1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI British StandardsWB9423_BSI_StandardColCov_noK_AW:BSI FRONT COVERS 5/9/08 12:55 Page 1AEROSPACE SERIESProcedure for inspection, testing and acceptance of wrought copper alloysBS 2B 100null200nullBS 2
2、B 100:2009 BRITISH STANDARDPunulllishing and copyright infornullationThe BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates nullhen the document nullas last issuednullnull BSI 2009ISBN 9nullnull 0 nullnull0 null2nullnull9 nullInullS null9null02nullnull99The nullollonulling BSI renullerences r
3、elate to the nullornull on this standard: nullommittee renullerence Anullnullnullnull1 Dranullt nullor comment 09nullnull01null121null DnullPunulllication historynullirst punulllished nullanuary 1992Second nullpresentnull editionnull Decemnuller 2009Anullendnullents issued since punulllicationnullat
4、e nullenullt affected BRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2009 null iBS 2B 100:2009Contentsnullorenullord iiiSection 1null nulleneral 11 Scope 12 Normatinulle renullerences 1null Terms and denullnitions 1null nulleneral 3null Innullormation and renulluirements to nulle agreed and to nulle documented 4null null
5、anunullacture and nullreedom nullrom denullects 5null Heat treatment 6null nullhemical composition 6null Testing 710 nullarnulling 911 nullrotection and pacnullaging 912 nullertinullcation 9Section 2null Rod and sections nullincluding hollow rod and sectionsnull 111null nulleneral 111null Inspection
6、 and testing 111null nullarnulling 12Section nullnull nullorging stocnull 131null nulleneral 131null nullanunullacture 131null Inspection and testing 131null nullarnulling 15Section nullnull nullorgings 1620 nulleneral 1621 nullanunullacture 1622 nullrenullproduction nullorgings 162null Inspection a
7、nd testing onull production nullorgings 172null nullarnulling 19Section nullnull Seanullless tunulle 202null nulleneral 202null Inspection and testing 202null nullarnulling 23Section nullnull Sheet, strip and foil 242null nulleneral 242null Inspection and testing 24null0 nullarnulling 25Section null
8、null nullire 26null1 nulleneral 26null2 Inspection and testing 26nullnull nullarnulling 26AnnenullesAnnenull A nullnormatinullenull Rules nullor application onull nullalues nullor chemical composition and mechanical properties ginullen in material specinullcations 27Binullliography 28BS 2B 100:2009i
9、i null null BSI 2009BRITISH STANDARDSunullnullary of pagesThis document comprises a nullront conullernull an inside nullront conullernull pages i to inullnull pages 1 to 2nullnull an inside nullacnull conuller and a nullacnull conullernullnullist of tanulllesTanullle 1 null Nominal nullatch sinulles
10、 nullmassesnull nullor sampling onull rods 11Tanullle 2 null Nominal nullatch sinulles nullmassesnull nullor sampling onull nullorging stocnull 13Tanullle null null Nominal nullatch sinulles nullmassesnull nullor sampling onull production nullorgings 17Tanullle null null Diameter onull drilled holes
11、 in renullerence standard tunulle 20BRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2009 null iiiBS 2B 100:2009nullorewordPunulllishing infornullationThis British Standard is punulllished nully BSI and came into enullnullect on null1 Decemnuller 2009null It nullas prepared nully nullanel Anullnullnullnull1nullnullnull1nul
12、lnull Copper and miscellaneous alloysnull under the authority onull Technical nullommittee Anullnullnullnull1null Metallic materials for aerospace purposesnull A list onull organinullations represented on this committee can nulle onulltained on renulluest to its secretarynullSupersessionThis British
13、 Standard supersedes BS B 100:1992null nullhich is nullithdranullnnullInfornullation anullout this docunullentThis is a nullull renullision onull BS B 100 and introduces the nullollonulling principal changes:Section 1:anull Tensile testing to BS nullA null:19nullnullnull nullart 1null Section 1 has
14、nulleen replaced nully BS nullN 2002null1nullnullnull Hardness testing to BS nullA null:19nullnullnull nullart null has nulleen replaced nully BS nullN ISnull nullnull0nullnull1null BS nullN ISnull nullnull0nullnull1 and BS nullN ISnull nullnull0nullnull1nullcnull Renullerence to Appendinull A has n
15、ulleen deleted and nullapplication onullnullalues nullor numerical and other unitsnull details hanulle nulleen addednulldnull Temperature control method has nulleen amendednullSection 2: Inspection and testing renulluirements summary tanullle has nulleen deletednullSection null: Inspection and testi
16、ng renulluirements summary tanullle has nulleen deletednullSection null:anull Renullerence to Appendinull B has nulleen deleted and renullerence to BS nullN ISnull 19nullnull Wrought copper and copper alloys null nulletection of residual stress null Mercurynullnullnull nitrate test has nulleen added
17、nullnullnull Inspection and testing renulluirements summary tanullle has nulleen deletednullSection null: anull nullor the eddy current test drilled hole sinulles hanulle nulleen addednullThese hole sinullesnull nullormerly in BS B 2nullnull nullere originally tanullen nullrom ASTnull B111 and nulle
18、re connullersions nullrom imperial sinullesnull They hanulle nulleen amended to align nullith BS nullN 12nullnull1 nullCopper and copper alloys null nulleamlessnull round tunulles for heat enullchangersnullnullnullnull Inspection and testing renulluirements summary tanullle has nulleen deletednullSe
19、ction null: Inspection and testing renulluirements summary tanullle has nulleen deletednullSection null: Inspection and testing renulluirements summary tanullle has nulleen deletednullAppendinull A has nulleen deletednullAppendinull B has nulleen deletednullBS 2B 100:2009inull null null BSI 2009BRIT
20、ISH STANDARDnullanullard warningsnullARnullInullnullnull This British Standard calls nullor the use onull sunullstances andnullor procedures that can nulle innullurious to health inull adenulluate precautions are not tanullennull It renullers only to technical suitanullility and does not anullsolnul
21、le the user nullrom legal onullligations relating to health and sanullety at any stagenullnullse of this docunullentIt has nulleen assumed in the preparation onull this British Standard that the enullecution onull its pronullisions nullill nulle entrusted to appropriately nullualinulled and enullper
22、ienced peoplenull nullor nullhose use it has nulleen producednullPresentational connullentionsThe pronullisions onull this standard are presented in roman nullinullenull uprightnulltypenull Its renulluirements are enullpressed either as a set onull instructions or in sentences in nullhich the princi
23、pal aunulliliary nullernull is nullshallnullnullnullommentarynull enullplanation and general informatinulle material is presented in smaller italic typenull and does not constitute a normatinulle elementnullContractual and legal considerationsThis punulllication does not purport to include all the n
24、ecessary pronullisions onull a contractnull nullsers are responsinullle nullor its correct applicationnullConullpliance with a British Standard cannot confer inullnullunity fronulllegal onullligationsnullBRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2009 null 1BS 2B 100:2009Section 1null nulleneral1 ScopeThis British St
25、andard specinulles procedures nullor the inspectionnull testing and acceptance onull nullrought copper alloys nullor aerospace purposesnullThe standard is applicanullle to material specinullcations in the British Standard Aerospace B series and also to other British Standard material specinullcation
26、s nullor nullrought copper alloys nullhich are suitanullle nullor aerospace usenull2 nullornullatinulle referencesThe nullollonulling renullerenced documents are indispensanullle nullor the application onull this documentnull nullor dated renullerencesnull only the edition cited appliesnull nullor u
27、ndated renullerencesnull the latest edition onull the renullerenced document nullincluding any amendmentsnull appliesnullBS nullN 19null1null Copper and copper alloys null nullddy current test for tunullesBS nullN 2002null1null Metallic materials null nullest methods null nullart 1null nullensile te
28、sting at amnullient temperatureBS nullN null1null9null nullualinullcation and appronullal of personnel for nonnulldestructinulle testingBS nullN ISnull 19nullnull Wrought copper and copper alloys null nulletection of residual stress null Mercurynullnullnull nitrate testBS nullN ISnull nullnull0nulln
29、ull1null Metallic materials null nullrinell hardness test null nullart 1nullnullest methodBS nullN ISnull nullnull0nullnull1null Metallic materials null nullicnullers hardness test null nullart 1nullnullest methodBS nullN ISnull nullnull0nullnull1null Metallic materials null nullocnullnullell hardne
30、ss test null nullart 1nullnullest method nullscales nullnull nullnull Cnull nullnull nullnull nullnull nullnull nullnull nullnull nullnull nullnullBS nullN ISnull nullnullnullnullnull Metallic materials null nullend testBS nullN ISnull nullnull92null Metallic materials null nullunulle null nulllatte
31、ning testBS nullN ISnull nullnull9nullnull Metallic materials null nullunulle null nullriftnullenullpanding testAnullS 2nullnull0null nullyrometry 1nullnull nullernulls and denullnitionsnullor the purposes onull this British Standard the nullollonulling terms and denullnitions applynullnullnull1 nul
32、latchnulluantity onull a product onull the same nominal dimensions and treated as a set nullor nulluality control purposesnullnullnullnull Where applicanulllenull nullatch sinulles for specinullc products are specinulled in the relenullant sections of this standardnull1nullAnullailanullle nullrom nu
33、llnullnullnullsaenullorgnullBS 2B 100:20092 null null BSI 2009BRITISH STANDARDnullnull2 castmetal tanullen nullrom the same melt in a nullurnace or crucinullle or nullrom senulleral melts minulled in the same nullurnace or crucinulllenull ornull nullhen a continuous process is usednull metal tanulle
34、n nullrom the nullurnace nullenullore the nenullt chargenullnullnull design authorityorganinullation responsinullle nullor the detailed design onull material and nullhich has the responsinullility nullor certinullying designs andnullor nullor sealing dranullings and specinullcationsnullnullnull foil
35、nullrought material onull uninullorm thicnullness onull 0null1null mm or lessnull onull any nullidth onuller 10 times the thicnullness supplied nullatnull nullolded or in coilnullBS null9null1nullnullnullnull forgingshape produced nully hammering or pressing nulletnulleen open or closed diesnull inc
36、luding hammering nulletnulleen nullat surnullacesnull normally nullhen hotnullnullnullnull nullhe term nullforgingnull includes the processes of forgingnull drop forgingnull hot stamping and hot pressingnull the term nullforgingsnull includes the products resulting from any of these processes of man
37、ufacturenullnullBS null9null1nullnullnullnull forging stocnullenulltrudednull rollednull dranulln or cast material intended nullor the production onull nullorgingsnull usually in the nullorm onull rodnull nullar or sectionsnullBS null9null1nullnullnullnull harnullful defectdenullect prenulludicial t
38、o the suitanullle and proper use onull the materialnullnullnull hollow rodhollonull nullrought product onull uninullorm crossnullsection nullith only one enclosed nulloid along its nullhole lengthnullnullnull nullanufacturerorganinullation that produces the material in the nullorm and condition in n
39、ullhich it is supplied to the purchasernullnull10 prenullproduction forgingsnullorgings produced to a particular design to nullualinully the method onullmanunullacture and enulluipment connullguration and to demonstrate that the renulluirements onull the purchaser can nulle metnullnull11 purchaseror
40、ganinullation nullhich orders and purchases the productnullnull12 nulluality assurance authoritynullody responsinullle nullor authorinulling the manunullacturer or supplier to issue certinullcationnull nullhen to certinully means to attest as meeting a standardnullnull1null rodsolid nullrought produ
41、ct onull uninullorm crossnullsection along its nullhole lengthnullusually supplied in straight lengthsnullnullnullnull nullhe term nullnullarnull is often used to denote a rod of comparatinullely large crossnullsectionnull andnull especially a heanully rectangular crossnullsectionnullnullBS null9nul
42、l1nullBRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2009 null nullBS 2B 100:2009nullnull1null sectionnullrought product onull uninullorm crossnullsection along its nullhole length nullith a crossnullsectional shape other than that onull a rodnull nullarnull hollonull rodnull nullirenulltunullenull sheet or stripnull usu
43、ally supplied in straight lengthsnullBS null9null1nullnullnull1null sheetnullat nullrought product onull enullact length and onull rectangular crossnullsection nullith uninullorm thicnullness onuller 0null1null mm up to and including 10null0 mmnullsupplied in straight lengths nullinullenull nullatnu
44、ll and usually nullith sheared or sanulln edges nullnullnullnull nullhe thicnullness does not enullceed onenulltenth of the nullidthnullnullBS null9null1nullnullnull1null stripproduct onull rectangular crossnullsection nullith a uninullorm thicnullness onuller 0null1null mmnull usually supplied in c
45、oils nullut may nulle nullat or nulloldednullnullnullnull nullhe edges are usually slit to sinulle nullut the length is not enullactnull nullhe thicnullness does not enullceed onenulltenth of the nullidthnullnullBS null9null1nullnullnull1null supplierorganinullation nullhich has not necessarily made
46、 the productnull nullut nullhich supplies it to the purchasernullnull1null test piecetest samplenull or a portion onull a test samplenull as nullnally prepared nullor testingnullnull1null test sanullpleportion onull the material selected nullor testingnullnull20 tunullehollonull nullrought product o
47、null uninullorm crossnullsection nullith only one enclosed nulloid along its nullhole lengthnull and nullith a uninullorm nullall thicnullnessnullsupplied in straight lengths or in coiled nullormnullBS null9null1nullnullnull21 wiresolid nullrought product onull uninullorm crossnullsection along its
48、nullhole length supplied in coil nullorm or on spoolsnull reels or drumsnullBS null9null1nullnull nulleneralThis standard details the nullasic renulluirements nullor the inspection and testing onull British Standard Aerospace B series nullrought copper alloysnullIn addition to the denullnitinulle re
49、nulluirementsnull this standard also renulluires the items detailed in nulllause null to nulle documentednull nullor compliance nullith this standardnull nulloth the denullnitinulle renulluirements and the documented items hanulle to nulle satisnullednullInull the purchaser nullishes to specinully an inspectionnull testing or acceptance procedure nullor any property onull any productnull nullhich dinullnullers nullrom that specinulled in this standardnull this shall nulle agreed nulletnulleen the purchaser and the manunullacturer and shall nulle nullully documented on the ordernullBS 2B 100:2