BS 3919-1987 Specification for technical tallow and animal grease《工业用牛脂与动物润滑脂规范》.pdf

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BS 3919-1987 Specification for technical tallow and animal grease《工业用牛脂与动物润滑脂规范》.pdf_第1页
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BS 3919-1987 Specification for technical tallow and animal grease《工业用牛脂与动物润滑脂规范》.pdf_第2页
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BS 3919-1987 Specification for technical tallow and animal grease《工业用牛脂与动物润滑脂规范》.pdf_第3页
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BS 3919-1987 Specification for technical tallow and animal grease《工业用牛脂与动物润滑脂规范》.pdf_第4页
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BS 3919-1987 Specification for technical tallow and animal grease《工业用牛脂与动物润滑脂规范》.pdf_第5页
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1、0 British Standards Institution. No part of this publication may be photocopied or otherwise reproduced without the prior permission in writing of BSI Suif et graisses animales - Spcifications Technischer Talg und tierische Fette British Standards Institution - - - BSI BS*3919 87 I 3624669 0393338 8

2、 BS3919 : 1987 Foreword This British Standard was first published in 1963 replacing the earlier standards BS 1482 and BS 1483 first published in 1948. Since the first revision in 1976 many methods of analysis have been published as Sections of BS 684. These methods are applicable to animal fats and

3、it is not considered necessary to repeat them in this standard. In the same way methods of sampling applicable to animal fats are included in BS 627 and therefore are not repeated in this standard. The result is that BS 3919 is now restricted to requirements for the two types of animal fat, technica

4、l tallow and animal grease (which differ in softness). Information for quality control is given in appendix A as guidance for the benefit of sellers, buyers and other interested parties in the drawing up of contracts and other matters relating to trade. Compliance with a British Standard does not of

5、 itself confer immunity from legal obligations. BSI BS*ic39L9 87 m 3624669 0393339 T BS3919 : 1987 Contents Foreword Committees responsible Specification I Scope 2 Definitions 3 Sampling 4 Preparation of test sample 5 Closed flash point 6 Mineral acidity 7 Titre 8 Iodine value 9 Polyethylene-type pl

6、astics Page Inside front cover Back cover Appendices A Additional information for quality control B 3 4 Method for the preparation of soap solution Tables 2 Guide to trading grades of technical tallows and 1 Proportions of fatty acids in technical tallow 3 animal greases 4 1- BSI BSU3939 87 3624669

7、0393340 b BS3919 : 1987 Specification 1 Scope This British Standard specifies requirements for technical tallow and animal grease. NOTE. The titles of the publications referred to in this standard are listed on the inside back cover. 2 Definitions For the purposes of this British Standard the follow

8、ing definitions apply. 2.1 technical tallow and animal grease. Fats derived substantially from the carcasses of ox and sheep (but which may contain some pig and poultry fat) by rendering, water extraction or solvent extraction. NOTE. Material obtained by solvent extraction should be described as sol

9、vent extracted technical tallow or solvent extracted animal grease. 2.2 free fatty acids. The sum of the uncombined fatty acids and the fatty acids combined as soaps but not as glycerides. NOTE. The definition differs from that given elsewhere in that fatty acids combined as soaps are included. 2.3

10、total dirt. The sum of all mineral matter, both free and combined as soaps, present in the technical tallow or animal grease together with organic matter that is not soluble in light petroleum of boiling range 80 OC to 100 OC. NOTE. Alkali and lime soaps are not themselves regarded as dirt but only

11、to the extent of the alkali or alkaline earth oxides which they contain. Water and volatile matter are not included. 3 Sampling The laboratory sample shall be taken in accordance with BS 627 : 1982, with particular reference to 6.2.1, and 6.4 of that standard. Great care shall be taken in ru

12、nning-off, recording and reporting any water present in any lot on arrival. NOTE. Water should be run off only with the agreement of seller and buyer. For the determination of polyethylene plastics contami- nants, the special conditions given in BS 684 : Section 2.26 shall apply. 2 4 Prepar tion of

13、tests mple The test sample shall be prepared from the laboratory sample in accordance with BS 684 : Part O. 5 Closed flash point The closed flash point of the technical tallow or animal grease shall be not lower than 82 OC when determined by the method described in BS 2000 : Part 34. -_ - -_ 6 Miner

14、ai acidity The mineral acidity of the technical tallow or animal grease shall be not greater than 60 when determined by method 3 described in BS 684 : Section 2.10. 7 Titre When determined by the method described in BS 684 : Section 1.6 the titres shall be: technical tallow: animal grease: not below

15、 40.0 OC not below 36.0 OC below 40.0 OC but 8 Iodine value When determined by the method described in BS 684 : Section 2.13, the iodine values shall be: technical tallow: animal grease: not greater than 58 not greater than 61 9 Polyethylene-type plastics The technical tallow or animal grease shall

16、not contain more than 200 mg/kg of polyethylene-type plastics when determined by one of the methods described in BS 684 : Section 2.26. BSI BS*39L 87 W 1ib24bb OL43L4L B W BS3919 : 1987 Appendices Appendix A. Additional information for quality control NOTE. Characteristics (other than those given in

17、 clauses 5,6, 7, 8 and 9). the values of which may be the subject of agreement between interested parties, are given in this appendix with reference to relevant methods of determination. A.l Water and other volatile matter When required, water should be determined by the method described in BS 684 :

18、 Section 1 .I6 or in BS 684 : Section 2.1. When required, water and other volatile matter should be determined by one of the methods described in BS 684 : Section 1.10. A.2 Water-insoluble solvent When required, water-insoluble solvent should be deter- mined by the method described in BS 684 : Secti

19、on 1.9. A.3 Total dirt (insoluble impurities) When required, total dirt should be determined by the method described in BS 684 : Section 2.3. A.4 Unsaponifiable matter When required, unsaponifiable matter should be deter- mined by the method described in BS 684 : Section 2.7. A.5 Free fatty acids (s

20、ee 2.2) When required, free fatty acids should be determined by method 1 or by method 5 described in BS 684 : Section 2.10. A.6 Colour of raw or bleached technical tallow or animal grease When required, colour should be determined by the method described in BS 684 : Section 1.14. For the purposes of

21、 this determination, bleaching should be carried out by the method described in BS 684 : Section 2.27. A.7 Colour of soap solution from raw or bleached technical tallow or animal grease When required, soap solution should be prepared by the method described in appendix B and colour should be determi

22、ned by the method described in BS 684 : Section 1.14. For the purposes of this determination, bleaching should be carried out by the method described in BS 684 : Section 2.27, and the colour reported in red units only. A.8 Rancidity index When required, the rancidity index should be determined by th

23、e method described in BS 684 : Section 2.32. A.9 Total glycerol When required, total glycerol should be determined by the method described in BS 684 : Section 2.42. A.10 Soaps When required, soaps should be determined by the method described in BS 684 : Section 2.5, using potentiometric titration fo

24、r dark-coloured samples. A.11 Fatty acids When required the proportions of fatty acids should be determined by the methods described in BS 684 : Section 2.34 and 2.35. The proportions of fatty acids in all grades of technical tallow are given in table 1. Table 1. Proportions of fatty acids in techni

25、cal tallow Fatty acid C6:O Caproic C8 :O Caprylic C1O:O Capric C12:O Lauric C14: O Myristic C14: 1 Myristoleic CI 5 : O Pentadecanoic CI 5: 1 Pentadecanoic C16:O Palmitic C16: 1 Palmitoleic CI7 :O Heptadecanoic CI7 : 1 Heptadecanoic CI 8 : O Stearic C18:l Oleic C18:2 Linoleic C18:3 Linolenic CI 9: O

26、 Nonadecanoic C20: O Arachidic C20: 1 Gadoleic C22 and higher Typical figures % (m/m) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 3 1 0.2 o. 1 24 3.5 1 0.5 20 40 5 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.3 Range % (m/m) o to 0.1 o to 0.1 o to 0.1 0.1 to 0.3 2 to 4 0.5 to 1 O to 0.7 O to 0.3 22 to 27 3 to 4.5 0.5 to 1.5 0.4 to 0.8 16 to 24 36 to 44

27、2 to 7 0.2 to 1 o to 0.1 O to 0.8 o to 1 O to 0.7 NOTE. The number of double bonds in a molecule is indicated by O, 1, 2 or 3 following the number of carbon atoms. A.12 Trading grades Grades in common use in trade are given in table 2 with commonly accepted values for certain characteristics. It is

28、not suggested that only technical tallows and animal greases compying with these grades are marketable commodities but the grades shown can form a basis for negotiating contracts of sale. 3 I BS3919 : 1987 l- i - mo L.0 Lo Lo 1 E I(! E so I A F I(! E so - 4 BSI BS*3919 87 = 3624669 0393343 3 = BS391

29、9 : 1987 Appendix B. Method forthe preparation . Remove the flask from the source of heat and add glycerol or ethanediol until the contents weigh 100 g. Cool to 45 “C to 50 “C by shaking in running water. Use the soap solution at this temperature for the determination Of ColOur. NOTE 1. The potassiu

30、m hydroxide solution in glycerol is prepared bY dissolving 10 135Cto 140C. NOTE 2. If the glycerol or ethanediol develops colour when mixed with an equal volume of boiling ethanolic potassium hydroxide (IO % (rn/m), an alternafive source should be used. of soap solution Weigh 5 g of molten sample be

31、fore or after bleaching into a tared 250 mL flask. Add 15 g of potassium hydroxide soiution in glycerol. Shake the mixture. Heat, with agitation, to 140 f 2 OC and maintain at this temperature for 10 min, or less if the mixture becomes clear. of potassium hydroxide in 60 g of glycerol at i Publicati

32、ons referred to BS 627 BS 684 Methods for sampling animal and vegetable fats and oils Methods of analysis of fats and fatty oils Part O General introduction Section 1.6 Determination of titre Section 1.9 Determination of water-insoluble solvents Section 1.10 Determination of moisture and other volat

33、ile matter Section 1.14 Determination of colour Section 1 .I6 Determination of water content: entrainment method Section 2.1 Determination of water by the Karl Fischer method Section 2.3 Determination of insoluble impurities Section 2.7 Determination of unsaponifiable matter Section 2.10 Determinati

34、on of acidity, Section 2.13 Determination of iodine value Section 2.26 Determination of polyethylene-type plastics Section 2.27 Determination of bleachability Section 2.32 Determination of rancidity index Section 2.34 Preparation of methyl esters of fatty acids Section 2.35 Analysis by gas-liquid ch

35、romatography of methyl esters of fatty acids Section 2.42 Determination of I-monoglycerides and free glycerol contents Methods of test for petroleum and its products Part 34 Flash point by Pensky-Martens closed tester - - - - A BS 2000 5 BSI BS*39L9 87 1624669 0193144 3 W This British Standard, havi

36、ng been prepared under the direction of the Food and Agriculture Standards Committee, was published under the authority of the Board of BSI and comes into effect on 31 July 1987. O British Standards Institution, 1987 First published as BS 3919, August 1963 First revision September 1976 Second revisi

37、on July 1987. ISBN O 580 15863 2 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference FAC/18 Draft for comment 85/53910 DC British Standards Institution. Incorporated by Royal Charter, BSI is the independent national body for the preparation of British Standards. It

38、is the UK member of the International Organization for Standardization and UK sponsor of the British National Committee of the International Electrotechnical Commission. In addition to the preparation and promulgation of standards, BSI offers specialist services including the provision of informatio

39、n through the BSI Library and Standardline Database; Technical Help to Exporters; and other services. Advice can be obtained from the Enquiry Section, BSI, Milton Keynes MK14 6LE, telephone 0908 221 166, telex 825777. Copyright. Users of British Standards are reminded that copyright subsists in all

40、BSI publications. No part of this publication may be ieproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of BS3919: 1987 BSI. This does not Dreclude the free use, in the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details such as symbols and size, type or grade designations. Enquiri

41、es should be addressed to the Publications Manager, BSI, Linford Wood, Milton Keynes MK14 6LE. The number for telephone enquiries is 0908 220022 and for telex 825777. Contract requirements. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British St

42、andards are responsible for their correct application. Revision of British Standards. British Standards are revised, when necessary, by the issue either of amendments or of revised editions. It is important that usars of British Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest am

43、endments or editions. Automatic updating service. BSI provides an economic, individual and automatic standards updating service called PLUS. Details are available from BSI Enquiry Section at Milton Keynes, telephone 0908 221 166, telex 825777. Information on all BSI publications is in the BSI Catalo

44、gue, supplemented each month by BSI News which is available to subscribing members of BSI and gives details of new publications, revisions, amendments and withdrawn standards. Any person who, when making use of a British Standard, encounters an inaccuracy or ambiguity, is requested to notify BSI wit

45、hout delay in order that the matter may be investigated and appropriate action taken. Committees responsible for this B-itish Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Food and Agriculture Standards Committee (FAC/-) to Technical Committee FAC/l8 upon which the following

46、 bodies were represented: AFRC Institute of Food Research, Bristol Laboratory AFRC Institute of Food Research, Reading Laboratory Association of Public Analysts British Food Manufacturing Industries Research Association Co-operative Union Department of Trade and Industry (Laboratory of the Governmen

47、t FOSFA International Chemist) International Association of Fish Meal Manufacturers International Association of Seed Crushers Margarine and Shortening Manufacturers Association Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Overseas Development Administration (Tropical Development Retail Consortium Ro

48、yal Society of Chemistry Rubber Growers Association Seed Crushers and Oil Processors Association Soap and Detergent Industry Association United Kingdom Glycerine Producers Association United Kingdom Renderers Association Ltd. and Research Institute) Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. Date

49、of issue Text affected 2 British Standards nstitution . 2 Park Street London W1A 2BS . Telephone 01-629 9000 - Telex 266933 FAC118 8707-3-1.3k-B BSI BS*3919 87 1624669 0193145 5 AMD 5968 June 1989 AMD 5968 June 1989 - NOTE. This amendment has been issued, following the publication of the 1988 revision of BS 684 : Section 2.10, to take account of the changed definition and expression of mineral acidity. Revised text AMD 5968 Amendment No. 1 published and effective from 30 June 1989 to BS 3919 : 1987 Specification for technical tallow and animal grease

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