1、Designation: F3222 16Standard Terminology Relating toF32 Land Search and Rescue Standards and Guides1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F3222; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revisi
2、on. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This terminology document is a compilation of defini-tions of terms, abbreviations, and acronyms used in F32 LandSearch and Rescu
3、e Standards and Guides, collected in order toprovide consistency in communications when used in writingand interpreting the Committees documents.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2F1177 Terminology Relating to Emergency Medical Ser-vicesF1616 Guide for Scope of Performance of First Responder
4、sWho Practice in the Wilderness or Delayed or ProlongedTransport SettingsF1633 Guide for Techniques in Land SearchF1655 Guide for Training First Responders Who Practice inWilderness, Delayed, or Prolonged Transport SettingsF1847 Guide for Minimum Training of Search Dog Crews orTeamsF1848 Classificat
5、ion System for Canine Search ResourcesF2209 Guide for Training of Land Search Team MemberF2685 Guide for Training of a Land Search Team Leader(STL)F2751 Guide for Training of a Land Search and RescueTeam MemberF2752 Guide for Training for Level I Rope Rescue (R1)Rescuer EndorsementF2794 Guide for Le
6、vel 1 (Basic) Mounted Search andRescue (MSAR) ResponderF2852 Practice for Training a Land Search TrackerF2954 Guide for Training for Level II Rope Rescue (R2)Rescuer EndorsementF2955 Guide for Training for Level III Rope Rescue (R3)Rescuer EndorsementF3024 Guide for Training of a Land Search and Res
7、cue(SAR) Strike Team/Task Force LeaderF3027 Guide for Training of Personnel Operating in Moun-tainous Terrain (Mountain Endorsement)F3028 Guide for Training of Search and Rescue PersonnelOperating in the Alpine Environment (Alpine Endorse-ment)F3048 Guide for Swiftwater/Flood Search and Rescue Op-er
8、ationsF3069 Guide for Requirements for Bodies that OperateCertification Programs in the Field of Search and RescueF3070 Guide for Evaluating Area Search Dog Crews orTeamsF3098 Guide for Training of Non-Wilderness Land SearchTeam MemberF3144 Guide for Evaluating Trailing Search Dog Crews orTeamsF3193
9、 Guide for Training of a Land Search and RescueTeam Leader2.2 Other Document:Fundamentals of Search and Rescue33. Significance and Use3.1 The terminology in this document is applicable to thestandards and guides published by ASTM Committee F32.3.2 The definitions provided in this terminology standar
10、dshall be used when interpreting the meaning, purpose orapplicability of a guide, standard, or a specific subsectiontherein.4. Terminology4.1 Definitions:ability, nthe capacity to perform a physical or mental activityat the present time.DISCUSSIONTypically abilities are apparent through functions co
11、m-pleted on the job. The terms abilities and skills are often usedinterchangeably. The main difference is that ability is the capacity toperform where a skill is the actual manipulation of data, things orpeople. You may have the ability but unless observed through actionsthat ability may not transfe
12、r to a skill set. Example: I am able to tie aknot as I possess the perceptual and motor skills required to do so.1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F32 on Searchand Rescue and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F32.01 on Equipment,Testing, and Maintenance.Current
13、 edition approved Nov. 1, 2016. Published January 2017. DOI: 10.1520/F3222-16.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page on
14、the ASTM website.3Cooper, D. Jones 5(2) relative to SAR operations, the federal, state, orlocal agency having statutory authority to manage theoperations.certification, n(1) a document of record stating that aproduct, process, system, or person has successfully com-pleted a defined process administe
15、red by a certifying body;(2) the process of providing assurance that a productconforms to a standard or specification or that a person iscompetent to perform a certain task.6certified, adjhaving received certification to a standard orspecification from a certifying body.certifying body, nan organiza
16、tion which, having imple-mented a system for evaluating individuals, animals, orequipment to determine if the individuals, animals, orequipment meet the requirements defined in a specificstandard, attests that the individuals, animals, or equipmentmeet the requirements defined in that standard.clue
17、awareness, nto be aware of evidence left by a subject(s)which may help to ascertain their location or direction oftravel, or petent, adjhaving the necessary knowledge, skills, andabilities to perform a task or function at a defined level petency, na combination of knowledge, skills and abili-ties th
18、at, when acquired, allows a person to perform a task orfunction at a defined level of petency-based qualification system, na system inwhich qualified evaluators document, in writing, in a stan-dard form (such as a Position Task Book), that an individualhas competently performed one or more tasks.con
19、finement, nthe act of limiting the growth of the potentialsearch area by minimizing the likelihood that the subject(s)can leave the search area undetected.credential, ndocumentation that identifies personnel andauthenticates and verifies the qualifications of such person-nel by ensuring that such pe
20、rsonnel possess a minimumcommon level of training, experience, physical and medicalfitness, and capability appropriate for a particular position.7effective sweep width (ESW), na measure of the range atwhich a particular SAR resource can detect a specified objectunder specific environmental condition
21、s.emergency medical services system (EMS), na coordinatedarrangement of resources (including personnel, equipment,and facilities) organized to respond to medical emergencies,regardless of the cause.8endorsement, ndocumentaion stating that an individual hasadditional specialized knowledge, skills, an
22、d abilities be-yond those associated with a specific certification.field, n(1) the location, away from the base or commandpost, in which personnel perform a task or tasks; (2) vtosend personnel away from the base or command post toperform a task or tasks.field operations, nsearches, rescues, or othe
23、r organized tasksperformed away from the base or command post.first aid, nthe emergency care or treatment given to an ill orinjured person before advanced life support can be providedby emergency medical responders.first aid training, n(1) relative to F32 guides, a programidentified by the AHJ that
24、provides an individual with thebasic knowledge and skills required to provide first aidwithin the scope determined by the AHJ; (2)relative togeneral use, a program that provides an individual with thebasic knowledge and skills required to provide first aid.flood, na great flowing or overflowing of w
25、ater, especiallyover land not usually submerged.9handler, nan individual whose training meets or exceeds thatdefined in Guide F1847 and who has demonstrated thecertified ability to control and direct a trained search dog.hasty search, v(1) to quickly check a high probability area(usually performed b
26、y a fast moving, well-trained search4Classification per Yosemite Decimal System in, Eng, R. C., and Van Pelt, J.,eds., Mountaineering: The freedom of the hills, 8th ed., Mountaineers Books,Seattle, WA, 2010, p. 564.5NFPA Glossary of Terms, 2016 Edition.6NISTIR 6014, The ABCs of the U. S. Conformity
27、Assessment System.7Guideline for the Credentialing of Personnel, DHS, 2011.8Terminology F1177.9http:/ 162team or crew); (2) na fast search of high probability areaby a small team of trained searchers.high angle, adjwhen the angle of the terrain becomes sosteep that the weight of the individual or th
28、e litter issupported primarily by the rope rather than the feet.initial planning point (IPP), nthe point that is initially usedto plan the search incident.DISCUSSIONThe IPP may be the original point last seen (PLS) or thelast known position (LKP). The IPP may also be a point entirelyseparate based o
29、n the best available investigative information. IPP doesnot move after planning begins.10investigation, nthe systematic collection and analysis ofinformation about a lost or missing subject(s) by interview-ing individual(s) and reviewing records and evidence, asavailable.knowledge, nan organized bod
30、y of information, usually of afactual or procedural nature, which if applied, makes ad-equate performance on the job possible.DISCUSSIONExample: I have the knowledge required to calculatethe cumulative POD after multiple operational periods.last know point (LKP), nsynonym for last known position.las
31、t known position (LKP), n(1) the last substantiatedgeographic location of an individual based on clues orevidence related to the missing subject; (2) the lastwitnessed, reported, or computed geographic location of anindividual.low angle, adjthe angle of the terrain where the weight of thelitter is s
32、upported primarily by the tenders legs and the ropesystem is required to both facilitate movement and for fallprotection; the actual angle in degrees will vary dependingon the type of surface and the skill level of the tender(s).mountain land search and rescuer, nan individual whooperates in mountai
33、nous terrain, whose training meets orexceeds that defined in Guide F2751, and who has a GuideF3027 mountain endorsement.mountainous terrain, na tract of land characterized by steepslopes and great variations in elevation, where the ability tonegotiate routes rated Class 24, and occasionally Class 5,
34、4is required, and where travel is limited by steep to verticalrock, steep forested or brush-covered terrain, talus slopes,boulder fields, and occasional snow and/or ice obstacles.mounted search and rescue responder, nan individual whooperates from horseback during SAR missions and whosetraining meet
35、s or exceeds that defined in Guide F2794.National Search and Rescue Committee (NSARC), nafederal committee comprised of the Departments of Home-land Security, Defense, Transportation, Interior, Commerce,and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; itwas established to oversee the national
36、search and rescueplan and act as a coordinating forum for national SARmatters.10non-technical terrain, na tract of land characterized byminimal slopes and little variation in elevation, where aperson is able to move safely and effectively on two feet,without handholds, and without the need for a bel
37、ay.non-wilderness, n(1) an area with relatively easy accessfrom a road, where the knowledge, skills, and abilitiesneeded to function in the wilderness are generally notnecessary; (2) an urban area with intact infrastructure thatsupports emergency services.non-wilderness land searcher, nan individual
38、 who operatesin non-wilderness environments and whose training meets orexceeds that defined in Guide F3098.normal area of operation, nthe geographic area(s) where anAHJ or search and rescue entity usually performs searchand/or rescue operations.point last seen (PLS), nthe geographical location where
39、 asubject was last seen by a witness, or captured on video orother verifiable means, at a specific time.position task book (PTB), na standard document adoptedby an AHJ which is used to record individual training andcompetency on an ongoing basis over a set period of time,related to a single position
40、 or operational level.probability of area (POA), nthe likelihood that a subject, ora clue related to the subject, is located within a particularsearch area or segment.probability of detection (POD), nthe likelihood that thesubject, or a clue related to the subject, will be detected in aparticular se
41、arch area or segment.proficient, adjthe state of being competent in a particularsubject or skill.qualified supervisor, nan individual with demonstratedknowledge of, or competence in, a particular task, to whomthe AHJ has granted the authority to observe and oversee anindividual performing that task.
42、rescue, v(1) to use specialized equipment and/or techniquesto extricate and/or transport a subject from one location toanother; (2) na coordinated operation by individuals orteams using specialized equipment and/or techniques toextricate and/or transport a subject from on location toanother.rescuers
43、, nthe individuals or teams engaged in rescueoperations.rope rescuer, nan individual who is trained in performingrope rescue, whose training meets or exceeds that defined inGuide F2751, and who has Guides F2752, F2954,orF2955rope rescuer endorsement.scent discrimination, nthe ability of a dog to dis
44、tinguishbetween different scents and to work an assigned scent tocomplete a search activity without alerting on scents otherthan that assigned.10Land Search and Rescue Addendum; National Search and Rescue Supplementto the International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual, version1.0,
45、NSARC, Washington, DC, 2011.F3222 163search, v(1) to seek a subject (or object) whose location isnot known; (2)na coordinated operation by individuals orteams to locate a subject (or object) whose location is notknown.search area, nthe geographic area that is believed to containthe subject of a sear
46、ch.search and rescue (SAR), adj(1) a common term used todescribe personnel or animals who take part in search orrescue incidents; it does not indicate that these persons oranimals are trained in both search and rescue; (2) a commonterm used to describe incidents in which search, and/orrescue, takes
47、place.search dog team or crew, na canine and handler (andsupport personnel if used) that operates in the field as asingle resource. The handlers training shall meet or exceedthat defined in Guide F1847. Support personnel, if used,shall have training which meets or exceeds that required forthe deploy
48、ment environment (non-wilderness, mountain,etc.). Canine resources are classified by category, kind, andtype in accordance with Classification F1848.searchers, nthe individuals, crews, or teams engaged insearch.segment, na portion of the search area established for thepurpose of effective and effici
49、ent assignment of searchresources.segmentation, vthe process of establishing segments of asearch area.sign, nthe physical evidence of the presence or passage of aperson or persons.skill, nthe manipulation of data, things, or people throughmanual, mental, or verbal means. Skills are measurablethrough testing, can be observed, and are quantifiable; skillsare often referred to as the expertness that comes fromtraining, practice, etc.DIS