ASTM F3100-2015 Standard Practice for Low Impact Paintball Field Operation《低影响彩弹射击现场操作的标准实践规程》.pdf

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ASTM F3100-2015 Standard Practice for Low Impact Paintball Field Operation《低影响彩弹射击现场操作的标准实践规程》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM F3100-2015 Standard Practice for Low Impact Paintball Field Operation《低影响彩弹射击现场操作的标准实践规程》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM F3100-2015 Standard Practice for Low Impact Paintball Field Operation《低影响彩弹射击现场操作的标准实践规程》.pdf_第3页
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1、Designation: F3100 15Standard Practice forLow Impact Paintball Field Operation1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F3100; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parent

2、heses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.INTRODUCTIONThis practice sets forth procedures for conducting a form of low impact paintball games through theestablishment of specific game rules and equipment r

3、equirements which serve to reduce the discomfortsometimes experienced by participants from paintball impacts in traditional paintball games. Specificpaintball markers and specific calibers of paintball may be required. The goal is to assist paintball fieldoperators in running a safe business. Like a

4、ny other physical activity, paintball presents a potential forinjury. No procedural practice can prevent all injuries, especially when paintball players do not followsafety instructions. The ultimate responsibility for preventing injury lies with the paintball player. Thispractice, however, intends

5、to promote specific game rules and equipment requirements for safe lowimpact paintball field operation through standardization of operating practice.1. Scope1.1 This practice establishes minimum safety requirementsfor the operation of Low Impact Paintball Playing Fields, andprovides for certain requ

6、ired materials and procedures.1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitation

7、s prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2F1750 Specification for Paintball Marker Threaded-Propellant Source InterfaceF1776 Specification for Eye Protective Devices for PaintballSportsF1979 Specification for Paintballs Used in the Sport ofPaintballF2030 Specification for Paintball C

8、ylinder Burst Disk As-sembliesF2184 Guide for Installation of Paintball Barrier NettingF2271 Specification for Paintball Marker Barrel BlockingDevicesF2272 Specification for Paintball MarkersF2278 Test Method for Evaluating Paintball Barrier NettingF2553 Specification for Warnings on Refillable CO2C

9、ylin-ders Used In the Sport of PaintballF2653 Specification for Paintball Valve Male Threaded Con-nection for Use with Approved CylindersF2773 Practice for Transfilling Compressed Air or Nitrogenand Safe Handling of Small Paintball CylindersF2856 Practice for Transfilling and Safe Handling of SmallC

10、O2Cylinders for Use in Paintball3. Terminology3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.1.1 bulk cylinder, na gas storage vessel used to fill gaspropellant vessels on paintball markers as men.3.1.2 discharge mode, na mode that controls the numberof paintballs discharged per trigger cycle.

11、3.1.3 ear protection, ndevices that cover the ear cavitiesand prevent direct entry of paintballs into the ear canals.3.1.4 filling apparatus, nequipment used to properly fillgas propellant vessels on paintball markers from bulk cylin-ders.3.1.5 game area, nan area in which paintball games areconduct

12、ed and in which paintball goggles are required to beworn.3.1.6 game organizer, nadult person responsible for su-pervising the paintball game and administering the pre-gameplayer safety briefing.3.1.7 goggles, nconsist of eye and head protection devices(EHPDs) that comply with Specification F1776.1Th

13、is practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F08 on SportsEquipment, Playing Surfaces, and Facilities and is the direct responsibility ofSubcommittee F08.24 on Paintball and Equipment.Current edition approved March 15, 2015. Published April 2015. DOI: 10.1520/F3100-15.2For referenced ASTM

14、 standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohock

15、en, PA 19428-2959. United States13.1.8 goggles on area, nareas in which all persons arerequired to wear paintball goggles meeting the requirements ofSpecification F1776, such as and not limited to playing fields,game areas, chronograph areas and target ranges.3.1.9 low impact paintball marker, na pa

16、intball markerdesigned so as to be capable of discharging paintballs withinthe diameter range of 0.400.55 caliber at a velocity notexceeding 150 fps, and meeting the other requirements ofSpecification F2272.3.1.10 low impact paintball, nsupervised paintball gamesusing low impact paintball markers an

17、d conducted in accor-dance with the procedures as defined in this standard practice.3.1.11 paintball, nthe ammunition used to fire from apaintball marker that complies with Specification F1979.3.1.12 paintball air system, nthe power source normallyused by a paintball marker to propel a paintball tha

18、t meetsSpecifications F1750, F2030, F2553, and F2653 where appli-cable.3.1.13 paintball marker, na device specifically designedto discharge paintballs that comply with Specification F2272.3.1.14 paintball marker barrel blocking device, na devicespecifically designed to be installed on a paintball ma

19、rker toprevent the accidental discharge of paintballs that comply withSpecification F2271.3.1.15 player, na paintball game participant.3.1.16 playing field, nan area delineated by a boundarymarker, in which paintball games are conducted.3.1.17 safety mechanism, na supplemental safety devicethat, whe

20、n activated, disables a part of the paintball marker,usually the trigger, to prevent unintentional firing in normal useand must be released to allow the marker to be discharged bythe movement of the trigger. The device is sometimes referredto as a safety, safety button,orsafety lever.An electronic o

21、n/offswitch is considered to be a safety mechanism if, when theswitch is placed in the off position, it renders the markerinoperable.3.1.18 staging area, nan area protected against stray entryof paintballs, in which paintball players organize themselvesfor a game.4. Operational Procedues4.1 Safety R

22、ules PostedBasic paintball safety rules,printed in 24-point type or larger, shall be posted conspicu-ously at the registration area. Every player shall be instructedto read the safety rules.4.2 Field Orientation and Safety BriefingPrior to theirfirst game of the day, every player shall be given or s

23、hown aformal briefing on risk of injury, game rules, field orientation,equipment operation, general paintball safety rules, specialsafety rules for reduced impact paintball, and instructionsabout what to do in case of an emergency.4.3 Barrel Blocking Device RegulationAll players shall berequired to

24、have paintball marker barrels blocked with a devicespecifically designed for that purpose at all times other thanwhile on the playing field during games, at the chronograph, orat the target range. Barrel blocking devices are the primarysafety device for paintball markers, and must comply withSpecifi

25、cation F2271.4.4 GogglesAll persons shall be required to wear paintballgoggles at all times while they are in areas where they might bestruck by a paintball. The goggles shall comply with Specifi-cation F1776.4.5 Chronographing ProceduresAll field rental paintballmarkers shall be chronographed daily

26、 prior to being used at thefield. All other paintball markers shall be chronographed at thefield prior to being used on the field. In addition, CO2poweredmarkers should be chronographed again whenever the tempera-ture on the playing field increases by more than 10 degrees (F).4.6 Required Signs:4.6.

27、1 Signs conveying the following requirements shall beposted conspicuously: “Goggles On” signs shall be posted at the exits ofthe staging area along routes to the playing fields, and at theentrances to any other areas that paintball marker dischargemight be permitted. “Barrel Blocker Re

28、quired” signs shall be posted atthe exits from the playing fields, chronograph area, targetrange, and anywhere else that paintball marker discharge mightbe permitted. “Paintball Game Area, Eye Protection Required”signs shall be posted at locations where unauthorized directaccess to the playin

29、g fields is likely by outsiders not familiarwith the sport.4.7 Emergency Requirements:4.7.1 Emergency Contingency PlanEmergencyprocedures, printed in 12-point or larger type shall be on handand all staff members will be aware of the required actions toimplement this plan.4.7.2 First Aid KitA properl

30、y stocked first-aid kit ofsuitable size will be readily available at the facility.4.7.3 Emergency InformationThe contact information andlocation of the closest police, fire and hospital printed in12-point or larger type shall be on-hand. In addition a methodto contact these facilities will be availa

31、ble.4.8 Adequate Staffng During Games:4.8.1 Recommended Referee to Player RatioThe recom-mended minimum ratio of referees to players at any paintballfacility shall be one referee for every 15 players.4.8.2 Recommended Minimum Number of Referees PerPlaying FieldAt least two referees shall be present

32、on everypaintball playing field during active play. Due to physical size,layout, or number of participants, some fields may requireadditional referees present to provide a safe and manageableplaying environment. The game organizer and referees shouldreview these needs prior to play.4.9 Fill StationB

33、ulk cylinders shall be secured properly toprevent falling over, during storage and during use. A scaleshall be used to ensure against CO2overfills beyond themanufacturers recommended capacity. All gas filling appara-tus shall meet OSHA, DOT, and Compressed Gas Associationrequirements for the handlin

34、g of compressed gasses. TheF3100 152instructions for the proper filling of cylinders provided by themanufacturer for the filling apparatus shall be posted in thefilling area.4.10 Filling of Paintball Air Systems and CylindersAlltransfilling will be done in compliance with Practice F2773 orF2856. Fil

35、l station operators shall be trained in accordancewith DOT requirements.4.11 Adequate Spectator Provisions and Staging AreaAreas in which spectators are permitted to observe paintballgames without goggles and player staging areas shall beprotected against accidental paintball entry. These areas shal

36、lbe designed in a manner or location such that stray paintballscannot enter from other areas, such as playing fields, targetareas, or chronograph areas.4.12 Protective BarriersStaging areas and paintball play-ing field boundaries may be protected by a minimum of 300 ftof open space, by natural growt

37、h which prevents paintballpenetration, or by other barriers which prevent paintballpenetration. Any paintball barrier netting used on the game sitewill meet Test Method F2278 and will be installed based on theinstructions in Guide F2184.4.13 Game Area Requirements:4.13.1 Boundaries of all outdoor pa

38、intball playing fieldsshall be marked clearly and continuously with rope, tape, orother highly visible material.4.13.2 Areas with hidden dangers such as water, cliffs, orsharp objects shall be roped off, posted, or plainly identifiedand will be reviewed in the player briefing.4.13.3 Playing fields s

39、hall be free of barbed wire, brokenglass, and other dangerous debris.4.13.4 Floor surfaces of indoor paintball playing fields shallbe maintained in a manner which provides adequate traction.4.14 Low Impact Paintball Markers:4.14.1 All paintball markers used in this activity shall below impact paintb

40、all markers as defined in this standard andshall operate in semi-automatic or single shot/pump firingmodes only.4.15 Game Rule Restrictions:4.15.1 Shooting proximity shall be ten foot minimum dis-tance. Players must be prohibited from shooting at otherplayers who are closer than ten feet away.4.15.2

41、 Players should not be in possession of markers at anytime other than when they are on the playing field and underthe supervision of a trained referee. Markers should be handedto players as they enter the playing field just prior to a game,and taken from the players immediately as they come off of t

42、hefield following the conclusion of each game.4.16 Velocity Restrictions:4.16.1 Low impact markers must have a chronographedvelocity adjusted so as to not exceed 150 FPS.4.16.2 Players shall be informed that the possession ofpaintball marker velocity adjusting tools while on the playingfield is proh

43、ibited.4.17 Paintball High Pressure Propellant Gas Storage VesselRequirementsAll paintball propellant gas systems must meetvarious government regulations that vary by location and shallcomply as required with Specifications F1750, F2030, F2553,and F2653.5. Keywords5.1 field operation; goggles; low i

44、mpact; paintball; paintballsafetyASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentionedin this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the riskof

45、 infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years andif not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this s

46、tandard or for additional standardsand should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of theresponsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you shouldmake you

47、r views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by con

48、tacting ASTM at the aboveaddress or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, Tel: (978) 646-2600; http:/ 153


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