BS 6089-2010 Assessment of in-situ compressive strength in structures and precast concrete components - Complementary guidance to that given in BS EN 13791《结构和预制混凝土部件中的现场抗压强度评估 BS .pdf

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BS 6089-2010 Assessment of in-situ compressive strength in structures and precast concrete components - Complementary guidance to that given in BS EN 13791《结构和预制混凝土部件中的现场抗压强度评估 BS .pdf_第1页
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BS 6089-2010 Assessment of in-situ compressive strength in structures and precast concrete components - Complementary guidance to that given in BS EN 13791《结构和预制混凝土部件中的现场抗压强度评估 BS .pdf_第2页
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BS 6089-2010 Assessment of in-situ compressive strength in structures and precast concrete components - Complementary guidance to that given in BS EN 13791《结构和预制混凝土部件中的现场抗压强度评估 BS .pdf_第3页
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BS 6089-2010 Assessment of in-situ compressive strength in structures and precast concrete components - Complementary guidance to that given in BS EN 13791《结构和预制混凝土部件中的现场抗压强度评估 BS .pdf_第4页
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BS 6089-2010 Assessment of in-situ compressive strength in structures and precast concrete components - Complementary guidance to that given in BS EN 13791《结构和预制混凝土部件中的现场抗压强度评估 BS .pdf_第5页
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1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationAssessment of in-situ compressive strength in structures and precast concrete components Complementary guidance to that given in BS EN 13791BS nullnullnull9nullnullnull1nullBS 60

2、89:2010 BRITISH STANDARDnullunulllishing and copyright informationThe BSI copyright notice displayed in this docnullnullent indicates nullhen the docnullnullent nullas last issnullednullnull BSI 2010ISBN 9null8 0 null80 6null2nullnull nullInullS 91null080nullnull0null 91null100nullnull0The nullollon

3、ulling BSI renullerences relate to the nullornull on this standard: nullonullnullittee renullerence Bnullnull1null Dranullt nullor conullnullent 09nullnull0201029 Dnullnullunulllication historynullirst pnullnulllished Nonullenullnuller 1981Second nullpresentnull editionnull April 2010Amendments issu

4、ed since punulllicationnullate nullenullt affected null BSI 2010 null iBS 6089:2010BRITISH STANDARDSummary of pagesThis docnullnullent conullprises a nullront conullernull an inside nullront conullernull pages i to iinull pages 1 to nullnullnull an inside nullacnull conuller and a nullacnull conulle

5、rnullContentsnullorenullord iiIntrodnullction 11 Scope 2null Nornullatinulle renullerences 23 Ternulls and denullnitionsnull synullnullols and snullnullscripts 3null Relationship nulletnulleen standard specinullen 28nullday strength and innullsitnull strength 7null nulllanning an innullestigation 8n

6、ull Additional procednullres 197 Assessnullent nullhere the strength onull concrete nullased on test specinullens is in donullnullt 24null Assessnullent nullhere the prodnullcer has declared the concrete as nonconnullornulling nullith respect to conullpressinulle strength 27AnnenullesAnnenull A null

7、nornullatinullenull nullnullidance on the estinullation onull potential strength 29Binullliography 34nullist of nullguresnullignullre 1 null nullnullrpose onull the innullestigation 10nullignullre 2 null nullrenullplanned connullornullity onull innullsitnull strength 10nullignullre null null Assessn

8、ullent onull old strnullctnullres 11nullignullre null null Dispnullte onuller nullnullality onull concrete snullpplied or nullornullnullanship on site 12nullignullre null null nulloncrete declared as nonconnullornullingnull inclnullding inullplications nullor dnullranullility 13nullignullre 6 null D

9、istrinullnulltion onull data nullor a prodnullcernulls assessnullent period conullpared nullith that in a single elenullent 25nullignullre Anull1 null nullonullparing the potential cnullnulle strength nullronull cores and the specinulled characteristic strength onull the concrete 33nullist of tanull

10、lesTanullle 1 null Synullnullols 4Tanullle 2 null Snullnullscripts nullsed in the relationships nulletnulleen dinullnullerent enullpressions onull strength nullhen the conullpressinulle strength onull the strnullctnullre is to nulle assessed nullsing enullnullinullalent cnullnulles 5Tanullle null nu

11、ll Snullnullscripts nullsed in the relationships nulletnulleen dinullnullerent enullpressions onull strength nullhen the conullpressinulle strength onull the strnullctnullre is to nulle assessed nullsing enullnullinullalent cylinders 6Tanullle null null Relatinulle nullerits and linullitations onull

12、 nullarionulls tests nullor nulleasnullring innullsitnull conullpressinulle strength 16Tanullle null null nullhecnulling the nullalidity onull the lonullest core resnulllt 21Tanullle 6 null t0null0nullnullnullalnulles nullor deternullining the characteristic strength nullased on nulln null 1null deg

13、rees onull nullreedonull nullvnull 22Tanullle Anull1 null nullorrection nullactor nullor enullcess nulloidagenull Knull 31BS 6089:2010ii null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDnullorenullordnullunulllishing informationThis British Standard is pnullnulllished nully BSI and canulle into enullnullect on nul

14、l0 April 2010null It nullas prepared nully Technical nullonullnullittee Bnullnull1nullnull ConcretenullA list onull organinullations represented on this conullnullittee can nulle onulltained on renullnullest to its secretarynullSupersessionThis British Standard snullpersedes BS 6089:1981null nullhic

15、h is nullithdranullnnullnullnformation anullout this documentThis is a nullnullll renullision onull the standard and introdnullces the nullollonulling principal changes:null this Standard has nulleen conullpletely renullstrnullctnullred as conullplenullentary gnullidance to BS nullN 1nullnull91nulln

16、ull techninullnulles nullsed in the assessnullent onull the strength onull strnullctnullresnullnullnullt not inclnullded in BS nullN 1nullnull91null are descrinullednullnull nullonullcharts are inclnullded to help nullsers nullnd the appropriate innullornullation nullor their needsnullnullse of this

17、 documentAs a gnullidenull this British Standard tanulles the nullornull onull gnullidance and reconullnullendationsnull It shonullld not nulle nullnulloted as inull it nullere a specinullcation or a code onull practice and clainulls onull conullpliance cannot nulle nullade to itnullContractual and

18、legal considerationsThis pnullnulllication does not pnullrport to inclnullde all the necessary pronullisions onull a contractnull nullsers are responsinullle nullor its correct applicationnullCompliance nullith a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal onullligationsnullnull BSI 2010 null

19、 1BS 6089:2010BRITISH STANDARDnullntroductionBS nullN 1nullnull91 contains sonulle nullethods nullor assessing the strength onullstrnullctnullresnull nullnullt there are other techninullnulles that are nullsenullnulll nullor this pnullrposenull As these techninullnulles are not denullned in the null

20、nullropean standardnullit is pernullitted to descrinulle these techninullnulles in a conullplenullentary British Standardnull BS nullN 1nullnull91 also pernullits the nullethod nullor calcnulllating the innullsitnull characteristic strength onull enullisting strnullctnullres anullonullt nullhich the

21、re is no prior nullnonullledge nullronull core data to nulle denullned in the place onullnullsenull Dnulle to the nullncertainties associated nullith innullestigating nullnnullnonulln strnullctnullresnull the conullnullittee nullished to denullne a slightly nullore consernullatinulle systenull nulla

22、sed on estanulllished statistical principlesnull This systenull is denullned in this British StandardnullThe pnullnulllication onull BS nullN 1nullnull91 snullperseded part onull BS 6089:1981nullThe innullornullation that nullas not snullperseded is still regarded as nulleing nullsenullnulll and nul

23、lorthy onull inclnullsion in a conullplenullentary British Standard to BS nullN 1nullnull91null In additionnull nulloncrete Society Technical Report nullnullSTRnull 11 null1nullis no longer regarded as nullest practice and is snullperseded in part nully BS nullN 1nullnull91null In places it also con

24、nullicts nullith BS nullN 1nullnull91null nullonsenullnullentlynullaspects onull the nullSTR 11 approach hanulle nulleen adopted nullithin the onullerall systenull descrinulled in this British Standard and the nulloncrete Societynulls contrinullnulltion to this British Standard is acnullnonullledged

25、nullBS nullN 12null0nullnull1 descrinulles the nullethod nullor tanulling and reporting core testsnull nullhich is a nullnullilding nulllocnull nullor BS nullN 1nullnull91 and this British Standardnull BS nullN 12null0nullnull1 descrinulles honull the core strength is nulleasnullred and reportednull

26、 To nullse snullch data in strnullctnullral assessnullentnull it is necessary to correct core test data nullor the length:dianulleter ratio and transnullerse reinnullorcenullentnull The nullalnulles nullor snullch corrections are ginullen in the nullnullNational Annenull nullNAnull to BS nullN 12nul

27、l0nullnull1null and there is a reconullnullendation in the nullnull NA to report nulloth the nulleasnullred strength and the corrected strengthnull In additionnull it is nullsenullnulll and sonulletinulles essential to nullnonull the nulloidage onull the cores nullor the interpretation onull the inn

28、ullornullationnull The nullnull NA to BS nullN 12null0nullnull1 reconullnullends the enullcess nulloidage nulle nulleasnullred and reportednull It onullght to nulle noted that the corrected core strength does not inclnullde a correction nullor nulloidage as snullch a correction is inappropriate null

29、hen deternullining characteristic innullsitnull strengthnullThe assessnullent onull conullpressinulle strength in old strnullctnullres is an area nullhere nullnulled rnullles do not applynull The gnullidance snullpplied in this British Standard needs to nulle considered in the light onull the specin

30、ullc sitnullation and engineering nullnulldgenullent applied to the specinullc casenullIn generalnull nullhen dealing nullith dispnulltes onuller concrete nullnullalitynull an assessnullent nullith respect to strnullctnullral adenullnullacy ginulles the sanulle onulltconulle as an assessnullent onul

31、l nullhether the concrete connullornulls to its specinullcationnullHonullenullernull there nullill nulle a nullenull sitnullations nullhere the concrete nullill nulle shonulln to connullornull to its specinullcationnull yet nullronull a strnullctnullral nullienullpoint nulle inadenullnullatenull BS

32、6089 pronullides no gnullidance on nullhat shonullld nulle done in snullch a sitnullationnull The relenullant nullnullN Technical nullonullnullittees hanulle nulleen nullade anullare onull this issnullenullBS 6089:20102 null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARD1 ScopeThis British Standard conullplenullents

33、 BS nullN 1nullnull91null nullhich ginulles nullethods nullor deternullining the characteristic innullsitnull conullpressinulle strength in concrete strnullctnullres and precast concrete conullponents nullased on:anull core testingnullnullnull renullonullnd hanullnullernull nullltrasonic pnulllse nu

34、llelocity and pnullllnullonullt nullorce nulleasnullrenullents anullter a relationship nullith core strength has nulleen deternullined nullor the particnulllar concrete nullnder innullestigationnullThis British Standard pronullides additional gnullidance on:null planning an innullestigation nullsee

35、nulllanullse nullnullnullnull selection onull test nullethods nullsee nullnullnullnullnullnull selection onull the test locations nullsee nullnullnull and nullnullnullnullnullnull assessnullent onull indinullidnullal core resnulllts nullithin a gronullp nullsee nullnull1nullnullnull assessnullent nu

36、llhere the strength onull concrete nullased on test specinullens is in donullnullt nullsee nulllanullse 7nullnullIn additionnull this British Standard pronullides gnullidance on the nullollonulling cases not conullered nully BS nullN 1nullnull91:null assessnullent onull an nullnnullnonulln strnullct

37、nullre nullsing a nullargin nullased on the tnullstatistic nullsee nullnullnullnullnullnull nullse onull indirect nullethods nullithonullt correlation to core strength nullsee nullnull3nullnullnull relatinulle testingnull inullenull conullparison onull a nullolnullnulle onull concrete nullnder innul

38、lestigation nullith concrete in sinullilar elenullents that has nulleen accepted nullsee nullnullnullnullnullnull action nullhen the prodnullcer has declared nonconnullornullity nullsee nulllanullse nullnullnullThis British Standard does not pronullide gnullidance on:null the nullse onull cores null

39、ith a dianulleter onull less than null0 nullnull or the nullse onullnullicrocoresnullnull nullhether a strnullctnullre has adenullnullate dnullranullilitynullnull the nullse onull innullsitnull testing as an alternatinulle to connullornullity testing nullased on test specinullensnullNOTE For complet

40、eness, Fignullre 1 nullnnull Fignullre 2 inullentinullnull snullcnull null procenullnullre nullnullt tnullis nullritisnull nulltnullnnullnullrnull nulloes not nullttempt to provinulle nullnnull onull tnulle necessnullrnull nulletnullilnullnull Normative referencesThe nullollonulling renullerenced do

41、cnullnullents are indispensanullle nullor the application onull this docnullnullentnull nullor dated renullerencesnull only the edition cited appliesnull nullor nullndated renullerencesnull the latest edition onull the renullerenced docnullnullent nullinclnullding any anullendnullentsnull appliesnul

42、lBS 1881null201null Testing concrete null nullnullrt 201null nullnullinulle to tnulle nullse onull nonnullnullestrnullctive metnullonulls onull test nullor nullnullrnullenenull concreteBS nullN 206null1:2000null Concrete null nullnullrt 1null nullpecinullcnulltion, pernullormnullnce, pronullnullctio

43、n nullnnull connullormitnullnull BSI 2010 null nullBS 6089:2010BRITISH STANDARDBS nullN 12null90 nullall partsnullnull Testing nullnullrnullenenull concreteBS nullN 12null0nullnull1null Testing concrete in strnullctnullres null nullnullrt 1null Corenull specimens null Tnullnulling, enullnullmining n

44、ullnnull testing in compression nullinclnullding National AnnenullnullBS nullN 12null0nullnull2null Testing concrete in strnullctnullres null nullnullrt 2null Nonnullnullestrnullctive testing null nulleterminnulltion onull renullonullnnull nnullmnullerBS nullN 12null0nullnullnullnull Testing concret

45、e in strnullctnullres null nullnullrt 3null nulleterminnulltion onull pnullllnullonullt nullorceBS nullN 12null0nullnullnullnull Testing concrete in strnullctnullres null nullnullrt 4null nulleterminnulltion onull nullltrnullsonic pnulllse velocitnullBS nullN 1nullnull91:200nullnull nullssessment on

46、ull innullsitnull compressive strengtnull in strnullctnullres nullnnull precnullst concrete componentsnullD 668nullnull nullnullcnullgronullnnull pnullper to tnulle nullK Nnulltionnulll nullnnenulles to nullnull EN 1992null1AINSnullnullRTHnull nullnull Rnull and HnullnullnullINSnull nullnull nullnul

47、l nullction in tnulle cnullse onull nonconnullormitnull onull concrete strnullctnullres, C519null nullIRIAnull 2000null ISBN 9null8 0 8601null null19 null 1null3 nullerms and denullnitionsnull symnullols and sunullscripts3null1 nullerms and denullnitionsnullor the pnullrposes onull this standardnull

48、 the ternulls and denullnitions ginullen in BS nullN 1nullnull91null BS nullN 12null0nullnull1 and the nullollonulling applynull3null1null1 corrected core strengthcore conullpressinulle strength nullodinulled to a ginullen length:dianulleter rationull nullsnullally 1:1 or 2:1 and adnullnullsted to t

49、anulle acconullnt onull transnullerse reinnullorcenullentnull inull anyNOTE nullee nullK Nnulltionnulll nullnnenull to nullnull EN 12504null1null3null1nullnull estimated potential strengthestinullate onull the 28nullday cnullnullenullcylinder strength onull the concrete snullpplied to the nullornulls nullnder innullestigation nullased on a nulleasnullred innullsitnull core strengthNOTE nullee 3.1.5null3null1null3 enullcess voidagenulloidage in enullcess onull that achienulled in standard test specinullens or in the case onull airnullentrained concretenull nulloidage in enullcess onull the n

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