BS 5284-1993 Methods of sampling and testing mastic asphalt used in building and civil engineering《建筑和土木工程用砂胶沥青的取样和试验方法》.pdf

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BS 5284-1993 Methods of sampling and testing mastic asphalt used in building and civil engineering《建筑和土木工程用砂胶沥青的取样和试验方法》.pdf_第1页
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BS 5284-1993 Methods of sampling and testing mastic asphalt used in building and civil engineering《建筑和土木工程用砂胶沥青的取样和试验方法》.pdf_第2页
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BS 5284-1993 Methods of sampling and testing mastic asphalt used in building and civil engineering《建筑和土木工程用砂胶沥青的取样和试验方法》.pdf_第3页
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BS 5284-1993 Methods of sampling and testing mastic asphalt used in building and civil engineering《建筑和土木工程用砂胶沥青的取样和试验方法》.pdf_第4页
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BS 5284-1993 Methods of sampling and testing mastic asphalt used in building and civil engineering《建筑和土木工程用砂胶沥青的取样和试验方法》.pdf_第5页
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1、BRITISH STANDARD BS 5284:1993 Methods of Sampling and testing mastic asphalt used in building and civil engineeringBS5284:1993 This British Standard, having been prepared under the directionof Technical CommitteeB/546, was publishedunder the authority ofthe Standards Board and comesinto effect on 15

2、August1993 BSI 02-1999 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference B/546/7 Draft for comment 89/12062 DC ISBN 0 580 21546 6 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by Technical Committee B/546,

3、Flexible sheets for water and water vapour control, to Subcommittee B/546/7, Asphalt and pitch mastic for building purposes, upon which the following bodies were represented: Bitumen Modifers Association Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment) Department of the Environment (P

4、roperty Services Agency) Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors Low Temperature Coal Distillers Association of Great Britain Ltd. Mastic Asphalt Council and Employers Federation Mastic Asphalt Producers Association Royal Institute of British Architects Society of Chemical Industry Amendments is

5、sued since publication Amd. No. Date CommentsBS 5284:1993 BSI 02-1999 i Contents Page Committees responsible Inside front cover Foreword ii 1 Scope 1 2 References 1 3 Definitions 1 4 Methods of sampling 1 5 Preparatory laboratory treatment of sample 3 6 Hardness number test 3 7 Determination of bind

6、er content and grading of mineral aggregate 4 8 Recovery of bituminous binders 13 Annex A (informative) Safety 17 Annex B (informative) Recommendations for equipment control and calibration 17 Figure 1 A type of apparatus suitable for hardness testing 4 Figure 2 Filtration apparatus 6 Figure 3 Porou

7、s filter thimble 6 Figure 4 Recovery apparatus showing necessary features 8 Figure 5 Sieving extractor 10 Figure 6 Distillation apparatus used for the recovery of soluble bitumen 15 Figure 7 Glass link stirrer 16 Table 1 Minimum mass of laboratory samples 2 Table 2 Size of sample, sieves and minimum

8、 volume of solvent to be used for analysis 5 Table 3 Limits for repeatability and reproducibility of a sample obtained from the same bulk sample 13 List of references Inside back coverBS5284:1993 ii BSI 02-1999 Foreword This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of Technical Committ

9、ee B/546, Flexible sheets for water and water vapour control, and gives methods for sampling and testing of mastic asphalt used in building. It supersedes BS 5284:1976 which is withdrawn. In this edition reference to pitch mastic has been deleted as this material is no longer in general use. The met

10、hod for determination of water content and the funnel method for binder content and grading of mineral aggregate have been omitted. Where practicable, the methods have been aligned with those of Parts100, 101 and 102 of BS 598 which deals with sampling and testing of bituminous materials for roads a

11、nd other paved areas. Some mastic asphalts are used for both road and building applications. In such cases, whilst the methods of sampling may vary, it is not intended that different test methods should be specified. WARNING. The methods described in this British Standard require the use of dichloro

12、methane. This solvent is hazardous to health and is subject to occupational exposure limits as detailed in the latest edition of Guidance Note EH/40 1 published by the Health and Safety Executive. Exposure levels are related to both handling procedures and ventilation provision and it is emphasized

13、that adequate training should be given to staff employed in the usage of this substance. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of

14、 itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii, pages1 to 18, an inside back cover and a back cover. This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had amendments incorporated. This will

15、be indicated in the amendment table on theinside front cover.BS5284:1993 BSI 02-1999 1 1 Scope This British Standard specifies methods for sampling and testing mastic asphalt used in building and civil engineering. NOTEAttention is drawn to the safety recommendations given in Annex A. 2 References 2

16、.1 Normative references This British Standard incorporates, by reference, provisions from specific editions of other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate points in the text and the publications are listed on the inside back cover. Subsequent amendments to, or revisio

17、ns of, any of these publications apply to this standard only when incorporated in it by updating or revision. 2.2 Informative references This British Standard refers to other publications that provide information or guidance. Editions of these publications current at the time of issue of this standa

18、rd are listed on the inside back cover, but reference should be made to latest editions. 3 Definitions For the purposes of this British Standard the following definitions apply. 3.1 increment portion of material taken by a single operation 3.2 bulk sample combination of increments taken from a mass

19、of material which the bulk sample is intended to represent 3.3 laboratory sample whole or representative part of a bulk sample that is sent to a laboratory for testing 3.4 repeatability quantitative expression of the random error associated with a single test operator in a given laboratory obtaining

20、 successive results with the same apparatus under constant operating conditions on identical test material. It is defined as that difference between two such single results as would be exceeded in the long run in only one case in twenty in the normal and correct operation of the test method 3.5 repr

21、oducibility quantitative expression of the random error associated with test operators working in different laboratories, each obtaining single results on identical test material when applying the same method. It is defined as that difference between two such single and independent results as would

22、be exceeded in the long run in only one case in twenty in the normal and correct operation of the test method 4 Methods of sampling 4.1 General principles NOTE 1Samples of mastic asphalt are normally required for one or more of the following three purposes. a) Assessment of the constituent proportio

23、ns of the material for quality control. b) Judgement of conformance to the specification for the material. c) Establishment of a specific property of a defined quantity or area of material. Before any sampling is undertaken, the purpose shall be considered and an appropriate sampling procedure chose

24、n. If requested, all parties having a direct interest in the results of the tests on materials taken on site shall be informed when and where samples are to be taken so as to afford them the opportunity of witnessing the procedure. Samples shall be made available for the manufacturers own testing. N

25、OTE 2If all the details of the specified sampling procedure are not carried out, the results of the test may not be accepted as being representative of the material being sampled. The size of the bulk sample shall be not less than that stated in the procedures given in 4.2 to 4.6 and, if so required

26、, shall be large enough to provide laboratory samples for each of the interested parties. 4.2 Sampling during discharge at the manufacturing plant Use a clean, rigid metal container for sampling the molten material. The container shall be of dimensions capable of receiving a 2 kg increment. Take at

27、least three increments. Take each increment by placing the empty container in the stream of material being discharged from the mixer. Discard the increment if the container becomes surcharged during this procedure. Record the temperature of the mastic asphalt. In the case of batch mixers, carry out

28、the sampling while the mixer contains between one-third and two-thirds of the original charge. Thoroughly mix the increments together in a clean container while still molten to form a bulk sample of sufficient mass to provide laboratory samples having a mass not less than that given in Table 1.BS528

29、4:1993 2 BSI 02-1999 4.3 Sampling of block material Select at random and break not less than six blocks for every 10 t of material or part thereof. Unless contamination is the subject of investigation, take increments of approximately equal size from the inner part of each block and combine to form

30、a bulk sample of sufficient mass to provide laboratory samples having a mass not less than that given in Table 1. Table 1 Minimum mass of laboratory samples If contamination is the subject of investigation, submit the whole block for examination. 4.4 Sampling from site remelting equipment and mobile

31、 mixers Preferably carry out the sampling while the mixer contains between one-third and two-thirds of the original charge and the hand-stirred cauldron approximately one-half of the original charge. However, if this is not possible, record with the sample identification, the actual conditions, how

32、much of the original charge remained and if fresh block material had been added prior to sampling. Use a clean, rigid metal container for sampling the molten material. The container shall be of dimensions capable of receiving an increment of at least 2 kg. Take at least three increments. Where sampl

33、ing from a mixer, take each increment by placing the empty container in the stream of material being discharged. Discard the increment if the container becomes surcharged during this procedure. When taking the increment from the cauldrons, thoroughly stir the molten material immediately beforehand.

34、Thoroughly mix the increments together in a clean container while still molten to form a bulk sample of sufficient mass to provide laboratory samples having a mass not less than that given in Table 1. 4.5 Sampling from laid and finished material Obtain an individual sample from laid and finished mas

35、tic using one of the following procedures. a) Warm the perimeter of the sample area by application of molten mastic asphalt. NOTE 1The supply of molten mastic asphalt, prepared to restore the surface once the sample has been removed, may be used for this purpose. With a knife or similar tool, cut th

36、rough the total thickness of the material and carefully extract the sample. NOTE 2This method reduces damage to both the sample and the surrounding material to a minimum. b) Cut out the sample using a mechanical cutting disc. Do not use a blow torch for warming the material or cut the material cold

37、by using a hammer and chisel as this could cause fracture of surrounding material. When cutting out the sample note any factors which might influence the investigation. NOTE 3Such factors include surface finishes and blemishes, underlays, vent pipes and surface contamination. An individual sample sh

38、all be of not less than300mm 300mm and, within this, a minimum area of200mm 200mm shall remain free from the molten mastic asphalt. Such a sample shall be regarded as representing only a limited area of the material. For representative sampling of laid and finished mastic asphalt, select individual

39、samples at the rate of not less than one for each50m 2and part thereof of the area concerned, but in no case take less than three samples, distributed approximately equally over the area and not less than 0.5m from a joint or the edge of a bay. For the investigation of suspected faults or irregulari

40、ties in material or workmanship take specific samples from the area(s) in question. Such samples shall be regarded as separate from those that have been selected for any sample intended to be representative of the work as a whole. 4.6 Size of sample The bulk sample(s) taken in accordance with 4.2, 4

41、.3 or 4.4 shall be of sufficient mass to provide the required number of laboratory samples. NOTEThe minimum mass of laboratory samples is dependent on the maximum size of coarse aggregate specified for the mastic asphalt (see Table 1). 4.7 Information to be supplied with samples Ensure that the samp

42、le is adequately identified with provision for reference to a schedule giving information on the appropriate items from the following: a) location of mixing plant or site where laid; Maximum size of coarse aggregate specified Minimum number of increments Minimum mass of each increment Minimum mass o

43、f laboratory sample kg kg Passing 3.35 mm sieve conforming to BS 410:1986 3 1 3 Passing 14.0 mm sieve conforming to BS 410:1986 3 2 6BS5284:1993 BSI 02-1999 3 b) name and address of authority giving instructions for the examination to be carried out; c) sample identification; d) type of material; e)

44、 specification with which the material is intended to comply; f) date of mixing or laying; g) date of sampling (see note); h) positions from which sample of laid material was taken; i) number and nominal thicknesses of courses; j) nature and condition of base; k) nature of surface treatment (if any)

45、; l) test to be made, or information sought; m) name of sampler (in block capitals), signature and name of sampling organization. To facilitate the testing procedure and the interpretation of test results give as much information as possible to the laboratory. Include site observations such as those

46、 noted when sampling laid and finished material in 4.5. NOTESampling should be within 24 h of laying for determinations intended to be recorded as the hardness number at the time of laying. 5 Preparatory laboratory treatment of sample 5.1 Preliminary inspection Inspect the sample as soon as possible

47、 after receipt and note its condition. 5.2 Sample reduction and preparation Unless the sample has been received at a temperature sufficient to enable the material to be broken down to an appropriate size for analysis, i.e.not larger than20mm, place the remainder of the sample in an oven at a tempera

48、ture not exceeding180 C and, as soon as it is softened just sufficiently to be broken, remove it from the oven. Avoid prolonged heating. Break the sample into small pieces and obtain a representative portion by taking pieces at random. 5.3 Preparation for hardness number test Reconstitute a further

49、representative portion of the sample by careful heating for the shortest possible time at a temperature not exceeding 205 C. Cast the molten material into duplicate hardness number test moulds and float finish. Avoid excessive floating as this can influence the hardness number. The hardness number test mould shall be not less than100mm in diameter and not less than25mm in depth. 6 Hardness number test NOTEThe hardness number test should be used as follows. a) At the place of manufacture. For quality control purposes as required by the appropriate stan

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