ASTM F2088-2011b Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Infant Swings《婴儿秋千的标准消费者安全规范》.pdf

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ASTM F2088-2011b Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Infant Swings《婴儿秋千的标准消费者安全规范》.pdf_第1页
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1、Designation: F2088 11bStandard Consumer Safety Specification forInfant Swings1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2088; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parenth

2、eses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.INTRODUCTIONThis consumer safety specification addresses infant swing incidents identified by the U.S. ConsumerProduct Safety Commission (CPSC).In response to incid

3、ent data compiled by the CPSC, this consumer safety specification attempts tominimize the following: (1) swings tipping over or collapsing, (2) structural failures, and (3)entanglement in the restraints or entrapment in leg holes. This consumer safety specification isintended to cover normal use and

4、 reasonably foreseeable misuse or abuse of infant swings. Thisspecification does not cover swings that are blatantly misused or used in a careless manner thatdisregards the safety instructions and warnings provided with each infant swing.This consumer safety specification is written within the curre

5、nt state-of-the-art of infant swingtechnology and will be updated whenever substantive information becomes available that necessitatesadditional requirements or justifies the revision of existing requirements.1. Scope1.1 This consumer safety specification establishes safetyperformance requirements,

6、test methods, and labeling require-ments to minimize the hazards to infants presented by swingsas identified in the introduction.1.2 This consumer safety specification is intended to mini-mize the risk of injuries to infants resulting from normal useand reasonably foreseeable misuse or abuse of infa

7、nt swings. Itis not intended to address all incidents and injuries resultingfrom the interaction of other persons with the infant in theswing.1.3 No swing produced after the approval date of thisconsumer safety specification shall, either by label or othermeans, indicate compliance with this specifi

8、cation unless itconforms to all requirements contained herein.1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematicalconversions to SI units that are provided for information onlyand are not considered standard.1.5 The following preca

9、utionary caveat pertains only to thetest method portion, Section 7, of this consumer safety speci-fication: This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and

10、health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D3359 Test Methods for Measuring Adhesion by Tape TestF963 Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety2.2 Federal Standards:16 CFR Part 1303 Ban of Lead-Containing Pai

11、nt andCertain Consumer Products Bearing Lead-ContainingPaint316 CFR Part 1500 Hazardous Substances Act Regulationsincluding sections:1500.48Technical Requirements for Determining aSharp Point in Toys or Other Articles Intended for Use byChildren Under Eight Years of Age31500.49Technical Requirements

12、 for Determining aSharp Metal or Glass Edge in Toys or Other ArticlesIntended for Use by Children Under Eight Years of Age31500.50-.51Test Method for Simulating Use and Abuseof Toys and Other Articles Intended for Use by Children316 CFR Part 1501 Method for Identifying Toys and OtherArticles Intende

13、d for Use by Children Under Three Yearsof Age Which Present Choking, Aspiration, or Ingestion1This consumer safety specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Commit-tee F15 on Consumer Products and is the direct responsibility of SubcommitteeF15.21 on Infant Carriers, Bouncers and Baby Swings.C

14、urrent edition approved Oct. 1, 2011. Published November 2011. Originallyapproved in 2001. Last previous edition approved in 2011 as F2088 11a. DOI:10.1520/F2088-11B.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual B

15、ook of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents,732 N. Capitol St., NW, Mail Stop: SDE, Washington, DC 20401.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO B

16、ox C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.Hazards Because of Small Parts32.3 Other Documents:CAMI Infant Dummy, Mark II (see Fig. 1)4CAMI Newborn Dummy (see Fig. 2)53. Terminology3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.1.1 conspicuous, na label which is visible, when theu

17、nit is in a manufacturers recommended use position, to aperson standing near the unit at any one position around theinfant swing but not necessarily visible from all positions.3.1.2 cradle swing, nan infant swing which is intendedfor use by a child lying flat.3.1.3 dynamic load, napplication of impu

18、lsive forcethrough free fall of a weight.3.1.4 infant swing, na stationary unit with a frame andpowered mechanism that enables an infant to swing in a seatedposition. An infant swing is intended for use with infants frombirth until a child is able to sit up unassisted.3.1.5 manufacturers recommended

19、 use position, nanyposition, that is presented as a normal, allowable, or acceptableconfiguration for the use of the product by the manufacturer inany descriptive or instructional literature. This specificallyexcludes positions that the manufacturer shows in a likemanner in its literature to be unac

20、ceptable, unsafe, or notrecommended.3.1.6 non-paper label, nany label material (such as plasticor metal) which either will not tear without the aid of tools ortears leaving a sharply defined edge.3.1.7 occupant, nthat individual who is in a product thatis set up in one of the manufacturers recommend

21、ed usepositions.3.1.8 paper label, nany label material which tears withoutthe aid of tools and leaves a fibrous edge.3.1.9 static load, na vertically downward force applied bya calibrated force gage or by dead weights.3.1.10 structural component, nany load bearing memberor part of the product that s

22、upports the weight or portion of theweight of the occupant.3.1.11 travel swing, na low profile, compact swing havinga distance of 6 in. or less between the underside of the seatbottom and the support surface (floor) at any point in the seatsrange of motion.4. Calibration and Standardization4.1 All t

23、esting shall be conducted on a concrete floor thatmay be covered with18 in. (3 mm) thick vinyl floor covering,unless test instructs differently.4.2 The product shall be completely assembled, unlessotherwise noted, in accordance with the manufacturers in-structions.4.3 No testing shall be conducted w

24、ithin 48 h of manufac-turing.4.4 The product to be tested shall be in a room with anambient temperature of 73 6 9F (23 6 5C) for at least 1hour prior to testing. Testing then shall be conducted withinthis temperature range.4.5 All testing required by this specification shall be con-ducted on the sam

25、e unit.5. General Requirements5.1 Hazardous Sharp Edges or PointsThere shall be nohazardous sharp points or edges as defined by 16 CFR 1500.48and 16 CFR 1500.49 before and after testing to the consumersafety specification.5.2 Small PartsThere shall be no small parts as defined by16 CFR 1501 before t

26、esting or liberated as a result of thistesting to this specification.5.3 The paint and surface coating on the product shallcomply to 16 CFR 1303.5.4 Wood PartsPrior to testing, any exposed wood partsshall be smooth and free from splinters.4Department of Transportation Memorandum Report AAC-119-74-14

27、, RevisionII, Drawing No. SA-1001 by Richard Chandler, July 2, 1974. Federal AviationAdministration, Civil Aeromedical Institute, Protection and Survival Laboratory,Aeromedical Center, Oklahoma City, OK 73125.5Drawing numbers 126-0000 through 126-0015 (sheets 1 through 3), 126-0017through 126-0027,

28、a parts list entitled “Parts List for CAMI Newborn Dummy”, anda construction manual entitled, “Construction of the Newborn Infant Dummy” (July1992). Copies of the materials may be inspected at NHTSAs Docket Section, 400Seventh Street, SW., Room 5109, Washington, DC, or at the Office of the FederalRe

29、gister, 800 North Capitol Street, NW., suite 700, Washington, DC.FIG. 1 CAMI Infant Dummy, Mark IIFIG. 2 CAMI Newborn DummyF2088 11b25.5 Scissoring, Shearing, PinchingAproduct, when in themanufacturers recommended use position, shall be designedand constructed so as to prevent injury to the occupant

30、 fromany scissoring, shearing, or pinching when members or com-ponents rotate about a common axis or fastening point, slide,pivot, fold or otherwise move relative to one another. Scissor-ing, shearing, or pinching that may cause injury could existwhen the edges of any rigid parts admit a probe great

31、er than0.210 in. (5.33 mm) and less than 0.375 in. (9.53 mm) diameterat any accessible point throughout the range of motion of suchparts.5.6 OpeningsHoles or slots that extend entirely though awall section of any rigid material less than 0.375-in. (9.53-mm)thick and admit a 0.210-in. (5.33-mm) diame

32、ter rod shall alsoadmit a 0.375-in. (9.53-mm) diameter rod. Holes or slots thatare between 0.210-in. (5.33-mm) and 0.375-in. (9.53-mm) andhave a wall thickness less than 0.375-in. (9.53-mm), but arelimited in depth to 0.375-in. (9.53-mm) maximum by anotherrigid surface shall be permissible (see Fig.

33、 3). The product shallbe evaluated in all manufacturers recommended use positions.5.7 Exposed Coil SpringsAny exposed coil spring whichis accessible to the occupant, having or capable of generatinga space between coils of 0.210 in (5.33 mm) or greater duringstatic load testing (see 7.2.2) shall be c

34、overed or otherwisedesigned to prevent injury from entrapment.5.8 Protective ComponentsIf a child can grasp compo-nents between the thumb and forefinger, or teeth, (such as caps,sleeves, or plugs used for protection from sharp edges, points,or entrapment of fingers or toes), or if there is at least

35、a 0.040in. (1.00 mm) gap between the component and its adjacentparent component, such component shall not be removed whentested in accordance with Labeling:5.9.1 Warning labels, (whether paper or non paper) shall bepermanent when tested per Warning statements applied directly onto

36、the surfaceof the product by hot stamping, heat transfer, printing, woodburning, etc. shall be permanent when tested per Non-paper labels shall not liberate small parts whentested in accordance with ToysToy accessories attached to, removable from, orsold with an infant swing, as w

37、ell as their means of attachment,must meet applicable requirements of Consumer Safety Speci-fication F963.FIG. 3 Opening ExamplesF2088 11b35.10.1 Toy mobiles that attach solely to an infant swing arenot required to contain labeling as stated in Consumer SafetySpecification F963, Section 5, Safety La

38、beling for Mobiles,and Section 6, Instructional Literature for Mobiles.5.10.2 Toy mobiles included with the swing that have toyswithin the reach of the occupant shall not detach rigidcomponents when tested in accordance with 7.11. Detachmentof a soft toy only is not considered a failure.6. Performan

39、ce Requirements6.1 Structural IntegrityAll tests that cover static anddynamic loading are to be performed sequentially on the sameproduct and in the sequence listed in the standard withoutrefurbishing or repositioning of adjustment, if any.6.1.1 Dynamic LoadThe swing shall support a dynamicload and

40、there shall be no failure of seams, breakage ofmaterials, or changes of adjustments that could cause theproduct to not fully support the child or create a hazardouscondition as defined in Section 5 after testing in accordancewith Static LoadThe swing shall support a static load andthere

41、shall be no failure of seams, breakage of materials, orchanges of adjustments that could cause the product to not fullysupport the child or create a hazardous condition as defined inSection 5 after testing in accordance with Stability TestThe swing shall not tip over when testedaccording t

42、o Unintentional FoldingThe swing shall remain in themanufacturers recommended use position when tested per 7.4.If a unit is designed with a latching or locking device, thatdevice shall remain engaged and operative after testing.6.3.1 Threaded fasteners used to attach structural compo-nents s

43、hall have a locking mechanism such as lock washers,self-locking nuts or other means to prevent detachment due tovibration.6.4 Restraint SystemA restraint system shall be providedto secure a child in the seated positions in any of themanufacturers recommended use positions.6.4.1 The restraint system

44、shall include both waist andcrotch restraint designed such that the crotch restraints use ismandatory when the restraint system is in use.6.4.2 Swings with a seat back angle greater than 50measured in accordance with 7.12 shall include shoulder strapsas part of the restraint system.6.4.3 This system

45、 and its closing means shall not slip morethan 1 in. (25 mm), break, separate, or permit the removal ofthe test dummy when tested per A connecting means and adjustment means for thewaist restraint shall be capable of usage independent of oneanother. The connecting means shall not be an adj

46、ustmentmeans but may have one integrally attached to it.6.4.5 Before shipment, the restraint system must be attachedto the swing in such a manner as to not become detachedthrough normal use.6.4.6 If the swing seat has a tray or other component thatcreates a completely bounded opening in front of the

47、 occupant,a passive crotch restraint system shall be included and designedsuch that its use is mandatory when the tray or other compo-nent is in use.6.5 Passive Crotch Restraint SystemFor products with atray or other component that creates a completely boundedopening in front of the occupant.6.5.1 T

48、here shall be no vertical gap between the passivecrotch restraint and either the tray or seating surface that allowsfree passage of a 1.5-in. (38-mm) diameter by 3-in. (76-mm)long rod from one leg opening to the other.6.5.2 The leg openings on each side of the passive crotchrestraint shall not allow

49、 complete passage of the wedge blockwhen tested in accordance with Cradle Swing OrientationThe angle of the cradleswing surface along the dummys head-to-toe axis relative tothe horizontal shall not be greater than 5 when tested inaccordance to Swings Containing Battery Compartment(s) (remotecontrol devices are exempt from the requirements in 6.7):6.7.1 Each battery compartment or area immediately adja-cent to the battery compartment shall be marked permanentlyand legibly to show the correct battery polarity, size, an


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