1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI British StandardsWB9423_BSI_StandardColCov_noK_AW:BSI FRONT COVERS 5/9/08 12:55 Page 1AEROSPACE SERIESProcedure for inspection, testing and acceptance of wrought titanium and titanium alloysBS 3TA nu
2、llnullnullnullnullnullnullnullBS 3TA 100:2009 BRITISH STANDARDPunulllishing and copyright informationThe BSI copyright notice displayed in this docunullent indicates nullhen the docunullent nullas last issuednullnull BSI 2009ISBN 9nullnull 0 nullnull0 nullnull391 9InullS null9null02nullnull30The nul
3、lollonulling BSI renullerences relate to the nullornull on this standard: nullonullnullittee renullerence Anullnullnullnull1 Dranullt nullor conullnullent 09null301932null0 DnullPunulllication historynullirst punulllished nulluly 19nullnullSecond editionnull nullenullruary 19null3Third nullpresentnu
4、ll editionnull Nonullenullnuller 2009Amendments issued since punulllicationnullate Tenullt affected BRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2009 null iBS 3TA 100:2009Contentsnullorenullord iiiSection nullnull nulleneral renulluirements 1null Scope 1null Nornullatinulle renullerences 13 Ternulls and denullnitions 1
5、null nulleneral 4null Innullornullation and renulluirenullents to nulle agreed and to nulle docunullented 4null nullanunullacture and nullreedonull nullronull denullects 7null nullreparation nullor inspection 8null Heat treatnullent 8null nullhenullical conullposition 9nullnull Testing 9nullnull nul
6、larnulling 11nullnull nullrotection and pacnullaging 12null3 nullertinullcation 12Section nullnull Bar and section for machining 14nullnull nulleneral 14nullnull nullanunullacture 14nullnull Dinullensions and tolerances 14nullnull Tensile, creep and stressnullrupture tests 15nullnull nullnullternal
7、denullects 15nullnull Surnullace contanullination 16nullnull nullarnulling 16Section 3null nullorging stocnull 17nullnull nulleneral 17nullnull Dinullensions and tolerances 17null3 Tensile, creep and stressnullrupture tests 17nullnull nullnullternal denullects 18nullnull Surnullace contanullination
8、18nullnull nullarnulling 18Section nullnull nullorgings 19nullnull nulleneral 19nullnull nullanunullacture 19nullnull nullrenullproduction nullorgings 193null nullroduction nullorgings 203null nullrocedure null nullor process control testing 203null nullorgings sunullnullect to heat treatnullent anu
9、llter delinullery 2133 Batch acceptance tensile, creep and stressnullrupture tests 213null nullnullternal denullects 243null nullrain nullonull and grain sinulle 243null nullnullanullination nullor onullerheating 243null nullarnulling 24Section nullnull Sheet and strip 263null nulleneral 263null Din
10、ullensions and tolerances 26nullnull Batch sinulle 27nullnull Tensile, creep and stressnullrupture tests 27nullnull Single nullend test 28null3 nullnullternal denullects 29nullnull Surnullace contanullination 29nullnull nullarnulling 29BS 3TA 100:2009ii null null BSI 2009BRITISH STANDARDSection null
11、null Plate 30nullnull nulleneral 30nullnull Dinullensions and tolerances 30nullnull Batch sinulle 31nullnull Tensile, creep and stressnullrupture tests 31nullnull nullnullternal denullects 32nullnull Surnullace contanullination 32nullnull nullarnulling 32Section nullnull Tunulle 34null3 nulleneral 3
12、4nullnull Dinullensions and tolerances 34nullnull Tensile, creep and stressnullrupture tests 34nullnull Drinullting test 35nullnull Distension test 35nullnull nulllattening test 35nullnull nullressure 36nullnull Bore test 36nullnull Internal enullanullination 36nullnull nullnullternal denullects 36n
13、ull3 Surnullace contanullination 36nullnull nullarnulling 37Section nullnull nullire 38nullnull nulleneral 38nullnull Dinullensions and tolerances 38nullnull Batch sinulle 38nullnull Tensile, creep and stressnullrupture tests 38nullnull Torsion test 39nullnull nullnullternal denullects 39nullnull Su
14、rnullace contanullination 39nullnull nullarnulling 40AnnenullesAnnenull A nullnornullatinullenull Rules nullor application onull nullalues nullor chenullical conullposition and nullechanical properties ginullen in nullaterial specinullcations 41Binullliography 42nullist of tanulllesTanullle 1 null T
15、olerances nullor nullar and section 14Tanullle 2 null nullanullinullunull nunullnuller onull nullorgings to nulle nullanunullactured nulletnulleen the collection onull test sanullples 21Tanullle 3 null Tensile property renulluirenullents nullor nullorgings 23Tanullle null null Tolerances on thicnull
16、ness onull sheet and strip 26Tanullle null null Shearing tolerances nullor sheet and strip 27Tanullle null null nullosition onull the test sanullple anullis nullithin the sheet or strip 28Tanullle null null Tolerances on thicnullness onull plate 30Tanullle null null Tolerances on nullidth and length
17、 onull plate 30Tanullle 9 null nullosition onull the test sanullple anullis nullithin the plate 32Tanullle 10 null Tolerances on dianulleter onull nullire nullor general purposes 38Tanullle 11 null Tolerances on dianulleter onull nullire nullor special purposes 38Summary of pagesThis docunullent con
18、ullprises a nullront conullernull an inside nullront conullernull pages i to inullnull pages 1 to null2null an inside nullacnull conuller and a nullacnull conullernullBRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2009 null iiiBS 3TA 100:2009nullorewordPunulllishing informationThis British Standard is punulllished nully
19、BSI and canulle into enullnullect on 30 Nonullenullnuller 2009null It nullas prepared nully nullanel Anullnullnullnull1nullnullnullnull9null Titanium and its alloysnull under the authority onull Technical nullonullnullittee Anullnullnullnull1null Metallic materials for aerospace purposesnull A list
20、onull organinullations represented on this conullnullittee can nulle onulltained on renulluest to its secretarynullSupersessionThis British Standard supersedes BS 2TA 100:19null3null nullhich is nullithdranullnnullInformation anullout this documentThis is a nullull renullision onull BS TA 100null an
21、d introduces the nullollonulling principal changesnullSection nullanull Denullnitions hanulle nulleen anullendednullnullnull Innullornullation to nulle supplied nully purchaser has nulleen addednullcnull Innullornullation to nulle agreed nully contracting parties has nulleen addednulldnull nullethod
22、 onull nullelting has nulleen anullendednullenull Tenullperature control nullethod has nulleen anullendednullnullnull Heat treatnullent tenullperature tolerances hanulle nulleen addednullgnull nullethod nullor hydrogen deternullination has nulleen addednullhnull Rules nullor application onull nullal
23、ues hanulle nulleen addednullinull Tensile testing at anullnullient tenullperature to BS nullA null has nulleen replaced nully BS nullN 2002null1nullnullnull Tensile testing at elenullated tenullperature to BS nullA nullnull1null2 has nulleen replaced nully BS nullN 2002null2nullnullnull nullreep an
24、d stressnullrupture testing to BS nullA nullnull1null3 has nulleen replaced nully BS nullN 2002null00nullnulllnull BS nullN 2003null009null nullethod Anull has nulleen added as deternullination onullsurnullace contanullination test nullethodnullnullnull nullrotection and pacnullaging renulluirenulle
25、nts hanulle nulleen addednullnnull nullertinullcation renulluirenullents hanulle nulleen addednullSection nullanull nullnullternal denullects renulluirenullents hanulle nulleen addednullnullnull Surnullace contanullination renulluirenullents hanulle nulleen addednullSection 3anull nullnullternal den
26、ullects renulluirenullents hanulle nulleen addednullnullnull Surnullace contanullination renulluirenullents hanulle nulleen addednullSection nullnullonullpletely renullnullritten to renullect current nullethodologynullSection nullanull BS nullN ISnull nullnull3null has nulleen added as single nullen
27、d test nullethodnullnullnull nullnullternal denullects renulluirenullents hanulle nulleen addednullBS 3TA 100:2009inull null null BSI 2009BRITISH STANDARDcnull Surnullace contanullination renulluirenullents hanulle nulleen addednulldnull Dinullensional tolerances hanulle nulleen transnullerred nullr
28、onull Appendinull AnullSection nullanull nullnullternal denullects renulluirenullents hanulle nulleen addednullnullnull Surnullace contanullination renulluirenullents hanulle nulleen addednullcnull Dinullensional tolerances hanulle nulleen transnullerred nullronull Appendinull AnullSection nullanull
29、 Test piece dinullensions hanulle nulleen added nully renullerence to BS nullN 2002nullnullnull BS nullN ISnull nullnull93 has nulleen added as drinullt test nullethod and nullnullnulladded as conical nullandrel anglenullcnull BS nullN ISnull nullnull92 has nulleen added as nullattening test nulleth
30、odnulldnull nullnullternal denullects renulluirenullents hanulle nulleen addednullenull Surnullace contanullination renulluirenullents hanulle nulleen addednullSection nullanull nullnullternal denullects renulluirenullents hanulle nulleen addednullnullnull Surnullace contanullination renulluirenulle
31、nts hanulle nulleen addednullAppendinull A has nulleen deleted null dinullensional tolerances renulluirenullents transnullerred to Section null and Section nullnullNenull Annenull A has nulleen added null rules nullor application onull nullalues nullor chenullical conullposition and nullechanical pr
32、operties ginullen in nullaterial specinullcationsnullnullanullard warningsnullARnullInullnullnull This British Standard calls nullor the use onull sunullstances andnullor procedures that can nulle innullurious to health inull adenulluate precautions are not tanullennull It renullers only to technica
33、l suitanullility and does not anullsolnulle the user nullronull legal onullligations relating to health and sanullety at any stagenullnullse of this documentIt has nulleen assunulled in the preparation onull this British Standard that the enullecution onull its pronullisions nullill nulle entrusted
34、to appropriately nullualinulled and enullperienced peoplenull nullor nullhose use it has nulleen producednullPresentational connullentionsThe pronullisions onull this standard are presented in ronullan nullinullenull uprightnulltypenull Its nullethods are enullpressed as a set onull instructionsnull
35、 a descriptionnullor in sentences in nullhich the principal aunulliliary nullernull is nullshallnullnullCommentary, explanation and nulleneral informatinulle material is presented in smaller italic type, and does not constitute a normatinulle elementnullContractual and legal considerationsThis punul
36、llication does not purport to include all the necessary pronullisions onull a contractnull nullsers are responsinullle nullor its correct applicationnullCompliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal onullligationsnullBRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2009 null 1BS 3TA 100:2009Section n
37、ullnull nulleneral renulluirementsnull ScopeThis British Standard specinulles procedures nullor inspectionnull testing and acceptance onull nullrought titaniunull and titaniunull alloys nullor aerospace purposesnull The standard is applicanullle to nullaterial specinullcations in the British Standar
38、d Aerospace TA series and also to other British Standard nullaterial specinullcations nullor nullrought titaniunull and titaniunull alloys nullhich are suitanullle nullor aerospace usenullnull nullormatinulle referencesThe nullollonulling renullerenced docunullents are indispensanullle nullor the ap
39、plication onull this docunullentnull nullor dated renullerencesnull only the edition cited appliesnull nullor undated renullerencesnull the latest edition onull the renullerenced docunullent nullincluding any anullendnullentsnull appliesnullBS nullN 2002null1null Metallic materials null Test metnull
40、ods null nullart 1null Tensile testinnull at amnullient temperatureBS nullN 2002null2null Metallic materials null Test metnullods null nullart 2null Tensile testinnull at elenullated temperatureBS nullN 2002null00nullnull Metallic materials null Test metnullods null nullart 5nullnullninterrupted cre
41、ep and stressnullrupture testinnullBS nullN 2003null009:200nullnull Test metnullods null Titanium and titanium alloys nullnullart 009null nulletermination of surface contaminationBS nullN 2003null010null Titanium and titanium alloys null Test metnullods nullnullart 010null nullamplinnull for determi
42、nation of nullydronullen contentBS nullN 39nullnullnull Titanium and titanium alloys null Test metnullod null Cnullemical analysis for tnulle determination of nullydronullen contentBS nullN ISnull nullnull3nullnull Metallic materials null nullend testBS nullN ISnull nullnull92null Metallic materials
43、 null Tunulle null nulllatteninnull testBS nullN ISnull nullnull93null Metallic materials null Tunulle null nullriftnullexpandinnull testAnullS 2nullnull0null nullyrometry 1null3 Terms and denullnitionsnullor the purposes onull this British Standard the nullollonulling ternulls and denullnitions app
44、lynull3nullnull a stanullilinulled surface nulla casenullsurnullace nullone enriched nullainly nully onullygen or less onullten nully nitrogen or carnullonnull in nullhich the phase is stanullilinullednullnullTnull Tnulle case results from elenullated temperature exposure to ennullironments containi
45、nnull tnullese elementsnull case is nullard, nullrittle and considered detrimentalnull1nullAnullailanullle nullronull nullnullnullnullsaenullorgnullBS 3TA 100:20092 null null BSI 2009BRITISH STANDARD3nullnull nullarnullrought nullaterial onull uninullornullly roundnull halnull roundnull snulluarenul
46、l rectangularnullhenullagonalnull octagonal or regular polygonal solid section supplied in straight lengths3null3 nullatchnullaterial nullronull the sanulle ingotnull nullanunullactured nully the sanulle processnullonull the sanulle nonullinal dinullensions andnull inull heat treatednull heat treate
47、d togethernullnullTnull nullnullere applicanullle, nullatcnull sinulles for specinullc products are nullinullen in tnulle relenullant sections of tnullis standardnull3nullnull coillength onull a product nullound into a cylindrical or annular nullornullnull nullithout nulloint or seanull3nullnull des
48、ign authorityorganinullation responsinullle nullor the detailed design onull nullatnullriel and nullhich has the responsinullility onull certinullying designs andnullor sealing dranullings and specinullcations3nullnull edge straightnessdenulliation nullronull straightness onull the edge onull a shee
49、tnull strip or plate nullhen laid nullat3nullnull enulltruded lengthlength produced nullronull one cast enulltrusion ingot using a single or nullultihole die3nullnull enulltruded sectionlength onull enulltruded nullaterial other than nullarnull nullire or tunulle3nullnull forgingshape produced nully hanullnullering or pressing nulletnulleen open or closed diesnull usually nullhen hot3nullnullnull forging stocnullnullrought or cast nullaterial intended nullor the production onull nullorgings3nullnullnull harmful defectany denullect prenulludicial to the suitanullle and proper use onull t