ATIS 0300003-2015 XML Schema Interface for Fault Management (Trouble Administration).pdf

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1、 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS ATIS-0300003.2015 XML Schema Interface for Fault Management (Trouble Administration) As a leading technology and solutions development organization, the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) brings together the top global ICT com

2、panies to advance the industrys most pressing business priorities. ATIS nearly 200 member companies are currently working to address the All-IP transition, network functions virtualization, big data analytics, cloud services, device solutions, emergency services, M2M, cyber security, network evoluti

3、on, quality of service, billing support, operations, and much more. These priorities follow a fast-track development lifecycle from design and innovation through standards, specifications, requirements, business use cases, software toolkits, open source solutions, and interoperability testing. ATIS

4、is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The organization is the North American Organizational Partner for the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), a founding Partner of the oneM2M global initiative, a member of and major U.S. contributor to the International Telecomm

5、unication Union (ITU), as well as a member of the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL). For more information, visit AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD Approval of an American National Standard requires review by ANSI that the requirements for due process, consensus, and other cr

6、iteria for approval have been met by the standards developer. Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board of Standards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests. Substantial agreement means much more than a simple majority, but

7、not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that a concerted effort be made towards their resolution. The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary; their existence does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved th

8、e standards or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standards. The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in no circumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard. More

9、over, no person shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation of an American National Standard in the name of the American National Standards Institute. Requests for interpretations should be addressed to the secretariat or sponsor whose name appears on the title page of this standard

10、. CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National Standards Institute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive curre

11、nt information on all standards by calling or writing the American National Standards Institute. Notice of Disclaimer type is e of the e of the fining a E, SET UMAct ivityCApproveAssign Cancel Clear : Close : Defer : DispatcRefer : ReleaseReopenRepair Test : 1TransfeyCodeTypetivityCodeValueTypejectI

12、dentifierTypehoice-0300003.201x8 CHOICE: CasimpleType mplexType name=omplexType gram Sche“ActivityCodeValueT“integer“ n value=“0“/ n value=“1“/ n value=“2“/ n value=“3“/ n value=“4“/ n value=“5“/ n value=“6“/ n value=“7“/ n value=“8“/ n value=“9“/ n value=“10“/ n value=“11“/ n value=“12“/ =“Activity

13、CodeTypee=“Number“ ABase:ActivityCode=“Identifier“ ABase:ObjectIdenma ype“ “ final=“#all“ eValueType“/ tifierType“/ TroubleDNULL,Gener ASOutageDNULLTimeI. ASN.1 DefinitioetectionTime:=CHOalizedTime, N.1 Definition uration:=CHOICE , nterval, n ICE TTroubleDetectionDay : DateType Hour : HourType Minut

14、e : MinuteType Second : SecondType Msec : MsecTypecomplexTypeATISTable 3.5del Table 3.6el Schema DaTimeTypeNullStringTypeationTypeiceNullObjectType-0300003.201x9 CHOICE: Cas CHOICE: Casstriction base=“tMleType eType striction base=“tMleType ame=“Generalizedbase=“dateTime“e 3 ype name=“NullObype name

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16、 AbAccessCentityIdGinitializOkeyIdenIMencrypO ASN.1 Definstract Syntax 1 ontrol := SEQUENCentifier 0 IMPLICIT raphicString (SIZE (1tedString 1 IMPLICICTET STRING (SIZEstract Syntax 2 ontrol := SEQUENCentifier 0 IMPLICIT raphicString (SIZE 1ationVector1IMPLICCTET STRING (SIZEntifier 2 PLICIT INTEGER,

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18、cKeyIdentifier : IntegerEncryptedString : EncrAccessControlTypesControl1 : AccessCosControl2 : AccessCo-0300003.201x10 reation for AccoIdentifierTypetedStringTypeentifierTypetetStringTypeytedStringTypentrol1Typentrol2Typemmodating TwoDefinitions Scname=“AccessCont name=“EntityIdepleType restriction

19、“tML-TABase:GrappleType ent t name=“InitializatpleType restriction “tML-TABase:OctepleType ent t name=“KeyIdentt name=“EncrytedpleType restriction “tML-TABase:OctepleType ent name=“AccessCont name=“AccessCtML-TABase:Accet name=“AccessCtML-TABase:Accehema trol2Type“ final=“#ntifier“ hicStringType“ ue

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23、Test“ tytch“ type=“booleacess“ type=“booleedMaintenance“ tyse“ type=“booleangulatedWork“ type=rizeToWork“ type=“boolean“/ “/ e=“boolean“/ pe=“boolean“/ n“/ an“/ pe=“boolean“/ “/ “boolean“/ “boolean“/ PersonRnumnampholoc emfaxrespag 3.8.56 stypes (ssequencASeach:= SEQUENCEber 0 PersonNume 1 Persone 2

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28、e Diagtional is that nNameType“/ :PersonPhoneTypersonLocationType“ersonEmailType“/rsonFaxType“/ :PersonResponTyPersonPhoneTyperam “/ / pe“/ “/ AWeekMadaysOfsunmontueswedthurfridasatu. DEFAUinteSEQUENTime24, DEF. SN.1 Definitionsk:=SEQUENCE Week BIT STRING day (0), day (1), day (2), nesday (3), sday

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30、1ATISTable 3.10l eysOfWeekTypetervalsOfDayTypeeoleanoleanoolean: Booleanooleanleanooleanime24Typeime24Typeype-0300003.201x13 SEQUENCE: Case 2 me=“DaysOfWeename=“Sunday“ tyname=“Monday“ tname=“Tuesday“ name=“Wednesdaname=“Thursday“name=“Friday“ typname=“Saturday“me=“IntervalsOfDname=“IntervalsOurs=“u

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33、ET e 0 VilingAddress ountNumber 2 IanceDue 3 IAL, Excerpt fromet types: Types defnordered, list of disay be declared to bet type is an unorderh of the component tn (X.680) isibleString, 1 VisibleString, NTEGER, NTEGER X.680 ined by referencing atinct types (some ooptional); each valueed list of valu

34、es, oneypes. f C Na M Ac BaATISTabUML Model Schema DaustomerRecordTypeme : VisibleStringTypailingAddress : VisiblecountNumber : IntegelanceDue : Integer-0300003.201x14 le 3.11 SET omplexType gram Sche=“CustomerRecorde=“Name“ ABase:VisibleStrine=“MailingAddressABase:VisibleStrine=“AccountNumbee=“Bala

35、nceDue“ er“ minOccurs=“0“/ma Type“ gType“/ “ gType“/ er“ type=“integer“/ ActivityDduratiobillableTRUE, type 3.8.59 sreferencvalue in of zerocomponASN.1 Definitiuration:=SET OF SEn 0 TimeInterval, 1 BOOLEA2 ActivityType OExcerpt from Xet-of types: Typesing a single componethe set-of type is an o, one

36、, or more vaent type. on QUENCE N DEFAULT PTIONAL, .680 defined by nt type; each unordered list lues of the UML Mo Duration : Billable : B Type : Act0n1ATISTable 3.12 del Schema DaTimeInterval TypeooleanivityTypeTypeeType-0300003.201x15 SET OF SEQUta Structure DiaENCE me=“ActivityDuratiname=“Activit

37、yDururs=“unbounded“lexType equence equence plexType gram Schema onType“ ationItem“ minOccDuration“ meIntervalType“/Billable“ lt=“true“/ Type“ tivityTypeType“ urs=“0“ ACallBackescala0PersobeforeafterC. Ex3.8.59 sby refertype; eaan unormore vaSN.1 DefinitionInfoList:=SET OF Ction nReach, AutoTest 1Per

38、sonleared 2Personcerpt from X.68et-of types: Typesencing a single coch value in the set-odered list of zero, lues of the componenHOICE Reach, Reach, 0 defined mponent f type is one, or t type. EscaBefoAfteUML Model CallBackInfoListTyplation : PersonReachTreAutoTest : PersonRerCleared : PersonReac0n1

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40、S3.8.48 ovalues aoctets, eC.2.6 OcC.2.6.1 whose elsewheEXAMPG4Facs- a- RimaN.1 Definition icMailAddressRangeSIZE (064) tring(SIZE(064) Excerpt fctetstring type: A sre an ordered seqach octet being an otet string Use an octet strinformat and length re, and whose lengthLE simileImage := OCTEsequence o

41、f octets ecommendations G4FacsimilePagU:= OF rom X.680 imple type whose disuence of zero, onerdered sequence of eg type to model bare unspecified, orin bits is a multiple oT STRING conforming to 5 and T.6. e := 3FE2EBAD47El ect ronicaphicStringType0641ATISTable 3.14lement name=“ElecaxOccurs=“64

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44、pe; each value e-of type is an orderee, or more values of tent type. .711) := , e := ion NCE OF equence 80 ypes le in the d list of he UML MRDNSeque Type : At AssertionAssertionTypetributeTypeType: AttributeValueTypxType0n-0300003.201x18 6 SEQUENCEelement name=“Tytype=“tML-TABaselement name=“Astype=

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47、rom Annexethrough H ting Productions ObjectClass, ObjectIIP-1 joint-iso-ccitt(2odules(0) protocol(3);istinguished Name atinguished Name formrted. Tab11) Name, NG, e xes A s A nstance ) ms(9) nd s le 3.17 RestriUMLManagedObjeDistinguishedName LocalDistinguishedN-0300003.201x19 Based on CMIPmplexType

48、plexType name=“complexContent/complexContentmplexType gram (see Annexes ASchObjectInstanceTyp=“DistinguishedNaBase:Distinguished=“NonSpecificFormBase:OctetStringT=“LocalDistinguishBase:RDNSequenManagedObjectInse=“tML-TABase:Obt name=“DistinguiTABase:Distinguist name=“LocalDisTABase:RDNSequthrough H)

49、 ema e“ me“ NameType“/ “ ype“/ edName“ ceType“/ tanceType“ jectInstanceType“shedName“ hedNameType“/stinguishedName“ enceType“/ HandOffLocGraphicStriExcerp5.1 Use of Within NoGraphicStricharacters CapSmApLeft RightPCHFSEqQueASN.1 Definitation:= ng(SIZE(064) t from AnnexesGraphicString syntarth America, the ng should be the sdefined for ASCII pr

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