BS 5315-1991 Hose clamps (worm drive type) for general purpose use (metric series)《通用软管夹子(蜗杆驱动型)(米制系列)》.pdf

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BS 5315-1991 Hose clamps (worm drive type) for general purpose use (metric series)《通用软管夹子(蜗杆驱动型)(米制系列)》.pdf_第1页
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BS 5315-1991 Hose clamps (worm drive type) for general purpose use (metric series)《通用软管夹子(蜗杆驱动型)(米制系列)》.pdf_第2页
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BS 5315-1991 Hose clamps (worm drive type) for general purpose use (metric series)《通用软管夹子(蜗杆驱动型)(米制系列)》.pdf_第3页
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BS 5315-1991 Hose clamps (worm drive type) for general purpose use (metric series)《通用软管夹子(蜗杆驱动型)(米制系列)》.pdf_第4页
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BS 5315-1991 Hose clamps (worm drive type) for general purpose use (metric series)《通用软管夹子(蜗杆驱动型)(米制系列)》.pdf_第5页
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1、BRITISHSTANDARD BS 5 3 15: 1991S pec ificat ion forH o s e c l a mps( w ormdriv e ty pe) forgenera lpu rpos e us e(me t ric series )Incorporating Amendment No. 1g49g50g3g38g50g51g60g44g49g42g3g58g44g55g43g50g56g55g3g37g54g44g3g51g40g53g48g44g54g54g44g50g49g3g40g59g38g40g51g55g3g36g54g3g51g40g53g48g4

2、4g55g55g40g39g3g37g60g3g38g50g51g60g53g44g42g43g55g3g47g36g58ICS 23.040.60BS 5 3 15: 1991T his B rit i s h S t a nda rd, h a v ingb een prepa red under thedirec t ionof the P ipingS ystems C omponents S t a nda rds P olic y C ommittee,w a s p u b lis hed under thea uthority of the S t a nda rds B o

3、a rd a nd c omes int oeffec t on3 1 Oct o b er 1991F irst p u b lis hed A pril 1976S e c ond edit ion Oct o b er 1991T he follow ing BSI referenc e s rela t e to the work on this sta nda rd:C ommittee referen c e PSE/6D r a f t for c omment 8 3/78 6 1 0 DCC ommittees res pons i b le for this B rit i

4、 s h S t a nda rdT his B rit i s h S t a nda rd wa s prepa red under the direc t ion of the P iping S ystems C omponents S t a nda rds P olic y C ommittee ( PSE/ -), upon whic h t he follow ingb odies w ere repres ent ed:A sso c i a t ed O ffic e s T e c hni cal C ommi tteeB rit i s h C ompressed A

5、ir S o c ietyB rit i s h Gas plcB rit i s h S t eel I ndustr yB rit i s h Val v e a nd Actua t or Man u f acturers A sso c i a t ionC h a r t ered I n sti tution of B u ilding S erv i c e s E ngineersC hief a nd A ssi sta n t C hief F ire O ffic ers A sso c i a t ionC opper D e v elopment A sso c i

6、a t ionE lec t ric i ty I ndust r y in U nit ed K ingdomE nerg y I ndust rie s C o u n c ilE ngineering E q u ipment a nd Mat eria l s U s ers A sso c i a t ionI n sti tut eof P e t role u mI n sti tut ionof Gas E ngineersI n sti tution of Man u f acturing E ngineersI n sti tut ionof P l a n t E ngi

7、neersWat er C ompa nies A sso c i a t ionWat er S erv i c e s A sso c i a t ionof E ngla nd a nd WalesD epa r t men t of T r a de a nd I ndustr y ( M e c h a nical E ngineering a ndMan u f acturing T e c hnology D i v i s ion) ( MMT)D epa r t ment of the E n v ironmen t ( P roper ty S erv i c e s A

8、gen c y )M inistr y of D efenc eH e a l t h a nd Safety E x e c uti v eAmendments issued since publicationAmd. No. Date Comments17275 31 August 2007 Foreword text updated. Clause 6 reference updated. Subclause 9.4.1 changed. Publications referred to updated. BSI 2007ISBN 978 0 580 50937 7BS 5 3 15:

9、1991iC ont entsPageC ommittees res pons i b le I n s ide front c o v erF ore w ordii1 Scope 12 N omenc l a ture 13 D e s igna t ing si z e14 Mat eria l s 15 G enera lrequ irements 16 F inis h17 Ranges of si z e s a nd dimens ions 18 Marking 19 T e sting 2F igu re 1T y picalde s ign a nd nomenc l a t

10、ure of hos e c l a mp 2F igu re 2 A rra ngement of a ty pical te st rig for torqu et e sting hos e c l a mps3F igu re 3 Band tens ion a nd torqu e te st fixture 4F igu re 4H y dra u lic pressure te st rig 5Table 1D imens ions of c l a mpTable 2 T orqu e te st va l u eTable 3 H y dra u lic pressure t

11、e st v a l u e s 4P u b licat ion(s )referred to I n s ide back c o v er BSI 2007BS 5 3 15: 1991iiF orew ordS u mma r y of p a gesT his doc u ment c ompris e s a front c o v er,anin s ide front c o v er, p a ges i a nd ii,p a ges 1 to 6 ,anin s ide back c o v er a nd aback c o v er.T his sta nda rd

12、h a s b een upda t ed ( s ee c opy right d a t e) a nd m a y h a v eha da mendments inc orpora t ed. T his will b eindicat ed in the a mendment t able ont he ins idefront c o v er.This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Piping Systems Standards Policy Committee. It superse

13、des BS 5315:1976 and BS 3628:1963 which are withdrawn. This edition introduces technical changes but it does not reflect a full review and revision of the standard, which will be undertaken in due course. Additional text has been included which applies specifically to clamp sizes greater than 140 mm

14、. Differences in the text between this edition and BS 5315:1976 are indicatedby a sideline in the margin. Product certification. Users of this British Standard are advised to consider the desirability of third party certification of product conformity with this British Standard based on testing and

15、continuing surveillance, which may be coupled with assessment of a suppliers quality systems against the appropriate Part of BS 5750. Enquiries as to the availability of third party certification schemes will be forwarded by BSI to the Association of Certification Bodies. If a third party certificat

16、ion scheme does not already exist, users should consider approaching an appropriate body from the list of Association members. This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. Compliance with a British Standar

17、d cannot confer immunity from legal obligations. BSI 2007The start and finish of text introduced or altered by Amendment No.1 is indicated in the text by tags !“. BS 5 3 15: 199111 ScopeT his B rit i s h S t a nda rd spec ifies t herequ irements forw ormdriv eho s e c l a mps for genera lpu rpos e u

18、s eint he si z era nge c ommenc ing a t 1 2 mm.NOTE 1 H o s e c l a mps abo v e si z e14 0 mm a re us ed for a va riety of p u rpos e s inc l u ding st r a pping.NOTE 2 T he ti t les of the p u b licat ions referred toin this sta nda rd a re listed on the ins ide back c o v er.2 N omenc l a tureF or

19、 the p u rpo s e s of this B rit i s h S t a nda rd thenomen c l a ture giv en in F igu re 1ha s b een a dopt ed.3 D e s igna t ing si z e3 .1 C l a mp s i z e s up to a nd inc l u ding 140 mmT he des igna t ing si z eof acl a mp sh a llb eeq u a l to them a x imu mextern a ldi a met er of the c omp

20、onent w hic h the c l a mp i s des igned to se c u re.3 . 2 C l a mp si z e s grea t er th a n14 0 mmT he c l a mps sh a ll b ede s igna t ed b y the m a x imu mw orkingdi a met erinmillime t res h a v inga minimu mw orking r a nge of 30 mm.4 Mat eria l sT he m a t eria l s used in the m a n u f act

21、ure of wormdriv e c l a mps s h a llb e selec t eda t t he m a n u f acturers dis c ret ion prov ided t h a t t he finis hed c l a mps a recap able of p a ssing the t e sts spec ified in c l a use 9 .5 G enera lrequ irements5.1 G enera lW hen the loop i s c omplet eda s in F igu re 1 the sc rew s h

22、a ll b eheld firmly in enga gement wi t h the bandd u ring tight ening a nd the c l a mp sh a ll b e cap able ofb eing dec rea s ed in dia met erb y turning the sc rew inacloc k w i s edirec t ion a nd inc rea s ed in dia met er b y turning the sc rew in aco u n t er- c loc k w i s edire c t ion.A f

23、 t er e x p a nding un t il theband i s dis c onnec t ed fromt he sc rew i t s h a ll b epo ssi b le toopen c l a mps ofs i z e 3 5mm a nd abo v e toprov ide a g a peq u a l to thel a rge st dia met er of c omponen t for whic h the c l a mpi s des igned a nd sopermit e a sy fitting or remov a loft h

24、e c l a mp b y p a ssing the c l a mp o v er the c omponent in si tu w i t hout distur b ing a n y c onnec t ion.T hec l a mp sh a llb e sode s igned th a t w hen tight enedon the c omponent i t s h a ll rema in pos i t i v ely s e c u redin pos i t ion wi t hout the need for a n y a ddit iona lloc

25、kingde v i c e ,and in firmenga gement w i t h thec omponent on whic hit i s fitted.5.2 ScrewT he sc rew s h a ll b eheld cap t i v ein the c l a mphousing.5.3 BandT he band sh a ll h a v e a threa dform c ommenc ing a t t he free end a nd e xtendingfor a lengt h su ffic ient t oenable the c l a mp

26、to b e tight ened on to the sm a llest dia met erofc omponent w i t hin the workingr a ngeforw hic hit i s des igned.5.4 H o usingT hehousing sh a llnot b ere a dily remov ablefrom theband.6 F inis hA ll c omponent p a r ts of the c l a mp sh a ll b e smoot ha nd free from h a rmfu l b u rrs a nd sh

27、 a rp edges .C l a mps o t her th a n thos ema n u f actured fromc orro s ionre s i sta n t m a t eri a l s s h a ll b eprot e c t eda g a inst c orros ion su c h th a t t hey s h a ll meet t herequ irements of the sa l t s pra y t e st s pec ified inP l a t ing sh a llb e a pplieda f t era n y w el

28、ding opera t iona nd prior tofina l a ssemb l y .7 Range of si z e s a nd dimens ionsF or the si z era nge 1 2 mm up to a ndinc l u ding 140 mm, si z e s a nd dimens ions s h a ll b e a s giv en in Table 1 a nd F igu re 1.NOTE 1 T his B rit i s h S t a nda rd spec ifies t e sts t h a t a reperformed

29、oneach si z eof c l a mp us inga spec ified si z e a nd ty pe ofhos e. T he te sts ensure th a t a ll m a kes of c l a mp a re of equ i v a lent performa n c e b ut do not ensure th a t c l a mps will sa t i s f act orily hold hos e s of dia met ers a t t he e xtremit ies of acl a mps w orkingr a ng

30、e , p a r t i c u l a rly when us ed wi t h a non-sta nda rd hos e. T heuser shou ld ensure th a t t he s i z eof c l a mp c hos en i s c ompa t i b lew i t h the hos edi a met er a nd ty pe.NOTE 2 F or c l a mp si z e s grea t er th a n14 0 mm, the r a nge ofs i z e s m a y b einin c rements of 20

31、mm, st a r t ing a t s i z e160 mm.8 MarkingEach c l a mp sh a ll b eperma nent l y a nd indelib l y m a rked wi t h the follow ing:a ) the n a me or tr a de m a rk of the m a n u f acturer;b ) the a ppropria t ede s igna t ing si z e ;c ) the n u m b er a nd d a t eof this B rit i s h S t a nda rd,

32、i.e. BS 5 3 15: 19911).NOTE T hea pplicat ion ofa n y o t her m a rking i s t o b e the su b jec t of a greemen t b e tween the p u r c h a s er a nd the m a n u f acturer.1)Marking BS 5 3 15: 1991 on or in rela t ion to a produ c t repres ents a m a n u f acturers dec l a r a t ion of c onformity,

33、i.e. acl a im b y oron b eha lf of the m a n u f acturer th a t t he produ c t mee ts the req u irements of the st a nda rd. T he acc u r acy of the c l a im i s t herefores olely t he res pons i b ility of the pers on m a king the c l a im. S u c h a dec l a r a t ion i s not t o b e c onfused wi t

34、 h third p a r ty c ert ificat ionofc onformity, whic hma y a l s o b ede s irable.! BS EN ISO 9227:2006“, without significant corrosion of the base metal. The duration of the test shall be 48 h. BSI 2007BS 5 3 15: 199129 T e sting9.1 G enera l9.1.1 C l a mp si z e s 1 2 mm up to a ndinc l u ding 14

35、0 mmEach c l a mp sh a ll b e cap able of p a ssing the te sts des c rib ed in 9.2 , 9.3 .1 a nd C l a mp si z e s gre a t er th a n 140 mmEach c l a mp sh a ll b e cap able of p a ssing the te sts des c rib ed in 9.2 a nd 9.3 . 2 .9.2 F ree-turning torqu e te stT his t e st s h a ll b e c

36、 ondu c t ed toen sure the smoot hact ionof the l u b ricat ed c l a mp in i ts free-turningsta t e. F or this p u rpos e , the torqu erequ ired tomo v et he sc rew in eit her direc t ion sh a ll not e x c eed 1.5 Nnullm.9.3 T orqu e te st9.3 .1 T orq u e te st for c l a mp si z e s 1 2 mm up toa nd

37、 inc l u ding 140 mmT he te st sh a ll b e c ond u c t ed wi t h the hos e c l a mp int hel u b ricat edc ondit ionmo u n t edona rigidma ndrelof a dia met er equ a l to the des igna t ing si z eof thec l a mp. A sui t able te st rigis s how nin F igu re 2.A l t ern a t i v eme t hod s ofa ppl y ing

38、 the torqu elo a d a repermissi b leprov ided th a t t hec ondit ions impos edb y t he torqu erig show nin F igu re 2 a re simu l a t ede x act l y .T he c l a mp s h a ll b e tigh t ened to 7 5%of thea ppropri a t e torqu elo a d a s s how nin Table 2. O nrelea s eof the torqu elo a d , vi sua lex

39、a mina t ion of thea ssemb l y s h a ll rev e a lno sign of perma nent distort ion of the housing nor d a m a ge det riment a l tot he effic ien t f u n c t ioning of the c l a mp. T he c l a mps h a ll t hen b ere t ight ened u n t il perm a nen tdistort ionorfa ilu re o ccu r s . T he torq u elo a

40、 d a tperma nen t distort ionorfa ilu re sh a ll b einex c e ss oft he a ppropria t e va l u e show nin Tab le 2.F igu re 1T y picalde s ign a nd nomenc l a ture of hos e c l a mp BSI 2007BS 5 3 15: 19913Table 1D imens ions of c l a mps Table 2 T orqu e te st va l v e s9.3 . 2 Band tens ion a nd tor

41、qu e te st for c l a mps i z e s grea t er th a n 140 mmT he te st s h a ll b e c ondu c t ed wi t h the housingmou n t ed in the a n t i-twi st fixture a nd the fix ed a ndmov ing p a r ts of the band a ttached to a tens ile te st fixture a s s how nin F igu re 3. T he housing sh a ll b ec hec ked

42、toen sure th a t i t i s a free sliding fit .W hen a torqu eof 6 .8Nnullmis a pplied to the sc rew , theminim u mindicat ed tens ionin the band sh a llb e1.5 k N . F u r t her tight ening to 7 .9 Nnullm sh a ll b epossi b le wi t hout perma nent distort ionorfa ilu re.T he housing sh a ll b e a free

43、 sliding fit a f t er the te st.F igu re 2 A rra ngement of a ty pical te st rig for torqu e te sting hos e c l a mpsD e s igna t ings i z eW orking r a nge XZmin. m a x .ma x .mm mm mm mm1 2 1 620222 5303 54 0455 05560708 09 01 001 201409.5111 31 618222 5303 53 54 045556070859 01 201 21 620222 5303

44、 54 0455 05560708 09 01 001 201402 52 52 52 52 52 92 92 933323333333333333333s i z e T orqu emm Nnullm1 2 t o 20 inc l usi v e22 a nd 2 530 t o45in c l usi v e5 0 t o 60 inc l usi v e70 t o14 0 inc l usi v e4.55.66 .87 .99.0 BSI 2007BS 5 3 15: 199149.4 H y dra u lic pressure te st9.4.1 G enera lT he

45、 te st s h a ll b e c ondu c t ed us ing the a ppa r a tus s how nin F igu re 4 us ing a hos eofoutside dia met ernea rest t o the mea n va l u eof the working r a nge oft he c l a mp.T he flu id used for the te st sh a ll b e wa t er a t roomt empera ture.9.4.2 M e t hod of te stT he hos e a nd c l

46、 a mps s h a ll b e a ssemb led on a nu n b e a ded , e xtern a lly s moo t h a nd polis hedme t a lm a ndrel a s illustr a t ed in F igu re 4.NOTE T he m a ndrel shou ld b e a sliding fit in the hos e.T he torqu e a pplied when tight ening the c l a mps s h a ll not e x c eed 7 5%of the a ppropria

47、t e torqu ev a l u e spec ified in Table 2.P ressure sh a ll b e a pplied gra d u a lly from a ne xterna l so u r c e un t illea k a georo t herf a ilu reo ccu r s ,a t w hic h sta ge the pre ssu re sh a ll b eno t less th a nt he a ppropria t e va l u e spec ified in Tab le 3.Table 3 H y dra u lic

48、pressure te st v a l u e s F igu re 3 Band tens ion a nd torq u e te st fixtureS i z e P ressuremm MPa1 2 t o 30 inc l usi v e3 5 to 70 inc l usi v e8 0 t o14 0 inc l usi v e1.40 . 70 . 3! The hose shall be rubber or PVC and have a working pressure of at least that specified in Table 3, have a smoot

49、h bore outside and have no metallic reinforcing. “ BSI 2007BS 5 3 15: 19915F igu re 4H y dra u lic pressure te st rig BSI 20076 b l a nkBS 5 3 15: 1991P u b licat ion(s )referred toBS 5466, M e t hods for c orros ion te stingofme t a lli cco a t ing s .!BS EN ISO 9227, Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres Salt spray tests.“ !Text deleted“!Text deleted“ BSI 2007BS 5315:1991BSI389 Chiswick High RoadLondonW4 4ALBSI British Standards InstitutionBSI is the independent national body responsible for preparing British Standards. It presents the UK v

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