ASTM F858-2007 Standard Specification for Hot Water Sanitizing Commercial Dishwashing Machines Single Tank Conveyor Rack Type《有架传送型单槽热水消毒商用洗碗机的标准规范》.pdf

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ASTM F858-2007 Standard Specification for Hot Water Sanitizing Commercial Dishwashing Machines Single Tank Conveyor Rack Type《有架传送型单槽热水消毒商用洗碗机的标准规范》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM F858-2007 Standard Specification for Hot Water Sanitizing Commercial Dishwashing Machines Single Tank Conveyor Rack Type《有架传送型单槽热水消毒商用洗碗机的标准规范》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM F858-2007 Standard Specification for Hot Water Sanitizing Commercial Dishwashing Machines Single Tank Conveyor Rack Type《有架传送型单槽热水消毒商用洗碗机的标准规范》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM F858-2007 Standard Specification for Hot Water Sanitizing Commercial Dishwashing Machines Single Tank Conveyor Rack Type《有架传送型单槽热水消毒商用洗碗机的标准规范》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM F858-2007 Standard Specification for Hot Water Sanitizing Commercial Dishwashing Machines Single Tank Conveyor Rack Type《有架传送型单槽热水消毒商用洗碗机的标准规范》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: F 858 07Standard Specification forHot Water Sanitizing Commercial Dishwashing Machines,Single Tank, Conveyor Rack Type1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 858; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of re

2、vision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1. Scope1.1 This specificati

3、on covers single tank, automatic racktype, commercial dishwashing machines.1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematicalconversions to SI units that are provided for information onlyand are not considered standard.2. Referen

4、ced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2A 436 Specification for Austenitic Gray Iron CastingsA 554 Specification for Welded Stainless Steel MechanicalTubingA 582/A 582M Specification for Free-Machining StainlessSteel BarsB43 Specification for Seamless Red Brass Pipe, StandardSizesB 127 Specification for Ni

5、ckel-Copper Alloy (UNSN04400) Plate, Sheet, and StripF 760 Specification for Food Service Equipment ManualsF 861 Specification for Commercial Dishwashing Racks2.2 Federal Regulation:OSHA Title 2932.3 NSF International Standards, Criteria, and Listings:NSF/ANSI 3 Commercial Warewashing Equipment4NSF

6、5 Commercial Hot Water Generating Equipment4NSF 29 Detergent/Chemical Feeders for CommercialSpray-Type Dishwashing Machines4NSF/ANSI 51 Plastic Materials and Components Used inFood Equipment4NSF Food Equipment and Related Products, Components,and Materials42.4 Underwriters Laboratories Standard:UL 9

7、21 Commercial Electric Dishwashers5UL 1453 Electric Booster and Commercial Storage TankWater Heaters2.5 American Society of Sanitary Engineering Standards:ASSE 1004 Dishwashers63. Terminology3.1 Definition:3.1.1 commercial dishwashing machines, nmachines thatuniformly wash, rinse, and hot water sani

8、tize eating anddrinking utensils. DiscussionThe machines shall be capable of re-moving physical soil from properly racked and pre-scrapeditems, and sanitizing multiple use eating and drinking utensils.These machines shall automatically convey racks of soileddishes through the treatment stages

9、 of the machine, conveyingthem out at the clean end of the machine. The dishwashingmachines shall consist of the following principle parts: base, orlegs, or both; wash chamber; rinse chamber; tanks; doors;spray assemblies; pumps; motors; controls; piping; valves;heating equipment; conveying mechanis

10、m; and accessories.4. Classification4.1 GeneralDishwashing machines shall be of the follow-ing types, styles, classes, size, and capacity groups, as speci-fied.4.2 Types:4.2.1 Type IThis machine shall be designed and suppliedto accept the feeding of soiled tableware from the right side,when facing t

11、he front of the machine.4.2.2 Type IIThis machine shall be designed and suppliedto accept the feeding of soiled tableware from the left side,when facing the front of the machine.4.3 Styles and Classes:1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F26 on FoodService Equipment and is

12、 the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F26.01 onCleaning and Sanitation Equipment.Current edition approved April 1, 2007. Published April 2007. Originallyapproved in 1984. Last previous edition approved in 2002 as F 858 02.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orc

13、ontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter XVII, Part 1910, available fromSuperintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washingt

14、on, DC 20402.4Available from NSF International, 789 N. Dixboro Rd., Ann Arbor, MI48105-9723.5Available from Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., 333 Pfingsten Road, North-brook, IL 60062.6Available from American Society of Sanitary Engineering, P. O. Box 9712 BayVillage, OH 44140.1Copyright ASTM Interna

15、tional, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.4.3.1 Style 1 (Steam Heated)(20 to 35 psi 137.9 to 241.3kPa) flowing pressure at point of machine connection. Class AInjector. Class BHeat exchange coil.4.3.2 Style 2 (Electrically heated).4.3.3

16、 Style 3 (Gas-heated). Class CNatural gas. Class DLP gas.4.4 Size and Capacity:4.4.1 Group A1934 by 1934 in. (nominal) racks at 162 perhour minimum.4.4.2 Group B1934 by 1934 in. (nominal) racks at 180 perhour minimum.4.4.3 Group C1934 by 1934 in. (nominal) racks at 194 perhour minimum.

17、4.5 All dishwashing machines of the same classification,model or material list designation furnished with similaroptions under a specific purchase order, shall be identical to theextent necessary to ensure interchangeability of componentparts, assemblies, accessories, and spare parts.5. Ordering Inf

18、ormation5.1 Purchasers should select the preferred options permittedin this specification and include the following information inprocurement documents:5.1.1 Title, number, and date of this standard;5.1.2 Type, style, class, and group machine required (see4.1);5.1.3 Noise level requirements, if othe

19、r than specified (See11.2);5.1.4 When a service-supply valve is required (see 7.4);5.1.5 When a standard 40F (22C) temperature rise steam,or electric, or gas booster is required, or stipulate if the requiredtemperature rise is more than 40F (22C) (see 7.13);5.1.6 Electrical power supply characterist

20、ics (current, volt-age, phase, frequency). See Section 8;5.1.7 When a detergent feeder is required (see 7.15);5.1.8 When a rinse agent feeder is required (see 7.16);5.1.9 Accessory equipment, such as end cowls with ventopening, or spare and maintenance parts required, as suggestedby manufacturer;5.1

21、.10 Treatment and painting if other than specified (seeSection 10);5.1.11 When energy consumption profiles, water consump-tion profiles, or productivity profiles are desired (see 12.3); and5.1.12 Manufacturers certification, when required (see Sec-tion 13).6. Materials and Design6.1 All materials sh

22、all be specified as follows:6.1.1 Materials used shall be free from defects that wouldadversely affect the performance or maintainability of indi-vidual components of the overall assembly. The dishwashingmachines shall meet the material, design, and constructionrequirements of NSF/ANSI Corro

23、sion-Resistant SteelCorrosion-resistant steelshall conform to the requirements of any 300 series stainlesssteel specified in Corrosion Resisting MaterialCorrosion-resistingmaterial is other than corrosion resistant steel that is equivalentin the dishwasher application.6.1.4 Nickel-Copper A

24、lloyNickel-copper alloys shall con-form to the requirements of Specification B PlasticsAll plastic materials and components usedin the dishwashing machine rinse system shall conform toNSF/ANSI 3 or NSF/ANSI 51.7. Construction Requirements Construction Requirements7.1 The dishwashing machin

25、e shall be complete so thatwhen connected to the specified source of power, water supply,heating means (steam, electric, or gas), drainage, detergent,and rinse agent feeder as applicable, the unit can be used for itsintended function. Dishwashers shall be rigid, quiet in opera-tion, free from object

26、ionable vibration, and so constructed as toprevent objectionable splashing of water to the outside of themachine. The machine shall be equipped with splash curtainsto prevent excessive splash and spray carryover. Parts requiringadjustment or service, or both, shall be readily accessible fromthe fron

27、t and side of the machine. The machine shall washdishes by means of a water and detergent solution pumpedfrom the wash tank and shall final rinse the dishes with freshwater from an outside source. Provisions shall be made to fillthe wash tank either directly from the regular hot water supplyor throu

28、gh a booster. The dishwashing machine shall have aconveyor for handling 1934 by 1934 in. (nominal) racks. Theconveyor shall be protected by an adjustable slip clutch orother device. Means shall be provided for releasing or discon-necting the driving power, or the drive, in case of jamming.The convey

29、or shall be driven by a motor-driven gear reductionunit. The pumped wash and final rinse treatment shall becontrolled by means of the conveyor speed as determined byNSF/ANSI 3 for single tank conveyor type machines. The finalrinse spray control shall have a positive return to the OFFposition when th

30、ere are no racks in process to ensure theconservation of final rinse water. The machine shall be pro-vided with tracks of corrosion-resistant steel or othercorrosion-resisting material 0.070 in. or equivalent die formed0.059 in. Dishwashers shall have an inside working height ofnot less than 1712 in

31、. (444.5 mm) above the track.7.2 ConveyorThe conveyor shall be of heavy duty con-struction and of a suitable corrosion-resisting material. It shallbe designed to convey racks through the dishwasher automati-cally. See Specification F 861.7.3 Piping, Tubing, Fittings, and Valves (Installation)Connect

32、ions shall be readily accessible to facilitate installationand maintenance. Piping, tubing, and valves shall be located,whenever possible, on the exterior of the machine.7.4 Piping and FittingsWater, steam piping, and fittingsshall be of corrosion-resisting material (see SpecificationB43). Fresh wat

33、er supply to the tank shall be discharged notlower than 2 in. (50.8 mm) above the maximum flood levelrim, or an effective air gap or vacuum breaker shall be installedto prevent backflow. Backflow protection shall be in accor-dance with ASSE 1004. The drain and other plumbing connec-tions shall be st

34、andard pipe or tubing connections. Drainagepiping shall be corrosion-resisting material, or suitable heat-resisting plastic tubing with fittings. Drains may be joined intoF858072a single trunk line requiring only one connection or arranged topermit individual connections to the waste line.7.5 Valves

35、Steam valves shall be corrosion-resisting ma-terial designed for steam applications and for a saturated steamworking pressure of 50 psi (344.6 kPa). When specified, aseparately packed service supply valve shall be provided forclosing the supply of water to the dishwasher. The drain valveshall be per

36、manently marked to show “open” and “closed”position and shall be lever-operated, ruggedly designed for footor hand operation except when drain valve closure is auto-matic. Fresh water rinse valves shall be reliable and fullyautomatic and suitable for 210F (98.9C) water. The manuallyoperated valves s

37、hall be identified.7.6 Spray AssembliesAll spray nozzles and spray armmanifolds shall be corrosion resisting materials (see Specifi-cations A 554 and A 582/A 582M). All spray assemblies shallbe removable without the use of tools and shall be easy toclean. Final sanitizing rinse spray assemblies, com

38、ponents, orboth shall be removable for deliming, descaling, and similarmaintenance.7.7 TankThe tank shall be constructed of not less than0.055 in. corrosion-resistant steel, or other corrosion resistingmaterial.7.8 OverflowThe dishwashers shall have a readily acces-sible overflow drain in the tank.

39、The overflow unit, or cover,when provided, shall be removable for cleaning.7.9 Scrap Trays (Strainers)Scrap trays of corrosion-resistant steel, not less than 0.044 in. thick, or other corrosionresisting material shall be provided to prevent insoluble matterand large pieces of food residue from passi

40、ng into the tank. Theledges on which the scrap trays rest shall be so designed thatsurfaces beneath the ledges are easily accessible for cleaningwhen the trays are removed. Any opening around or betweenscrap trays shall be held to a minimum, and as close aspractical to the size of the scrap tray ope

41、ning.7.10 Access Door(s)Access door(s) shall be provided forease of machine clean-out. The door(s) shall be constructed ofnot less than 0.044 in. corrosion-resistant steel, or othercorrosion resisting material, and shall be rigid and stiffened asnecessary. Door safety catch(es) shall be provided for

42、 maxi-mum operator safety, the door handles shall be of insulatedhandle design. Doors shall be splashproof, and their exposededges shall be smooth and formed to prevent canting, orwarping. One door assembly shall be furnished for each tank.7.11 Legs (Feet)The machine shall be rigidly constructedand

43、have four or more legs (feet) made of corrosion-resistingsteel, or other corrosion resisting material. Legs shall beadjustable, so that the height of the track may be varied from34 to 35 in. (863.6 to 889 mm) above the floor.7.12 Pump and Motor Assemblies:7.12.1 AssembliesThe pump and motor assembly

44、 shall bemounted on the tank or on a rigid steel base. Rotary seals shallbe provided for pump shafts and shall be removable forservicing.7.12.2 PumpPump casings shall be cast iron or corrosion-resisting material (see Specification A 436) and shall have aremovable cover or inspection plate, or be of

45、such a design asto permit ease of accessibility for inspection and removal offoreign items from the impeller and interior. The pump shalleither be self-draining or equipped with means for draining.The shaft shall be of corrosion-resisting steel, properly alignedand supported. The impeller shall be c

46、orrosion-resisting mate-rial or iron alloy and shall be in dynamic balance. The pumpshall have at least two ball or roller bearings, except when thepump and motor are mounted on the same shaft, at least twoball or roller bearings shall be provided for the motor andpump. The pump suction intake shall

47、 be provided with acorrosion-resistant strainer or shroud.7.13 HeatingStyle 1, 2, and 3 machines shall be capableof maintaining required temperature levels in the tanks.7.13.1 Style 1Style 1 machines shall be suitable foroperation with a steam supply flow pressure of from 20 to 35psi (137.9 to 241.3

48、 kPa). Temperature regulators (thermostats)shall be provided for maintaining the proper water temperaturein the tanks. Low water protection shall be provided. Steamheat will be provided by tube type heat exchangers, steaminjectors, or a combination of both. The minimum operatingpressure shall be spe

49、cified by the manufacturer and themaximum operating pressure shall not exceed 35 psi (241.3kPa).7.13.2 Style 2Style 2 machines shall be equipped withelectric heater elements and sheaths of 300 series corrosionresistant steel or other corrosion resisting material. They shallbe provided with temperature regulators (thermostats) formaintaining the proper water temperature in the tanks. Lowwater protection shall be provided.7.13.3 Style 3Style 3 machines shall be equipped with agas burner assembly including safety pilots (or equivalent),shu


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