ATIS 0800020-2011 IPTV Electronic Program Guide Metadata Requirements (Version 2 0 Includes Access to Additional Content).pdf

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1、 Access to Additional Content for ATIS-0800020.v002 - 2011 (Click here to view the publication) This Page is not part of the original publication This page has been added by IHS as a convenience to the user in order to provide access to additional content as authorized by the Copyright holder of thi

2、s document Click the link(s) below to access the content and use normal procedures for downloading or opening the files. ATIS-0800020 ZIP File Information contained in the above is the property of the Copyright holder and all Notice of Disclaimer Implementation guidelines for the use of MPEG-2 Syste

3、ms, Video and Audio in satellite, cable and terrestrial broadcasting applications, 2000.412 ETSI TS 102 822-3-1 V1.6.1 (2010-07), Broadcast and On-line Services: Search, select and rightful use of content on personal storage systems (“TV-Anytime”); Part 3: Metadata; Sub-part 1: Phase 1 Metadata sche

4、mas, 2007.413 ETSI TS 102 822-3-2 V1.4.1 (2007-11), Broadcast and On-line Services: Search, select and rightful use of content on personal storage systems (“TV-Anytime”); Part 3: Metadata; Sub-part 2: Systems aspects in a uni-directional environment, 2007.414 ETSI TS 102 822-4 V1.3.1 (2007-11), Broa

5、dcast and On-line Services: Search, select and rightful use of content on personal storage systems (“TV-Anytime”); Part 4: Phase 1 Content referencing, 2007.415 IETF RFC 5646, Tags for Identifying Languages, September 2009.516 IANA, Language Subtag Registry,. 1This document is available from the Adv

6、anced Television Systems Committee (ATSC). 2This document is available from the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS), 1200 G Street N.W., Suite 500, Washington, DC 20005. 3This document is available from the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA). 4This document is available fro

7、m the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). 5RFC text is available at . ATIS-0800020.v002 3 17 ISO/IEC 15938-5:2003, Information technology - Multimedia content description interface - Part 5: Multimedia description schemes, 2003.618 IETF RFC 1952, GZIP file format specification ve

8、rsion 4.3, May 1996.519 OMA-TS-BCAST_ServiceGuide-V1_0-20090212-A, Service Guide for Mobile Broadcast Services, 2009.720 OMA-TS-BCAST_Services-V1_0-20090212-A, Mobile Broadcast Services, 2009.721 SMPTE 2016-1, Format for Active Format Description and Bar Data, 2007.822 World Wide Web Consortium (W3C

9、) REC-xmlschema-1-20041028, XML Schema Part 1: Structures Second Edition, 2004.923 W3C REC-xmlschema-2-20041028, XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition, 2004.924 W3C REC-xml-20060816, Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fourth Edition), 2006.925 ATSC TSG-575, Code Point Registry, June 6, 2007

10、.126 ATIS-0800036, XML Schema for ITF Execution Environment, October 2009.227 ATIS-0800027, IPTV Glossary, July 2009.23 DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS, and 2) the SPD-IPG-CD interface between the Service Provider Domain and the Consumer Domain. The former interface is used to provide information about the co

11、ntent itself from the Content Provider to the IPG/EPG Server in the Service Provider Domain (SPD). The latter interface is used to provide information about services, content, and instances of content (scheduled events and Content-on-Demand offerings) from the IPG/EPG Server in the Service Provider

12、Domain to the IPG/EPG Client in the Consumer Domain, which will display this information to the consumer. The current document focuses on IPG/EPG metadata transacted across the SPD-IPG-CD interface. The specifications for IPG/EPG metadata transacted across the CPD-IPG-SPD interface will be given in

13、a later document. Metadata describing service offerings and the services which individual consumers have purchased or subscribed to are also relevant to IPG/EPG functionality. These metadata elements are typically conveyed to the SPD from the Service Providers Business Support Systems (BSS), as part

14、 of the ATIS-0800020.v002 7 interface labeled “Apps/Services” in Figure 1. Consideration of such EPG/IPG related metadata transacted across this interface will be deferred to a later document. 5 EPG METADATA ELEMENTS This ATIS IPTV EPG metadata element specification is in the form of an XML schema c

15、onforming to the W3C XML schema specifications 22, 23. It is based on the TV-Anytime Metadata Schema 12, extending it in a number of places and restricting it in a few places. This document provides definitions of those individual XML schema elements and attributes that differ from their TV-Anytime

16、counterparts, with an XML diagram preceding and a table of semantic definitions following each piece of XML schema code. The tables of semantic descriptions have in the first column the names of the attributes or elements in the schema description, in the second column indicators telling whether the

17、 attributes or elements are optional (“O”) or required (“R”), and in the third column the semantic definitions. A companion schema description (.xsd) document see Annex D provides the consolidated XML schema definition for the ATIS IPTV EPG metadata. In case of any discrepancies between the XML sche

18、ma descriptions in this document and those in the companion .xsd document, the latter shall be normative. All media streams or objects delivered as part of the EPG metadata shall conform to the media protocol specifications given in ATIS-0800013, Media Protocols Specification 4. 5.1 Identifiers This

19、 XML schema follows the TV-Anytime schema in using the TV-Anytime XML CRIDType for identifiers of Programs and Groups/Supergroups, using the TV-Anytime “InstanceMetadataIdType” for identifiers of Program Location instances (Schedule Events, On Demand Programs, etc.), and using the TVAIDType for iden

20、tifiers of Services and certain other objects. All of these identifiers are primarily used for internal linkage among elements in the metadata schema. The values of attributes and elements of type CRIDType shall conform to the syntax CRID:/, as specified in the TV-Anytime metadata content referencin

21、g standard 14, where the term is a as defined there, and the term is a URI-compliant free-format string as defined there. These CRID identifiers are intended to be used in this IPTV EPG Metadata Standard only as unique identifiers. There is no requirement in this document pertaining to the existence

22、 or location of any data structures that might be used to resolve such identifiers to obtain an actual locator. The values of InstanceMetadataId attributes (of type InstanceMetadataIdType) shall conform to the syntax and semantics specified in the TV-Anytime metadata standard 12. The values of attri

23、butes and elements of type TVAIDType shall conform to the syntax of the XML anyURI type. The values of attributes and elements of type TVAIDType shall be unique within the EPG metadata. The ATIS EPG XML schema extends the TV-Anytime definition of ServiceInformationType to add an optional OtherIdenti

24、fier element, consistent with the OtherIdentifier element that is already present in the TV-Anytime schema for ProgramInformation, GroupInformation, and ATIS-0800020.v002 8 ProgramLocation elements (and which is also included in the new ATIS EPG SuperGroupInformation element defined in this document

25、). Among its other uses, this OtherIdentifier element can be used as a “CreatorAssetId” identifier (defined in the ATIS IPTV Content on Demand standard 8). The XML type of the OtherIdentifier elements is mpeg7:UniqueIDType, which is defined by extending the XML string type to add attributes named ty

26、pe, organization, authority, and text. The definition declares the default value of the type attribute to be “URI”, and the default value of the encoding attribute to be “text”. When an OtherIdentifier element is used as a CreatorAssetId identifier: 1. The value of the type attribute of the OtherIde

27、ntifier element shall be “CreatorAssetId”. 2. The value of the organization attribute of the OtherIdentifier element shall be “ATIS”. 3. The value of the encoding attribute of the OtherIdentifier element shall be “text”. 4. The base string value of the OtherIdentifier element shall conform to the sy

28、ntax and semantics of a “CreatorAssetId” as defined in ATIS-0800042 8. To simplify the use of an OtherIdentifier element as a “CreatorAssetId”, the default value for the organization attribute of the OtherIdentifier element shall be “ATIS” when no value is explicitly provided for it. Note that when

29、using an OtherIdentifer element as a “CreatorAssetId”, the type attribute needs to be specified as “CreatorAssetId”, since this is different from the default value defined by MPEG-7, but the encoding attribute does not need to be specified, since the default value for this attribute is “text”. This

30、XML schema also adds a new offerId attribute (of XML type gt:assetIDType) to items in PurchaseList elements, to uniquely identify the offering (the combination of the product to be purchased and the terms of purchase). The XML schema definition of gt:assetIDType appears in the ATIS XML Global Types

31、(included with this document). The values of these offerId attributes shall represent a “CreatorAssetId.” The values of these offerId attributes shall conform to the syntax and semantics of a “CreatorAssetId” as defined in ATIS-0800042 8. 5.2 EPG Metadata Namespace The XML namespace for the XML sche

32、ma that is defined by this specification shall be: http:/ The abbreviation used in this document for this namespace is “epg”. The association of this abbreviation to the namespace can be established with the following declaration in an XML schema documen

33、t: xmlns:epg=“http:/“ ATIS-0800020.v002 9 The XML schema defined by this specification is in the form of an “.xsd” file which is contained in a “zip” archive which accompanies this document. In the event of any discrepancy between this XML schema file an

34、d the text of this document, the XML schema file shall take precedence. ATIS EPG metadata imports XML Schemas defined by W3C 2223, MPEG-7 17, TV-Anytime 12, the ATIS Media Formats and Protocols Specification 4, the ATIS ITF Execution Environment Specification 26, and the ATIS XML Global Types schema

35、. The namespaces of these schemas, with their recommended abbreviations, are shown below. xmlns=“http:/“ xmlns:mpeg7=“urn:tva:mpeg7:2008“ xmlns:tva=“urn:tva:metadata:2010“ xmlns:mps=“http:/“ xmlns:itfee=“http:/

36、fee/1“ xmlns:gt=“http:/“ All EPG XML instance documents shall be fully namespace qualified and declare the EPG metadata namespace. 5.3 Top Level Metadata Structure Following the TV-Anytime lead, the ATIS IPTV EPG metadata is structured into a sin

37、gle top-level element EPGMain of type EPGMainType, defined below, that encloses all the EPG metadata. ATIS-0800020.v002 10 XML schema diagram for EPGMainType: XML schema definition for EPGMainType: ATIS-0800020.v002 11 Semantic Definitions for EPGMainType: Name R/O Semantics EPGMain R Root element f

38、or an IIF EPG XML document, encompassing all EPG metadata in the schema. MetadataOriginationInformationTable O Table of information about originators of metadata and associated metadata rights information, including copyright notices. For further information about this table, see the TV-Anytime spec

39、ification 12. ClassificationSchemeTable O Table of classification schemes used to define allowable values for metadata elements of type tva:ControlledTermType and mpeg7:termReferenceType. For further information about this table, see the TV-Anytime specification 12. RatingRegionTables O Collection o

40、f tables giving allowable values for RRTParentalGuidance metadata elements for different regions. ProgramDescription O Descriptive information about programs, program instances, and services. Publisher O Default publisher of the EPG metadata; may be overridden for fragments by references to entry in

41、 MetadataOriginationInformationTable. RightsOwner O Default rights owner of the EPG metadata; may be overridden for fragments by reference to entry in MetadataOriginationInformationTable. CopyrightNotice O Default copyright notice for the EPG metadata; may be overridden for fragment by references to

42、 entry in MetadataOriginationInformationTable. xml:lang R A code representing the natural language of the EPG metadata, as defined by IETF RFC 4646 or its successor. The structure of these codes may include script and region information in addition to a 2- or 3-character language code. For informati

43、on about valid subtags, see the IANA Language Subtag Registry 16. For information about the valid syntax of xml:lang tags, please see IETF RFC 5646 15. Note This may be overridden for individual lower level elements, as specified in the XML language standard 24. fragmentId O Identifier for this frag

44、ment. If it is desired to deliver the EPGMain fragment to EPG clients in order to give them access to metadata origination information in it, then this fragmentId attribute shall be present. fragmentVersion O Version for this fragment. If it is desired to deliver the EPGMain fragment to EPG clients

45、in order to give them access to metadata origination information in it, then this fragmentVersion attribute shall be present. ATIS-0800020.v002 12 The TV-Anytime MetadataOriginationInformationTable and ClassificationSchemeTable elements are used in this ATIS IPTV EPG Metadata specification unchanged

46、. A new RatingRegionTables element is introduced to allow specification of rating systems that conform to the structure of the Rating Region Table specified in the ATSC PSIP Standard 1, and a number of modifications are made to the elements of the ProgramDescription element. The TV-Anytime UserDescr

47、iption element is omitted, since user information is out of scope for this specification. The ATIS ProgramDescription element is defined below. This element differs from its TV-Anytime counterpart in that the SegmentInformationTable sub-element is omitted (which means that information about program

48、segments is not supported in this version of this specification), the individual attributes giving information about metadata origination and associated rights are omitted in favor of using the MetadataOriginationInformationTable alone, and the other sub-elements have new type definitions that are m

49、odified slightly from their TV-Anytime counterparts to include additional metadata items in them. Also, a new SuperGroupInformationTable element is introduced. The SuperGroupInformation elements in this table represent groups of program groups, and the semantics of the MemberOf element of the GroupInformation elements in the GroupInformationTable is modified to require that it can only reference an identifier of a SuperGroupInformation element. This removes TV-Anytimes unbounded recursion of


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