BS 6180-2011 Barriers in and about buildings Code of practice《建筑物内及附近用防护栅栏 实施规程》.pdf

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BS 6180-2011 Barriers in and about buildings Code of practice《建筑物内及附近用防护栅栏 实施规程》.pdf_第1页
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1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationBarriers in and about buildings Code of practiceBS 6180:2011BS 6180:2011 BRITISH STANDARDPublishing and copyright informationThe BSI copyright notice displayed in this docunullen

2、t indicates nullhen the docunullent nullas last issuednullnull BSI 2011ISBN nullnull8 0 null80 6nullnullnullnull nullInullS null1null060nullnullnullThe nullollonulling BSI renullerences relate to the nullornull on this standard: nullonullnullittee renullerence Bnull208null1 Dranullt nullor conullnul

3、lent 10nullnull0212801 DnullPublication historynullirst punulllished Septenullnuller 1null82Second edition nullanuary 1nullnullnullThird edition Decenullnuller 1nullnullnullnullourth nullpresentnull edition nullarch 2011Amendments issued since publicationnullate nullenullt affected null BSI 2011 nul

4、l iBS 6180:2011BRITISH STANDARDContentsnullorenullord iii1 Scope 12 Nornullatinulle renullerences 1null Ternulls and denullnitions 4null nullaterialsnull conullponents and nullethods onull design and construction 5null nullrelinullinary considerations 66 Design criteria 7null nulloncrete 138 nulllas

5、s 13null nullasonry 1810 nulletals 1911 nulllastics 2912 Tinullnuller 331null nullonullposites 351null Installation 36AnnenullesAnnenull A nullnornullatinullenull nullehicle inullpact on nullarriers 37Annenull B nullnornullatinullenull Bolt nullnulling onull glass in nullarriers 40Binullliography 44

6、nullist of nullguresnulligure 1 null Datunullnull nullarrier height and design height 5nulligure 2 null Height and nullidth onull nullarriers in nullront onull nullnulled seating 8nulligure null null nullrenullerred nullininullunull hot nullending radius nullor rectangular hollonull steel sections 2

7、6nulligure null null Typical site nullnulling details nullor steel nullarriers 28nulligure Anull1 null Inullpact nullorces nullor nullehicles inullpacting at right angles to a nullarrier 38nulligure Anull2 null Typical inullpact nullorces nullor nullehicles inullpacting at 20null to a nullarriernull

8、 at 16 nullnullnullh 39nulligure Bnull1 null Alternatinulle nullolt nullnulling arrangenullent nullor thicnull toughened glass innullll panels 40nulligure Bnull2 null Typical clanullping systenulls nullor nullreenullstanding toughened glass nullalustrades 42nullist of tablesTanullle 1 null nullininu

9、llunull nullarrier heights 7Tanullle 2 null nullininullunull horinullontal inullposed loads nullor parapetsnull nullarriers and nullalustrades 9Tanullle null null Reconullnullended typical coating thicnullness and applications 21Tanullle null null nullrenullerred nullininullunull hot nullending radi

10、us nullor rectangular hollonull steel sections 26Summary of pagesThis docunullent conullprises a nullront conullernull an inside nullront conullernull pages i to inullnull pages 1 to null6null an inside nullacnull conuller and a nullacnull conullernullBS 6180:2011ii null null BSI 2011BRITISH STANDAR

11、DThis page deliberately left blanknull BSI 2011 null iiiBS 6180:2011BRITISH STANDARDnullorenullordPublishing informationThis British Standard is punulllished nully BSI and canulle into enullnullect on null1 nullarch 2011null It nullas prepared nully Sunullconullnullittee Bnull208null1null Stairs and

12、 walkways Indnullstrial stairsnull under the authority onull Technical nullonullnullittee Bnull208null Stairs and walkwaysnull A list onull organinullations represented on this conullnullittee can nulle onulltained on renulluest to its secretarynullSupersessionThis British Standard supersedes BS 618

13、0:1nullnullnullnull nullhich is nullithdranullnnullnullnformation about this documentThis is a nullull renullision onull the standardnull and introduces the nullollonulling principal changes:null inclusion onull Tanullle 2nullnull changes to the rules on denullectionnull ginullen in 6nullnullnull1nu

14、llIn nullienull onull the nullariety onull nullaterials anullailanullle nullor nullarrier construction and the nullide range onull possinullle uses nullor nullarriersnull this British Standard does not attenullpt to standardinulle nullethods onull design nullut renullers instead to enullisting struc

15、tural design codesnull nulllause null allonulls users nullreedonullto choose nullaterials and nullethods onull design and construction not specinullcally nullentioned in this codenull sunullnullect to the pronullision onull research data and test resultsnullThe sanullety nullactors inullplicit in th

16、is British Standard pronullide adenulluate lenullels onull protection in the circunullstances ginullennull Honullenullernull in the case onullnullultinullunction nulluildingsnull nullor enullanullplenull the reconullnullendations should nulle considered nullith reasoned nulludgenullent to pronullide

17、 a suitanullle designnullAnnenull A and Annenull B are nornullatinullenullnullse of this documentAs a code onull practicenull this British Standard tanulles the nullornull onull guidance and reconullnullendationsnull It should not nulle nulluoted as inull it nullere a specinullcation and particular

18、care should nulle tanullen to ensure that clainulls onull conullpliance are not nullisleadingnullAttention is dranulln to the nullact that statutory legislation such as the Building Regulations 2010 null1null nullapplicanullle to nullngland and nullalesnullnull the Building nullScotlandnull Regulati

19、ons 200null null2nullnull the Building nullAnullendnullentnullRegulations nullNorthern Irelandnull 2010 nullnullnullnull the Sanullety onull Sports nullrounds Act 1nullnullnull nullnullnullnull nullire Sanullety and Sanullety onull nulllaces Sports Act 1null8null nullnullnullnull the Sanullety onull

20、 nulllaces onull Sport Regulations 1null88 null6nullnull the nullootnullall Spectators Act 1null8null nullnullnull and the Regulatory Renullornull nullnullire Sanulletynull Sunullordinate nullronullisions nullrder 2006 null8null nullight inullpose nullore stringent renulluirenullents in certain circ

21、unullstancesnullAny user clainulling conullpliance nullith this British Standard is enullpected to nulle anullle to nullustinully any course onull action that denulliates nullronull its reconullnullendationsnullBS 6180:2011inull null null BSI 2011BRITISH STANDARDPresentational connullentionsThe pron

22、ullisions in this standard are presented in ronullan nullinullenull uprightnulltypenull Its reconullnullendations are enullpressed in sentences in nullhich the principal aunulliliary nullernull is nullshouldnullnullnullnullnullnullentarynull enullplanatinulln and general infnullrnullatinulle nullate

23、rial is presented in snullaller italinull typenull and dnulles nnullt nullnullnstitnullte a nnullrnullatinulle elenullentnullContractual and legal considerationsThis punulllication does not purport to include all the necessary pronullisions onull a contractnull nullsers are responsinullle nullor its

24、 correct applicationnullCompliance nullith a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligationsnullnull BSI 2011 null 1BS 6180:2011BRITISH STANDARD1 ScopeThis British Standard ginulles reconullnullendations and guidance nullor the design and construction onull tenullporary and pernullane

25、nt nullarriers to nulle pronullided in and anullout nulluildings and places onull assenullnulllynull such nullarriers nulleing positioned and designed to protect persons nullronull nullarious hanullards and to restrict or control the nullonullenullent onull persons or nullehiclesnullThis British Sta

26、ndard applies to: anull nullarriers that indicate routesnullnullnull nullarriers capanullle onull stopping or dinullerting nullonulling nullehicles nullithin areas nullhere nullehicle speed is restricted to a nullanullinullunull onull 16 nullnullnullh nullnullnullnullnull nullnullsnull 10 nullilenul

27、lhnullnullcnull nullallsnull glanulling and other elenullents onull nulluildings or structures nullhere such elenullents act as protectinulle nullarriersnulldnull areas other than spectator areas onull sports halls and nulluildings used nullor spectator sportsnullThis British Standard does not apply

28、 to:1null nullarriers nullor resisting inullpact nullronull nullehicles tranullelling at speeds greater than 16 nullnullnullhnull enullgnull nullridge parapets nulleyond the curtilage onull a nulluildingnull or highnullay sanullety nullarriers nullsee BS 6nullnullnullnullnull2null nullarriers used i

29、n nulluilding operations and nullornulls onull engineering constructionnullnullnull sanullety nullarriersnull nullith or nullithout opening gate nulleaturesnull nullor the protection onull children up to 2null nullonthsnull nullhere the sanullety renulluirenullent is conullered nully a specinullc sa

30、nullety standardnull enullgnull BS nullN 1nullnull0nullnullnull pernullanent nulleans onull access to nullachinery nullsee BS nullN ISnull 1null122nullall partsnullnullnullnull nullarriers used in spectator areas onull sports hallsnull and nulluildings used nullor spectator sports nullsee BS nullN 1

31、null200null all partsnullnull2 nullormatinulle referencesThe nullollonulling renullerenced docunullents are indispensanullle nullor the application onull this docunullentnull nullor dated renullerencesnull only the edition cited appliesnull nullor undated renullerencesnull the latest edition onull t

32、he renullerenced docunullent nullincluding any anullendnullentsnull appliesnullBS nullnull6nullnullnull nullire tests nulln bnullilding nullaterials and strnullnulltnullres nullart 7null nullethnulld nullf test tnull deternulline the nulllassinullnullatinulln nullf the snullrfanulle spread nullf nul

33、lanulle nullf prnulldnullnulltsBS nullnull2null1null nulllass fnullr glanulling nullart 1null nulllassinullnullatinullnBS 1nullnullnullnull1 nullall partsnullnull Steel platenull sheet and strip nullarbnulln and nullarbnullnnullnullanganese platenull sheet and stripBS nullnull16null Spenullinullnull

34、atinulln fnullr bitnullnullennullbased nullnullatings fnullr nullnullld applinullatinullnnullsnullitable fnullr nullse in nullnullntanullt with pnulltable waterBS nullnull8nullnull Spenullinullnullatinulln fnullr annulldinull nullnullidatinulln nullnullatings nulln wrnullnullght alnullnullininullnul

35、l fnullr enullternal arnullhitenulltnullral applinullatinullnsBS nullnullnull2null0null Indnullstrial type nullnullnullring and stair treads nullart 0null nullnullnullnullnulln design renullnullirenullents and renullnullnullnullendatinullns fnullr installatinullnBS 6180:20112 null null BSI 2011BRITI

36、SH STANDARDBS null8null2null Spenullinullnullatinulln fnullr linullnullid nullrganinull nullnullatings fnullr applinullatinulln tnullalnullnullininullnull allnully enulltrnullsinullnsnull sheet and prefnullrnulled senulltinullns fnullr enullternal arnullhitenulltnullral pnullrpnullsesnull and fnullr

37、 the nullnish nulln alnullnullininullnull allnully enulltrnullsinullnsnullsheet and prefnullrnulled senulltinullns nullnullated with linullnullid nullrganinull nullnullatingsBS nullnull21:1null88null Spenullinullnullatinulln fnullr sherardinulled nullnullatings nulln irnulln nullr steelBS nullnullnu

38、ll0 nullall partsnullnull nullethnullds nullf test fnullr adhesinullesBS 6100 nullall partsnullnull nulllnullssary nullf bnullilding and nullinullil engineering ternullsBS 6206null Spenullinullnullatinulln fnullr inullpanullt perfnullrnullannulle renullnullirenullents fnullr nullat safety glass and

39、safety plastinulls fnullr nullse in bnullildings 1nullBS 6262 nullall partsnullnull nulllanulling fnullr bnullildings BS 6nullnull6null Spenullinullnullatinulln fnullr pnullwder nullrganinull nullnullatings fnullr applinullatinulln and stnullnulling tnull alnullnullininullnull allnully enulltrnullsi

40、nullnsnull sheet and prefnullrnulled senulltinullns fnullr enullternal arnullhitenulltnullral pnullrpnullsesnull and fnullr the nullnish nulln alnullnullininullnullallnully enulltrnullsinullnsnull sheet and prefnullrnulled senulltinullns nullnullated with pnullwder nullrganinull nullnullatingsBS nul

41、l668null nulleldable strnullnulltnullral steels nullnullt nullnished strnullnulltnullral hnullllnullw senulltinullns in weather resistant steels SpenullinullnullatinullnBS 8221 nullall partsnullnull nullnullde nullf pranulltinulle fnullr nullleaning and snullrfanulle repair nullf bnullildingsBS 8nul

42、l1nullnull nullresernullatinulln nullf tinullber nullenullnullnullnullendatinullnsBS nullN nullnull2nullnullnull nulllass in bnullilding nullasinull snullda linulle silinullate glass prnulldnullnullts nullart 3null nullnulllished wire glass BS nullN nullnull2null6null nulllass in bnullilding nullasi

43、null snullda linulle silinullate glass prnulldnullnullts nullart 6null nullired patterned glassBS nullN 1011null1null nullelding nullenullnullnullnullendatinullns fnullr welding nullf nulletallinullnullaterials nullart 1null nulleneral gnullidannulle fnullr arnull weldingBS nullN 1011null2null nulle

44、lding nullenullnullnullnullendatinullns fnullr welding nullf nulletallinullnullaterials nullart 2null nullrnull welding nullf ferritinull steelsBS nullN 10null0null1null nullnullenullnulltinulln nullf steel strnullnulltnullres and alnullnullininullnull strnullnulltnullres nullart 1null nullenullnull

45、irenullents fnullr nullnullnfnullrnullity assessnullent nullf strnullnulltnullral nullnullnullpnullnents BS nullN 10null0null2null nullnullenullnulltinulln nullf steel strnullnulltnullres and alnullnullininullnull strnullnulltnullres nullart 2null Tenullhninullal renullnullirenullents fnullr the enu

46、llenullnulltinulln nullf steel strnullnulltnullres BS nullN 1nullnull0null nullhild nullare artinullles Safety barriers Safety renullnullirenullents and test nullethnulldsBS nullN 1null82null nullnullpper and nullnullpper allnullys Ingnullts and nullastingsBS nullN 1nullnull1null1null1:2002null null

47、nullrnullnullnullde 1null nullnulltinullns nulln strnullnulltnullres nullart 1null1nullnulleneral anulltinullns nullensitiesnull selfnullweightnull inullpnullsed lnullads fnullr bnullildingsBS nullN 1nullnull1null1nullnullnull nullnullrnullnullnullde 1null nullnulltinullns nulln strnullnulltnullres

48、nullart 1null4null nulleneral anulltinullns nullind anulltinullns BS nullN 1nullnull2 nullall partsnullnull nullnullrnullnullnullde 2 null nullesign nullf nullnullnnullrete strnullnulltnullresBS nullN 1nullnullnull nullall partsnullnull nullnullrnullnullnullde 3 nullesign nullf steel strnullnulltnul

49、lresBS nullN 1nullnullnull nullall partsnullnull nullnullrnullnullnullde 5 nullesign nullf tinullber strnullnulltnullresBS nullN 1nullnull6 nullall partsnullnull nullnullrnullnullnullde 6 nullesign nullf nullasnullnry strnullnulltnullresBS nullN 1nullnullnull nullall partsnullnull nullnullrnullnullnullde 9 null nullesign nullf alnullnullininullnull strnullnulltnullres1nullThis British Standard only applies to plastics nullaterialsnullnull BSI 2011 null nullBS 6180:2011BRITISH STANDARDBS nullN 1002null nullall partsnullnull nullnullt rn

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