ASTM F3028-2013 Standard Guide for Training of Search and Rescue Personnel Operating in the Alpine Environment (Alpine Endorsement)《高山环境搜索与救助人员培训的标准指南》.pdf

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ASTM F3028-2013 Standard Guide for Training of Search and Rescue Personnel Operating in the Alpine Environment (Alpine Endorsement)《高山环境搜索与救助人员培训的标准指南》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM F3028-2013 Standard Guide for Training of Search and Rescue Personnel Operating in the Alpine Environment (Alpine Endorsement)《高山环境搜索与救助人员培训的标准指南》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM F3028-2013 Standard Guide for Training of Search and Rescue Personnel Operating in the Alpine Environment (Alpine Endorsement)《高山环境搜索与救助人员培训的标准指南》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM F3028-2013 Standard Guide for Training of Search and Rescue Personnel Operating in the Alpine Environment (Alpine Endorsement)《高山环境搜索与救助人员培训的标准指南》.pdf_第4页
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1、Designation: F3028 13Standard Guide forTraining of Search and Rescue Personnel Operating in theAlpine Environment (Alpine Endorsement)1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F3028; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of

2、 revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This guide establishes the minimum training, includinggeneral and field knowledge, skills, and

3、abilities, for search andrescue personnel who conduct operations in an alpine environ-ment.1.2 An Alpine Endorsement is intended only for thoseindividuals capable of operating in the extreme conditions ofthe alpine environment, at altitudes that are likely to have anegative impact on human physiolog

4、y.1.2.1 Specifically, Alpine Endorsed individuals may, underqualified supervision, perform their normal duties safely andeffectively in an alpine environment.1.2.2 In addition, Alpine Endorsed individuals may, underqualified supervision, perform their normal duties safely andeffectively in mountaino

5、us terrain alone.1.3 An Alpine Endorsement alone is not sufficient to indi-cate that an individual has the knowledge, skills, and/orabilities to perform any specific duties, including search andrescue operations, other than those defined in this guide.1.4 This guide alone does not provide the minimu

6、m trainingrequirements for performing operations in partially or fullycollapsed structures, in- or on-water, in confined spaces, orunderground (such as in caves, mines, and tunnels).1.5 Type I-IV teams (as defined in F1993) which may utilizepersonnel trained to this guide are KindA(wilderness), Kind

7、 B(urban), and Kind C (mountainous), Kind D (disaster/collapse),Kind E (inland water), Kind G (cave), Kind H (mine), Kind I(avalanche), Kind J (evidence/cadaver), Kind K (aircraft),and/or Kind L (unclassified).1.6 Alpine Endorsed SAR personnel must work underqualified supervision as deemed appropria

8、te by the AuthorityHaving Jurisdiction (AHJ).1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regula

9、tory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2F1773 Terminology Relating to Climbing, Mountaineering,Search and Rescue Equipment and PracticesF1993 Classification System of Human Search and RescueResourcesF2209 Guide for Training of Level I Land Search TeamMemberF2752 Guid

10、e for Training for Level I Rope Rescue (R1)Rescuer Endorsement2.2 Other References:National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) publicationPMS 304-2, “Fitness and Work Capacity”“Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills,” 8th ed.3. Terminology3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.1.1 ai

11、d climbing, na style of climbing in which theperson ascending moves upward by means of fixed ladders,gear, or ropes.3.1.2 alpine environment, nmountainous terrain, typicallyabove tree line, where the ability to negotiate routes rated Class253is required and where travel is affected by any combina-ti

12、on of altitude, extreme weather, extensive exposure to snow/ice obstacles, avalanche risk, and crevasses. In general, thealpine environment includes all mountainous terrain above3,500 meters.3.1.3 alpine ice axe, nas defined by the UIAA (UnionInternationale Des Associations DAlpinisme), a Type B ice

13、tool (the UIAA Basic type) with lower strength, for use ingeneral circumstances, as on glacier for snow hiking, for ski1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F32 on Searchand Rescue and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F32.03 on Personnel,Training and Education.Cur

14、rent edition approved Sept. 1, 2013. Published October 2013. DOI: 10.1520/F3028-13.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary pa

15、ge onthe ASTM website.3Classification per Yosemite Decimal System in Ronald C. Eng and Julie VanPelt, eds., Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills, 8th ed. (Seattle, WA:Mountaineers Books, 2010), p. 564.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2

16、959. United States1mountaineering, etc., and which meets the requirements ofUIAA 152 or CE EN 13089:2011.3.1.4 exposure, nthe degree to which a person is exposedon a high, sheer, and unsheltered rock face.3.1.5 mountainous terrain, na tract of land characterizedby steep slopes and great variations i

17、n elevation, where theability to negotiate routes rated Class 244, and occasionallyClass 55, is required, and where travel is limited by steep tovertical rock, steep forested or brush-covered terrain, talusslopes, boulder fields, and occasional snow and/or ice ob-stacles.3.1.6 qualified supervisor,

18、nan individual with demon-strated knowledge or competence in a task, to whom the AHJhas granted the authority to observe and oversee an individualperforming that task.3.1.7 technical ice axe, nas defined by the Union Interna-tionale Des Associations DAlpinisme (UIAA), a Type T icetool (the UIAA Tech

19、nical type) with higher strength for use inall circumstances, but especially for ice climbing, dry tooling,etc., and which meets the requirements of UIAA152 or CE EN13089:2011.3.1.8 traditional, or trad, climbing, na style of rockclimbing in which the person ascending places all gear requiredto prot

20、ect against falls (chocks, cams, pitons, etc.), andremoves it when a route is complete.3.2 For definitions of other terms used in this guide, seeTerminology F1773, Guide F2209, and Guide F2752.4. Significance and Use4.1 This guide establishes a minimum standard for trainingof SAR personnel who condu

21、ct operations in an alpineenvironment.4.1.1 Alpine Endorsed individuals are required to have, at aminimum, the knowledge, skills, and abilities pertaining to safemovement individually, or as a member of a team, in an alpineenvironment.4.1.2 Every person who is identified as Alpine Endorsedshall meet

22、 the requirements of this guide.4.1.3 Alpine Endorsed individuals shall be entitled to addthe prefixes “Alpine Endorsed” and “Mountain Endorsed” totheir current training levels.4.2 This guide only establishes the minimum knowledge,skills, and abilities required for a person to operate in an alpineen

23、vironment as a part of a larger team. No other skills areincluded or implied.4.3 An Alpine Endorsement indicates that a person isqualified to operate safely and effectively in the alpine envi-ronment in his or her normal area of operations.4.3.1 An Alpine Endorsement alone does not indicate thatan i

24、ndividual possesses adequate field skills and knowledge tomake mission-critical decisions.4.4 This guide is an outline of the topics required fortraining or evaluating an Alpine Endorsed individual, and maybe used to assist in the development of a training document orprogram.4.5 This guide can be us

25、ed to evaluate a document todetermine if its content includes the topics necessary fortraining individuals to operate in the alpine environment.Likewise, this guide can be used to evaluate an existingtraining program to see if it meets the requirements in thisguide.4.6 The knowledge, skills, and abi

26、lities presented in thefollowing sections are not in any particular order and do notrepresent a training sequence.4.7 This guide does not stand alone and must be used withother ASTM Standards to identify the knowledge, skills, andabilities needed to conduct search and/or rescue in the alpineenvironm

27、ent.4.8 Though this guide establishes only minimum standards,it does not imply that an Alpine Endorsed individual is a“trainee,” “probationary,” or other similarly termed member ofan organization.4.8.1 The AHJ is responsible for determining the require-ments and qualifications for its team member ra

28、tings.4.8.2 Nothing in this guide precludes an AHJ from addingadditional requirements for its own members.4.9 Alpine Endorsed individuals shall document training bycompletion of a position task book or field demonstration underqualified supervision. Where proficiency in a skill or abilitymust be dem

29、onstrated, unless stated otherwise, it shall bedemonstrated for initial qualification and as often as requiredby the AHJ.5. General Knowledge5.1 The AHJ shall verify that an Alpine Endorsed personpossesses both attitude and aptitude for working in an alpineenvironment:5.1.1 The individual must demon

30、strate the ability to func-tion effectively in highly exposed locations at high altitude andin extreme conditions;5.1.2 The individual must be able to move safely andeffectively anywhere in the terrain and conditions normal tothat environment.5.2 Alpine Endorsed individuals shall demonstrate knowl-e

31、dge of the following:5.2.1 The differences between wilderness travel, mountaintravel, and alpine travel.5.2.2 Human functional and survival needs in cold, windy,and wet environments, including: Clothing (suitable for all four seasons); Shelter, both emergency and extended stay;

32、Nutrition; Hydration; Hygiene; Sanitation; Individual and team safety issues specific to operat-ing in an alpine environment.4Eng and Van Pelt, eds., p. 564.5Eng and Van Pelt, eds., p. 564.F3028 1325.2.3 Medical conditions such as: Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS);5.2

33、.3.2 High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE); High Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE); Hypothermia; Snow blindness; Frostbite.5.2.4 Risks and hazards specific to the alpine environment,and methods for avoiding or mitigating them. Such risks andhazards include: Personal fa

34、ll; Rock fall; Ice and/or snow fall; Severe and rapidly changing weather; Avalanches; Rapidly rising water and flash floods.5.3 Alpine Endorsed individuals shall have, at a minimum,American Institute for Avalanche Research and Education(AIARE) Level 1, National Ski

35、 Patrol (NSP) Level 1, Ameri-can Avalanche Association Level 1, or equivalent avalanchesafety and rescue training.6. Skills and Abilities Specific to the Alpine Environment6.1 Alpine Endorsed individuals shall possess and carrysufficient Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and gear tofunction effect

36、ively in an alpine environment while maintain-ing personal safety. This PPE and gear shall include, at aminimum, the following:6.1.1 Head protection (helmet);6.1.2 Hand protection (gloves);6.1.3 Eye protection (glasses/goggles/shield);6.1.4 Sufficient clothing, appropriate to the alpine environ-ment

37、 and terrain;6.1.5 Seat harness;6.1.6 Slings/lanyards (for personal use);6.1.7 Ascending equipment;6.1.8 Connectors/carabiners;6.1.9 Descending equipment;6.1.10 Head lamp;6.1.11 Alpine ice axe, appropriate for terrain in the normalarea of operations;6.1.12 Technical ice axe, appropriate for terrain

38、in thenormal area of operations;6.1.13 Ice screws, appropriate for terrain in the normal areaof operations;6.1.14 Snow anchors, appropriate for terrain in the normalarea of operations;6.1.15 Crampons, appropriate for terrain in the normal areaof operations;6.1.16 Avalanche transceiver, probe, and sh

39、ovel, appropri-ate for terrain in the normal area of operations.6.2 Each piece of PPE or gear listed in 6.1 shall be certifiedunder a national, or international, life safety standard, if oneexists, from an organization such as UIAA, CEN, ASTM, CI,or NFPA.6.3 Alpine Endorsed individuals shall be equi

40、pped to sur-vive in the field for up to 48 hours.6.4 Alpine Endorsed individuals shall demonstrate the abil-ity to survive and function effectively as part of a self-sustainedteam, in an alpine environment, for a minimum of 48 hours,under field supervision.6.5 Alpine Endorsed individuals shall demon

41、strate profi-ciency in the following:6.5.1 Performance of an overnight bivouac in the alpineenvironment in winter in the normal area of operations;6.5.2 Winter survival skills, including the ability to con-struct an improvised shelter;6.5.3 Understanding of lightning detection, avoidance andrisk red

42、uction techniques;6.5.4 Safely traversing water hazards;6.5.5 Basic swiftwater survival techniques;6.5.6 Basic mountain weather prediction;6.5.7 Traveling in an alpine environment at night;6.5.8 Traveling in an alpine environment during adverseweather conditions;6.5.9 Planning for, and selecting, tr

43、avel routes to avoid, orminimize, avalanche risk;6.5.10 Self-rescue techniques.6.6 Alpine Endorsed individuals shall demonstrate an un-derstanding of the concepts of mission-specific packing forindividual operations, and for effective team operations andtravel, in an alpine environment. Examples of

44、this conceptinclude reducing pack loads, sharing gear, and sharing loadsamong team members.6.7 Alpine Endorsed individuals shall demonstrate annuallythe ability to safely and efficiently travel over ice and snow (toinclude steep snow and ice travel) in the normal area ofoperations, using safe solo a

45、nd team travel techniques, (perrequirements of the AHJ), including:6.7.1 Use of skis and/or snowshoes, as appropriate for theterrain in the normal area of operations;6.7.2 Operation of snow machines per AHJ requirements;6.7.3 Use of crampons and ice axes per AHJ requirements;6.7.4 Use of ice and sno

46、w anchors per AHJ requirements.6.8 Alpine Endorsed individuals shall demonstrate an un-derstanding of helicopter operations in an alpine environment,including:6.8.1 Safety around helicopters on sloping ground;6.8.2 Traveling in helicopters, including passenger entry,equipment stowage, passenger seat

47、ing, and exit skills;6.8.3 Passenger actions in the event of an emergency; Completion of the Department of Interior, Office ofAviation Management (DOI OAM), course A101AviationSafety, or equivalent training, is recommended;6.8.4 Ability to identify a safe and functional helicopterLanding Zone

48、 (LZ) in the alpine environment;6.8.5 Alpine Endorsed individuals shall demonstrate annu-ally that they meet the requirements of the Arduous WorkCapacity fitness level defined in the National Wildfire Coordi-nating Group (NWCG) publication PMS 304-2, “Fitness andWork Capacity,” or equivalent.6.9 Alp

49、ine Endorsed individuals shall demonstrate annuallythat they meet the requirements of a medical fitness standardselected by the AHJ.F3028 1336.10 Alpine Endorsed individuals shall demonstrate annu-ally the ability to safely negotiate vertical rock and/or ice facesat the following levels of difficulty:6.10.1 Lead traditional climbs at 5.76or follow at 5.8;6.10.2 Lead ice climbs at NEI 27and M28, or follow at NEI3 and M3;6.10.3 Lead aid climbs at A19and C110, or follow at A2 andC2.7. Search and Rescue Skills and Abilities Specific to theAlpine Environment7.1 Alpine Endors


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