ASTM F552-2014 Standard Terminology Relating to Chain Link Fencing《有关链环栅栏的标准术语》.pdf

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ASTM F552-2014 Standard Terminology Relating to Chain Link Fencing《有关链环栅栏的标准术语》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: F552 14Standard Terminology Relating toChain Link Fencing1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F552; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of originaladoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses ind

2、icates the year of last reapproval. A superscriptepsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.aluminizedin chain link fabric, describes fabric woven fromsteel wire that is coated w

3、ith aluminum before weaving (seeSpecification A4912).barbas related to barbed wire- a short length of wire, withexposed ends cut on a bias to produce sharp points. SeeSpecifications F1665 and A121.barbed tapestrip of metal, machined to produce clusters ofsharp points (see Terminology F13792for furth

4、er informa-tion).barbed wirea fabricated wire product consisting of two linewires twisted to form a two-wire strand, into which 2pointor 4point barbs are tightly wrapped and locked into place atspecific intervals. (Syn. barbwire). See Specifications F1665and A121.barbed wire arma post fitting used t

5、o hold barbed wire inplace. May be vertical or angled to hold three or morestrands of barbed wire, or “V” shaped to hold six or morestrands of barbed wire.barbed wire arm basea casting of aluminum, malleableiron, or steel, used in combination with one or two barbedwire extension arms held in place b

6、y a bolt and nut.barbed wire extension armpressed aluminum or pressedgalvanized steel used in combination with barbed wire armbase to hold three strands of barbed wire either vertically orangled in or out from the fence line. Also used in pairs in a“V” configuration to hold 6 strands of barbed wire.

7、bottom protective platea safety device installed on a TypeII, Class 1, cantilever slide gate with external rollers toisolate the lower roller mechanism to reduce the possibilityof contact with the roller mechanism by a person. SeeSpecification F11842.bottom railhorizontal member of the framework run

8、ningcontinuously along the bottom edge of the fence.boulevard clampa two piece clamp with carriage bolts andnuts designed for 180 horizontal rail connections to a linepost (also called line rail clamp).brace banda symmetrically formed strip of metal shaped tofit around a post and used with a carriag

9、e bolt and nut toattach the rail end or brace rail end truss rod tightener to thepost (see Fig. 1). Also used for attaching barbed wire,tension wire, and other items to a terminal post.brace raila compression member at terminal posts or cornerposts.brace rail enda cup-shaped fitting similar to a rai

10、l end withprovision for attaching a truss rod.cantilever slide gateany horizontal slide gate spanning anopening lacking a top or bottom support within that opening(see Specification F11842).center stopa device to receive and hold the drop bar on adouble mercially availablea manufactured item or prod

11、uct thatonce produced is held in inventory COS status (commercialoff the shelf), ready for delivery once ordered by a consumeror other end user.corner barbed wire arma combination post cap and fittingused to hold barbed wire in place on a corner post. May beangled in or out from the fence line to ho

12、ld three or morestrands of barbed wire, or “V” shaped to hold six or morestrands of barbed wire.corner posta terminal post, at which the direction of the lineof fence changes in two or more directions (see Fig. 2).corner rail clampa two-piece clamp with carriage bolts andnuts designed for horizontal

13、 rail connections to a 90 cornerpost.diamondthe opening formed by the woven wires in chainlink fence fabric.1This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F14 on Fencesand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F14.40 on Chain Link Fence andWire Accessories.Current edition appro

14、ved Sept. 15, 2014. Published September 2014. Originallyapproved in 1978. Last previous edition approved in 2013 as F552 - 02(2013). DOI:10.1520/F0552-14.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMS

15、tandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States1diamond countthe number of diamond openings from oneedge of fabric to the other. The count of

16、 a given fabric shallbegin at the first completed diamond at one edge andcontinue to the unfinished (half) or full opening at the otheredge (see Fig. 3).double drive gatea gate comprised of two gate leaves whichis used to close a gate opening through which vehicles areintended to pass. While often r

17、eferring to a swing gate (thatis, double swing gate), the gate may be any double leaf gateintended for vehicular (that is, slide gate or others). Seespecifications F654, F900, and F11842.drop barcomponent of a double gate latch assembly (some-times called drop rod) (see Specification F9002).end post

18、the terminal post at the end of a line of fence (seeFig. 4).end rail clampa two-piece clamp with carriage bolt and nutdesigned for horizontal rail connections to an end post.fabric (chain link fence)a fencing material made from wirehelically wound and interwoven in such a manner as toprovide a conti

19、nuous mesh without knots or ties except in theform of knuckling or of twisting the ends of the wires toform the selvages of the fabric (see Fig. 5).flangein chain link fencing, a plate or casting for securing apost to a floor or a horizontal rail to a wall.frame hingea fitting that attaches to the g

20、ate frame andfunctions with the post hinge.frameworkthe basic structure supporting installed fabric,namely the posts, rails, and tension wire.galvanizedpertaining to zinc-coated articles.galvanized after weaving in chain link fabric, describessteel fabric that is hot-dip coated with zinc after weavi

21、ng(see Specification A3922).galvanized before weaving in chain link fabric, describesfabric that is woven from steel wire galvanized beforeweaving.gatea moveable barrier placed in a fence opening (gateopening) which allows the opening to be closed. SeeSpecifications F654, F900, and F1184.gate clipa

22、galvanized pressed steel or pressed aluminumfitting designed to secure chain link fabric to the verticalsides of a gate frame.FIG. 1 Brace BandFIG. 2 Corner PostFIG. 3 Diamond CountFIG. 4 End PostFIG. 5 Chain Link Fence FabricF552 142gate framethe structural member(s) of the gate.gate holdback or ke

23、epera device to receive and hold thegate leaf in an open position.gate latcha fitting to hold the gate in place when closed.gate leafa component of a swing gate which consists of agate frame covered with chain link fabric and/or othermaterial. See Specifications F654 and F900.gate openingthe clear d

24、istance between the gate posts.gate postthe post to which a gate is attached via hinges. Itmay also be used as a terminal post.gate transoma panel of chain link fabric over the top of agate opening, framed with top and bottom rail. Typicallyused in tennis court fence (see Practice F9692).heightthe d

25、istance before stretching from one outer edge ofa knuckle or twist to the outer edge of the knuckle or twiston the opposite edge of fabric.hinge pinan upright pivot used to connect the gate framehinge to the post hinge, allowing a swing gate to open orclose. See frame hinge and post hinge.hog ringa

26、preformed open wire clip designed to close upinto a ring to secure chain link fabric to horizontal tensionwire (see Specification F6262).intermediate railhorizontal member of the framework run-ning continuously at any point between the top and bottomof the fence (sometimes called middle rail).knuckl

27、ethe selvage obtained by interlocking adjacent pairsof wire ends and bending the wire back into a loop (see Fig.6).line postthe intermediate post in a fence line supporting thetop rail or tension wire and barb arm where applicable (seeFig. 7).line post capa cap or top with a loop used to position th

28、e toprail or tension wire on top of the line posts (see Fig. 8).line rail clampSee boulevard clamp.loop capSee line post cap.marcellinga process whereby either a uniform helix or aseries of waves put in a wire to facilitate tensioning the wirewhen installed to support the top or bottom or both, of t

29、hechain link fence fabric (that is, marcelled tension wire). Seetension wire and Specification A824.meshin chain link fabric , the clear distance between parallelwires forming a diamond.middle railSee intermediate rail.offset hingea swing gate hinge that permits the gate to swing180 from the closed

30、to the open position (see SpecificationF9002).overhead slide gateany horizontal slide gate supported onlyfrom above (see Specification F11842).pedestrian gatea gate, usually comprised of a single leaf,which is used to close a gate opening through whichpedestrians are intended to pass. While often re

31、ferring to aswing gate, the gate may be of any single leaf gate intendedfor pedestrian use (that is, slide gate or others). See Speci-fications F654, F900, and F11842.panel clampa two-piece clamp with carriage bolt and nut,designed to secure prefabricated panels on free standingenclosures.picketa he

32、lically formed steel wire interwoven in the manu-facture of chain link fabric or used for field splicing rolls offabric into continuous chain link mesh from terminal post toterminal post.polymer coatinga term used to describe color coatings suchas PVC (poly(vinyl chloride), polyester, and clear coat

33、ingssuch as polyurethane and acrylic urethane (see Specifica-tions F668, F934, and F12342).post capa fitting atop a post usually to exclude water fromtubular hingea fitting that attaches to the gate post, the pintle ofwhich fits the frame hinge permitting the gate to swing (seeFig. 9).pul

34、l posta terminal post used in a line of fence to brace along stretch or to effect a change in elevation along the fenceline.FIG. 6 KnuckleFIG. 7 Line Post and Top RailFIG. 8 Line Post CapF552 143PVCpoly(vinyl chloride) coating on fence materials.rail enda cup-shaped fitting used with a brace band to

35、connect the top rail or brace to a post (see Fig. 10).raid end bandSee brace band.scrolla decorative ornament on top of a gate.selvagethe edge finish on woven chain link fabric joiningpairs of pickets. The selvage may be knuckled or twisted(see Fig. 6 and Fig. 11).sleeve, posta specified length of t

36、ube or pipe set into aconcrete wall, grade beam, or slab, into which fence postsare later placed.sleeve, topraila fitting used to join two pieces of toprailwhen a swedged toprail is not used (see Fig. 12).stretchingthe process of putting tension on the fabric tomake it hang uniformly along the line

37、of fence betweenterminal posts.swedgethe formed end of a piece of toprail so that it will fitinto and join another piece of toprail (see Fig. 13).swing gatea gate leaf attached to one gate post using hinges(frame and post hinges) which allow the gate leaf to open orclose by pivoting on the hinges an

38、d to the opposite gate postor another gate leaf with a latch or other device. Swing gatesmay be single swing (one leaf) or double swing (two leaves).See Specifications F654 and F900.tension bandan offset strip of metal shaped to fit around theterminal post and used with a carriage bolt and nut to at

39、tachthe tension bar to the post (see Fig. 14).tension barthe bar used with tension bands or other postconnectors to secure the fabric to a terminal post (see Fig.15).tension wirea wire, with or without a marcelled pattern (seemarcelling), typically used along the top of a chain linkfence in place of

40、 a top rail and along the bottom of a chainlink fence for additional security. See Specification A8242for marcelled tension wire.(Syn.coil spring wire.)terminal postthe basic load-bearing component for a line offence, to or from which the fabric is stretched; it may be anend, gate, corner or pull po

41、st.tiewire, clip, or band used to attach the fabric to the top railand line posts (see Fig. 16 and Specification F6262).top railhorizontal member of the framework running fromterminal post to terminal post on top of the line posts (seeFig. 7).top roller guarda safety device installed on a Type II, C

42、lass1, cantilever slide gate with external rollers to isolate theupper roller mechanism to reduce the possibility of contactwith the roller mechanism by a person. See SpecificationF11842.truss roda tensioning rod, used for bracing in gates and atterminal posts. May be threaded at one or both ends or

43、contain a tightener or turnbuckle for adjusting tension.FIG. 9 Post HingeFIG. 10 Rail EndFIG. 11 TwistFIG. 12 Toprail SleeveFIG. 13 SwedgeFIG. 14 Tension BandFIG. 15 Tension BarFIG. 16 Tie WireF552 144truss rod tightenera tightening device used with an adjust-ing nut and a truss rod (sometimes incor

44、rectly calledturnbuckle).turnbucklea tightening device with left hand and right handthreads at opposite ends, used with a truss rod.twistthe type of selvage obtained by twisting adjacent pairsof wire ends together in a close helix of 112 machine turns,which is equivalent to three full twists (see Fi

45、g. 11).vehicular gatea structure used to close a gate openingthrough which vehicles are intended to pass. See Specifica-tions F654, F900, and F1184.Zn-5Al-MMan abbreviation describing an alloy of zinc, 5 %aluminum, and mischmetal, employed as a metallic coatingover steel wire or steel sheet used in

46、the manufacture ofchain link fabric, fence framework materials, and otherproducts (see Specifications F1234 and F13452).ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentionedin this standard. Users of this standard are express

47、ly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the riskof infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years andif not revised,

48、either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standardsand should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of theresponsible technical committee, which you may att

49、end. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you shouldmake your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the aboveaddress or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or

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