ASTM F3002-2014 Standard Specification for Design of the Command and Control System for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems &40 sUAS&41 《小型无人航空器系统40 sUAS41用命令和控制系统设计的标准规范》.pdf

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ASTM F3002-2014 Standard Specification for Design of the Command and Control System for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems &40 sUAS&41 《小型无人航空器系统40 sUAS41用命令和控制系统设计的标准规范》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM F3002-2014 Standard Specification for Design of the Command and Control System for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems &40 sUAS&41 《小型无人航空器系统40 sUAS41用命令和控制系统设计的标准规范》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM F3002-2014 Standard Specification for Design of the Command and Control System for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems &40 sUAS&41 《小型无人航空器系统40 sUAS41用命令和控制系统设计的标准规范》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM F3002-2014 Standard Specification for Design of the Command and Control System for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems &40 sUAS&41 《小型无人航空器系统40 sUAS41用命令和控制系统设计的标准规范》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM F3002-2014 Standard Specification for Design of the Command and Control System for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems &40 sUAS&41 《小型无人航空器系统40 sUAS41用命令和控制系统设计的标准规范》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: F3002 14Standard Specification forDesign of the Command and Control System for SmallUnmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS)1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F3002; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revi

2、sion, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This specification is provided as a consensus standard insupport of an application to a nations gove

3、rning aviationauthority (GAA) for a permit to operate a small unmannedaircraft system (sUAS) for commercial or public use purposes.1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establi

4、sh appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2F2910 Specification for Design, Construction, and Test of aSmall Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS)F2911 Practice for Production Acceptance of a

5、 Small Un-manned Aircraft System (sUAS)F3003 Specification for Quality Assurance of a Small Un-manned Aircraft System (sUAS)2.2 EN Standard:3EN 62262 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures forelectrical equipment against external mechanical impacts(IK code)2.3 IEC Standard:3IEC 60529 Degrees o

6、f protection provided by enclosures (IPCode)3. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 bit error rate detection, BER, nrate at which errorsoccur in a transmission system; applicable to any system thattransmits data over a network of some form in which noise,interference, and phase jitter may cause degradat

7、ion of thedigital signal.3.1.2 command and control (C2) link(s), nsafety-criticalradio-frequency (RF) link(s) between the ground control sta-tion (GCS) and the unmanned aircraft (UA).3.1.3 C2 range, ndistance between GCS and UA at whichpositive control of the UA can be maintained.3.1.4 downlink, nan

8、y RF link from UA to GCS.3.1.5 flight control system, FCS, ncomposed of systemcomponents intended to take GCS commands via a C2 link andcontrol flight control surfaces and propulsion systems. DiscussionThe FCS may include autopilotfunctions, lost-link functions, fly-away protection functions,

9、payload functions, and navigation functions. The FCS may becontained in one discrete component or multiple discretecomponents.3.1.6 fly away, nunintended flight outside of operationalboundaries (altitude/airspeed/lateral) as the result of a failure ofthe control element or onboard systems, or both.3

10、.1.7 fly-away protection system, na system that willreturn the UA safely to the surface, or keep the UA within theintended operational area, when the C2 link between the pilotand the UA is lost.3.1.8 ground control station, GCS, na land- or sea-basedcontrol center that provides the facilities for hu

11、man control ofUA.3.1.9 licensed band, nany frequency or range of frequen-cies in which transmission requires permission from a govern-ing body (for example, the Federal Communications Commis-sion FCC).3.1.10 link error, ndegradation of the digital signal be-tween the GCS and the UA that can be monit

12、ored bytechniques including BER detection.3.1.11 link integrity, nacceptable rate of transactions com-pleted with undetected error.3.1.12 link timeout, ntime between the actual lost-linkevent being validated and the system initiating the lost-linkprocedure.1This test method is under the jurisdiction

13、 of ASTM Committee F38 onUnmannedAircraft Systems and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F38.01on Airworthiness.Current edition approved Jan. 15, 2014. Published January 2014. DOI: 10.1520/F3002-14.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Custome

14、r Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, http:/ ASTM Internation

15、al, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States13.1.13 lost link, noccurrence in which the pilot in com-mand (PIC) has lost the ability to control positively the sUASbecause of degradation, loss or interruption of the necessarycontrol or monitoring link(s), or

16、 both.3.1.14 manufacturer, nentity responsible for assembly andintegration of components and subsystems to create a safeoperating sUAS.3.1.15 pilot in command, PIC, nthe pilot responsible forthe operation and safety of the UA during flight time.3.1.16 positive control, na condition in which commande

17、dchanges in the UA flight path result in the expected maneu-ver(s) within an expected period of time.3.1.17 small unmanned aircraft system, sUAS,ncomposed of the small unmanned aircraft (sUA) and allrequired on-board subsystems, payload, control station, otherrequired off-board subsystems, any requi

18、red launch and recov-ery equipment, and C2 links between the sUA and the controlstation.3.1.18 unmanned aircraft, UA, nairborne portion of thesUAS.3.1.19 uplink, nany RF link from GCS to UA.3.2 Acronyms:3.2.1 BERBit Error Rate3.2.2 C2Command and Control3.2.3 FCCFederal Communications Commission3.2.4

19、 FCSFlight Control Station3.2.5 GAAGoverning Aviation Authority3.2.6 GCSGround Control Station3.2.7 GPSGlobal Positioning System3.2.8 HMIHuman/Machine Interface3.2.9 PICPilot in Command3.2.10 RFRadio Frequency3.2.11 RFIRadio Frequency Interference3.2.12 RXReceiver3.2.13 sUASmall Unmanned Aircraft3.2

20、.14 sUASSmall Unmanned Aircraft System3.2.15 TXTransmitter3.2.16 UAUnmanned Aircraft4. Applicability4.1 This standard is written for all sUAS that are permittedto operate over a defined area and in airspace authorized by anations GAA. It is assumed that one or more visual observerswill provide for t

21、he sense and avoid requirement to avoidcollisions with other aircraft and that the maximum range andaltitude at which the sUAS can be flown will be specified bythe nations GAA. Unless otherwise specified by a nationsGAA, this standard applies only to UA that have a maximumgross takeoff weight of 25

22、kg (55 lb) or less.5. Functional Architecture5.1 A high-level functional block diagram of the C2 systemis presented in Fig. 1.6. General Requirements6.1 The following are general C2 requirements involvingthe system components listed below:6.1.1 All C2 system and UA components shall minimizeRFI so as

23、 not to degrade C2 link performance below acceptablelevels.6.1.2 All C2 system and UA components shall minimizeRFI so as not to corrupt data transmitted or received over theC2 link.6.1.3 All C2 system electronic components shall be pro-tected from impacts that may occur during normal operation(an im

24、pact rating of EN 62262 IK06 is recommended).6.1.4 All C2 system electronic components shall be pro-tected from environmental conditions that may occur duringnormal operation.6.1.5 All C2 electronic devices shall be labeled with powerrequirements.6.1.6 The C2 systems antenna, associated RF connectio

25、nsand System Acceptance Test Report shall be furnished as partof the C2 system.6.1.7 Signal and power connectors for C2 electronic devicesshall provide self-locking or positive locking connectors toensure continuity of power and signal transmission duringnormal operation.6.1.8 The C2 system shall pr

26、ovide for mounting to a fixedsurface using rigid or semi-rigid fasteners. (Non-rigidfasteners, such as strings, rubber bands, and glue, are notpermitted for this purpose.)7. C2 System Spectrum Requirements7.1 Small UAS operations using unlicensed bands shall beconducted in accordance with applicable

27、 regulations.7.2 Small UAS operations using a licensed band shall obtainapproval to use that band from the appropriate governingagency.8. C2 Link8.1 Functional RequirementsThe C2 link shall provide C2link status to the UA FCS to allow the UA FCS to initiatelost-link logic when C2 link connectivity i

28、s lost.8.2 Performance Requirements:8.2.1 The rate of C2 link transactions completed withundetected error shall not exceed 0.001 %.8.2.2 The C2 link shall be capable of transmitting theminimum set of data required by the GAA.8.2.3 The C2 link shall be capable of receiving the mini-mum set of data re

29、quired by the GAA.8.2.4 The C2 link shall transmit all data that are safetycritical as established by the manufacturer.8.2.5 A loss of connectivity for longer than a maximumduration to be established by the countrys GAA shall trigger alost-link condition.8.2.6 The C2 link shall prevent unauthorized

30、ground controlstations from pairing with or controlling the UA.8.2.7 The C2 link shall be rated by the manufacturer withmaximum range.8.2.8 C2 radios shall be labeled with operating frequencyand channel information.F3002 1428.3 Design RequirementsThe C2 link(s) shall be en-crypted.8.4 Testing Requir

31、ementsIf a C2 downlink is required bythe manufacturer for safety-of-flight or operationalrequirements, or both, the C2 link data integrity shall bemonitored while C2 system elements are emitting RF and theGCS transmitter is operating at maximum transmission power.9. GCS9.1 Operational Requirements:9

32、.1.1 There shall be a means for verifying before flight thatthe fly-away protection system is capable of functioningproperly during flight.9.2 Functional Requirements:FIG. 1 High-Level Functional Block Diagram of the C2 SystemF3002 1439.2.1 If a C2 downlink is required by the manufacturer forsafety-

33、of-flight or operational requirements, or both, the GCSshall be capable of providing position and altitude data to thePIC.9.2.2 If a C2 downlink is required by the manufacturer forsafety-of-flight or operational requirements, or both, the GCSshall provide the capability to monitor the C2 uplink bit

34、errorrate.9.2.3 If a C2 downlink is required by the manufacturer forsafety-of-flight or operational requirements, or both, the GCSshall provide the capability to monitor the C2 downlink biterror rate.9.2.4 If a C2 downlink is required by the manufacturer forsafety-of-flight or operational requiremen

35、ts, or both, the GCSshall provide the capability to monitor link status.9.2.5 If a C2 downlink is required by the manufacturer forsafety-of-flight or operational requirements, or both, the GCSshall provide an alert to the PIC when a lost-link condition isentered.9.2.6 If a C2 downlink is required by

36、 the manufacturer forsafety-of-flight or operational requirements, or both, the GCSshall provide an alert to the PIC if the uplink or downlinkmessage error rate exceeds If a C2 downlink is required by the manufacturer forsafety-of-flight or operational requirements, or both, the GCSshall

37、 provide an alert to the PIC when an incompatibility isdetected between the GCS and the systems with which itcommunicates.9.2.8 If a C2 downlink is required by the manufacturer forsafety-of-flight or operational requirements, or both, the GCSshall provide a lost-link condition status to the PIC.9.2.

38、9 A backup power supply capable of lasting longenough for a safe UA recovery shall be provided.9.2.10 If warning lights are used, red shall signify awarning, yellow shall signify caution, and green shall signifysatisfactory status.9.2.11 If warning lights are used, a unique audible alarmtone consist

39、ent with the warning lights shall sound for amaximum of two seconds.9.2.12 If a C2 downlink is required by the manufacturer forsafety-of-flight or operational requirements, or both, displaysof flight-critical information, including fuel level, batterystatus, and conformance with restrictions on airs

40、peed, altitude,and lateral distance from the GCS, shall be made readilyavailable to the PIC.9.2.13 The GCS shall provide the capability of performinga reduced-range test to test link capability in situ.9.3 Interoperability Requirements:9.3.1 The GCS shall verify that it is configured to controlthe i

41、ntended UA before flight.9.4 Design Requirements:9.4.1 If a C2 downlink is required by the manufacturer forsafety-of-flight or operational requirements, or both, the GCSshall provide a visible indication of link status.9.4.2 The GCS shall provide a manual or automatic meansof interfacing a C2 link r

42、educed-range attenuator between theC2 RF source and the link antenna.9.4.3 The GCS shall provide a capability to test and measurethe maximum RF output of the C2 link to and from the UA ata specified line-of-sight distance.9.4.4 The GCS shall provide the operator an interface forinterpreting the resu

43、lts of the C2 link reduced-range test.9.4.5 The GCS shall prevent the PIC from launching the UAwhile the C2 link reduced-range attenuator is in use.9.5 Testing:9.5.1 The GCS transmitter maximum range value shall betested.9.5.2 The GCS receiver maximum range value shall betested.10. Unmanned Aircraft

44、10.1 Operational Requirements:10.1.1 The responses to a lost-link condition shall include acombination of one or more of the following actions: Landing the UA after the expiration of the C2 linktimeout counter, Returning the UAto the UAlaunch/takeoff locationor some other previously

45、designated location within the opera-tion area, Termination of the flight in a predictable mannerafter confirmation of lost link and the expiration of the C2 linktimeout counter, or10.1.1.4 Loitering within the operational area for a specifiedperiod of time before initiating one of the above

46、 threetechniques.10.2 Functional Requirements:10.2.1 If a C2 downlink is required by the manufacturer forsafety-of-flight or operational requirements, or both, the UAshall transmit position and altitude data to the PIC.10.2.2 The UA shall record any occurrence of a lost-linkcondition.10.2.3 The UAsh

47、all execute lost-link logic upon occurrenceof a lost-link condition.10.3 Performance Requirements:10.3.1 The UA shall be capable of remaining in a containedarea if one has been specified by the PIC.10.4 Interoperability Requirements:10.4.1 A C2 lost link shall not cause UA system failures.10.4.2 The

48、 lost-link function shall be capable of executingafter the C2 uplink capability fails.10.4.3 The lost-link function shall be capable of executingafter the C2 downlink capability (if one is required by themanufacturer for safety-of-flight or operational requirements,or both) fails.10.5 Design Require

49、ments:10.5.1 The UA transmitter shall be labeled with operatingfrequency and channel information.10.5.2 The UA receiver shall be labeled with operatingfrequency and channel information.10.5.3 The UA antenna(s) shall be mounted such that theperformance and functionality of the antenna are met regard-less of UA attitude or orientation relative to the GCS.10.6 Testing:F3002 14410.6.1 The UA transmitter maximum range value shall betested.10.6.2 The UA receiver maximum range value shall betested.11. Fly-Away Functionality11.1 Functional R

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