ASTM F2230-2002 Standard Guide for In-situ Burning of Oil Spills on Water Ice Conditions《水面漏油现场燃烧的标准指南 冻结条件》.pdf

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ASTM F2230-2002 Standard Guide for In-situ Burning of Oil Spills on Water Ice Conditions《水面漏油现场燃烧的标准指南 冻结条件》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM F2230-2002 Standard Guide for In-situ Burning of Oil Spills on Water Ice Conditions《水面漏油现场燃烧的标准指南 冻结条件》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM F2230-2002 Standard Guide for In-situ Burning of Oil Spills on Water Ice Conditions《水面漏油现场燃烧的标准指南 冻结条件》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM F2230-2002 Standard Guide for In-situ Burning of Oil Spills on Water Ice Conditions《水面漏油现场燃烧的标准指南 冻结条件》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: F 2230 02Standard Guide forIn-situ Burning of Oil Spills on Water: Ice Conditions1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 2230; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A

2、 number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This guide addresses in-situ burning as a response toolfor oil spills occurring on waters with ice present.1.2 There are several meth

3、ods of control or cleanup ofspilled oil. In-situ burning, mechanical recovery, dispersantapplication or natural recovery are the usual options available.1.3 The purpose of this guide is to provide the user withgeneral information on in-situ burning in ice conditions as ameans of controlling and remo

4、ving spilled oil. It is intended asa reference to plan an in-situ burn of spilled oil.1.4 This guide outlines procedures and describes someequipment that can be used to accomplish an in-situ burn in iceconditions. The guide includes a description of typical icesituations where in-situ burning of oil

5、 has been found to beeffective.1.5 In making in-situ burn decisions, appropriate govern-ment authorities should be consulted as required by law.1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standa

6、rd to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory requirements prior to use. Specific precau-tionary information is given in Section 8. Guide F 1788addresses operational considerations.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2F 1788 Guide for B

7、urning of Oil Spills on Water: Environ-mental and Operational Consideration3. Terminology3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.1.1 brash icefloating ice fragments less than 2 m across.3.1.2 close pack icepack ice with concentration of 7/10 to8/ fast iceice attached to the shor

8、eline.3.1.4 fire-resistant boom (FR)boom designed to containburning oil.3.1.5 fracture or leadany break or rupture through veryclose pack ice, compact pack ice, fast ice or a single floe.3.1.6 frazil or grease iceice crystals forming on surface ofwater.3.1.7 fresh oiloil recently spilled, remaining

9、un-weathered and unemulsified.3.1.8 ice coveragea combination of ice pans, ice chunks,bergy bits covering 10 % to near 100 % coverage of watersurface, more accurately described using other terms in thissection such as close pack ice, open water, and so forth.3.1.9 in-situ-burningburning of oil direc

10、tly on the watersurface.3.1.10 melt poolsaccumulations of melt water on thesurface of ice during thawing.3.1.11 open drift iceice concentration of 4/10 to 6/ open waterless than 1/10 ice concentration.3.1.13 residuethe material, excluding airborne emissions,remaining after the oil stops bur

11、ning.3.1.14 rotten icesea ice that has become honeycombedand is disintegrating.3.1.15 very close pack icepack ice with concentration of9/10 to 10/ very open drift iceice concentration of 1/10 to3/10.4. Significance and Use4.1 This guide is meant to aid local and regional spillresponse teams

12、 during spill response planning and spill events.5. General Considerations for Making In-situ BurnDecisions5.1 For marine spills of oil in ice conditions, in-situ burningshould be given equal consideration with other spill counter-measures and may be the best available technology for iceconditions.5

13、.2 The decision of whether or not to use in-situ burning ina given spill situation is always one involving trade-offs, thatis, smoke plume and residue.5.3 One of the limitations of recovery techniques for float-ing oil is effective containment of the slick. In-situ burning issubject to this constrai

14、nt as a minimum thickness of about 2mm is required for ignition and sustained burning of the slick.1This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F20 on HazardousSubstances and Oil Spill Response and is the direct responsibility of SubcommitteeF20.15 on In-Situ Burning.Current edition appro

15、ved Dec. 10, 2002. Published February 2003.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM In

16、ternational, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.Natural containment of spilled oil can occur in some iceconditions. The presence of ice can inhibit the spreading andweathering of the oil slick. At higher ice concentrations, oilwill spread more slowly

17、than it would in open water. When iceconcentrations are lower, spreading can still be reduced by theeffect of wind herding. Oil herded by wind can concentrateagainst ice floes and can accumulate to thicknesses capable ofsupporting combustion.5.4 In this guide, environments suitable for in-situ burni

18、ngwill be discussed. The matrix in Table 1 is provided to assistusers of this guide.6. Marine Environments6.1 For the purpose of this guide, in-situ burning in iceconditions refers to marine coastal waters, rivers and lakeswhere oil spills may occur in ice infested waters.7. Background7.1 In-situ bu

19、rning protects the marine environment fromthe effects of an oil spill by consuming the oil by fire leavingas little as 1 to 10 % oil residue on the surface of the water. Byremoving the oil from the water and ice, the impacts on thesurface and sub-surface biota are reduced. Oil released bymelting ice

20、 may ultimately impact shorelines, including criticalhabitats such as marshes and bird rookeries. Oil floating on thesurface has the potential to contact marine life. Stranding of oilin these environments may result in adverse impacts fromcontact with oil. Fresh oil burns most efficiently. The amoun

21、t ofoil spilled, the degree of ice cover and weather conditions arefactors that determine the impact of a spill and the burnabilityof the oil.7.2 In-situ burning of an oil spill requires an ignition sourcewith the ability to provide multiple ignitions. The helicoptersling-mounted drum filled with ge

22、lled gasoline or dieseldeveloped for lighting backfires during forest fire fighting, is aneffective system for igniting oil in ice conditions. Individualigniters dropped from aircraft may be used to ignite oilcontained by ice. Since burning is most efficient when the oilis relatively fresh and unemu

23、lsified, sources of ignition shouldbe identified by response planners in their pre-spill contingencyplanning.8. Recommendations8.1 Use of helicopter-mounted ignition systems or indi-vidual igniters is a hazardous operation and all applicablesafety instructions for their use should be followed. Hazar

24、dousmaterials may have to be handled as part of the ignitionequipment. Appropriate MSDS sheets should be available andfollowed during use of this equipment.8.2 The in-situ burning of spilled oil can be accomplishedunder certain conditions:8.2.1 When oil is contained in close pack ice conditions(pack

25、 ice of 7/10 coverage or greater).8.2.2 When oil contained in drift ice conditions is sufficientthickness to sustain a burn (drift ice of 2/10 to 6/10).8.2.3 When oil is contained in fire-resistant boom (generallyopen water up to 1/10 ice coverage).8.2.4 When oil is trapped along an ice floe or herd

26、ed bywind and has sufficient thickness to support a burn.8.2.5 When oil is contained in melt pools on top of icesheets.8.2.6 When oil is contained in open fractures or leads in ice.8.2.7 When oil is flowing under ice in a stream and ice canbe slotted to bring oil to surface to burn.8.2.8 When oil is

27、 spilled on surface of ice and has sufficientthickness to support a burn.8.3 In-situ burning of oil may require certain regulatoryapprovals.8.4 Although in-situ burns are efficient, there always willremain some residue and provisions for the recovery of thatresidue should be included in in-situ burn

28、 response planning.9. Keywords9.1 ice conditions; in-situ burning; oil spillsTABLE 1Type of Waters Status of Oil BurnabilityMarine Coastal WatersOpen water (0/10 to 1/10) Contained fire-resistant(FR) boom Burn oil in boomVery open drift ice (1/10 to 3/10) Possibly contained by FR boom Burn oil in bo

29、omOpen drift ice (4/10 to 6/10) Herded by wind or contained by ice Burn oil where sufficient thicknessClose pack ice (7/10 to 8/10) Contained by ice leads or floes Burn oil in leads and between floesVery close pack ice (9/10 to 10/10) Contained in leads and fractures Burn oil in leads and fracturesF

30、ast ice Contained on surface of ice Burn oil where sufficient thicknessMelt pools Oil contained on melt pools or on surface through brine channels Burn oil where sufficient thicknessRiversOpen water Deflect and contain oil in FR boom Burn oil in boomBrash, moving ice conditions Look for areas of oil

31、 pooled by wind, current or ice Burn where sufficient thicknessSolid ice, oil under ice Slot ice, deflect oil to surface to burn Burn oil where pooled on surfaceSolid ice, oil on top of ice Dam oil on top of ice to contain and pool Burn oil where pooled on surfaceLakesOpen water Contain in FR boom B

32、urn oil in boomBrash ice conditions Look for areas of oil pooled by wind, current or ice Burn oil where sufficient thicknessSolid ice, oil under ice Drill or slot ice to bring oil to surface Burn pools of oil on surfaceSolid ice, oil on top of ice Dam oil on top of ice to contain and pool Burn oil w

33、here pooled on surfaceF2230022APPENDIXES(Nonmandatory Information)X1. HISTORICAL BURNS AND SPILL STUDIES (1)X1.1 See Table X1.1.X2. BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON ARCTIC IN-SITU BURNINGX2.1 Several field experiments have been conducted in theArctic waters off Norway to determine the feasibility ofburning

34、 oil in ice infested waters. One experiment involved therelease of 30 tons of fresh crude oil. It was observed that the oilweathered more slowly and to a lesser extent in ice than itwould have in open water (2)3. After approximately 10 days,3The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of r

35、eferences at the end ofthis standard.TABLE X1.1 Historical Burns and Spill StudiesYearCountryLocationDescription Events Lessons1958 Canada Mackenzie River, NWT First recorded use of in-situ burning, on river usinglog boomsIn-situ burning possible with use of containment1967 Britain TORREY CANYON Car

36、go tanks difficult to ignite with military devices There maybe limitations to burning1969 HOLLAND Series of experiments Igniter KONTAX tested, many slicks burned Burning at sea is possible1970 Canada ARROW Limited success burning in confined pools Confinement may be necessary for burning1970 SWEDEN

37、OTHELLO/KATELYSIA Oil burned among ice and in pools Can burn oil contained by ice1970 Canada Deception Bay Oil burned among ice and in pools Can burn in ice and in pools1973 Canada Rimouskiexperiment Several burns of various oils on mud flats Demonstrated high removal rates possible, 75 %1975 Canada

38、 Balaena Bayexperiment Multiple slicks from underice oil ignited Demonstrated ease of burning oil on ice1976 U.S.A. ARGO MERCHANT Tried to ignite thin slicks at sea Not able to burn thin slicks on open water1976 Canada Yellowknifeexperiment Parameters controlling burning not oil type alone Parameter

39、s controlling burning not oil type alone1978-82 Canada Series of experiments Studied many parameters of burning Found limitations to burning was thickness1979 Mid-AtlanticATLANTIC EMPRESS/AEGEAN CAPTAINUncontained oil burned at sea after accident Uncontained slicks will burn at sea directly after sp

40、ill1979 Canada IMPERIAL ST. CLAIR Burned oil in ice conditions Can readily burn fuels amongst ice1980 Canada McKinley Bayexperiment Several tests involving igniters, different thicknesses Test of igniters, measured burn rates1981 Canada McKinley Bayexperiment Tried to ignite emulsions Noted difficul

41、ty in burning emulsions1983 Canada EDGAR JORDAIN Vessel containing fuels and nearby fuel ignited Practical effectiveness of burning amongst ice1983 U.S.A. Beaufort Seaexperiment Oil burned in broken ice Ability to burn in broken ice1984 Canada series of experiments Tested the burning of uncontained

42、slicks Uncontained burning only possible in few conditions1984-5 U.S.A. Beaufort Seaexperiment Burning with various ice coverages tested Burning with various ice coverages possible1984-6 U.S.A. OHMSETTexperiments Oil burned among ice but not with high water content Ice concentration not important, E

43、mulsions dont burn1985 Canada Offshore Atlanticexperiment Oil among ice burned after physical experiment Ease of burning amongst ice1985 Canada EssoCalgaryexperiments Several slicks in ice leads burned Ease of burning in leads1986 Canada Ottawaexperiments/analysis Analyzed residue and soot from seve

44、ral burns Analysis shows PAHs about same in oil and residue1986 U.S.A. Seattle and Deadhorseexper. Test of the Helitorch and other igniters First demonstrations of Helitorch as practical1986-91 U.S.A. NISTexperiments Many lab-scale experiments Science of burning, rates, soot, heat transfer1986-91 Ca

45、nada Ottawaanalysis on above Analyzed residue and soot from several burns Found PAHs and others - not major problem1989 U.S.A. EXXON VALDEZ A test burn performed using a fire-proof boom One burn demonstrated practicality and ease1991 U.S.A. First set of Mobile experiments Several test burns in newly

46、-constructed pan Several physical findings and first emission results1992 U.S.A. Second set of Mobile burns Several test burns in pan Several physical findings and emission results1992 Canada Several test burns in Calgary Emissions measured and Ferrocene tested Showed smokeless burn possible1993 Can

47、ada Newfoundland Offshore burn Successful burn on full scale off shore Hundreds of measurements, practicality demonstrated1994 U.S.A. Third set of Mobile burns Large scale diesel burns to test sampler Many measurements taken1994 U.S.A. North Slope burns Large scale burn to measure smoke Trajectory a

48、nd deposition determined1994 Norway Series of Spitzbergen burns Large scale burns of crude and emulsions Large area of ignition results in burn of emulsions1994 Norway Series of Spitzbergen burns Try of uncontained burn Uncontained burn largely burned1996 Britain Burn test First containment burn tes

49、t in Britain Demonstrated practicality of technique1996 U.S.A. Test burns in Alaska Igniters and boom tested Some measurements taken1997 U.S.A. Fourth set of mobile burns Small scale diesel burns to test booms Emissions measured and booms tested1997 U.S.A. North Slope tank tests Conducted several tests on waves/burning Waves not strongly constraining on burning1998 U.S.A. Fifth set of mobile burns Small scale diesel burns to test booms Emissions measured and booms testedF2230023samples of the oil showed that it had lost 20 % of its volumedue to evapora


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