled in evenly, or is there a density variation?10.1.3 Color and cleanliness of background.10.1.4 Freedom from objectionable face or backmarkingcharacteristics when compared to the reference toner supplie

43、s.10.1.5 Uniformity of the imaged copy compared to the testtarget.10.1.6 Fidelity of the imaged copy to the test target.10.1.7 Distortion of characters.10.1.8 Smudge characteristics upon removing the imagedcopy from the copier or in a stack of copies. To evaluate thischaracteristic, lay either a sin

44、gle imaged copy or stack ofcopies face up on a suitable flat surface. The single copy can beevaluated as is, while the stack of copies should be opened tothe approximate center of the stack. The evaluator shouldgently but firmly, slide either the palm of the hand or thefingers across the imaged surf

45、ace. Movement across theimaged surface should cover letter imaged areas, solid blackfilled areas, and gray areas on the copy. This test can beperformed as the copy emerges from the copier or from a stackof copies either immediately or after several minutes ofexposure to the environment. Both the ref

46、erence and test tonersupplies should be evaluated in the same manner and timeperiod.10.1.9 Freedom from feathering (blasting) of the images.10.1.10 Reproduction of colored lines and characteristics.10.1.11 Reproduction of pictorial illustrations.10.1.12 Freedom from objectionable odor, particularly

47、inthose copies employing heat-fusing techniques.10.1.13 Any black-density variation of imaged letter char-acteristics or solid black areas during the long-imaged copyrun.10.1.14 Sharpness or freedom from bridging.10.1.15 Resolution. The user should be aware that resolu-tion is not related solely to

48、toner. Although the copier opticalsystem and photoconductor are vitally important factors, it ispossible for the user to measure toner contribution to resolutionby holding copier conditions constant.10.1.16 Toner build-up, deposits, on the various copiercomponents.10.1.17 Jamming of the copy paper.

49、The user should beaware that this defect may be a result of toner depositing incritical transport pathways or to deposits on feed rollers due toduplexing.10.1.18 Variations may exist from copier to copier withidentical model designations, and from one copier to anotherdue to run lengths, a possible variety of test originals, customerpreference in contrast, etc. These parameters, coupled with thedifficulty of measurement techniques, make quantification ofyield (number of copies per weight of toner system) highlycomplex and are therefore not included in this practice.10.1.19


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