1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI British StandardsWB9423_BSI_StandardColCov_noK_AW:BSI FRONT COVERS 5/9/08 12:55 Page 1AEROSPACE SERIESSpecification for sheet of titanium-aluminium-vanadium alloy (Tensile strength nullnullnullnullnu
2、ll nullnullnull nullPanullnullS nullTA nullnullnullnullnullnullnullBS 2TA 59:2009 BRITISH STANDARDPunulllishing and copyright informationThe BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates nullhen the document nullas last issuednullnull BSI 2009ISBN 9nullnull 0 5null0 null5nullnull5 nullIn
3、ullS null9null025nullnull0The nullollonulling BSI renullerences relate to the nullornull on this standard: nullommittee renullerence Anullnullnullnullnull Dranullt nullor comment 09nullnull0null9null5nullnull DnullPunulllication historynullirst punulllished Septemnuller null9null0Second nullpresentn
4、ull editionnull Nonullemnuller 2009Amendments issued since punulllicationnullate Tenullt affected BRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2009 null iBS 2TA 59:2009Contentsnullorenullord iinull Scope 1null Normatinulle renullerences 1null Technical renulluirements 1Binullliography 4nullist of tanulllesTanullle null
5、 null Technical renulluirements nullor titaniumnullaluminiumnullnullanadium alloy sheet 2Summary of pagesThis document comprises a nullront conullernull an inside nullront conullernull pages i to iinull pages null to nullnull an inside nullacnull conuller and a nullacnull conullernullBS 2TA 59:2009i
6、i null null BSI 2009BRITISH STANDARDnullorenullordPunulllishing informationThis British Standard is punulllished nully BSI and came into enullnullect on null0 Nonullemnuller 2009null It nullas prepared nully nullanel Anullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull9null Titanium and its alloysnull under the au
7、thority onull Technical nullommittee Anullnullnullnullnullnull Metallic materials for aerospace purposesnull A list onull organinullations represented on this committee can nulle onulltained on renulluest to its secretarynullSupersessionThis British Standard supersedes BS TA 59:null9null0null nullhi
8、ch is nullithdranullnnullInformation anullout this documentThis is a nullull renullision onull BS TA 59null and introduces the nullollonulling principal changes:anull renulluirements stated in tanullular nullormat in accordance nullith nullN null500nullnull and nullN null500nullnullnullanull chemica
9、l composition amended to add renulluirements nullor nullothernullelementsnullanull melting method details deleted and replaced nully renullerence to Section null onull BS TA null00nullnullanullard nullarningsnullARnullInullnullnull This British Standard calls nullor the use onull sunullstances andnu
10、llor procedures that can nulle innullurious to health inull adenulluate precautions are not tanullennull It renullers only to technical suitanullility and does not anullsolnulle the user nullrom legal onullligations relating to health and sanullety at any stagenullnullse of this documentIt has nulle
11、en assumed in the preparation onull this British Standard that the enullecution onull its pronullisions nullill nulle entrusted to appropriately nullualinulled and enullperienced peoplenull nullor nullhose use it has nulleen producednullPresentational conventionsThe pronullisions onull this standard
12、 are presented in roman nullinullenull uprightnulltypenull Its renulluirements are enullpressed in sentences in nullhich the principal aunulliliary nullernull is nullshallnullnullCommentary, explanation and general informative material is presented in smaller italic type, and does not constitute a n
13、ormative element.Contractual and legal considerationsThis punulllication does not purport to include all the necessary pronullisions onull a contractnull nullsers are responsinullle nullor its correct applicationnullCompliance nullith a nullritish Standard cannot confer immunity from legal onullliga
14、tionsnullBRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2009 null nullBS 2TA 59:2009null ScopeThis standard specinulles renulluirements nullor titaniumnullaluminiumnullnullanadium alloy sheet nullith a tensile strength onull 920 to null nullnull0 nullnullanullnull nullormative referencesThe nullollonulling renullerenced
15、documents are indispensanullle nullor the application onull this documentnull nullor dated renullerencesnull only the edition cited appliesnull nullor undated renullerencesnull the latest edition onull the renullerenced document nullincluding any amendmentsnull appliesnullBS TA null00null Procedure
16、for inspection, testing and acceptance of wrought titanium and titanium alloys null Technical renulluirementsnullaterial to this standard shall connullorm to Tanullle nullnullNnullTnull The format and symnullols used in Tanullle 1 are derived from nullN 4nullnullnullnull1 and nullN 4nullnullnullnull
17、4.BS 2TA 59:20092 null null BSI 2009BRITISH STANDARDTanullle null Technical renulluirements for titanium-aluminium-vanadium alloy sheetnull nullaterial designation nullS TA nullnullnull Chemical composition nullnulllementAl null nulle null null2N2 H2 nullnullthersTinullach Totalnullinnull 5null50 nu
18、llnull50 null null null null null null null nullBasenullanullnull nullnullnull5 nullnull50 0nullnull0 0null0null 0null20 0null050 0null0null5 0null005 0nullnull0 0nullnull0null nullethod of melting See Section null onull BS TA null00nullnullnull nullorm Sheet nullnullnullnullnull nullethod of produc
19、tion Rollingnullnullnull nullimit dimension(snull mm nullnull Technical specification Sections null and 5 onull BS TA null00nullnullnull nullelivery condition Annealed null descaled nulleat treatment null00 nullnull G h G 900 nullnull null Anull or nullnull 2nullnullnullnull nullelivery condition co
20、de nullnull nullse condition Delinullery conditionnulleat treatment nullCharacteristicsnullnullnull Test sample(snull See Section 5 onull BS TA null00nullnullnull Test piece(snull See Section 5 onull BS TA null00nullnullnull nulleat treatment nullse conditionnull nullimensions concerned mm null G 20
21、0 null null 200nullnull Thicnullness of cladding on each facenull null nullnullnull nullirection of test piece null null and nullTnullnullTTemperature h nullnull Amnullient Amnullientnullnull Proof stress Rp0null2nullnulla H nullnull0 H nullnull0nullnull Strength Rmnullnulla 920 G RmG null nullnull0
22、 920 G RmG null nullnull0nullnull Elongation A null H null H nullnullnull Reduction of areanull null nullnullnull nullardness nullnullnull Shear strength Rcnullnulla nullnullnull nullending j null 5null0null nullnullnull0null nullsample tanullen in transnullerse directionnullnullnull Impact strength
23、 nullnullnullCTemperature h nullnull nullnullnull Time h nullnullnull Stress ranullnulla nullnullnull Elongation a null nullnullnull Rupture stress rRnullnulla nullnullnull Elongation at ruptureA null nullnullnull nullotes nullsee line 9nullnullnullnullnull 2nullBRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2009 null nu
24、llBS 2TA 59:2009Tanullle null Technical renulluirements for titanium-aluminium-vanadium alloy sheet nullcontinuednullnullnull Enullternal defects null See Section 5 onull BS TA null00nullnull Surface contamination null See Section 5 onull BS TA null00nullnull nullarnulling null See Section 5 onull B
25、S TA null00nullnull nullimensional inspection null See Section 5 onull BS TA null00null The tolerances applicanullle to material nullnished nully hot rolling shall applynullnull nullotes nullnullnullBritish Standards conullering other nullorms onull material onull similar composition are:Rm nullnull
26、nullanull minnull null95 900 9null0 null null00manullnull null null50 null nullnull0 null 2null0 null null00nullimiting ruling section nulllrsnull nullmmnullnull null50 null 20nullanullimum thicnullness nullmmnull null00 null null nullnullorm British StandardSheet and strip null null BS TA null0 nul
27、lBar and section nullor machiningnull BS TA nullnull null nullnullorging stocnull null BS TA null2 null nullnullorging stocnull and nullire null null null BS TA 2null anullnullorgings null BS TA nullnull null nullnulllate BS TA 5null null null nullanull nullrimarily intended nullor the manunullactur
28、e onull nullasteners connullorming to the renulluirements onull the nullAnull series onull British Standardsnull2null Selected temperature shall nulle held at null5 nullnullBS 2TA 59:2009null null null BSI 2009BRITISH STANDARDnullinullliographyStandards punulllicationsnullor dated renullerencesnull
29、only the edition cited appliesnull nullor undated renullerencesnull the latest edition onull the renullerenced document nullincluding any amendmentsnull appliesnullBS TA null0null nullpecinullcation for sheet of titaniumnullaluminiumnullvanadium alloy nullTensile strength nullnullnullnull1 2nullnull
30、 MPanullBS TA nullnullnull nullpecinullcation for nullar and section for machining of titaniumnullaluminiumnullvanadium alloy nullTensile strength nullnullnullnull1 1nullnull MPa null nullimiting ruling section 1nullnull mmnullBS TA null2null nullpecinullcation for forging stocnull of titaniumnullal
31、uminiumnullvanadium alloy nullTensile strength nullnullnullnull1 1nullnull MPanull nullnullimiting ruling section 1nullnull mmnull BS TA nullnullnull nullpecinullcation for forgings of titaniumnullaluminiumnullvanadium alloy nullTensile strength nullnullnullnull1 1nullnull MPanull nullnullimiting ru
32、ling section 1nullnull mmnull BS TA 2nullnull nullpecinullcation for forging stocnull and wire of titaniumnullaluminiumnullvanadium alloy nullTensile strength 1 1nullnullnull1 nullnullnull MPanullnullnullimiting ruling section 2null mmnull BS TA 5nullnull nullpecinullcation for plate of titaniumnull
33、aluminiumnullvanadium alloy nullTensile strength nullnullnullnull1 1nullnull MPanull nullMaximum thicnullness 1nullnull mmnullnullN null500nullnullnull Metallic materials null nullules for the drafting and presentation of material standards null Part 1null nulleneral rules nullnullnullN null500nulln
34、ullnull Metallic materials null nullules for the drafting and presentation of material standards null Part 4null nullpecinullc rules for titanium and titanium alloys nullnullnullnullnullunulllished as ASDnullSTAN nullrestandard at the date onull punulllication onullthis standardnullThis page deliber
35、ately left blankBSI is the independent national body responsible for preparing British Standards. It presents the UK view on standards in Europe and at the international level. It is incorporated by Royal Charter.British Standards Institution (BSI)raising standards worldwideBSI Group Headquarters389
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43、xcept as permitted under theCopyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 no extract may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalsystem or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, photocopying, recording orotherwise without prior written permission from BSI. This does not preclude the free use, in
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