ASTM F519-2006e2 Standard Test Method for Mechanical Hydrogen Embrittlement Evaluation of Plating Coating Processes and Service Environments《电镀 涂层处理和设备环境的机械氢脆化评价的标准试验方法》.pdf

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ASTM F519-2006e2 Standard Test Method for Mechanical Hydrogen Embrittlement Evaluation of Plating Coating Processes and Service Environments《电镀 涂层处理和设备环境的机械氢脆化评价的标准试验方法》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM F519-2006e2 Standard Test Method for Mechanical Hydrogen Embrittlement Evaluation of Plating Coating Processes and Service Environments《电镀 涂层处理和设备环境的机械氢脆化评价的标准试验方法》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM F519-2006e2 Standard Test Method for Mechanical Hydrogen Embrittlement Evaluation of Plating Coating Processes and Service Environments《电镀 涂层处理和设备环境的机械氢脆化评价的标准试验方法》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM F519-2006e2 Standard Test Method for Mechanical Hydrogen Embrittlement Evaluation of Plating Coating Processes and Service Environments《电镀 涂层处理和设备环境的机械氢脆化评价的标准试验方法》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM F519-2006e2 Standard Test Method for Mechanical Hydrogen Embrittlement Evaluation of Plating Coating Processes and Service Environments《电镀 涂层处理和设备环境的机械氢脆化评价的标准试验方法》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: F 519 06e2Standard Test Method forMechanical Hydrogen Embrittlement Evaluation of Plating/Coating Processes and Service Environments1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 519; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in

2、the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.e1NOTESome of

3、the figures were reduced in size in March 2007.e2NOTEFigure layout was improved in the Annexes in August 2007.1. Scope1.1 This test method describes mechanical test methods anddefines acceptance criteria for coating and plating processesthat can cause hydrogen embrittlement in steels. Subsequentexpo

4、sure to chemicals encountered in service environments,such as fluids, cleaning treatments or maintenance chemicalsthat come in contact with the plated/coated or bare surface ofthe steel, can also be evaluated.1.2 This test method is not intended to measure the relativesusceptibility of different ste

5、els. The relative susceptibility ofdifferent materials to hydrogen embrittlement may be deter-mined in accordance with Test Method F 1459 and TestMethod F 1624.1.3 This test method specifies the use of air melted AISIE4340 steel per SAE AMS-S-5000 (formerly MIL-S-5000)heat treated to 260 280 ksi (po

6、unds per square inch x 1000)as the baseline. This combination of alloy and heat treat levelhas been used for many years and a large database has beenaccumulated in the aerospace industry on its specific responseto exposure to a wide variety of maintenance chemicals, orelectroplated coatings, or both

7、. Components with ultimatestrengths higher than 260 280 ksi may not be represented bythe baseline. In such cases, the cognizant engineering authorityshall determine the need for manufacturing specimens from thespecific material and heat treat condition of the component.Deviations from the baseline s

8、hall be reported as required bysection 12.1.2. The sensitivity to hydrogen embrittlement shallbe demonstrated for each lot of specimens as specified insection Test procedures and acceptance requirements are speci-fied for seven specimens of different sizes, geometries, andloading configurati

9、ons.1.5 Pass/Fail RequirementsFor plating/coating processes,specimens must meet or exceed 200 h using a sustained loadtest (SLT) at the levels shown in Table The loading conditions and pass/fail requirements forservice environments are specified in Annex A5.1.5.2 If approved by the cognizant

10、 engineering authority, aquantitative, accelerated (# 24 h) incremental step-load (ISL)test as defined in Annex A3 may be used as an alternative toSLT.1.6 This test method is divided into two parts. The first partgives general information concerning requirements for hydro-gen embrittlement testing.

11、The second is composed of annexesthat give specific requirements for the various loading andspecimen configurations covered by this test method (seesection 9.1 for a list of types) and the details for testing serviceenvironments.1.7 The values stated in the foot-pound-second (fps) systemin inch-poun

12、d units are to be regarded as standard. The valuesgiven in parentheses are mathematical conversions to SI unitsthat are provided for information only and are not consideredstandard.1.8 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresp

13、onsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2B 374 Terminology Relating to ElectroplatingB 851 Specification forAutomated Controlled Sho

14、t Peeningof Metallic Articles Prior to Nickel, Autocatalytic Nickel,or Chromium Plating, or as Final Finish1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F07 onAerospace and Aircraft and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F07.04 onHydrogen Embrittlement.Current edition appro

15、ved July 1, 2006. Published September 2006. Originallyapproved in 1977. Last previous edition approved in 2005 as F 519 05.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, re

16、fer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.D 1193 Specification for Reagent WaterE4 Practices for Force Verification of Testing MachinesE8 Test Methods for Tension Te

17、sting of Metallic MaterialsE18 Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness of MetallicMaterialsE29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data toDetermine Conformance with SpecificationsE 691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study toDetermine the Precision of a Test MethodE 709 Guide for Mag

18、netic Particle ExaminationE 1823 Terminology Relating to Fatigue and Fracture Test-ingF 1459 Test Method for Determination of the Susceptibilityof Metallic Materials to Hydrogen Gas Embrittlement(HGE)F 1624 Test Method for Measurement of Hydrogen Em-brittlement Threshold in Steel by the Incremental

19、StepLoading TechniqueF 2078 Terminology Relating to Hydrogen EmbrittlementTestingG5 Reference Test Method for Making Potentiostatic andPotentiodynamic Anodic Polarization Measurements2.2 SAE AMS Standard:3AMS 2430 (R) Shot Peening, AutomaticAMS 2759/2 Heat Treatment of Low-Alloy Steel PartsMinimum T

20、ensile Strength 220 ksi (1517 MPa) andHigherAMS 2759/11 Stress Relief of Steel PartsAMS 6360 Steel Tubing, Seamless 0.95Cr 0.20Mo (0.28 0.33C) (SAE 4130) Normalized or Stress RelievedAMS-QQ-P-416 Plating, Cadmium (Electrodeposited)AMS-S-5000 Steel, Chrome-Nickel-Molybdenum (E4340)Bars and Reforging

21、Stock2.3 Military and Federal Standards and Commercial ItemDescriptions:4MIL-PRF-16173 Corrosion Preventive Compound, SolventCutback, Cold-ApplicationCommercial Item Description (CID) A-A-55827 ChromiumTrioxide, Technical3. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsDefinitions of terms used in this testmethod may b

22、e found in Terminology B 374, TerminologyE 1823 and Terminology F 2078.3.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations:AISI = American Iron and Steel Institutea/W = notch depth-to-width ratiod/D = ratio of minor to major diameters at the notchESH = Environmental, Safety and Healthfps = foot pound secondHRC = Rockwel

23、l Hardness Scale CID = inside diameterISL = incremental step loadkip = pounds load multiplied by 1000ksi = pounds-force per square inch multiplied by 1000Kt= stress concentration factorLS = longitudinal short transverseNFS = notched fracture strengthOD = outside diameterpsi = pounds-force per square

24、 inchRMS = root mean squareSAE AMS = Society of Automotive Engineers AerospaceMaterial SpecificationSCE = saturated calomel electrodeSLT = sustained load testT.I.R. = total indicated runout4. Summary of Test Methods4.1 Plating/coating ProcessesUnstressed test specimensare cleaned, plated/coated, and

25、 baked (if applicable) in accor-dance with the specification to which the process is to bequalified. Specimens are then maintained under a sustainedload in air to measure the time to rupture/completion of the testperiod.4.2 Service EnvironmentsSpecimens are tested in theservice environment. The sequ

26、ence of exposure to the environ-ment and loading shall be as defined in Annex A5. If plated/coated test specimens are to be utilized for evaluating a serviceenvironment, then the plating/coating process must first bedetermined to be acceptable in accordance with section 4.1.5. Significance and Use5.

27、1 Plating/coating ProcessesThis test method provides ameans by which to detect possible hydrogen embrittlement ofsteel parts during manufacture by verifying strict controlsduring production operations such as surface preparation,pretreatments, and plating/coating. It is also intended to beused as a

28、qualification test for new plating/coating processesand as a periodic inspection audit for the control of aplating/coating process.5.2 Service EnvironmentThis test method provides ameans by which to detect possible hydrogen embrittlement ofsteel parts (plated/coated or bare) due to contact with chem

29、icalsduring manufacturing, overhaul and service life. The details oftesting in a service environment are found in Annex A5.6. Apparatus6.1 Testing MachineTesting machines shall be within theguidelines of calibration, force range, resolution, and verifica-tion of Practices E4.6.2 Gripping DevicesVari

30、ous types of gripping devicesmay be used in either tension or bending to transmit the loadapplied by the testing machine or self-loading frame to the testspecimen.6.3 Service Environment TestingFor testing in serviceenvironments, an inert container and fixture arrangement that issuitably electricall

31、y isolated from the specimen or compen-sated to prevent galvanic coupling shall be used for testing inaqueous environments. The corrosion potential of the specimenmay be controlled with a reference Saturated Calomel Elec-trode (SCE) or equivalent reference electrode such as withAg/AgCl in accordance

32、 with Reference Test Method G5.3Available from Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), 400 CommonwealthDr., Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.4Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D, 700Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5098.F51906e227. Materials and Reagents7.1 Materials:7

33、.1.1 Air melted AISI E4340 per AMS-S-5000 (formerlyMIL-S-5000).7.1.2 Aluminum oxide (150 grit or finer), and 180-gritsilicon-carbide paper.7.1.3 Conditioned shot, in accordance with AMS 2430.7.2 Reagents:7.2.1 Corrosion preventive compound, meeting the require-ments of MIL-PRF-16173, Grade C

34、admium cyanide electroplating bath (SAE AMS-QQ-P-416, formerly Federal Specification QQ-P-416. (Table2).7.2.3 Maintenance chemicals, cleaners, paint strippers, andaqueous environments.7.2.4 Chromic acid (CID A-A-55827, formerly FederalSpecification O-C-303D).7.2.5 Water (Specification D 1193 Type IV

35、).8. Hazards8.1 Environmental, Safety and Health (ESH):8.1.1 Equipment, materials, solutions, and emissions (ifapplicable) shall be controlled, handled, used, and disposed inaccordance with the applicable governing ESH regulations.9. Test Specimens9.1 Configuration9.1.1 Dimensional drawings with tol

36、erances are given forthe two types of specimens in the following annexes: Type 1Notched SpecimensType 1a: Notched, Round, TensionType 1a.1Standard Sizeper Fig. A1.1 Annex A1Type 1a.2Oversizedper Fig. A1.2 Annex A1Type 1b: Notched, Round, Tension Self Loading FixtureperFigs. A2.1-A2.5Annex A2T

37、ype 1c: Notched, Round, Bend Self Loading FixtureperFig. A2.6, Fig. A2.7Annex A2Type 1d: Notched, C-Ring, Bend Self Loading FixtureperFig. A2.8, Fig. A2.9Annex A2Type 1e: Notched, Square, Bendper Fig. A3.1 Annex A39.1.1.2 Type 2Smooth SpecimensType 2a: O-Ring, Bend Self Loading Fixtureper Fig. A4.1,

38、Fig. A4.2Annex A49.1.2 The notched round tension, round bend and squarebend specimens shall be loaded in the longitudinal graindirection, but the C-Ring and O-Ring can only be loadednormal to the longitudinal grain direction.9.2 Manufacture:9.2.1 Stress concentration factors (Kt) for each of thespec

39、imen types were calculated using Finite Element Analysis(FEA) and the dimensions in the drawings.NOTE 1An ASTM Research Report documenting the analysis is inprocess and a reference number will be included in a future revision.Type KtMinimumANominal MaximumA1a.1 3.16 3.30 3.481a.2 3.31 3.59 3.761b 2.

40、86 3.07 3.331c 3.30 3.45 3.621d 3.73 4.03 4.421e 3.95 4.27 4.602a NA NA NAAMinimum and maximum Kts calculated from worst case combinations ofdimensional tolerances.9.2.2 If the 60 notch angle does not permit plating/coatingto the root of the notch, then an angle of 90 6 1 shall be usedonly with prio

41、r approval of the cognizant engineering author-ity.NOTE 2The FEA determined that changing the notch angle from 60to 90 had a negligible affect on the Kt. Therefore, no dimensional changesare required to compensate for this deviation. However, such deviationshall be reported as required in

42、.3 The baseline material/condition for test specimens isnormalized and tempered, hot or cold drawn bar stock, airmelted AISI E4340 steel per AMS-S-5000 (formerly MIL-S-5000) heat treated perAMS 2759/2 ClassAto a tensile strengthbetween 260 and 280 ksi (51 to 53 Rockwell C Hardness Scale(HRC) as dete

43、rmined according to Test Methods E18. Round-ing per Practice E29permits an absolute hardness range of50.6 to 53.4 HRC of the average of three measurements. Other steels or final hardnesses may only be substi-tuted if agreed upon by the cognizant engineering authority.Deviations from the basel

44、ine shall be reported as required in12. Rough machine blanks as required.9.2.5 Heat treat as a finished part to a strength level of 260to 280 ksi per AMS 2759/2 Class A as follows: Austenitize at 1500 1550F in a protective atmo-sphere and then quench in oil. Double temper, 2 h

45、 each, at 425 490F.9.2.6 Verify heat treat response by pulling 4 specimens inaccordance with Test Method E8and Table Finish machine the reduced section and notch configu-ration. The entire notch shall be ground to size. Single-point machining of the notch is not permit-ted.9.2.

46、7.3 Burnishing of the notch is not permitted. Shot peening/blasting/mechanical cleaning of thenotch during specimen manufacturing is not permitted.9.2.8 After grinding, all specimens shall receive a stressrelief bake at 375 6 25F (190 6 14C) per AMS 2759/11 for45 h. A suitable protection from

47、 discoloration due to surfaceoxidization shall be used.9.2.9 Acid or cathodic electrolytic cleaning is prohibited.9.2.10 Straightening after final heat treatment is prohibited.9.3 Storage:9.3.1 After stress relief baking, all specimens shall beprotected during storage to prevent corrosion.Asuitable

48、meansof protection is to coat the specimen with a corrosion preven-tive compound meeting the requirements of MIL-PRF-16173,Grade 2.9.4 Inspection:9.4.1 A lot shall consist of those specimens cut from thesame heat of steel in the same orientation, heat treated togetherin the same furnace load, quench

49、ed and tempered together andsubjected to the same manufacturing processes together.F51906e239.4.2 All notched specimens in the lot shall be suitable fortest purposes if the inspection results on samples from that lotconform to the requirements of Table 1 and section Sensitivity Test:9.5.1 The sensitivity to hydrogen embrittlement shall bedemonstrated for each lot of specimens by exposing six trialspecimens to two different embrittling environments aftermanufacture and inspection in accordance with Section Three specimen


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