ASTM F2495-2005 Standard Test Method for Determining Energy Consumption of MFDs with Copying Capability and Similar Office Imaging Equipment《有复印能力的MFDs和类似的办公成像设备的能量消耗测定的标准试验方法》.pdf

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ASTM F2495-2005 Standard Test Method for Determining Energy Consumption of MFDs with Copying Capability and Similar Office Imaging Equipment《有复印能力的MFDs和类似的办公成像设备的能量消耗测定的标准试验方法》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM F2495-2005 Standard Test Method for Determining Energy Consumption of MFDs with Copying Capability and Similar Office Imaging Equipment《有复印能力的MFDs和类似的办公成像设备的能量消耗测定的标准试验方法》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM F2495-2005 Standard Test Method for Determining Energy Consumption of MFDs with Copying Capability and Similar Office Imaging Equipment《有复印能力的MFDs和类似的办公成像设备的能量消耗测定的标准试验方法》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM F2495-2005 Standard Test Method for Determining Energy Consumption of MFDs with Copying Capability and Similar Office Imaging Equipment《有复印能力的MFDs和类似的办公成像设备的能量消耗测定的标准试验方法》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM F2495-2005 Standard Test Method for Determining Energy Consumption of MFDs with Copying Capability and Similar Office Imaging Equipment《有复印能力的MFDs和类似的办公成像设备的能量消耗测定的标准试验方法》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: F 2495 05Standard Test Method forDetermining Energy Consumption of MFDs with CopyingCapability and Similar Office Imaging Equipment1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 2495; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in

2、the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This procedure provides a test method by which multi-functional devices (MFDs) with

3、 electro-photographic copyingcapability and similar office imaging equipment may be ratedfor energy consumption.1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate saf

4、ety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 International Standards:ISO/IEC 11159 Minimum Information to be Included inSpecification SheetsCopying Machines2ISO 554 Standard Atmospheres for Conditioning and/orTesting Spec

5、ifications22.2 Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) web-site:http:/ Terminology3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.1.1 optional devicesany device added to improve thefunctionality of the base unit. They include a

6、n automaticdocument feeder (ADF), sorter, finisher and expansionmemory.3.1.2 copier speed, first copy (X)one of the convenientlevels for which the machines speed is measured. This iscalculated based on the amount of time, a1(sec), counted in anormal operating mode from the beginning of pressing thep

7、rint button of the machine to the end of ejecting the first copy,X = 60/a1(ipm). For MFDs with ADF, the amount of time, a1shall be used, counted from pressing the print button afterplacing an original or originals on the ADF to the end ofejecting the first copy.3.1.3 copier speed, multi copy (Y)one

8、of the convenientlevels for which the machines speed is measured. This iscalculated based on the amount of time, a2(sec), counted in anormal operating mode from the end of ejecting the first copyafter pressing the print button of the machine to the end ofejecting the remaining copies (b), Y =(b) 3 6

9、0/a2(ipm).Normally, the value declared in the machines specificationsshall be used.3.1.4 ready modethe condition that exists when the ma-chine is ready for copying, but has not yet started copying, andhas not entered an energy-saver mode, either.3.1.5 copying cyclethe condition that exists from theb

10、eginning to the end of a nominal job cycle (1 h) to produce acopy or copies. According to the machines multi copy speed(Y) declared in the specifications, the following are listed in JobTables: nominal monthly volumes assumed, nominal volumesper day and combinations of the number of jobs as18 day (1

11、 h)nominal jobs, the number of originals per job and the numberof copies per original.3.1.6 copying energythe amount of energy needed inexcess of ready mode energy during a copying cycle.3.1.7 copying timethe amount of time that the nominaljobs are run when testing copying energy during a copyingcyc

12、le.3.1.8 wake-up energythe amount of energy needed inexcess of ready mode energy when the machine recovers froma standard work days first sleep stand-by mode.3.1.9 energy-saver modethe condition that exists whenthe machine is not making copies and is consuming less powerthan when the machine is in a

13、 ready mode. The machine goesinto this mode after it completes a job such as copying and nojob is scheduled in a specified time period. Since the Interna-tional Energy Star Program has been used widely in the world,this has caused MFDs to have this mode. This standardparticularly designates this con

14、dition as an energy-saver modein operating hours (9 h) of a standard work day. DiscussionThe International Energy Star Programstipulates that the machine shall be set to enter an energy-savermode 15 minutes or less after the end of a job such as copying.However, on the assumption that the mac

15、hine is used in a1This test method is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee F05 on BusinessImaging Products and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F05.04 onElectrostatic Imaging Products.Current edition approved June 1, 2005. Published June 2005.2Available from American National Standard

16、s Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,4th Floor, New York, NY 10036.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United Sworked environment, considering the fact that shorter pass-ing time has been set than before because a recovery triggereasily

17、takes place and recovery time tends to be reduced, thistest method stipulates that the machine shall stay in a readymode for 10 minutes after the end of a job such as copying upuntil it starts passing to the energy-saver mode. The recoverytime from the energy-saver mode to the ready mode shall be se

18、tto 30 seconds or less. Energy-saver mode design to fulfill thisrecovery time is left to the manufacturers discretion. This testmethod provides energy calculations on the assumption that thepassing time is 10 minutes. If setting of the time shorter than 10minutes is accepted by users in the future,

19、the procedure of thistest method will be reviewed.3.1.10 sleep stand-by modethe condition with less energyconsumption than the energy-saver mode in 3.1.9. The machineenters the energy-saver mode 10 minutes after the end of a jobsuch as copying and then enters a sleep stand-by mode, if noadditional j

20、ob is scheduled in a specified time period. Nor-mally, this sleep stand-by mode stays for a whole day ofSaturday and Sunday weekends other than standard work days.As for standard work days, the machine stays in this mode atnight as a night stand-by condition. It is calculated by subtract-ing the 9 h

21、ours of operation from the 24 hours in a day.3.1.11 energy-saver recovery timethe amount of time thatthe machine takes to enter the ready mode after it comes out ofthe energy-saver mode in the 9-h operating condition of astandard work day.3.1.12 energy-saver mode timethe amount of time that themachi

22、ne is in an energy-saver mode in the 9-hour operatingcondition of a standard work day.3.1.13 lunch breakone hour assigned to a lunch break thatexists between 4-h morning and 4-h afternoon in the 9-hoperating condition of a standard work day. The machine staysin an energy-saver mode during this time

23、period.3.1.14 jobmaking a copy or copies from one or moreoriginals without interruption or delay between originals. Sincetarget machines are MFDs with copying capability, copyingshall be used for rating to represent all the jobs.3.1.15 machine energythe energy obtained by subtractingenergy consumed

24、for copying (3.1.6) from total energy con-sumed in a standard month where the machine is plugged-in 24h/day including the 9-h operating condition.3.1.16 nominal copies per daythe number of nominalcopies produced on a single machine during a nominal standardwork day.3.1.17 nominal monthly volumemonth

25、ly volume nomi-nally determined according to the copying speed band cat-egory.3.1.18 plug-in modethe condition that exists when themachine is connected to an appropriate electrical source and isnot turned on. (This mode is also referred to as hard-off mode,manual-off mode or plug-in-off mode.) This

26、corresponds to theone specified on the FEMP website.3.1.19 recovery energythe amount of energy needed inexcess of energy-saver mode energy to pass from the energy-saver mode to the ready mode.3.1.20 standard copya sheet imaged on one side thatmeasures 210 by 297 mm (A4) or 812 by 11 in. (letter size

27、).3.1.21 standard monththirty 24-h days.3.1.22 standard work daya day having an operatingcondition (9-h) including a 1-h lunch break. A standard month(30 days) has 22 days.3.1.23 wake-up modethe condition that exists when themachine comes out of a sleep stand-by mode for the first timein the morning

28、 of a day of 22 standard work days, but has notyet entered into a ready mode.3.1.24 warm-up modethe condition that exists when themachine is turned on from a plug-in mode and prior to reachingthe ready mode.3.1.25 operating conditionnine hours starting from thedays first wake-up mode on condition th

29、at recovery from thesleep stand-by mode occurs each of 22 standard work days.This consists of1hofalunch break and 8 hours of daystypical job cycles.4. Summary of Test Method4.1 The standard energy consumption rating is determined(using a watt-hour meter) for a MFD while the machine is in asimulated

30、customer installation performing copying represent-ing a typical days jobs for one eighth (1 h) of the day. Thetypical days jobs (the number of jobs, originals, and copies peroriginal) are based on the standard monthly volume assumedaccording to its copy speed. In this test method, there is nodiffer

31、ence in assumed nominal monthly volumes betweenmonochrome MFDs and color ones. In other words, since acolor MFD naturally has two copying speeds (speeds in colorand monochrome modes), this test method gives the colorMFD the nominal standard monthly volume of a monochromeMFD of which speed equals the

32、 color MFDs maximum speed(normally, in monochrome mode).4.1.1 However, since the job conditions depend on whetheror not a MFD has a color mode, separate job tables have beenprovided for color MFDs and monochrome MFDs.4.1.2 Moreover, note should be taken that two types of jobtables have been provided

33、 for color MFDs according to thestructure (1 drum: serial type, and 4 drum: parallel type).(Refer to the Job Tables in Annex A1.)4.2 The energy consumption may be calculated based on thefollowing assumptions, that the MFD will typically:4.2.1 Be connected to a live power line for thirty 24 h days(72

34、0 h) per month.4.2.2 Be in the operating condition each of 22 work days permonth and be in an operating condition for an average of 9 heach of the 22 days.4.2.3 As a result of items 4.2.2 and 3.1.23, come out of thesleep stand-by mode to enter the wake-up mode each of 22work days, since the MFD norm

35、ally has the sleep stand-bymode where the machine automatically enters after a period oftime of non-use or no job scheduled.4.2.4 As a result of Discussion in item, not enter theenergy-saver mode during a copy cycle, if the number ofnominal jobs per hour (18 of a days copying cycle) is 6 orm

36、ore in the job table and this leads to job interval of 10 minutesor less; and as a result of 3.1.13, be in the energy-saver modeduring the 1-h lunch break each of 22 work days. To facilitatethe tests, the upper limit of the number of jobs shall be 6.F24950524.2.4.1 DiscussionIn actual use, the highe

37、r the monthlycopying volume is, the larger the number of jobs is. Besides, itis less likely for the machine to go into the energy-saver mode.Considering these, the numbers of jobs are provided accordingto the nominal monthly volume in the job table and themachine behavior as follows:(1) The nominal

38、monthly volume of 35 000 or less leads tothe number of jobs of 5 or less per hour (18 day) and themachine enters the energy-saver mode during the copyingcycle; and(2) The nominal monthly volume of 42 000 or more leadsto the number of jobs of 6 per hour (18 day) and the machinedoes not enter the ener

39、gy-saver mode during the copying cycle.4.2.5 Perform a typical days copying jobs each of the 22work days each month.4.3 The rating of energy consumption per hour in a typicalmonth (kWh/h) is determined using calculations based on thetest data.5. Significance and Use5.1 This test method provides a pr

40、ocedure for measuring theenergy consumption of the product and optional devices invarious operating modes. It is intended to permit rating theenergy requirements of products by a method that will permitaccurate energy efficiency comparisons of each product withall other similar products.6. Apparatus

41、 and Supplies6.1 Watt-Hour Meter, shall be calibrated properly and havea crest factor of 3 or more.6.2 Timer, a timing device accurate to 1 s.6.3 Test Target, 210 by 297 mm (A4) or 812 by 11 in. (letter)with 4 to 8 % coverage.6.4 Paper, 210 by 297 mm (A4), 60 to 80 g/m2,812 by 11in. (letter), 20-lb

42、bond or where not applicable, use machinemanufacturers recommended paper size and weight, depend-ing on the machine sales area.7. Sampling (Equipment Under Test: EUT)7.1 The energy rating should be that for a device represen-tative of the commercially available equipment. Any modifi-cation of the pr

43、oduct or additional configurations that signifi-cantly alter energy consumption will require re-ratings oradditional ratings.7.2 Those MFDs configured with automatic duplex optionshould be rated twice for each job, once at 100 % single-sidedcopy and once at 100 % of two-sided copies (making two-side

44、dcopies from single-sided originals, each side counted as onecopy).7.3 The MFD(s) to be evaluated should be set to within themanufacturers operating specifications.8. Preparation of Apparatus8.1 Test Conditions:8.1.1 The room ambient shall be within a range of 23 63C; 50 6 10 % relative humidity in

45、compliance with ISO 554.8.1.2 The working voltage shall be machine-rated voltage 62 %. Stabilized power supply shall be used.8.1.3 The machine shall be at least 500 mm from any wallor obstacle.8.1.4 All supplies used shall be those specified by the MFDmanufacturer and preconditioned for a minimum of

46、 12 h in theroom ambient environment (see 8.1.1) prior to evaluating theMFD energy rating.8.1.5 The power supply voltage shall be supplied as a truesine wave with no more than 3 % harmonic distortion.8.1.6 The power frequency must be rated frequency 6 0.1Hz.8.1.7 The manufacturer will define the con

47、figuration (in-cluding optional devices) of the machine to be tested, thenominal monthly volume at which it will be rated (see JobTables), and both the first copy speed and multi copy speed.8.1.8 The test should be discontinued if an unusually highnumber of machine problems occur. Excess machine sto

48、ppagesmay distort the overall energy rating. A reasonable number ofpaper jams that can be readily cleared by the operator shouldnot be considered reason to discontinue the test.9. Procedure9.1 Steps 9.1.1-9.1.10 of this procedure should be com-pleted once for each test machine. The data from 9.1.5 w

49、illonly apply to one configuration and, if the machine hasconfiguration variations, the rating must be repeated for eachconfiguration for which the machine is being rated. Prior to thestart of this test, the machine should be plugged in to a livepower line but turned off and stabilized at specified roomambient conditions (indoors) for at least 12 h. An appropriatewatt-hour meter should be in line with the machine, ready togive an accurate indication of machine energy. This test shouldbe run at the machine setting that, in the op


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