BS 6195-2006 Electric cables - Rubber or silicone rubber insulated flexible cables and cords for coil end leads《电缆 线圈端导线用橡胶或硅橡胶绝缘软电缆及电线》.pdf

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BS 6195-2006 Electric cables - Rubber or silicone rubber insulated flexible cables and cords for coil end leads《电缆 线圈端导线用橡胶或硅橡胶绝缘软电缆及电线》.pdf_第1页
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BS 6195-2006 Electric cables - Rubber or silicone rubber insulated flexible cables and cords for coil end leads《电缆 线圈端导线用橡胶或硅橡胶绝缘软电缆及电线》.pdf_第2页
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BS 6195-2006 Electric cables - Rubber or silicone rubber insulated flexible cables and cords for coil end leads《电缆 线圈端导线用橡胶或硅橡胶绝缘软电缆及电线》.pdf_第3页
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BS 6195-2006 Electric cables - Rubber or silicone rubber insulated flexible cables and cords for coil end leads《电缆 线圈端导线用橡胶或硅橡胶绝缘软电缆及电线》.pdf_第4页
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BS 6195-2006 Electric cables - Rubber or silicone rubber insulated flexible cables and cords for coil end leads《电缆 线圈端导线用橡胶或硅橡胶绝缘软电缆及电线》.pdf_第5页
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1、BS 6195:2006Electric cables Rubber or silicone rubber insulated flexible cables and cords for coil end leadsICS 29.060.20NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBRITISH STANDARDPublishing and copyright informationThe BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indic

2、ates when the document was last issued. BSI July 2006ISBN 0 580 48588 9The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard:Committee reference GEL/20/17Draft for comment 05/30138596DCPublication historyFirst published, December 1969Second edition, May 1993Third edition, July 2006Amendme

3、nts issued since publicationAmd. no. Date Text affectedBS 6195:2006 BSI 2006 iBS 6195:2006ContentsForeword ii1 Scope 12 Normative references 13 Terms and definitions 24 Voltage categories 25 Conductors 26 Insulation 37 Identification 38 Cable marking 49 Routine tests for finished cables 410 Sample t

4、ests for finished cables 511 Type tests for finished cables 6Bibliography 16List of figuresFigure C.1 Method of measuring the surface resistivity of semicon-ducting tape 11List of tablesTable 1 Voltage categories 2Table 2 Dimensional requirements for cables 6Table B.1 Schedule of tests 9Table H.1 Di

5、ameters of mandrels for bending in different tests 13Table H.2 Test voltages 13Summary of pagesThis document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii, pages 1 to 16, an inside back cover and a back cover.ii BSI 2006BS 6195:2006ForewordPublishing informationThis British Standard

6、 was published by BSI and came into effect on 15 July 2006. It was prepared by Subcommittee GEL/20/17, Low voltage cables, under the authority of Technical Committee GEL/20, Electric cables.SupersessionThis British Standard supersedes BS 6195:1993, which is withdrawn.Information about this documentT

7、his new edition of BS 6195 retains requirements in respect of cable types 4 and 5 only. Requirements for other types have been withdrawn as they are no longer considered to be maket relevant.The other principal changes introduced in this edition are to call up CENELEC harmonized test methods in plac

8、e of earlier national methods.Product certification/inspection/testingUsers of this British Standard are advised to consider the desirability of third-party certification/inspection/testing of product conformity with this British Standard. Users seeking assitance in identifying appropriate conformit

9、y assessment bodies or schemes may ask BSI to forward their enquires to the relevant association.WARNINGThis British Standard calls for the use of substances and/or procedures that can be injurious to health if adequate precautions are not taken. It refers only to technical suitability and does not

10、absolve the user from legal obligations relating to health and safety at any stage.Presentational conventionsThe provisions of this standard are presented in roman (i.e. upright) type. Its requirements are expressed in sentences in which the principal auxiliary verb is “shall”.Commentary, explanatio

11、n and general informative material is presented in smaller italic type, and does not constitute a normative element.Contractual and legal considerationsThis publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.Complianc

12、e with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations. BSI 2006 1BS 6195:20061 ScopeThis British Standard specifies requirements for various types of insulation, voltage categories and dimensions for a standard range of insulated flexible cables and flexible cords (commonly known a

13、s “coil end leads”), that are intended to be connected directly and permanently to a coil winding or other component of electrical apparatus.The types of cable specified in this standard are as follows:Type 4 cable, voltage categories A, C, D, E and F, for a designated temperature of 90 C (flame ret

14、ardant, rubber insulated coil leads);Type 5 cable, voltage categories A, C, D, E and F, for a designated temperature of 180 C (180 C silicone rubber insulated coil leads).NOTE A guide to the use of the cables specified in this British Standard is given in Annex A. A summary of the tests applicable t

15、o the cables is given in Annex B.2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) app

16、lies.BS 4727-2: Group 08, Glossary of electrotechnical, power, telecommunication, electronics, lighting and colour terms Part 2: Terms particular to power engineering Group 08: Electric cables.BS 5099 Electric cables Voltage levels for spark testing.BS 5629-3:1979 Insulating varnishes containing sol

17、vent Part 3: Method for specifying requirements for individual materialsBS 7655 Specification for insulating and sheathing materials for cables Part 1: Cross-linked elastomeric insulating compounds Section 1.5 Flame retardant composites BS EN 50356, Method for spark testing of cables.BS EN 50363-1,

18、Insulating, sheathing and covering materials for low voltage energy cables Part 1: Cross-linked elastomeric insulating compounds BS EN 60228, Conductors of electric cablesBS EN 60332-1-2, Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions Part 12: Test for vertical flame propagation fo

19、r a single insulated wire or cable Procedure for 1 kW pre-mixed flameBS EN 60811-1-1, Insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables Common test methods Part 1-1: General application Measurement of thickness and overall dimensions Tests for determining the mechanical properties.BS EN 60811-1-

20、2, Insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables Common test methods Part 1-2: General application Thermal ageing methodsPD 2379, Register of colours of manufacturers identification threads for electric cables and cords.BS 6195:20062 BSI 20063 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this Br

21、itish Standard the definitions given in BS 4727-2: Group 08 apply, together with the following.3.1 values3.1.1 approximate valuevalue which is only indicativeNOTE Values described as “approximate” do not constitute requirements to be checked by measurement.3.1.2 nominal valuevalue by which a quantit

22、y is designatedNOTE Nominal values usually give rise to values to be checked by measurements taking into account specified tolerances.4 Voltage categoriesThe cables shall be divided into the voltage categories listed in Table 1, which are defined by the appropriate maximum voltage between conductors

23、, or between conductor and earth, to which the cable is liable to be subjected during a 1 min test of the equipment to which it is connected.5 Conductors5.1 Type The conductors shall conform to BS EN 60228, class 5. The conductors shall be circular, tinned annealed copper. NOTE For these cables tinn

24、ed conductors are not required to meet a test for tinning.5.2 TapesIf required, a tape or tapes shall be applied over the conductor.In the case of voltage categories E and F, if a tape is used it shall be a semi-conducting tape consisting of a textile fabric proofed with a suitable semi-conducting c

25、ompound with a surface resistivity not exceeding 100 000 ohms per square. Conformity shall be checked by the test method in Annex C.Table 1 Voltage categoriesVoltage category Maximum equipment test voltage (a.c.) r.m.s. kVA 2.5C 4.0D 9.5E17F2 BSI 2006 3BS 6195:20066 Insulation6.1 TypesThe insulation

26、 shall be as follows:for type 4 cable in voltage categories A and C, composite insulation type FR 1 as specified in BS 7655-1.5;for type 4 cable in voltage categories D, E and F, composite insulation type FR 2 as specified in BS 7655-1.5;for type 5 cable, insulation type EI 2 as specified in BS EN 5

27、0363-1.6.2 ApplicationThe insulation shall be applied closely to the conductor or conductor taping by the extrusion process.When the application is tested by removing the insulation from the conductor, there shall be no damage to the insulation itself, the conductor, or the tin coating.In the case o

28、f type 4 cable, there shall be no voids between the composite layers of insulation which shall be continually adherent.Conformity shall be checked by visual examination and by a manual test.6.3 Thickness The thickness of the insulation, when determined by taking the mean of six measurements in accor

29、dance with BS EN 60811-1-1, 8.1, shall be not less than the appropriate value given in Table 2 for the type and voltage category of cable.The smallest of the measured values shall not fall below the value given in Table 2 by more than 0.1 mm + 10 %.In the case of Type 4 cable, the thickness of the o

30、uter layer of the composite insulation shall be the following percentage of the total thickness of the insulation:a) for voltage categories A, C, D and E: 25% to 50%;b) for voltage category F: 20% to 35%;7 Identification7.1 GeneralAll cables shall be identified by colour. The colour shall be either

31、throughout the insulation or on its external surface. The colour of the inner layer for type 4 cable shall be of a contrasting colour to that of the outer layer.NOTE This standard does not require a specific colour for any particular cable.7.2 Bi-colour combinationWhere the bi-colour combination gre

32、en-and-yellow is used, the distribution of these colours shall be such that for every 15 mm length BS 6195:20064 BSI 2006of cable, one of these colours shall cover at least 30% and not more than 70% of the surface of the cable, while the other colour covers the remainder of the surface. Conformity s

33、hall be checked by measurement.NOTE 1 In cases of dispute regarding the green-and-yellow combination and where appropriate to the method of colour marking of the insulation, a suitable test method for checking conformity is given in BS EN 50396:2005, 5.2.NOTE 2 Attention is drawn to the fact that, a

34、ccording to the use to which cables are put, they could be subject to core colour requirements specified in BS 7671, in other British Standards or in other standards, or in regulations or statutory instruments.NOTE 3 In accordance with BS EN 60446, the single colours green and yellow are only permit

35、ted where a confusion with the colouring of the protective conductor is not likely to occur.7.3 Clarity and durabilityWhen the cable is tested by the method described in Annex D, its colour shall be clearly identifiable.8 Cable markingThe cable shall be marked with the number of this British Standar

36、d, i.e. BS 61951), on the outer surface by printing, indenting or embossing. All cables shall be provided with an indication of origin consisting of an identification thread or threads, or a continuous marking of the manufacturers name or trademark. If coloured threads are used, the colours shall co

37、nform to those registered in PD 2379, where applicable. The colours shall be easy to recognize or shall become recognizable by cleaning with petrol or other suitable solvent, if necessary.Any marking shall be legible and regarded as continuous if the gap between the end of one complete inscription a

38、nd the beginning of the next does not exceed 550 mm.Any marking by printing shall be durable. Conformity shall be checked by rubbing the marking lightly ten times with a piece of cotton wool or cloth soaked in water.9 Routine tests for finished cables9.1 GeneralRoutine tests shall be carried out as

39、identified in Table B.1. The test specified in 9.2 shall be carried out under the test conditions specified in Annex E unless otherwise specified in the details for the particular test. 1)Marking BS 6195 or BS 6195:2006 on or in relation to a product represents a manufacturers declaration of conform

40、ity, i.e. a claim by or on behalf of the manufacturer that the product meets the requirements of the standard. The accuracy of the claim is solely the claimants responsibility. Such a declaration is not to be confused with third-party certification of conformity. BSI 2006 5BS 6195:2006NOTE 1 The sch

41、edule of tests given in Annex B shows the category of each test parameter, and gives cross-references to the appropriate requirements and test methods.NOTE 2 Routine tests for components are covered in Clauses 5 to 7 and are identified in Table B.1.9.2 Absence of faults on insulationAll cable that i

42、s in its final stage of manufacture and either in delivery lengths or in manufacturing lengths prior to being cut into delivery lengths, shall be tested in accordance with Annex F. The insulation shall withstand the applied voltage without breakdown.10 Sample tests for finished cables10.1 GeneralSam

43、ple tests shall be carried out as identified in Table B.1. The tests specified in this clause shall be carried out under the test conditions specified in Annex E unless otherwise specified in the details for the particular test. NOTE 1 The schedule of tests given in Annex B shows the category of eac

44、h test parameter, and gives cross-references to the appropriate requirements and test methods.NOTE 2 Sample tests for components are covered in Clauses 5 to 7 and are identified in Table B.1.10.2 Conductor resistanceWhen measured in accordance with BS EN 60228 and corrected to 20 C, on a sample of c

45、able not less than 1 m in length, the d.c. resistance of each conductor shall conform to the requirements specified in BS EN 60228.10.3 Voltage withstand of completed cableWhen a sample of completed cable is tested in accordance with Annex G, no breakdown of the insulation shall occur.10.4 Mean over

46、all dimensionsThe mean overall diameter of the cable shall be within the limits specified in Table 2.Conformity shall be checked by the method described in BS EN 60811-1-1:1995, 8.3.One sample of cable shall be taken from each of three places, separated by at least 1 m. For diameters not exceeding 2

47、5 mm, take the mean of six measurements as the mean overall diameter. For diameters exceeding 25 mm, take the mean of three measurements as the mean overall diameter.When marking in accordance with Clause 8 is achieved by embossing, the points at which measurements are made shall not coincide with t

48、he embossing.BS 6195:20066 BSI 200611 Type tests for finished cables11.1 GeneralType tests shall be carried out as identified in Table B.1. The tests specified in clauses 11.2 to 11.5 shall be carried out under the test conditions specified in Annex E unless otherwise specified in the details for th

49、e particular test. NOTE 1 The schedule of tests given in Annex B shows the category of each test parameter, and gives cross-references to the appropriate requirements and test methods.NOTE 2 Type tests for components are covered in Clauses 5 to 7 and are identified in Table B.1.Table 2 Dimensional requirements for cablesNominal cross-sectional area of conductor mm2Radial thickness of insulationVoltage categoryMean overall diameter (upper limit)Voltage categoryA mmC mmD mmE mmF mmA mmC mmD mmE mmFmm0.5 0.8 1.4 3.3 4.50.75 0

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