ASTM F2380-2004(2016) Standard Test Method for Performance of Conveyor Toasters《传送带式烤炉性能的标准试验方法》.pdf

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ASTM F2380-2004(2016) Standard Test Method for Performance of Conveyor Toasters《传送带式烤炉性能的标准试验方法》.pdf_第1页
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1、Designation: F2380 04 (Reapproved 2016) An American National StandardStandard Test Method forPerformance of Conveyor Toasters1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2380; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision

2、, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This test method evaluates the energy consumption andcooking performance of conveyor toasters. The food

3、serviceoperator can use this evaluation to select a conveyor toaster andunderstand its energy consumption.1.2 This test method is applicable to gas and electricconveyor toasters.1.3 The conveyor toaster can be evaluated with respect tothe following (where applicable):1.3.1 Energy input rate and preh

4、eat temperature profile(10.2),1.3.2 Preheat energy consumption and time (10.3),1.3.3 Idle energy rate (10.4),1.3.4 Pilot energy rate (if applicable, 10.5),1.3.5 Cooking energy rate (10.8), and1.3.6 Production capacity (10.8).1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas standard. Th

5、e SI units given in parentheses are for informa-tion only.1.5 This test method may involve hazardous materials,operations, and equipment. This standard does not purport toaddress all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with itsuse. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard toestab

6、lish appropriate safety and health practices and deter-mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D3588 Practice for Calculating Heat Value, CompressibilityFactor, and Relative Density of Gaseous Fuels2.2 ASHRAE Document:ASHRAE Guideline

7、2 (RA90) Engineering Analysis of Ex-perimental Data32.3 UL Document:UL 1026 Electric Household Cooking and Food ServiceAppliances43. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 conveyor toaster, nan appliance for caramelizingbread products that carries the bread product on a belt or chaininto and through a hea

8、ted chamber. The chamber may beheated by gas or electric forced convection, radiants, or quartztubes. Top and bottom heat may be independently controlled.3.1.2 cooking energy rate, naverage rate of energy con-sumption (Btu/h or kW) during the production capacity tests.3.1.3 energy input rate, npeak

9、rate at which a conveyortoaster consumes energy (Btu/h or kW).3.1.4 idle energy rate, nthe conveyor toasters rate ofenergy consumption (kW or Btu/h), when empty, required tomaintain its cavity temperature at the predetermined tempera-ture set point.3.1.5 toaster cavity, nthat portion of the conveyor

10、 toasterin which bread products are heated or toasted.3.1.6 pilot energy rate, nrate of energy consumption(Btu/h) by a conveyor toasters continuous pilot (if applicable).3.1.7 preheat energy, namount of energy consumed (Btuor kWh), by the conveyor toaster while preheating its cavityfrom ambient temp

11、erature to the determined steady statetemperature.3.1.8 preheat time, ntime (min) required for the conveyortoaster cavity to preheat from ambient temperature to thespecified set point.3.1.9 production capacity, nmaximum rate (slices/h) atwhich a conveyor toaster can bring the specified bread product

12、to a specified “toasted” condition.1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F26 on FoodService Equipment and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F26.06 onProductivity and Energy Protocol.Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2016. Published November 2016. Originallyapproved

13、in 2004. Last previous edition approved in 2010 as F2380 04 (2010).DOI: 10.1520/F2380-04R16.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document S

14、ummary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE), 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA30329, http:/ from Underwriters Laboratories (UL), 333 Pfingsten Rd.,Northbrook, IL 60062-2096, http:/

15、.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States13.1.10 production rate, nrate (slices/h) at which a con-veyor toaster brings the specified food product to a specified“toasted” condition. This does not necessarily refer to maxi-mum ra

16、te. Production rate varies with the amount of food beingtoasted.3.1.11 uncertainty, nmeasure of systematic and precisionerrors in specified instrumentation or measure of repeatabilityof a reported test result.4. Summary of Test Method4.1 Energy input rate is determined to confirm that theconveyor to

17、aster is operating within 5 % of the nameplateenergy input rate. For gas conveyor toaster, the pilot energyrate and the fan and control energy rates are also determined.4.2 Preheat energy and time are determined.4.3 Idle energy rate is determined.4.4 Production rate is determined using sliced bread

18、as afood product.5. Significance and Use5.1 The energy input rate test is used to confirm that theconveyor toaster is operating properly prior to further testing.5.2 Preheat energy and time can be useful to food serviceoperators to manage power demands and to know how quicklythe conveyor toaster can

19、 be ready for operation.5.3 Idle energy rate and pilot energy rate can be used toestimate energy consumption during non-cooking periods. Inaddition, a power saving mode (if applicable) will demonstrateenergy savings during idle periods.5.4 Production capacity information can help an end user tobette

20、r understand the production capabilities of a conveyortoaster as it is used to cook a typical food product and thiscould help in specifying the proper size and quantity ofequipment. If production information is desired using a foodproduct other than the specified test food, the test method couldbe a

21、dapted and applied.6. Apparatus6.1 Analytical Balance Scale, for measuring weights up to20 lb, with a resolution of 0.01 lb and an uncertainty of 0.01 lb.6.2 Barometer, for measuring absolute atmosphericpressure, to be used for adjustment of measured natural gasvolume to standard conditions. It shal

22、l have a resolution of 0.2in. Hg and an uncertainty of 0.2 in. Hg.6.3 Gas Meter, for measuring the gas consumption of aconveyor toaster, shall be a positive displacement type with aresolution of at least 0.01 ft3and a maximum uncertainty nogreater than 1 % of the measured value for any demand greate

23、rthan 2.2 ft3/h. If the meter is used for measuring the gasconsumed by the pilot lights, it shall have a resolution of atleast 0.01 ft3and a maximum uncertainty no greater than 2 %of the measured value.6.4 Pressure Gage, for monitoring natural gas pressure. Itshall have a range of zero to 10 in. wat

24、er, a resolution of 0.5 in.water, and a maximum uncertainty of 1 % of the measuredvalue.6.5 Stop Watch, with a 1-s resolution.6.6 Temperature Sensor, for measuring natural gas tempera-ture in the range of 50 to 100F with an uncertainty of 61F.6.7 Thermocouple, high temperature glass insulated, 24gag

25、e, type K thermocouple wire, connected at the exposed endsby tightly twisting or soldering the two wires together.6.8 Watt-Hour Meter, for measuring the electrical energyconsumption of a conveyor toaster, shall have a resolution of atleast 10 Wh and a maximum uncertainty no greater than 1.5 %of the

26、measured value for any demand greater than 100 W. Forany demand less than 100 W, the meter shall have a resolutionof at least 10 Wh and a maximum uncertainty no greater than10 %.7. Reagents and Materials7.1 Bread for Toasting, shall be a generic grocery storebrand, 1.5 6 0.1 lb white loaf with a cro

27、wn, consisting of 20slices (not including the ends) measuring approximately 4.5 by4.5 by 0.5 in. per slice. Each slice must weigh 0.065 6 0.01 lb.The bread shall be stored at room temperature 75 6 5F.NOTE 1The bread is not to have any type of topping such as a buttertop, flour top, or any seed/nut t

28、opping. Sandwich type bread is not to beused because it does not have a crown. In addition, loaves of bread thatonly have 19 slices (not including the heals) typically have too high ofindividual slice weight. The 1.5 lb of generic store brand white bread thathas 20 slices (not including the heals) m

29、ore often than not consists ofindividual slices that weigh approximately 0.065 lb which is specified forthis test method.8. Sampling and Test Units8.1 Conveyor ToasterSelect a representative productionmodel for performance testing.9. Preparation of Apparatus9.1 Install the appliance according to the

30、 manufacturersinstructions. The associated heating or cooling system shall becapable of maintaining an ambient temperature of 75 6 5F(24 6 3C) within the testing environment when the exhaustventilation system is operating.NOTE 2The ambient temperature requirements are designed to simu-late real worl

31、d kitchen temperatures and are meant to provide a reasonableguideline for the temperature requirements during testing. If a facility isnot able to maintain the required temperatures, then it is reasonable toexpect that the application of the procedure may deviate from the specifiedrequirements (if i

32、t cannot be avoided) as long as those deviations are notedon the Results Reporting Sheets.9.2 Connect the conveyor toaster to a calibrated energy testmeter. For gas installations, install a pressure regulator down-stream from the meter to maintain a constant pressure of gasfor all tests. Install ins

33、trumentation to record both the pressureand temperature of the gas supplied to the conveyor toaster andthe barometric pressure during each test so that the measuredgas flow can be corrected to standard conditions. For electricinstallations, a voltage regulator may be required during tests ifthe volt

34、age supply is not within 62.5 % of the manufacturersnameplate voltage.9.3 For an electric conveyor toaster, confirm (while theconveyor toaster elements are energized) that the supplyvoltage is within 62.5 % of the operating voltage specified bythe manufacturer. Record the test voltage for each test.

35、F2380 04 (2016)2NOTE 3It is the intent of the testing procedure herein to evaluate theperformance of a conveyor toaster at its rated gas pressure or electricvoltage. If an electric unit is rated dual voltage (that is, designed to operateat either 240 or 480 V with no change in components), the volta

36、ge selectedby the manufacturer or tester, or both, shall be reported. If a conveyortoaster is designed to operate at two voltages without a change in theresistance of the heating elements, the performance of the unit (forexample, preheat time) may differ at the two voltages.9.4 For a gas conveyor to

37、aster, adjust (during maximumenergy input) the gas supply pressure downstream from theappliances pressure regulator to within 62.5 % of the operat-ing manifold pressure specified by the manufacturer. Makeadjustments to the appliance following the manufacturersrecommendations for optimizing combustio

38、n.10. Procedure10.1 General:10.1.1 For gas appliances, record the following for each testrun: Higher heating value, Standard gas pressure and temperature used tocorrect measured gas volume to standard conditions, Measured gas temperature, Measured gas pressure,10.1.1.

39、5 Barometric pressure, Energy input rate during or immediately prior totest (for example, during the preheat for that days testing), and10.1.1.7 Ambient temperature.NOTE 4Using a calorimeter or gas chromatograph in accordance withaccepted laboratory procedures is the preferred method for det

40、erminingthe higher heating value of gas supplied to the conveyor toaster under test.It is recommended that all testing be performed with gas having a higherheating value of 1000 to 1075 Btu/ft3.10.1.2 For gas conveyor toasters, add electric energy con-sumption to gas energy for all tests, with the e

41、xception of theenergy input rate test (see 10.3).10.1.3 For electric conveyor toasters, record the followingfor each test run: Voltage while elements are energized, Energy input rate during or immediately prior totest (for example, during the preheat for that days testing), and10.1.3

42、.3 Ambient temperature.10.1.4 For each test run, confirm that the peak input rate iswithin 65 % of the rated nameplate input. If the difference isgreater than 5 %, terminate testing and contact the manufac-turer. The manufacturer may make appropriate changes oradjustments to the conveyor toaster.10.

43、2 Energy Input Rate and Preheat Temperature Profile:10.2.1 Install a thermocouple14 in. above the conveyor, atthe center of the toaster cavity (side to side and front to back).NOTE 5When placing the thermocouple wire in the toaster cavityabove the conveyor belt, it is highly suggested to feed the th

44、ermocouplewire in from the front of the unit, in the same direction as the belt travels.This will prevent the toast from fouling the thermocouple wire, whichcould get tangled in the conveyor belt. In addition, having the thermo-couple wire visible will serve as a reminder as not to place the bread o

45、verthe thermocouple when loading the toaster during the testing.10.2.2 Turn the conveyor toaster on, and set the temperaturecontrols to their maximum settings (if applicable). Record thetime, temperature, and energy consumption for one hour. Atthis time the conveyor toaster should have reached a ste

46、adystate temperature as described in Section At the end of that hour, create a temperature plot (seeFig. 1). On that plot, when the temperature reaches a steadystate (a steady state temperature is when the cavity temperatureis neither rising nor falling, but instead holding a consisten

47、ttemperature). This consistent temperature or “steady state”temperature idle will be used to determine when the unit ispreheated. The toaster is considered preheated when thetemperature reaches 95 % of its steady state temperature. If theunit has not reached a steady state temperature within an hour

48、,FIG. 1 Conveyor Toaster Preheat ProfileF2380 04 (2016)3repeat 10.2.2 and increase the monitoring time from1hto2h,or until a steady state temperature is reached.NOTE 6Research at the Food Service Technology Center indicatesthat a conveyor toaster is sufficiently preheated and ready to cook/toastwhen

49、 the toasters cavity temperature reaches 95 % of the toasters steadystate temperature. In Fig. 1, the steady state temperature is 730F, and95 % of that steady state temperature is 693F. The unit then can beconsidered preheated when it reaches 693F and ready to toast.10.2.4 In accordance with 11.4, calculate and record theconveyor toasters energy input rate and compare the result tothe rated nameplate input. For gas conveyor toasters, only theburner energy consumption is used to compare the calculatedenergy input rate with the rated


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