ATIS 0300057-1998 Toll Free Resource Exhaust Relief Planning Guidelines.pdf

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1、1 ATIS-0300057 TOLL FREE RESOURCE EXHAUST RELIEF PLANNING GUIDELINES Reissued with the resolution of Issue 129. July, 1998 2 Copyright 1998 by the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. The Toll Free Exhaust Relief Planning Guidelines dated July, 1998 (former d

2、ocument number INC-97-0606-018) is copyrighted, published and distributed by ATIS on behalf of the Industry Numbering Committee (INC). Except as expressly permitted, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form, including electronic media or otherwise, without the prior e

3、xpress written permission of ATIS. Participants in the INC and other parties are hereby authorized to reproduce this document and distribute it within their own business organizations for business purposes, provided that this notice continues to appear in the reproduced documentation. Resale is proh

4、ibited. For ordering information, please contact: ATIS 1200 G Street N.W., Suite 500 Washington, DC 20005 (202) 628-6380 A complete listing of INC Documents is available on the ATIS Web Site at: http:/ 3 ATIS is the leading technical planning and standards devel

5、opment organization committed to the rapid development of global, market-driven standards for the information, entertainment and communications industry. More than 250 companies actively formulate standards in ATIS 18 Committees, covering issues including: IPTV, Service Oriented Networks, Energy Eff

6、iciency, IP-Based and Wireless Technologies, Quality of Service, and Billing and Operational Support. In addition, numerous Incubators, Focus and Exploratory Groups address emerging industry priorities including “Green”, IP Downloadable Security, Next Generation Carrier Interconnect, IPv6 and Conver

7、gence. ATIS is the North American Organizational Partner for the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), a member and major U.S. contributor to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radio and Telecommunications Sectors, and a member of the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CI

8、TEL). For more information please visit . - The Industry Numbering Committee (INC) provides an open forum to address and resolve industry-wide issues associated with planning, administration, allocation, assignment and use of North American Numbering Plan (NANP) numbering resources within the NANP a

9、rea. This document is maintained under the direction of ATIS and the INC. Suggestions for improvement of this document are welcome. They should be sent to the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions, INC Staff, 1200 G Street NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20005. All changes to this documen

10、t shall be made through the INC issue resolution process and adopted by the INC as set forth in the ATIS Operating Procedures. - Notice of Disclaimer they are provided by SMT, provided by the industry, or are derived from two other values in the model. Toll Free Exhaust Relief Planning Guidelines AT

11、IS-0300057 July 1998 _ 3 2. Forecast Model Example ITEM Value Provided by the SMT Report Value Provided in this Document Formula Derived Value1. Spare 8,000,000 2 Average Demand 100,000 3. Accelerated Demand 200,000 4. Months of Accelerated Demand 10 5. Total Quantity of Accelerated Demand 3X4 2,000

12、,000 6. Average Demand Pool 1-5 6,000,000 7. Months of Average Demand 6/2 60 8. Months to Exhaust 4+7 70 Step 1 The quantity of spare numbers provided by SMT is 8,000,000. Step 2 Average demand as provided by SMT is 100,000 numbers a month. Step 3 The OBF SNAC with input from SMT has determined that

13、 200,000 should be used as an estimated monthly accelerated demand. Step 4 The OBF SNAC with input from SMT has also determined that 10 months should be used as the estimated number of months there will be accelerated demand during the remaining months to exhaust. Step 5 The total quantity of number

14、s used during the estimated 10 months of accelerated demand is 2,000,000. (10 months X 200,000) Step 6 The spare numbers minus the total accelerated demand equals the total quantity of numbers used during the months of average demand. ( 8,000,000 - 2,000,000 = 6,000,000) Step 7 The average demand po

15、ol divided by the average demand will give the number of months of average demand. ( 6,000,000 / 100,000 = 60) Step 8 The number of months of average demand plus the estimated number of months of accelerated demand equals the total months to exhaust. ( 60 +10 = 70) Since there is an estimated 70 mon

16、ths to exhaust, the projected announcement date of the new NPA is 40 months away. The new NPA would be available for assignment to REPS ORS 27 months after the announcement date. Toll Free Exhaust Relief Planning Guidelines ATIS-0300057 July 1998 _ 4 3. Explanation of Forecast Model 1. Spare - This

17、is a value tracked monthly by SMT. Spare = value provided monthly by SMT 2 . Average Demand - The Average Demand is the actual average demand provided monthly by SMT. Average Demand = value provided monthly by SMT monthly 3 . Accelerated Demand - Accelerated Demand is an estimate provided by the OF

18、SAC with input from SMT of demand for numbers during a month when there is higher than average demand. This number is used to add a factor above average demand such as would be expected as the current resource is exhausting. One method of deriving the accelerated demand is to use historical data. Ex

19、amples of this are the average of the previous 10 high months or average of the 5 previous high months. Accelerated Demand = provided by OBF SNAC with input from SMT 4 . Months of Accelerated Demand - This is an estimate provided by the OBF SNAC with input from SMT of the number of months there may

20、be accelerated demand as per item 3. Months of Accelerated Demand = provided by OBF SNAC with input from SMT 5 . Total Quantity of Accelerated Demand - This value is derived by multiplying the quantity of accelerated demand by the months of accelerated demand. This will give the total quantity of nu

21、mbers utilized during the estimated periods of accelerated demand. Total Quantity of Accelerated Demand = months of accelerated demand X accelerated demand = 6 . Average Demand Pool - The average demand pool is the quantity of numbers used during the periods of average demand. This is derived by sub

22、tracting the total quantity of accelerated demand from the spare numbers. Average Demand Pool = Spare Numbers - Total Quantity of Accelerated Demand 7 . Months of Average Demand - The months of average demand is derived by dividing the average demand pool by the average demand. Toll Free Exhaust Rel

23、ief Planning Guidelines ATIS-0300057 July 1998 _ 5 Months of Average Demand = Average Demand Pool / Average Demand 8 . Months to Exhaust - The months to exhaust is derived by adding the months of average demand to the months of accelerated demand. Months to Exhaust = Months of Average Demand + month

24、s of accelerated demand Announcement Date - The announcement date is the date that the industry announces the relief NPA and its availability date. The announcement is triggered when the Months to Exhaust = 30. Announcement Date = The date that Months to Exhaust = 30 Availability Date - The availabi

25、lity date is the date that the relief NPA will be able to be disable by end users. The availability date is 27 months after the announcement date. The twenty seven month network preparation interval used in this document was developed using the most current information available at the time and is subject to change. This interval should be adjusted as vendors and service providers develop additional network capabilities for activating subsequent toll free NPAs. Availability Date = Announcement Date + 27 Months

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