BS 2977-1958 Domestic lighting appliances for use with liquefied petroleum gases《供液化石油气用的家用照明器具》.pdf

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BS 2977-1958 Domestic lighting appliances for use with liquefied petroleum gases《供液化石油气用的家用照明器具》.pdf_第1页
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BS 2977-1958 Domestic lighting appliances for use with liquefied petroleum gases《供液化石油气用的家用照明器具》.pdf_第2页
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BS 2977-1958 Domestic lighting appliances for use with liquefied petroleum gases《供液化石油气用的家用照明器具》.pdf_第3页
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BS 2977-1958 Domestic lighting appliances for use with liquefied petroleum gases《供液化石油气用的家用照明器具》.pdf_第4页
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BS 2977-1958 Domestic lighting appliances for use with liquefied petroleum gases《供液化石油气用的家用照明器具》.pdf_第5页
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2、N TELEPHONE: MAYFAIR 9ooo BSI E?S*2777 58 m L62Lib69 0165256 b m ,s. 7977 : Pa!? 1 : 1958 Trrrs Bitiiii STANUARU. having bccn ;iprrovcd by thc Pctroicum Equiprncnt Iiidusiy Standards Coniniittcc aiid endorsed by thc Chairman of thc Encinccrin; Divisional Council. was pblishcd undcr tlic authority of

3、 the Gcncrril Cozncil on 31st blarcn, 1953. Thc Institution dcsircs to call attcntion to thc fact that this British Sundard docs not puport to includc :i11 thc ncccssary provisions of a contract. This standard makcs rcfcrcncc to the following Britisn Standards and Codes of Practice:- B.S. 21. Pipe t

4、hrcads. B.S. 93. British Association (B.A.) screw threads with tolerances for sizs O B.A. to 16 B.A. B.S. 364. Neck and flancc dimcnsions of interior lighting fittings. B.S. 653. Light cpusc copper tubcs for watcr, gas and sanitation. B.S. 717. Combustion testing of domestic applianccs burning town

5、ps. B.S. 864. Capillary and compression fittin;s of copper and copper alloy for use v;ith coppr tube complying with B.S. 659 and B.S. I 386. B.S. 884. Low pressure gas mantles. B.S. 855. Brass tubes for general purposcs. B.S. 1431-3. B.S. 1552. Control plug cocks for low-pressure gas. B.S. 2917. Cop

6、per tuces for general purposes. B.S. 1779. Fastening threads of B.S.P. sizcs. C.P. 339. Domestic butane-gzs-burning instAlations, Pam 1, I and 3. B.S. *. Gas cock lubricants for use in butrine*propane sx insailauons. B.S. 3245 Jointing compounds for use in butace:?ropanc zu ;Ntal!;itioris. B.S. 3212

7、 Flexible tubing (including connections where 5t:ed.l for us2 ir! butanepropne sas installations. In course of preparation. Bririsli standards are rei-isecl, iclicn necessary, b-v rhe issire ei:her of cinrndiiient sllinistT of P- “wer Petroieum Equipment *ii Cornpanis llaterislj Committee Nationd Cm

8、v3n Council Society oi British Gas Industees Individual 7s distributors. BSI BS* O Co-opcrating organizations Foreword . S PECJ FICATION Scction One : General 1. scope . 2. Classification . 3. Instructions . -. . . 4. Marking Section Two : Construction 5. Fittings and materials 6. Brass parts . 8. F

9、inishes 9. Maintenance . 10. Components removable by user . 12. Jet marking 0 7. Workmanship 11. Interchangeability . 13. Gas ways 14. Jet fixing 15. Tap positions. . : 16. Tap niting. . 18. Adjustable stops on taps 21. Spring loading of taps 17. Tap workmanship . 19. Tap working positions 20. Accid

10、ental opening of taps . . -. 22. Tap dimensions . I I B.S. 2977 : Part 1 : 1958 CONTENTS . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page Page . 2 23. Needle valves. 6 . 4 24. Gascontrols . 4 25. Leakage . 6 26. Inlet and outlet connections 6 28.Nozzles 6 27. Burner galleries 6 . 4 Scction Three

11、 : Operation .4 .4 29. General 6 31. Burnerstability I . 33. Combustion . 7 34. Soot formation . 7 . 30. Ignition 4 32. Resistanceto draught . 7 . 35. Surfacetemperatures 7 . 36. Lightingefficiency . 7 . 37. Operating noise . 7 .5 COMhIEKCIAL PROPANE . yo . 5 - _ * 5 38- PART 7. APPLIANCES FOR USE W

12、ITH . -39: GENERAL. * . 79 - . 5 40. CLASSIFICATION - - . e - - * - e . 7U / _I . 5 41, INSTRIJCTIONS 76 . 5 42. FLTCNGSAND MATEWU . - - 4b MARKLNG AND CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS - 7 I, *5- .5- * 5 43. -5- - .5 .5 .6 APPEi-mIcEs .6 sb -. 44. PERFORANCE - .- - - - * - - - - - - - _I Appendix A. B.S. i

13、njector jet numbers for butanel propane gases. . g Appendix B. Test for lighting efficiency 8 FLGURES Fig. 1. Mantleringskes 9 Fig. 3. General arrangement . I1 Fig. 4. Node, male thread typt 12 Fig. 5. Nozzle, female thread type Fig. 7. MinLnum dimensions of taper plug tap . . 10 13 3 - BSI BS*2977

14、58 = Lb24bb 0365258 T .S. 2977 : Part 1 : 1958 BRITISH STANDARD SPECIFIATION FOR Al Al A FOREWORD This British Standard, which has been prcpared undcr the authority of thc Pctroleum Equipment Industry Standards Committee, is intended to establish minimum standards of construction. performance and sa

15、fety requirements for domestic lighting appliances burning liquefied petroleum gases. Notwithstanding the requirements specified in this standard any new designs, rnatcrials and methods of manufacture and assembly, civins at least equivalent results to those specified in this stanciard, zre acccptab

16、le. S P E C IF I C AT I O X SECTION ONE : GESERAL PART 1. APPLlANCES FOR USE LVlTH COhIhIERCIAL BL I *SE SCOPE LYSTRLCTiONS 1. Part 1 of this British Standard specifies classification, construction, operation, safety requirements and tests for lighting applianccs intended for domestic use with conim

17、ercial butane at 11 in. w.g. pressure. NOTE 1. This cas is a mixture consisting predominantly of C, hydrocarbons with some C, hydrocarbons and small amounts of Ca hydrocaroons. However. the distributors oi the gas are able to supply sas whose cornousrion charxteris!cs are alwavs within the limits pr

18、escribed by the test gases defined in Clause 29. NOTE 2. The term Lightins appliances includes their component parts, e.g. burners, brackets, pendants and their taps. the cussimc.moN 2. Burners shall be classificd by mantle sizes as follow (sce Fis. 1 and Fig. 3). Li 3. 1nstruc:ions for 5tting. main

19、tenance and use shall be proviccci ror ex:? appiiane. These instructjotis siall be in accordance nith tlic recommendations of CP 339 : 1956, Doniestic butane gas-burning iiiqtallations , Parts I. 2 aiid 3. 5L-G 1. ne burner unit shall k clcxlj and permanently marked with: a. hlanfactiers name or tra

20、de mark. b. hlanufacturers tj-pe number. c. An indiation of the gas for T.vhich the appliancx is drsiped. See B.S. SU. Low pressure gzs mantles *- Name of burner 1 light Bijou i . 7 i I : hiantlei gas tfow I I_ il ! cil. ft/h . I , Type of burner rate at j I 11 Il. IV.4 Non-supcrneired I BSI BS*2977

21、 58 Lb2Libb9 0165259 I = B.S. 2977 : Part 1 : 1958 SECTION TWO : Fil7ING.5 AND MATERIAU 5. Appropriatc fittings and matcrials arc spccificd in thc following British Standards, but othcr typcs of fittings or matcrials may bc uscd providcd that the standards of pcrformancc, durability and safcty of th

22、c appliance are not thcrcby lowered: B.S. 21. Pipe thrcads. B.S. 93. British Association (B.A.) scrcw threads with tolcrances for othcr sizes O B.A. to 16 B.A. B.S. 2779. Fastcning threads of B.S.P. sizcs. B.S. 659. Light gauge copper tubes for water, gas and sanitation. B.S. 864. Capillary and comp

23、ression fittings of copper and coppcr alloy for use with copper tube complying with B.S. 659 and B.S. 1386. _* B.S. 884. Low-pressure gas mantles. B.S. 1401/3 Copper and brass tubes for gas installation B.S. 2017. Copper tubes for general purposes. B.S. * Gas cock lubricants for use in butanel propa

24、ne gas installations. D.S. 32-15 Jointing compounds for use in butanel propane gas installations. .S. 37 12 Flexible tubing(inc1udingconnectionswhere fitted) for use in butane/propane gas installations. Attention is also drawn to the following British CP 339 Code of Practice for domestic butane-gas-

25、 Part i : Installations in permanent dwellings. Part 3: Installations in caravans and small non- Part 3 : Installation in boats, yachts and other vessels. work and gas lishting fittings. Standard Codes of Practice: burning installations. permanent buildings. e BRASS PARTS 6. Brass parts shall not be

26、 susceptible to season cracking. The susceptibility to season cracking shall be detcrmined by the method given in B.S. 885, Brass tubes for general purposes . WORKhlANSHIP 7. The appliance, including all the component parts, shall be solidly constructed and of a high standard of work- manship. FINIS

27、HES 8. Tie materials and finishes used in tlic construction of thc appliancc shall be resistant to thc wear and tear aiid detcrioration occurring in nornial USC. Parts shall not nick or distort if the burner should iiiadvertently light back. in course of preparation. CONSTRUCTION XlAIhXEXANCE 9. Thc

28、 appliance, including all thc component parts, shall be asy to clean and to maintain in good working ordcr. Thcrc shall be casy acccss to accessories and controls for maintcnancc and adjustment. COMPOSEX7S RF-1OVABLE BY GSER 10. Parts which are intendcd to be removable by the user shall be casy to r

29、eplace corrcctby and difficult to replace inco rrcct iy. 11. Burners and parts of burners of the same pattern and capacity shall be intercliangeable. XERCIIASGUBNTY - :INJECTOR JETS - 12. Injector jets shall be in accordance with B.S. .= Injectox jetsfor liqiieied petroleiini gases (in coiirse A-. A

30、 -_ - of preparationj. 13. Holes for rivets, fastening screws, studs, etc., shali not lead into the gas passages unless adequate provision k made to ensure permanent gas tightness. There shall be no adventitious matter, e.g. swarf, metal pourings, OD loose jointing compound, in the gas ways. GAS WAY

31、S J-maC 14. It shall not be possible to loosen injector jets without the use of tools. Ta prevent foulins of the jet all burners shall be provided with a dust trap upstream and close to the jet (-see Clause 9). TAP POSITIOI3 . 15. Taps having an off position shall have positive stops at the off and

32、full on positions. TAP ?XiXG 16. The niting means-adopted shall be sufficiently robust to withstand normal use without distortion or damage. 17. The quality of the work and the cleanliness shalI be $ accordance with 8.S. 1551, Control plug cock for low pressure gas ., Clauses 16 and 17. TM WORIil.4X

33、SHIp. ADJUSTAFiLE STOPS ON T.WS 18. Where taps are fitted with adjustable stops there shail be means for locking the stops in position. If screws are used for this purpose they shall not lead into gas pissages. TAP WORKMG POS-OSS 19. The working positions of tap handles shall be clearly indicated or

34、 shall be obvious by design or position. ACCIDLSTAL OPEM?X OF TMS 20. Every cxc shall bc taken to avoid the possibility of any tap king opened by accident. e.:., by the wight of the plug, or handlc. or if caught by clothing. If this require- ment is satislcd by nieans of an automatic Ioccking dcvice

35、 this shall bc easy to operate with one hand. B.S. 2977 : Part : 1958 SIRING-LOADING OF TAPS 21. Each tapcr liliic tap shall tic spriiic-londcd to mairitain a gns-ticlit lit. II a coil spring is uscd its ends shall bc lattcncd. 22. Tnpcr pluc taps shall havc diriicnsions not Icss than those siven in

36、 Fis. 2. TAP DIXIWSIONS NEEDLE VALVES 23. Nccdle valvcs shall bc so dcsicncd that it is impossible to withdraw coinplctcly the valvc stem in thc normal operation of the valve. 24. All coiitrols shall be easy to opcratc at all tcinperatures nornially attained in use. In particular, taps shall be so p

37、laced that tlicy can be opcratcd without thc hand being likely to touch hot parts (C.S. globes) of the appliance. Gas restrictors, Le., throttle screws, shall not be used. CAS CONTROLS WAGE 25. The whole of the gas ways, including the taps. which are in practicc held under workins pressure, shall be

38、 gx-tight when tcstcd under watcr at a prcssurc o 2 Ibsq. in. This rippiics to rill pcsitions of thc taps at all tcmpcrnturcs norm;iily nttriincd by thc Jppliance in usc. LET ,iSD OLTLFIT-COsiSECnONS 26. Thc dimcnsions oi iniet and outlet connections shall bc as roiiows: a. Iiilct caiiiicctioris Oii

39、 bracke: !/a in. B.S.P. female. On burncr: K in. 2G t.p.i. female. On bracket: !/s in. 16 t.p.i. malc cy b. Oirilat coiiirccriuns BLRR GALLERIES 27. The dimensions of burner gslleries shall be in accord- ancc aith B.S. X4. Seck and flan;e dimensions of interior lighting fittings . NOZZLES 28. The di

40、mensions of nozzles shall k as given in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, with 3 tolerance of plus or minus 5 per cent. SECTION THREE : OPERATION GENERAL 29. Appliances shall be tested under conditions simulating as closely as possible those under which the appliance is designed to operate. During the tests the in

41、itial adjustment of the appliance shall not be altered unless specically required in the test procedure. The room in which tests are conducted shall be adequately ventilated but free from perceptible draughts. The appliance shall be adjusted and operated in accord- ance with the instructions on or i

42、ssued with the appliance. The gas shall be supplied to the appliance through a control valve, an adjustable pressure regulator, saturator and an accurate meter, with a pressure gauge on its inlet. Pressure gauges shall be fittcd to the inlet of the appliance and to any pressure test points on the ap

43、pliance. The gas volume consumed shall be mcasursd and Except when othezvise stated the 2;.$iance shall satisfy correc1e to 60F and 30 inHg saturated the recuiremenrs usin; 00th Test 23s LPG.A and Test p LPG.B detined as follows:* Test sas LPG.A: normal or isooutans or any mkrure thereof. Test gx Lp

44、G.B : 50 pcr ces propane. 59 7: six!: propeze- A In prac.c:c=, T.cst gases LPG.A and LPG.B Niii wnform IO the following specifications: norrnai and iso-butzne5. Ir ;B:ii have :te :jiloaing composition: mois p-r cent. rnols per cent. gas LPG.A: A hycrocrrbon nu:ilrc,masistig prdominandy or u. The tot

45、al conrent o C, hydrourbons shall not exLxd 0-1 6. The total content o C, hydrajons shall not _iC) propane 7roper.e. It shdl bribe :.e :;!:d;vin-, composition; z. The ioiil conient o propene shal! ROI bc las than -15 mals per cent 2nd Ror ;:-:e: :can 55 mob px ccm. /. The rctai co.?:ext o c, hydroar

46、bom shall not cxcxd 1 mol per cent. escCeci 2 rnols per teat. r. The :aial concent oi C, 2nd higncr hJrocaoons shail not exceed I moii c: c-snr. Anv ripplirince Fassin; :kc :CS( un 3ny gs u-,hin rhc orcyoing spccii;ir:ion IS Jccxed io cc satiac:oq. 6 BSI BS*2777 58 m 162Lih69 0165261 T PART 7. APPLI

47、ANCES FOR USE WITH COM hi EIICIAL PROPANE SCOPE 38. Part I of this kit ish Standard specifies thc classification, construction, qia-ttion, safety requirements and tests for lighting appliances intended oi (Iinicsiic LISC with ioninicrcinl propane al 14 in w.6. pressure. NOTF: I. Coniniercial propane

48、 is a iiiixitire consisting predominantly of C3 Iiydro- arbons with sonic CI hydrocarbons and sniall ainounts of C, hydrocarbons. However, iiic .ii.iributors 01 lhe gas are able io siipply gas whose combustioii characteristics iiri :ti-.ys within thi: liiiiits prescribed by ihc test gascs defined in

49、 Clause 39. N0.I-1 2. Tlic tcriii ligktiiig upplimtc incliitlcs ilieir coiiiponciii parts, .e. biiriiers,, psndiinis aiid kips. GENERAL 39. The general test conditions shall be as described in Part I, Clause 29 except that test gas LPG.C shall replace test gas 1-PG.A and test gas LPG.E shall replace test gas LPG.B. Tesr gas LPG.C. Propane of purity at least 98 moles per cent. Test gns LPG.E, Propylene of piirity at least 95 nioles per cent. The following

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