BS 5550-3 10 1-1965 Cinematography - 35 mm film - Sprockets - Specification for broad tooth sprockets for 35 mm perforated film《电影摄影技术 35 mm胶片 链齿轮 35 mm打孔胶片的宽齿输片齿轮规范》.pdf

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BS 5550-3 10 1-1965 Cinematography - 35 mm film - Sprockets - Specification for broad tooth sprockets for 35 mm perforated film《电影摄影技术 35 mm胶片 链齿轮 35 mm打孔胶片的宽齿输片齿轮规范》.pdf_第1页
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BS 5550-3 10 1-1965 Cinematography - 35 mm film - Sprockets - Specification for broad tooth sprockets for 35 mm perforated film《电影摄影技术 35 mm胶片 链齿轮 35 mm打孔胶片的宽齿输片齿轮规范》.pdf_第2页
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BS 5550-3 10 1-1965 Cinematography - 35 mm film - Sprockets - Specification for broad tooth sprockets for 35 mm perforated film《电影摄影技术 35 mm胶片 链齿轮 35 mm打孔胶片的宽齿输片齿轮规范》.pdf_第3页
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BS 5550-3 10 1-1965 Cinematography - 35 mm film - Sprockets - Specification for broad tooth sprockets for 35 mm perforated film《电影摄影技术 35 mm胶片 链齿轮 35 mm打孔胶片的宽齿输片齿轮规范》.pdf_第4页
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BS 5550-3 10 1-1965 Cinematography - 35 mm film - Sprockets - Specification for broad tooth sprockets for 35 mm perforated film《电影摄影技术 35 mm胶片 链齿轮 35 mm打孔胶片的宽齿输片齿轮规范》.pdf_第5页
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1、Cinema togra pliy Part 3.35 Jnm film L B.S. 5550 : Subsection 3.10.1 : 1980 , PD 6237 Amendment No. 1, published 22 August, 1967 R S 5550 : Subsection 3,lO.l : 1980 *Biitish Standard Cincmatograpliy Part 3,35 inm fim Section 3.10 Sprockets Subsection 3,iO.l Specification for broad toot11 sprockets f

2、or 35 nm perforated filin Table 3. Dimeiisions for 32-tooth brond footli sprockets (feed and hold-back). Colainn 4. Approximate iriilliinetre equivalents. Against the staudard dimension D for feed sprockets delete 47.18 and substitute 48-18 . - BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUT10 N INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CH

3、ARTER BRITISH STANDARDS HOUSE, TELEGRAMS: STANDARDS LONDON WI 2 PARK ST., LONDON, W.1 TELEPHONE: MAYFAIR 9OOO A A THIS BRITISH STANDARD, having been approved by the Cinematograph - : . Standards Committee and endorsed by the Chairman of the Engineering Divisional Council, was published under the aut

4、liorit -ofthe General Council on 29th November, 1965. d967 First publislied, April, 1953. First revision November, 1965. The institution desires to call attention to the fact that this British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provision of a contract. In order to keep abreast of

5、 progress in the industries concerned, British Standards are subject to periodical review. Suggestions for improvements will be recorded and in due course brought to the notice of the committees charged with the revision of the standards to which they refer. A complete list of British Standards, : -

6、 . fully indexed and with a note of the contents of each, will be found in the ILitish Standards Yearbook, The B.S. Yearbook may be consulted in many public libraries and similar institutions. This standard makes reference to the following British . - Standard : B.S. 5550 : Subsection 3.1.1 Cuttiiig

7、 and pcrtoraliiig dimensions of 35 mni motion-picturc filni und inagiicKX5 -_ _- _ British Storitlards are revked, when necessary, b.y the issue either of otiienrhnent SI or of revised editions. It is important that irsers of British Standards slioirlrl ascertain tlint they are iit possession of the

8、 latest aniendinents or editions. Tlie following B.S.Y. references relate to the wort on this standard: Coirimittcc rcferoncc28:r- Te;- 5 Draft Tor coinnient DO413212 2 A I m 1624669 0198652 3 I I 1 B.S, 5550 : Subsection 3.10.1 : 1980;A 2- - - - CO-OPERATING ORGANPZATIONS The Cinematograph Standard

9、s Committee, under whose supervision this British Standard was prepared, consists of representatives from the following Government departments and sciciitific and industrial organizations : Technicians Board of Trade British Broadcasting Corporation British Film Institute *British Film Producers Ass

10、ociation *British Kinematograph, Sound and Television Society *British Photographic Manufacturers Association *Cinematograph Exhibitors Association of Great *Federation of British Film Makers *Association of Cinematograph, Television and Allied Britain and Ireland Federation of Specialised Film Asso

11、ciations Illuminating Engineering-Society Independent Television Companies Association Kinematograph Renters Society Ltd, *Ministry of Defence, Army Department Royal Photographic Sociely The Government department and scientific and industrial organizations marked with an asterisk in the above list,

12、together with the following, were directly represented on the committees entrusted with the preparation of this British Standard: Brifish Gear Manufacturers, Association Film Laboratory Association Milling Cutter and Reamer Association Royal Naval Film Corporation Scientific Instrument Manufacturers

13、 Association Manufacturers of cinematograph projectors, projector 1 . HomeOffice *Incorporated Association of Kinematograph Manufacturers Ltd. sprockets, and motion picture film A 3 Cincm a t ogr a pli y Part 3.35 Inni film Section 3.10 Sprockets SubAection 3.10.1 S ecific on for broad tooth spXcket

14、s-m ml per orated fi1111 !i-?- -_ - - YA-. - _. -. _- rEyARD - -. - - Tce British Standard for sprockets for 35 mm cinematograph projectcrs, prepared under the authority of the Cinematograph Industry Standards ConIrnittee in response to a request from the Incorporated Association of Kinematograph Ma

15、nufacturers, was first issued 5s B.S. 1967 iti 1953 and rcvjscd in 1965 These sprockets are suitable for use-with motion picture film - liavhg - Typ I pcruralioilslii ucco? dgncc with B.S. 5550 : Subsection 3.1.1 For motion picture techniques this broad toothTwmrcket is obsolescent and in the course

16、 of a few years is likely to be entirely superseded by the narrow tooth sprocket, for which a new British Standard has beenprepared, Bss, 5550 : sA)*l for hnsk%-p%d% _ - oficSZ?t - -_ * but more.p.!buorrt7iese of broad tooth sprockets in scientific equipment and otTie:yaialized appkis coiifiiiiictl

17、iii 1977. AS a11 _- IiUblClOii Ilas bCCii rciiiiiiibcrcd fis 13,s. $5$0 _- : Subscctioii 3.10.1; _ _-_I_ Inthis revised edition, the essential features-of the origin2 standard are retained and the tooth form rema.ins unaltered.Te,principal aniendmnts are as follows: Increases in dimension, D for fed

18、, intermittent and hold-back sprockcs, with corresponding changcs in dimension IV. Increases in dimension T for feed, intermittent and hold-back sprockets, (corresponding to tlic increase in dimension D) and the inclusion of a tolerance on dimensi0n.T. The inclusion of a requirement that in any one

19、intermittent sprocket : thc two ends shall be similar in diameter to within a fine tolerance. The addition of a dimension for the axial length of the land of diamctcr T. A number of small amendments have been made in the methods of dimcn- sioning and tolerancing, and in the tolerances, in order that

20、 this British Standard inay be more closcly in line with the IS0 Recommendation for 35 mm projector sprockets which is being prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 36 Cinemato- graphy, of the International Organization for Standardization. I 3 4 i A I A m Lb24669 0398654 7 = m5j50 : Subsection - 3.1

21、0.1 : 1980 . SPECIFICATION SCOPE 1. This British Standard relates to the dimensions of 16-tooth intermittent sprockets, and l-tooth, 24-tooth and 32-tooth feed and hold-back sprockets for use with 35 mm . perforated - film in accordance withTypc I Qf B.S. 5550: Subsection;- = I . e-=- It specifies t

22、he essential dimensions for accurate engagement with the film, and gives recommended dimensions in respect of the form of the teeth. NOTE. The dimensions of sound-head sprockets are norinally similar to those given hi lhis standard for feed sprockets. A - - DEEINLTKONS 2. For the purposes of this Br

23、itish Standard the following definitions apply: u. Sprocket. A toothed drum or transporting film. b. Feed sprocket. A sprocket serving to draw the im in its direction of rotation; usuaiiy applied to a sprocket drawing filiii from a take-off. c. hiteriiiitteiit sprocket. An intermittently rotating sp

24、rocket, to advance the fib one frame at a time past the picture aperture at the designated rate. d. Souiid sprocket. A constant-speed sprocket which feeds film past the scanning point in a sound head, e. Hold-buck sprocket. A sprocket serving to restrain the film against tension; usually applied to

25、a sprocket restraining the passage of the film to a take-up spool. . DWSIONS 3. The sprockets shall conform to the standard dimensions given in Tables 1 to 3 inclusive, appropriate to the size and function of the sprocket, and slid comply with the requirements of Clauses 4 to 7 inclusive. It is reco

26、rninended that the sprockets should also conform to the recomniended dimensions in Tables 1 to 3. * NOTE. In view of the close similarity in the dinetisions and appearance of feed sprockets and hold-back sprockets it is recorninended that such sprockets should be perniarieiitly marked fo indicate th

27、eir use. n ANGULAR PITCH ERROR OP TEETH 4. The cumulative pitch error between any two teeth shall not exceed 4 iiiinutes o arc. -_ - 5 Lb24669 0398655 i A 11.S. 333TSbk3n 3.10.1 : 1980 . .z . . . PARAI.LELISM OF END DIAh,mTERS 5. In any one sprocket the diameters D (Pig. 2) of the two ends shall be

28、equal within 04004 in (0.010 mm). I. . MISALIGNMENT OF TEETH 6. The misalignment of the working faces of any pair of teeth (dimension A, Fig. i) shall not exceed the following amounts: Feed aiid hold-back sprockets 0-001 in (0.025 mm) Tntermit tent sprockets 0.0004 in (0-010 mm) c - I A Direction of

29、 rotation 1 O o - Axis of sprocket Fig. 1, Misalignment of teeth CONCENTRICITY OP INTEIIhfIlTENT SPROCKETS 7. When an intermittent sprocket is rotated on a true mandrel, the total variation in a dial gaiige reading taken on each of the cylindrical surfaces D (Fig. 2) during one complete revolution o

30、f the sprocket shall not exceed 0.0002 in (0405 mm). I G I 4. of teeth r i Y I .I arP be Section Y-Y edges removed Section at root of tooth Fig. 2. Broad tooth sprockets for 35 mni perforritcd filiii NOTE 1. Apart from the essential dimensions, these figures are diaprammaticoitly, and are not intend

31、ed to indicate details of design. NOTE 2. By reason of the unusual methods of production it is not practicable to produce a tooth forni with precisely sharp corncrs at the base of the tooth, and a radius up to 0.02 in (0.05 mni) is not regarded as cause for rejection of the sprockcts. If the nature

32、of the equipment in which the sprocket is to be used is such that any radius, however small, at the base of the tooth is inadniissible, this should bestated by the purclkser in his original enquiry. 8 Previous page is blank 1 m Lb24667 0378657 2 D.si5550 : Subsection 3.10.1 : 1980 - TABLE 1. DIMENSI

33、ONS FOR 16-TOOTH, BROAD TOOTH SPROCKETS 0.950 f 0401 0.950 f 0.001 24.13 f 0.025 24.13 to simplify production and distribution; to eliminate the waste of time and material involved in tlie pro- duction of an unnecessary variety of patterns and sizes of articles for one and tlie same purpose; to set

34、up standards of quality and dimensions, and to promote the general adoptiou of British Standards. In carrying out its work the Institution endeavours to ensure adequate representation of all viewpoints, Before embarking on any project it must be satisfied that there is a strong body of opinion in fa

35、vour of proceeding and that there is a recognized need to be met. The Institution is a non-profit-making concern. It is financed by subscriptions from firms, trade asso- ciations, professional institutions and other bodies interested iii its work, by a Government grant and by the sale of its publica

36、tions. Tlie demands on tlie services of the Institution are steadily increasing and can only be met if continuing and increased financial . support is provided. Membership of the Institution is open to British subjects, companies, technical and trade associations, and local and public authorities. I

37、 m Lb24bb9 0398bb3 4 Aiiieiidriieiit Slip No. 2, published and effective from 30 Scpteiiiber 1980 to B.S. 1967 : 1965 - .- APm 2948 1 Ii Specificatioii for broad tooth sprockets for 35 rnrir perforated film Revised text Change of B.S. riiimber. On tlie cover, after BRITISH STANDARD, delcte 1967 : 19

38、65 and substitute 5550 : Subsection 3.10.1 : 1980. On the title page and at the top of the subsequent pages, after B.S. delete 1967 : 1965 andsubsfitute 5550 : Subsection 3.10.1 : 1980. Change of title. On tlie cover, title page and at the top of page 4 delete tlie existing title and substitute the

39、following : British Standard Cinematography Part 3.35 mm film Section 3.10 Sprockets Subsection 3.10.1 Specification for broad tooth sprockets for 35 niiii perforated film. Page 2. In paragraph 1, line 2 delete Industry, and in liiie 5 at the ciid of tlie sentence hisert as U.S. 1967. in paragraph 4

40、, line 1 delete numbering over 4000, aiid in line 3 delete , price 15s. In paragraph 5 deletc B.S. 677. Motion picturc filni. Part 1. 35 nim filin and substitute : B.S. 5550 : Subsection 3.1.1 Cufting and pcrforatiiig dimensions of 35 mm motion-picture film and rnagiictic filin. At the foot of the p

41、age delete ChIS/14 and CMS/14/2and substitute CMSl28. Co-opcrating organizations. In line 1 delete Industry. Foreword. in paragrriph 1, line 4 delete in 1953 and substitutc as B.S. 1967 in 1953 and revised in 1965. In paragraph 2, lines 2 and 3 dclete having perforations, iii accordiiiicc with Table

42、 3, Positive raw stock, of B.S. 677, Motion picturc iiin, IiiIt 1 : 1958, 35 niin filni, aiid substilute having Typc 1 pcrroratioiis iii accor- dance with B.S. 5550 : Subsection 3.1.1. In iaragrapli 3, line 4 delete B.S. 3946 arid subsiitiitc BS. 5550 : Sub- section 3.10.2 (fornicrly numbered B.S. 3

43、946), aiid in tlic IiiSt liiic tldctc tliis B.S. 1967 and substitute B.S. 1967 : 1965, wliicli wvxi coiifiriiicd iii 1977, As all British Standards on cincniatograpliy are cueiitually lo bccuine Sections or Subscctions o U.S. 5550, tliis publication lias bccii rcriiiiiibcrcd as ILS, 5550 : Subscctio

44、n 3.10.1. . 8 - Ciaiisc I. Scope. in lirics 3 and 4 delctc “utilc 3, Iositivc raw stock, of BS. 677, Puri 1 : 1958* and siibstitutc Type Id B.S. 5550 : Subsection 3.1.1. Delcte lie asteriskcd oonote on page 5. Table 2. Dinieiisions for 4-tootti broad footli sprockets (feed and hold- back). 1ii coluiiiii 4 against IV Feed sprockets delctc 36.68 and substitute . 38.68. r. 0009-2k-8 CMS128 2 IAMO 29481

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