ASTM F555-2001(2006) Standard Test Method for Motor Life Evaluation of an Upright Vacuum Cleaner《立式真空吸尘器电动机寿命评定的标准试验方法》.pdf

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ASTM F555-2001(2006) Standard Test Method for Motor Life Evaluation of an Upright Vacuum Cleaner《立式真空吸尘器电动机寿命评定的标准试验方法》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM F555-2001(2006) Standard Test Method for Motor Life Evaluation of an Upright Vacuum Cleaner《立式真空吸尘器电动机寿命评定的标准试验方法》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM F555-2001(2006) Standard Test Method for Motor Life Evaluation of an Upright Vacuum Cleaner《立式真空吸尘器电动机寿命评定的标准试验方法》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM F555-2001(2006) Standard Test Method for Motor Life Evaluation of an Upright Vacuum Cleaner《立式真空吸尘器电动机寿命评定的标准试验方法》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: F 555 01 (Reapproved 2006)An American National StandardStandard Test Method forMotor Life Evaluation of an Upright Vacuum Cleaner1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 555; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the

2、 case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This test method covers motor life evaluation of house-hold or commercial single and d

3、ual motor upright vacuumcleaners (uprights with separate motors for creating thevacuum and driving the floor brush). Self-propelled or power-assist cleaners are not within the scope of this test method.1.2 This test method is limited to evaluation of the uprightvacuum cleaner electric motor(s).1.3 T

4、his test method provides a test to determine operatinglife of the motor(s), before servicing is needed, by an acceler-ated laboratory procedure. Motor(s) are tested while mountedand operated in the upright vacuum cleaner.1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas standard. The va

5、lues given in parentheses are mathematicalconversions to SI units, which are provided for informationonly and are not considered standard.1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to

6、establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D75 Practice for Sampling AggregatesE 337 Test Method for Measuring Humidity with a Psy-chrometer (the Measurement of Wet- and Dry-Bul

7、b Tem-peratures)F 431 Specification for Air Performance Measurement Ple-num Chamber for Vacuum CleanersF 608 Test Method for Evaluation of Carpet Embedded DirtRemoval Effectiveness of Household/Commercial VacuumCleanersF 655 Specification for Test Carpets and Pads for VacuumCleaner Testing3. Termino

8、logy3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.1.1 motor lifelimited by failure of motor. Failure ismotor stoppage. In the case of a dual motor upright, the testwill be continued until both motors (vacuum motor and floorbrush motor) have failed. The motor that fails first will bereplaced s

9、o that the test may continue on the other motor. Themotor life of each motor will be recorded separately. DiscussionAny failure integral with the motor,such as armature assembly, field assembly, housing(s), bear-ings, motor cooling fan or primary air moving fan, brushassemblies, motor mounted

10、 nonresettable thermal protectiondevices, or any other component judged to be integral with themotor, shall be judged as motor stoppage.4. Significance and Use4.1 The test results provide an indication of the motor life ofan electric upright vacuum cleaner. End of motor life will bejudged in accorda

11、nce with Section 3.5. Apparatus and Materials5.1 Voltage Regulator System, to control the input voltage tothe vacuum cleaner. The regulator system shall be capable ofmaintaining the vacuum cleaners rated voltage 61 % andrated frequency 61 Hz having a wave form that is essentiallysinusoidal with 3 %

12、maximum harmonic distortion for theduration of the test.5.2 Voltmeter, to provide measurements accurate to within61%.5.3 Timer and Switch, having the capacity to control theoff/on duty cycle of the cleaner during the life test.5.4 Sharp Edge Orifice Platea114-in. (32-mm) diameterorifice shall be in

13、accordance with Fig. 2 of SpecificationF 431.5.5 Wattmeter, to provide measurements accurate to within1%.5.6 Plenum Chamber, conforming to the plenum chamberdescribed in Specification F 431.5.7 Water Manometer, or equivalent instrument measuringin increments of 0.1 in. (2.54 mm).1This test method is

14、 under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee F11 on VacuumCleaners and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F11.30 on Durability-Reliability.Current edition approved July 1, 2006. Published July 2006. Originally approvedin 1985. Last previous edition approved in 2001 as F 555 01.2For referenced

15、ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Consh

16、ohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.5.8 Barometer, to provide measurements accurate to 60.05in. Hg (1.27 mm Hg), with scale divisions 0.02 in. (0.51 mm)or finer.5.9 Thermometer, having a range of at least 18 to 80F (8to +27C) and graduated in 1F (0.5C) increments.5.10 Psychrometer, meeting the req

17、uirements of TestMethod E 337 for thermometers graduated in increments of1F (0.5C).5.11 Test Carpet, conforming to the level loop carpetdescribed in Specification F 655.Acarpet that provides equiva-lent nozzle loading results may be used.5.12 Carpet Padding (optional), if used, the test carpetpaddin

18、g will conform to the padding described in SpecificationF 655.5.13 Test Fixture, a moving surface covered by the testcarpet supported on the test pad, which moves with a horizon-tal reciprocating motion, for a stroke distance of 27 in. (686mm) in each direction at the average rate of 1.8 ft/s (0.55

19、m/s),which results in 24 cycles (forward and back) per minute. Thismotion shall be generated by rotating a 13.5-in. (343-mm)radius arm, which shall be connected to the platform with anarm at least 24 in. (610 mm) long or equivalent. This deviceshall provide means to hold the cleaner fixed by its han

20、dlestationary in the operating position while it is in contact withthe reciprocating surface (see Fig. 1). Optionally, the cleanercan be moved through the same cycle as stated above while thecarpeted platform is held stationary (see Fig. 1). For eitheroption, the reciprocating motion shall follow th

21、e same dutycycle as specified for the vacuum cleaner in 7.7. For theoptional test fixture of Fig. 1, the reciprocating arm must be ateither end of its horizontal motion at the start of each “on”portion of the cycle.5.14 Test Dirt, Wedron sand/talc mixture. See Annex A1.6. Sampling6.1 Test a minimum

22、of three units (or a larger sample size ifdesired) of similar models using the same motor style andamperage. Select all samples at random in accordance withgood statistical practice. Results shall provide an 80 % confi-dence level within 610 % of the mean value. If not, testadditional samples or red

23、uce the results by the penalty factor ascalculated in 7.10.7. Procedure For Motor Life Evaluation7.1 Determine initial performance as follows:7.1.1 Seal the nozzle opening to the plenum chamber with amanometer (or equivalent) connected to the chamber and witha114-in. (32-mm) diameter sharp-edge orif

24、ice in the holder.For the test, connect the agitator drive belt and a clean filter orfilter bag to the cleaner. The agitator shall be operating freelywith the handle in the operating position as shown in Fig. With the cleaner sealed to the plenum chamber andwithout an orifice plate in the ho

25、lder, energize the cleaner atrated voltage 61 % and rated frequency 61 Hz for 5 min tostabilize motor temperatures.7.1.3 With the cleaner operating at a constant rated voltage,insert the 114-in. (32-mm) diameter sharp-edge orifice into theholder on the orifice box.7.1.4 Record the manometer reading

26、as soon as the readingstabilizes.7.1.5 Record the wattage of the cleaner on the plenumchamber. The wattage reading is used to monitor the cleanerload.7.1.6 Measure the airflow and wattage reading every 168 hto determine if some component has failed and degradedperformance, reducing the load on the c

27、leaner during the lifetest. If degradation exceeds 40 % see 7.9.1- Monitor the suction of the cleaner during the test inaddition to the weekly measurement on the plenum chamber tomaintain loading and to ensure that no mechanical problemsexist.7.2 Use a new section of carpet and padding wi

28、thout holes,tears, or other signs of wear when the test is started. Tautlysecure the carpet. The lay of the carpet pile shall be such thatduring the forward stroke, the cleaner moves in the direction ofthe lay of the carpet pile. See Fig. 1.7.3 Install the cleaner on the test fixture as shown in Fig

29、. 1.7.4 If various settings are provided, set the motor speedsetting, suction regulator, nozzle height, or a combinationthereof, in accordance with the manufacturers specified settingfor using the cleaner on the level loop test carpet. The settingshall be the same as that used for Test Method F 608.

30、7.5 Keep the load within limits by controlling changes in thecarpet, agitator brush, drive belt, and airflow as determined in7.5.1-7.5.4.FIG. 1 Test FixtureF 555 01 (2006)27.5.1 Replace the carpet when one fourth of the pile heightis worn away, except at the beginning and end of the strokepath.7.5.2

31、 During the life test, change the agitator brush(s) every168 h of cycling time.7.5.3 Change the drive belt every 168 h of cycling time orif it ceases to drive the agitator on the test carpet prior to 168h.7.5.4 During the life test, change the disposable filter(s) orclean the reusable primary and se

32、condary filters every 168 h ofcycling time or when the airflow decreases 40 % due to filterclogging.To determine if the filters must be changed or cleanedprior to the 168 h period, conduct an initial dust clogging testin accordance with the procedure described in Annex A4.7.6 Perform all tests in a

33、controlled ambient atmospherewith a dry bulb temperature of 68 to 81F (20 to 27C) and arelative humidity of 30 to 50 %.7.7 Operate the cleaner at rated voltage 61 % and ratedfrequency 61 Hz from a remote on/off switch and timer witha duty cycle of 8 min of operation followed by 2 min off.During the

34、test, bypass the switch on the cleaner.7.8 Spread 10 g of the standard dirt mixture (Annex A1)atthe start of the test and once every 24 h of cycling time on thetest carpet. Spread evenly over the area traversed by the nozzleopening.7.9 Test for degradation of performance every 168 h ofcycling time.7

35、.9.1 Airflow LossIn accordance with the procedure inAnnex A2, use the suction at the start of the test in 7.1.4 as thebase for determining the 40 % degradation of performance.7.9.2 Measure suction in the operating position to serve as abase line to determine if degradation has occurred.7.9.3 If degr

36、adation is present, determine and correct thecause. Replace any part, except the motor, to bring the systemwithin performance limits and continue the test.7.10 Judge the end of the test in conformance with Section3. Express life in terms of “on” (hours) only.7.11 Calculate an estimate of the populat

37、ion mean in accor-dance with the following procedure:7.11.1 Calculate the sample mean for units tested and theconfidence interval half-width:x 5(i 5 1nxi(1)h 5ts=n(2)where:x = mean of sample,n = sample size,xi= life, in hours of “on” time, for each sample tested,h = half-width of confidence interval

38、,t = value from t distribution table for 80 % (t0.90) confi-dence level and degrees of freedom = n 1 (see be-low), ands = standard deviation of sample.Percentiles of the t DistributionDegrees of Freedom t0.901 3.0782 1.8863 1.6384 1.5335 1.4766 1.4407 1.4158 1.3979 1.38310 1.37211 1.36312 1.35613 1.

39、35014 1.34515 1.3417.11.2 Compare the sample mean and confidence intervalhalf-width to determine whether a penalty factor is required:(1) If h # 0.1 x, use x as the published value.(2) If h 0.1 x, test additional units to meet the confidencelevel, or use the following penalty factor (D):D5h 2 0.1 x

40、(3)Use x D as the published value.8. Precision and Bias8.1 PrecisionA meaningful precision statement cannot bemade due to the number of components in the motor, each ofwhich could constitute failure of the motor.8.2 BiasA bias statement cannot be applied to this testmethod because there is no standa

41、rd reference for comparison.9. Keywords9.1 durability; upright vacuum cleanerF 555 01 (2006)3ANNEXES(Mandatory Information)A1. DIRT MIXTUREA1.1 Test DirtA1.1.1 Ten grams of the test dirt consists of the following:90%(wt)9gofsilica sand310%(wt)1gofunscented commercial grade talcum4A1.2 Analysis of Si

42、lica SandSieve Range(U.S. No.)Particle Size (m) Amount Used (g)30 to +40 600 to 425 0.0940 to +50 425 to 300 3.1550 to +70 300 to 212 4.1470 to +100 212 to 150 1.35100 to +140 150 to 106 0.27A1.3 Analysis of Unscented Commercial Grade TalcumDistribution by Weight (%) Particle Size Range (m)0.5 4412.

43、5 20 to 43.927.0 10 to 19.923.0 5 to 9.920.0 2 to 4.98.0 1 to 1.99.0 0.36 h1,the test requirement for airflow/suction load is maintained.A2.2 Derivation:Q15 21.844D2K =h1(A2.2)Since D2and K are constants, then Q1/Q25=h1/=h2and Q2= 0.6 Q1at the point when servicing may be required.Therefore, Q2/0.6Q1

44、5=h1/=h2,or=h250.6=h1,orh25 0.36 h1at the servicing point.A2.3 Terms:Q1= initial airflow,Q2= airflow at servicing point,h1= initial suction,h2= suction at failure point, andD = orifice diameter.3The sole source of supply of the silica sand known to the committee at this timeis Wedron Silica Co., Cus

45、tomer Service Dept., P.O. Box 119, Wedron, IL 60557. Ifyou are aware of alternative suppliers, please provide this information to ASTMInternational Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at ameeting of the responsible technical committee,1which you may attend.The test dirtmus

46、t be sieved to ensure conformance with the analysis limits. Use Practice D75.4The sole source of supply of the silica sand known to the committee at this timeis Luzenac America, Inc., 9000 E. Nichols Ave., Suite 200, Englewood, CO 80112.If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please provide this

47、information to ASTMInternational Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at ameeting of the responsible technical committee,1which you may attend.F 555 01 (2006)4A3. CORRECTION OF DATA TO STANDARD CONDITIONSA3.1 Air Density RatioThe density ratio, Dr, is the rationof the air d

48、ensity at the time of test, rtest, to the standard airdenstiy, rstd= 0.0750 lb/ft3(1.2014 kg/m3. It is used to correctthe vacuum and wattage readings to standard conditions. Findrtest(lb/ft3or kg/m3from standard psychrometric charts orASHRAE tables and calculate Drfrom the following equation:Dr5rtes

49、trstd(A3.1)where:rtest= the air density at the time of test, lb/ft3, andrstd= the standard air density, 0.0750 lb/ft3.As an alternate use the following equation:17.68Bt2 0.001978Tw21 0.1064Tw(A3.2)Dr51 0.002475BtTd2 Tw! 2 2.741Td1 459.7!where:Bt= barometric pressure at time of test (absolute), in. Hg,Td= dry-bulb temperature at time of test, F, andTw= wet-bulb temperature at time of test, F.NOTE A3.1This equation is intended for use in correcting the ambientconditions where the barometric pressure exceeds 27 in. Hg and the dry-and wet


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