1、Designation: F 2474 05Standard Test Method forHeat Gain to Space Performance of Commercial KitchenVentilation/Appliance Systems1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 2474; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revis
2、ion, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This test method covers the determination of applianceheat gain to space derived from the measuremen
3、t and calcula-tion of appliance energy consumption, energy exhausted, andenergy to food, based on a system energy balance, parametricevaluation of operational or design variations in appliances,hoods, or replacement air configurations.1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas th
4、e standard. The values given in parentheses are forinformation only.1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the a
5、pplica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2F 1275 Test Method for Performance of GriddlesF 1361 Test Method for Performance of Open Deep FatFryersF 1484 Test Methods for Performance of Steam CookersF 1496 Test Method for Performance of Convection
6、OvensF 1521 Test Method for Performance of Range TopsF 1605 Test Method for Performance of Double-SidedGriddlesF 1639 Test Method for Performance of Combination Ov-ensF 1695 Test Method for Performance of Underfired BroilersF 1704 Test Method for Capture and Containment Perfor-mance of Commercial Ki
7、tchen Exhaust Ventilation Sys-temsF 1784 Test Method for Performance of Pasta CookerF 1785 Test Method for Performance of Steam KettlesF 1787 Test Method for Performance of RotisserieF 1817 Test Method for Performance of Conveyor OvensF 1991 Test Method for Performance of Chinese (Wok)RangesF 1964 T
8、est Method for Performance of Pressure and KettleFryersF 1965 Test Method for Performance of Deck OvensF 2093 Test Method for Performance of Rack OvensF 2144 Test Method for Performance of Large Open VatFryersF 2237 Test Method for Performance of Upright OverfiredBroilersF 2239 Test Method for Perfo
9、rmance of Conveyor Broilers2.2 ASHRAE Standard:3ASHRAE Guideline 2-1986 (RA96) Engineering Analysisof Experimental DataASHRAE Terminology of Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration2.3 ANSI Standards:4ANSI/ASHRAE 51 and ANSI/AMCA 210 LaboratoryMethod of Testing Fans for RatingNOTE 1
10、The replacement air and exhaust system terms and theirdefinitions are consistent with terminology used by the American Societyof Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers.5Where thereare references to cooking appliances, an attempt has been made to beconsistent with terminology used in
11、the test methods for commercialcooking appliances. For each energy rate defined as follows, there is acorresponding energy consumption that is equal to the average energy ratemultiplied by elapsed time. Electric energy and rates are expressed in W,kW, and kWh. Gas energy consumption quantities and r
12、ates are expressedin Btu, kBtu, and kBtu/h. Energy rates for natural gas-fueled appliancesare based on the higher heating value of natural gas.3. Terminology3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.1.1 energy rate, naverage rate at which an applianceconsumes energy during a specified con
13、dition (for example,idle or cooking).1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F26 on FoodService Equipment and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F26.07 onCommercial Kitchen Ventilation.Current edition approved March 1, 2005. Published March 2005.2For referenced ASTM s
14、tandards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning En
15、gineers, Inc. (ASHRAE), 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA303294Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,4th Floor, New York, NY 10036.5The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the endof these test methods.1Copyright ASTM Internationa
16、l, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.3.1.2 appliance/hood energy balance, nmathematical ex-pression of appliance, exhaust system, and food energy rela-tionship.actual appliance energy consumption= heat gain to space from appliance(s) + energy exhaust
17、ed + energy-to-food, if any3.1.3 cold start, ncondition in which appliances are ener-gized with all components being at nominal room temperature.3.1.4 cooking energy consumption rate, naverage rate ofenergy consumed by the appliance(s) during cooking specifiedin appliance test methods in
18、 DiscussionIn this test method, this rate is mea-sured for heavy-load cooking in accordance with the applicabletest method.3.1.5 exhaust energy rate, naverage rate at which energyis removed from the test system.3.1.6 exhaust flow rate, nvolumetric flow of air (plusother gases and particulates) throu
19、gh the exhaust hood, mea-sured in standard cubic feet per minute, scfm (standard litre persecond, sL/s). This also shall be expressed as scfm per linearfoot (sL/s per linear metre) of active exhaust hood length.3.1.7 energy-to-food rate, naverage rate at which energyis transferred from the appliance
20、 to the food being cooked,using the cooking conditions specified in the applicable testmethods.3.1.8 fan and control energy rate, naverage rate of energyconsumed by fans, controls, or other accessories associatedwith cooking appliance(s). This energy rate is measured duringpreheat, idle, and cooking
21、 tests.3.1.9 heat gain energy rate from appliance(s), naveragerate at which energy is transferred from appliance(s) to the testspace around the appliance(s), exclusive of the energy ex-hausted from the hood and the energy consumed by the food,if any. DiscussionThis gain includes conductive, c
22、onvec-tive, and radiant components. In conditions of completecapture, the predominant mechanism of heat gain consists ofradiation from the appliance(s) and radiation from hood. In thecondition of hood spillage, heat is gained additionally byconvection.3.1.10 hood capture and containment, nability of
23、 thehood to capture and contain grease-laden cooking vapors,convective heat, and other products of cooking processes.Hood capture refers to the products getting into the hoodreservoir from the area under the hood while containmentrefers to the products staying in the hood reservoir.3.1.11 idle energ
24、y consumption rate, naverage rate atwhich an appliance consumes energy while it is idling, holding,or ready-to-cook, at a temperature specified in the applicabletest method from latent heat gain, nenergy added to the test systemby the vaporization of liquids that remain in the vapor phase
25、prior to being exhausted, for example, by vapor emitted byproducts of combustion and cooking processes.3.1.13 makeup air handling hardware: diffuser, noutlet discharging supply air in variousdirections and planes. grille, ncovering for any opening through whichair passes. reg
26、ister, n grille equipped with a damper. throw, nhorizontal or vertical axial distance anair stream travels after leaving an air outlet before maximumstream velocity is reduced to a specified terminal velocity, forexample, 100, 150, or 200 ft/min (0.51, 0.76, or 1.02 m/s).3.1.14 measured ener
27、gy input rate, nmaximum or peakrate at which an appliance consumes energy measured duringappliance preheat, that is, measured during the period ofoperation when all gas burners or electric heating elements areset to the highest setting.3.1.15 radiant heat gain, nfraction of the space energygain prov
28、ided by radiation. DiscussionRadiant heat gain is not immediatelyconverted into cooling load. Radiant energy must first beabsorbed by surfaces that enclose the space and objects in thespace. As soon as these surfaces and objects become warmerthan the space air, some of their heat is transfer
29、red to the air inthe space by convection. The composite heat storage capacityof these surfaces and objects determines the rate at which theirrespective surface temperatures increase for a given radiantinput and thus governs the relationship between the radiantportion of heat gain and its correspondi
30、ng part of the coolingload. The thermal storage effect is critically important indifferentiating between instantaneous heat gain for a givenspace and its cooling load for that moment.3.1.16 rated energy input rate, nmaximum or peak rate atwhich an appliance consumes energy as rated by the manufac-tu
31、rer and specified on the appliance nameplate.3.1.17 replacement air, nair deliberately supplied into thespace (test room), and to the exhaust hood to compensate forthe air, vapor, and contaminants being expelled (typicallyreferred to as makeup air).3.1.18 supply flow rate, nvolumetric flow of air su
32、ppliedto the exhaust hood in an airtight room, measured in standardcubic feet per minute, scfm (standard litre per second, sL/s).This also shall be expressed as scfm per linear foot (sL/s perlinear metre) of active exhaust hood length.3.1.19 threshold of capture and containment, nconditionsof hood o
33、peration in which minimum flow rates are justsufficient to capture and contain the products generated by theappliance(s). In this context, two minimum capture and con-tainment points are determined, one for appliance idle condi-tion, and the other for heavy-load cooking condition.3.1.20 uncertainty,
34、 nmeasure of the precision errors inspecified instrumentation or the measure of the repeatability ofa reported result.3.1.21 ventilation, nthat portion of supply air that isoutdoor air plus any recirculated air that has been treated forthe purpose of maintaining acceptable indoor air quality.4. Summ
35、ary of Test Method4.1 This test method is used to characterize the performanceof commercial kitchen ventilation systems. Such systemsinclude one or more exhaust-only hoods, one or more cookingappliances under the hood(s), and a means of providingF2474052replacement (makeup) air. Ventilation system p
36、erformanceincludes the evaluation of the rate at which heat is transferredto the space.4.1.1 The heat gain from appliance(s) hood system ismeasured through energy balance measurements and calcula-tions determined at specified hood exhaust flow rate(s). Whenheat gain is measured over a range of exhau
37、st flow rates, thecurve of energy gain to the test space versus exhaust ratereflects kitchen ventilation system performance, in terms ofheat gain associated with the tested appliance(s).4.1.2 In the simplest case, under idle mode, energy ex-hausted from the test system is measured and subtracted fro
38、mthe energy into the appliance(s) under the hood. The remainderis heat gain to the test space. In the cooking mode, energy tofood also must be subtracted from appliance energy input tocalculate heat gain to space.4.1.3 Figs. 1-3 show sample curves for the theoretical viewof heat gain due to hood spi
39、llage, an overall energy balance,and for heat gain versus exhaust flow rate for the general case.5. Significance and Use5.1 Heat Gain to SpaceThis test method determines theheat gain to the space from a hood/appliance system.NOTE 2To maintain a constant temperature in the conditioned space,this heat
40、 gain must be matched by space cooling. The space sensiblecooling load, in tons, then equals the heat gain in Btu/h divided by theconversion factor of 12 000 Btu/h (3.412 W) per ton of cooling.Applianceheat gain data can be used for sizing air conditioning systems. Details ofload calculation procedu
41、res can be found inASHRAE, see Ref (1) and Ref(2)5. The calculation of associated cooling loads from heat gains to the testspace at various flow rates can be used along with other information byheating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), and exhaust system design-ers to achieve energy-conservativ
42、e, integrated kitchen ventilation systemdesigns.5.2 Parametric Studies:5.2.1 This test method also can be used to conduct paramet-ric studies of alternative configurations of hoods, appliances,and replacement air systems. In general, these studies areconducted by holding constant all configuration a
43、nd opera-tional variables except the variable of interest. This testmethod, therefore, can be used to evaluate the following: The overall system performance with various appli-ances, while holding the hood and replacement air systemcharacteristics constant.5.2.2 Entire hoods or characteristic
44、s of a single hood, suchas end panels, can be varied with appliances and replacementair constant.5.2.3 Replacement air characteristics, such as makeup airlocation, direction, and volume, can be varied with constantappliance and hood variables.6. Apparatus6.1 The general configuration and apparatus n
45、ecessary toperform this test method is shown schematically in Fig. 4 anddescribed in detail in Ref (3). Example test facilities aredescribed in Refs (6-5). The exhaust hood under test isconnected to an exhaust duct and fan and mounted in anairtight room. The exhaust fan is controlled by a variable s
46、peeddrive to provide operation over a wide range of flow rates. Acomplementary makeup air fan is controlled to balance theexhaust rate, thereby maintaining a negligible static pressuredifference between the inside and outside of the test room. Thetest facility includes the following:6.1.1 Airtight R
47、oom, with sealable access door(s), to containthe exhaust hood to be tested, with specified cooking appli-ance(s) to be placed under the hood. The minimum volume ofthe room shall be 6000 ft3. The room air leakage shall notexceed 20 scfm (9.4 sL/s) at 0.2 in. w.c. (49.8 Pa).6.1.2 Exhaust and Replaceme
48、nt Air Fans, with variable-speed drives, to allow for operation over a wide range ofexhaust airflow rates.6.1.3 Control System and Sensors, to provide for automaticor manual adjustment of replacement air flow rate, relative toFIG. 1 Theoretical View of Heat GainConvective/Radiant SplitF2474053exhaus
49、t flow rate, to yield a differential static pressure betweeninside and outside of the airtight room not to exceed 0.05 in.w.c. (12.5 Pa).6.1.4 Air Flow Measurement System Laminar Flow Ele-ment, AMCA 210 or equivalent nozzle chamber, mounted inthe replacement or exhaust airstream, to measure airflow rate.NOTE 3Because of potential problems with measurement in the hot,possibly grease-laden exhaust air stream, exhaust airflow rate can bedetermined by measuring the replacement airflow rate on the supply side.This requires the design of an airtight te