ASTM G167-2015 Standard Test Method for Calibration of a Pyranometer Using a Pyrheliometer《用直接日射强度表校正日射强度计的标准试验方法》.pdf

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ASTM G167-2015 Standard Test Method for Calibration of a Pyranometer Using a Pyrheliometer《用直接日射强度表校正日射强度计的标准试验方法》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM G167-2015 Standard Test Method for Calibration of a Pyranometer Using a Pyrheliometer《用直接日射强度表校正日射强度计的标准试验方法》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM G167-2015 Standard Test Method for Calibration of a Pyranometer Using a Pyrheliometer《用直接日射强度表校正日射强度计的标准试验方法》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: G167 15Standard Test Method forCalibration of a Pyranometer Using a Pyrheliometer1This standard is issued under the fixed designation G167; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A n

2、umber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.INTRODUCTIONAccurate and precise measurements of total global (hemispherical) solar irradiance are required inthe assessment of irradiance and radia

3、nt exposure in the testing of exposed materials, determinationof the energy available to solar collection devices, and assessment of global and hemispherical solarradiation for meteorological purposes.This test method requires calibrations traceable to the World Radiometric Reference (WRR), whichrep

4、resents the SI units of irradiance. The WRR is determined by a group of selected absolutepyrheliometers maintained by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in Davos, Switzerland.Realization of the WRR in the United States, and other countries, is accomplished by theintercomparison of absolute

5、pyrheliometers with the World Radiometric Group (WRG) through aseries of intercomparisons that include the International Pyrheliometric Conferences held every fiveyears in Davos. The intercomparison of absolute pyrheliometers is covered by procedures adopted byWMO and is not covered by this test met

6、hod.It should be emphasized that “calibration of a pyranometer” essentially means the transfer of theWRR scale from a pyrheliometer to a pyranometer under specific experimental procedures.1. Scope1.1 This test method covers an integration of previous TestMethod E913 dealing with the calibration of p

7、yranometerswith axis vertical and previous Test Method E941 on calibra-tion of pyranometers with axis tilted. This amalgamation of thetwo methods essentially harmonizes the methodology with ISO9846.1.2 This test method is applicable to all pyranometersregardless of the radiation receptor employed, a

8、nd is applicableto pyranometers in horizontal as well as tilted positions.1.3 This test method is mandatory for the calibration of allsecondary standard pyranometers as defined by the WorldMeteorological Organization (WMO) and ISO 9060, and forany pyranometer used as a reference pyranometer in thetr

9、ansfer of calibration using Test Method E842.1.4 Two types of calibrations are covered: Type I calibra-tions employ a self-calibrating, absolute pyrheliometer, andType II calibrations employ a secondary reference pyrheliom-eter as the reference standard (secondary reference pyrheliom-eters are defin

10、ed by WMO and ISO 9060).1.5 Calibrations of reference pyranometers may be per-formed by a method that makes use of either an altazimuth orequatorial tracking mount in which the axis of the radiometersradiation receptor is aligned with the sun during the shadingdisk test.1.6 The determination of the

11、dependence of the calibrationfactor (calibration function) on variable parameters is calledcharacterization. The characterization of pyranometers is notspecifically covered by this method.1.7 This test method is applicable only to calibration pro-cedures using the sun as the light source.1.8 This st

12、andard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1

13、 ASTM Standards:2E772 Terminology of Solar Energy ConversionE824 Test Method for Transfer of Calibration From Refer-ence to Field Radiometers1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee G03 onWeathering and Durability and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee G03.09on Radiome

14、try.Current edition approved Feb. 1, 2015. Published March 2015. Originallyapproved in 2000. Last previous edition approved in 2010 as G167 05(2010).DOI: 10.1520/G0167-15.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Ann

15、ual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States12.2 WMO Document:3World Meteorological Organization (WMO), “Measurementof Ra

16、diation” Guide to Meteorological Instruments andMethods of Observation, seventh ed., WMO-No. 8, Ge-neva2.3 ISO Standards:4ISO 9060:1990 Solar EnergySpecification and Classifica-tion of Instruments for Measuring Hemispherical Solarand Direct Solar RadiationISO 9846:1993 Solar EnergyCalibration of a P

17、yranometerUsing a Pyrheliometer3. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 See Terminology E772.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 altazimuth mount, na tracking mount capable ofrotation about orthogonal altitude and azimuth axes; trackingmay be manual or by a follow-the-sun servomechan

18、ism.3.2.2 calibration of a radiometer, vdetermination of theresponsivity (or the calibration factor, the reciprocal of theresponsivity) of a radiometer under well-defined measurementconditions.3.2.3 direct solar radiation, nthat component of solarradiation within a specified solid angle (usually 5.0

19、 or 5.7)subtended at the observer by the suns solar disk, including aportion of the circumsolar radiation.3.2.4 diffuse solar radiation, nthat component of solarradiation scattered by the air molecules, aerosol particles, cloudand other particles in the hemisphere defined by the sky dome.3.2.5 equat

20、orial mount, nsee Terminology E772.3.2.6 field of view angle of a pyrheliometer, nfull angle ofthe cone which is defined by the center of the receiver surface(see ISO 9060, 5.1) and the border of the limiting aperture, ifthe latter are circular and concentric to the receiver surface; ifnot, effectiv

21、e angles may be calculated (1, 2).53.2.7 global solar radiation, ncombined direct and diffusesolar radiation falling on a horizontal surface; solar radiationincident on a horizontal surface from the hemispherical skydome, or from 2 Steradian (Sr).3.2.8 hemispherical radiation, ncombined direct and d

22、if-fuse solar radiation incident from a virtual hemisphere, or from2 Sr, on any inclined surface. DiscussionThe case of a horizontal surface isdenoted global solar radiation (3.2.7).3.2.9 pyranometer, nsee Terminology E772.3.2.10 pyranometer, field, na pyranometer meeting WMOGood Quality or b

23、etter (that is, High Quality) appropriate tofield use and typically exposed continuously.3.2.11 pyranometer, reference, na pyranometer (see alsoISO 9060), used as a reference to calibrate other pyranometers,which is well-maintained and carefully selected to possessrelatively high stability and has b

24、een calibrated using apyrheliometer.3.2.12 pyrheliometer, nsee Terminology E772 and ISO9060.3.2.13 pyrheliometer, absolute (self-calibrating), na solarradiometer with a limited field of view configuration. The fieldof view should be approximately 5.0 and have a slope angle offrom 0.75 to 0.8, with a

25、 blackened conical cavity receiver forabsorption of the incident radiation. The measured electricalpower to a heater wound around the cavity receiver constitutesthe method of self-calibration from first principles and trace-ability to absolute SI units. The self-calibration principlerelates to the s

26、ensing of the temperature rise of the receivingcavity by an associated thermopile when first the sun isincident upon the receiver and subsequently when the samethermopile signal is induced by applying precisely measuredpower to the heater with the pyrheliometer shuttered from thesun.3.2.14 shading-d

27、isk device, na device which allowsmovement of a disk in such a way that the receiver of thepyranometer to which it is affixed, or associated, is shadedfrom the sun. The cone formed between the origin of thereceiver and the disk subtends an angle that closely matches thefield of view of the pyrheliom

28、eter against which it is compared.Alternatively, and increasingly preferred, a sphere rather than adisk eliminates the need to continuously ensure the properalignment of the disk normal to the sun. See Appendix X1.3.2.15 slope angle, nthe angle defined by the difference inradii of the view limiting

29、aperture (radius = R) and the receiverradius (= r) in a pyrheliometer. The slope angle, s,isthearctangent of R minus r divided by the distance between thelimiting aperture and the receiver surface, denoted by L:s =Tan-1(R r)/L. See Ref (1).3.2.16 thermal offset, na non-zero signal generated by aradi

30、ometer when blocked from all sources of radiation. Be-lieved to be the result of infrared (thermal) radiation exchangesbetween elements of the radiometer and the environment.3.3 Acronyms:3.3.1 ACRAbsolute Cavity Radiometer3.3.2 ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute3.3.3 ARMAtmospheric RadiationM

31、easurement Program3.3.4 DOEDepartment of Energy3.3.5 GUM(ISO) Guide to Uncertainty in Measurements3.3.6 IPCInternational Pyrheliometer comparison3.3.7 ISOInternational Standards Organization3.3.8 NCSLNational Council of Standards Laboratories3.3.9 NISTNational Institute of Standards and Technology3.

32、3.10 NRELNational Renewable Energy Laboratory3.3.11 PMODPhysical Meteorological Observatory Da-vos3.3.12 SACSingapore Accreditation Council3Available from World Meterological Organization, 7bis, avenue de la Paix,CP2300, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland, http:/ from International

33、Organization for Standardization (ISO), 1, ch. dela Voie-Creuse, CP 56, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, http:/ boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end ofthis standard.G167 1523.3.13 SINGLASSingapore Laboratory Accreditation Ser-vice3.3.14 UKASUnited

34、 Kingdom Accrediation Service3.3.15 WRCWorld Radiation Center3.3.16 WRRWorld Radiometric Reference3.3.17 WMOWorld Meteorological Organization4. Significance and Use4.1 The pyranometer is a radiometer designed to measurethe sum of directly solar radiation and sky radiation in suchproportions as solar

35、 altitude, atmospheric conditions and cloudcover may produce. When tilted to the equator, by an angle ,pyranometers measure only hemispherical radiation falling inthe plane of the radiation receptor.4.2 This test method represents the only practical means forcalibration of a reference pyranometer. W

36、hile the sun-trackers,the shading disk, the number of instantaneous readings, and theelectronic display equipment used will vary from laboratory tolaboratory, the method provides for the minimum acceptableconditions, procedures and techniques required.4.3 While, in theory, the choice of tilt angle (

37、) is unlimited,in practice, satisfactory precision is achieved over a range oftilt angles close to the zenith angles used in the field.4.4 The at-tilt calibration as performed in the tilted positionrelates to a specific tilted position and in this position requiresno tilt correction. However, a tilt

38、 correction may be required torelate the calibration to other orientations, including axisvertical.NOTE 1WMO High Quality pyranometers generally exhibit tilt errorsof less than 0.5 %. Tilt error is the percentage deviation from theresponsivity at 0 tilt (horizontal) due to change in tilt from 0 to 9

39、0 at1000 Wm23.4.5 Traceability of calibrations to the World RadiometricReference (WRR) is achieved through comparison to a refer-ence absolute pyrheliometer that is itself traceable to the WRRthrough one of the following:4.5.1 One of the International Pyrheliometric Comparisons(IPC) held in Davos, S

40、witzerland since 1980 (IPC IV). SeeRefs (3-7).4.5.2 Any like intercomparison held in the United States,Canada or Mexico and sanctioned by the World MeteorologicalOrganization as a Regional Intercomparison of Absolute Cav-ity Pyrheliometers.4.5.3 Intercomparison with any absolute cavity pyrheliom-ete

41、r that has participated in either and IPC or a WMO-sanctioned intercomparison within the past five years andwhich was found to be within 60.4 % of the mean of allabsolute pyrheliometers participating therein.4.6 The calibration method employed in this test methodassumes that the accuracy of the valu

42、es obtained are indepen-dent of time of year, with the constraints imposed and by thetest instruments temperature compensation circuit (neglectingcosine errors).5. Selection of Shade Method5.1 Alternating Shade Method:5.1.1 The alternating shade method is required for a primarycalibration of the ref

43、erence pyranometer used in theContinuous, Component-Summation Shade Method describedin The pyranometer under test is compared with apyrheliometer measuring direct solar irradiance (or, optionally,a continuously shaded control pyranometer; see Appendix X3 Appendix X5). The voltage values fr

44、om the pyranometer thatcorrespond to direct solar irradiance are derived from thedifference between the response of the pyranometer to hemi-spherical (unshaded) solar irradiance and the diffuse (shaded)solar irradiance. These response values (for example, voltages)are induced periodically by means o

45、f a movable sun shadedisk. For the calculation of the responsivity, the differencebetween the unshaded and shaded irradiance signals is dividedby the direct solar irradiance (measured by the pyrheliometer)component that is normal to the receiver plane of the pyra-nometer.5.1.3 For meteorological pur

46、poses, the solid angle fromwhich the scattered radiative fluxes that represent diffuseradiation are measured shall be the total sky hemisphere,excluding a small solid angle around the suns disk.5.1.4 In addition to the basic method, modifications of thismethod that are considered to improve the accu

47、racy of thecalibration factors, but which require more operationalexperience, are presented in Appendix X3 Appendix X5.5.2 Continuous Sun-and-Shade Method (Component Sum-mation):5.2.1 The pyranometer is compared with two referenceradiometers, one of which is a pyrheliometer and the other awell-calib

48、rated reference pyranometer equipped with a track-ing shade disk or sphere to measure diffuse solar radiation. Thereference pyranometer shall be either calibrated using thealternating sun-and shade method described in 5.1, or shall becompared against such a pyranometer in accordance with TestMethod

49、E824.5.2.2 Global solar irradiance (or hemispherical solar irradi-ance for inclined pyranometers) is determined by the sum ofthe direct solar irradiance measured with a pyrheliometermultiplied by the cosine of the incidence angle of the beam tothe local horizontal (or inclined plane parallel to the radiometersensor), plus the diffuse solar irradiance measured with ashaded reference pyranometer mounted in the same configu-ration (tilted or horizontal) as the unit under test.5.2.3 The smallest uncertainty realized in the cali


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