BS 6626-2010 Maintenance of electrical switchgear and controlgear for voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 36 kV - Code of practice《电压为1 kV以上至36 kV(含)的电气开关设备和控制装置的维护 实用规程》.pdf

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BS 6626-2010 Maintenance of electrical switchgear and controlgear for voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 36 kV - Code of practice《电压为1 kV以上至36 kV(含)的电气开关设备和控制装置的维护 实用规程》.pdf_第1页
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BS 6626-2010 Maintenance of electrical switchgear and controlgear for voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 36 kV - Code of practice《电压为1 kV以上至36 kV(含)的电气开关设备和控制装置的维护 实用规程》.pdf_第2页
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BS 6626-2010 Maintenance of electrical switchgear and controlgear for voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 36 kV - Code of practice《电压为1 kV以上至36 kV(含)的电气开关设备和控制装置的维护 实用规程》.pdf_第3页
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BS 6626-2010 Maintenance of electrical switchgear and controlgear for voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 36 kV - Code of practice《电压为1 kV以上至36 kV(含)的电气开关设备和控制装置的维护 实用规程》.pdf_第4页
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BS 6626-2010 Maintenance of electrical switchgear and controlgear for voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 36 kV - Code of practice《电压为1 kV以上至36 kV(含)的电气开关设备和控制装置的维护 实用规程》.pdf_第5页
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1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationMaintenance of electrical switchgear and controlgear for voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 36 kV Code of practiceBS 6626:2null1nullBS 6626:2010 BRITISH STANDARDnullubli

2、shing and copnullright infornullationThe BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates nullhen the document nullas last issuednullnull BSI 2010ISBN nullnullnull 0 nullnull0 612nullnull nullInullS 2nullnull1null0null10The nullollonulling BSI renullerences relate to the nullornull on this

3、standard: nullommittee renullerence nullnullnullnull1nullnull1 Dranullt nullor comment 10nullnull01nullnullnullnullnull Dnullnullublication histornullnullirst punulllished Nonullemnuller 1nullnullnullSecond nullpresentnull editionnull August 2010nullnullendnullents issued since publicationnullate nu

4、llenullt affected null BSI 2010 null iBS 6626:2010BRITISH STANDARDContentsnullorenullord iiiSection 1: nulleneral 11 Scope 12 Normatinulle renullerences 13 Terms and denullnitions 1null nullaintenance policy 3null nullperational policy 46 nullompetence 4Section 2: Safetnull 6null nullersonal protect

5、inulle enulluipment and treatment onull persons sunullnullering nullrom electric shocnull 6null nullperational enullperience 6null Sanullety rules and procedures nullor sanulle systems onull nullornull 61null nullnulluipment location 711 Isolation and access nullor maintenance 712 nullreparing nullo

6、r maintenance nullornull 913 nullire enulltinguishing enulluipment 101null Testing 101null Disposal onull scrap 11Section 3: Conullnullon reconullnullendations relating to nullaintenance 1216 nullanunullacturernulls instructions 121null Nenullly commissioned enulluipment 121null nullrenulluency onul

7、l maintenance 121null Records and dranullings 162null Replacement parts 1721 nullleanliness 1722 nullarnulling onull conullers and connections 1723 nulluality onull connections 182null nullaintenance and testing onull insulation 182null nullaintenance onull sanullety earthing continuity 2226 Shutter

8、snull locnulling denullicesnull etcnull 222null Interlocnulls 222null nullentilation 232null nullnulluipment heating and lighting 233null nullinullting denullices 2431 Tripping and closing supplies 2432 nullnulluipment toolsnull spares and test instruments 2433 nullonclusion onull maintenance 24Sect

9、ion null: nulldditional reconullnullendations relating to the nullaintenance of specinullc itenulls 253null nullircuit nullreanullers 253null Snullitches 3036 Disconnectors and earthing snullitches 313null Busnullars and nullusnullar chamnullers 313null nulluses 313null nullontactors 32nullnull null

10、nullerload protectinulle denullices 34null1 Relays 35null2 Timing denullices 35null3 nullrotectinullenull measuring and control transnullormers 35nullnull Instruments including recorders 36nullnull nullapacitors 37null6 nullonuller electronic enulluipment 37nullnull nullanullle nullonulles and termi

11、nations 38BS 6626:2010ii null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDSunullnullarnull of pagesThis document comprises a nullront conullernull an inside nullront conullernull pages i to inullnull pages 1 to nullnullnull an inside nullacnull conuller and a nullacnull conullernullnullnull nullontrol snullitches

12、including pushnulluttons and limit snullitches 38nullnull nullinulluid startersnull controllers and resistors 38nullnull nullanual controllers 40null1 Sealed snullitches 41null2 Actuators 41null3 Indicator denullices 42nullnull Batteries 42nullnull nullompressed air plant 44nullnnenullesAnnenull A n

13、ullinnullormatinullenull Statutory renulluirements and related documents 45Annenull B nullinnullormatinullenull nullnullample onull items to nulle conullered in sanullety rules 46Binullliography 52nullist of tablesTanullle 1 null Recommended test nulloltages 19null BSI 2010 null iiiBS 6626:2010BRITI

14、SH STANDARDnullorewordnullublishing infornullationThis British Standard is punulllished nully BSI and came into enullnullect on null1 August 2010null It nullas prepared nully Sunullcommittee nullnullnullnull1nullnull1nullHighvoltage switchgear and controlgearnull under the authority onullTechnical n

15、ullommittee nullnullnullnull1nullnull Highvoltage switchgear and controlgear and HVLV coordinationnull A list onull organinullations represented on these committees can nulle onulltained on renulluest to their secretarynullSupersessionThis British Standard supersedes BS 6626:1nullnullnullnull nullhi

16、ch is nullithdranullnnullnullnfornullation about this docunullentThis is a nullull renullision onull the standardnull and introduces the nullollonulling principal changesnullnull The nullarious types onull maintenance approach are discussednull including prenullentinulle and condition nullased maint

17、enancenullnull nullaintenance policies using nullAS nullnull philosophy hanulle nulleen introducednullnull nullaintenance considerations nullor modern plant and enulluipment linulle nullacuum snullitchgear and actuators hanulle nulleen addednullThe purpose onull this British Standard is to pronullid

18、enull in a connullenient nullormnull recommendations and guidance on those matters nullhich technical nullnonullledge and enullperience hanulle shonulln to nulle important in nulleeping electrical snullitchgear and controlgear in an acceptanullle conditionnull It is intended nullor the guidance onul

19、l those actually carrying out the maintenance nullornull as nullell as nullor administratinulle personnelnullThe normally nulluiescent state onull electrical snullitchgear and some controlgear does not automatically dranull attention to incipient nullaultsnulldeterioration or danger resulting nullro

20、m neglect and the consenulluent need nullor maintenancenull It nullollonullsnull therenullorenull that an organinulled system onull maintenance is important to nullacilitate continued sanulle and acceptanullle operation onull an electrical system nullith the minimum risnull onullnullailure and conse

21、nulluent interruption onull supplynullnullse of this docunullentAs a code onull practicenull this British Standard tanulles the nullorm onull guidance and recommendationsnull It should not nulle nulluoted as inull it nullere a specinullcation and particular care should nulle tanullen to ensure that

22、claims onull compliance are not misleadingnullAny user claiming compliance nullith this British Standard is enullpected to nulle anullle to nullustinully any course onull action that denulliates nullrom its recommendationsnullIt has nulleen assumed in the preparation onull this British Standard that

23、 the enullecution onull its pronullisions nullill nulle entrusted to appropriately nullualinulled and enullperienced peoplenull nullor nullhose use it has nulleen producednullBS 6626:2010inull null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDnullresentational conventionsThe pronullisions in this standard are prese

24、nted in roman nullinullenull uprightnulltypenull Its recommendations are enullpressed in sentences in nullhich the principal aunulliliary nullernull is nullshouldnullnullCommentarnullnull enullnulllanation and general innullormative material is nullresented in smaller italic tnullnullenull and does

25、not constitnullte a normative elementnullContractual and legal considerationsThis punulllication does not purport to include all the necessary pronullisions onull a contractnull nullsers are responsinullle nullor its correct applicationnullConullpliance with a British Standard cannot confer inullnul

26、lunitnull fronulllegal obligationsnullIn particular attention is dranulln to the statutory regulations listed in Annenull Anullnull BSI 2010 null 1BS 6626:2010BRITISH STANDARDSection 1: nulleneral1 ScopeThis British Standard ginulles recommendations and guidance nullor the maintenance onull electric

27、al snullitchgear and controlgear hanulling a rated anullcnull or dnullcnull nulloltage anullonulle 1 nullnull and up to and including null6 nullnullnullnullnullnullnull 1 nullhis standard is not anullnulllicanullle to enullnulllosion nullrotected switchgear and controlgearnull nullnsnullection and m

28、aintenance onull electrical anullnullaratnulls in enullnulllosive gas atmosnullheres is covered in nullnull nullnull 6007917nullnullnullnullnull 2 nullhis nullritish nulltandard covers anullnulllications anullove 1 nullVnull Voltages nullelow 1 nullV are considered to nulle low voltage in line with

29、the nullnullronullean Commission nullirective 73null23nullnullnullC null1nullnull nullnown as the nullLow voltage directivenullnull2 nullornullative referencesThe nullollonulling renullerenced documents are indispensanullle nullor the application onull this documentnull nullor dated renullerencesnul

30、l only the edition cited appliesnull nullor undated renullerencesnull the latest edition onull the renullerenced document nullincluding any amendmentsnull appliesnullBS 6null2null:1nullnullnullnullA1:1nullnull2null Code onull nullractice nullor maintenance onull electrical switchgear and controlgear

31、 nullor voltages nullnull to and inclnullding 1 nullVBS nullN 1nullnull06:2001null nullaintenance terminolognullBS nullN null0110null1:200nullnull nullnulleration onull electrical installationsBS nullN 60null22null nullineral insnulllating oils in electrical enullnullinullment nullnullnullnullervisi

32、on and maintenance gnullidanceBS nullN 60nullnull0null nullnullidelines nullor the checnulling and treatment onull snulllnullhnullr henullanullnulloride nullnullnull6 null tanullen nullrom electrical enullnullinullment and snullecinullcation nullor its renullsenullD nullnullnullnullTR 622null1nullnu

33、ll0nullnull High voltage switchgear and controlgear nullnullart 303null nullse and handling onull snulllnullhnullr henullanullnulloride nullnullnull6null 3 nullernulls and denullnitionsnullor the purposes onull this British Standard the terms and denullnitions ginullen in BS nullN 1nullnull06:2001nu

34、ll BS nullN null0110null1:200null and the nullollonulling applynull3null1 acceptable conditioncondition in nullhich an item is anullle to meet the renulluirements onull the relenullant specinullcation and pernullorm its renulluired nullunctions3null2 controlgeara general term conullering snullitchin

35、g denullices and their comnullination nullith associated controlnull measuringnull protectinulle and regulating enulluipmentnullalso assemnulllies onull such denullices and enulluipment nullith associated interconnectionsnull accessoriesnull enclosures and supporting structuresnullintended in princi

36、ple nullor the control onull electric energy consuming enulluipment nullInullnull 600null0nullnullnull1:1nullnullnullnullA1null nullnull1null11nullnull3nullBS 6626:20102 null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARD3null3 dead working nullornull actinullity on electrical installations nullhich are neither linu

37、lle nor chargednull carried out anullter hanulling tanullen all measures to prenullent electrical danger nullBS nullN null0110null1:200nullnull 3nullnullnullnullnull3nullnull diagnostic testcomparatinulle measurement carried out to monitor the condition onullan item3nullnull enullanullination inspec

38、tion nullith the addition onull partial dismantling as renulluirednullsupplemented nully means such as measurement and nonnulldestructinulle tests in order to arrinulle at a relianullle conclusion as to the condition onullan item3null6 failure termination onull the anullility onull an item to pernul

39、lorm a renulluired nullunction nullBS nullN 1nullnull06:2001null nullnull1nullnullnullnullnull nullailnullre can nulle gradnullal or snulldden and nullartial or comnullletenull3nullnull high voltage nulloltage in enullcess onull 1 nullnull3nullnull inspection checnull nullor connullormity nully meas

40、uringnull onullsernullingnull testing or gauging the relenullant characteristics onull an item nullnullnullnull nullenerallnull insnullection can nulle carried onullt nullenullorenull dnullring or anullter other maintenance activitnullnullnullBS nullN 1nullnull06:2001null nullnull1null3nullnull iten

41、ullpartnull componentnull denullicenull sunullsystemnull nullunctional unitnull enulluipment or system that can nulle indinullidually considered nullBS nullN 1nullnull06:2001null 3null1null3null1null live workingnullornull in nullhich a nullornuller delinullerately manulles contact nullith linulle p

42、arts or reaches into the linulle nullornulling nullone nullith either parts onull his or her nullody or nullith toolsnull enulluipment or denullices nulleing handled nullBS nullN null0110null1:200nullnull 3nullnullnullnullnull3null11 lownullnullaintenance enulluipnullentenulluipment designed not to

43、renulluire nullrenulluent maintenance andnull enullcept nullhen sunullnullect to nullery nullrenulluent operationnull intended not to need any enullamination or onullerhaul during the economic linulle onull the enulluipment3null12 nullaintenancecomnullination onull actions carried out to retain an i

44、tem innull or restore it tonull an acceptanullle condition3null13 nullanufacturernulls handbooknullritten innullormation issued nully the manunullacturer onull the enulluipment nullhich includes guidance and instructions concerning installationnullcommissioningnull operation and maintenance onull th

45、e enulluipment 3null1null nonnullroutine nullaintenanceunplanned maintenance nullhich is not the result onull a nullailure3null1null operational checkaction carried out to determine nullhether an item nullunctions correctlynull BSI 2010 null nullBS 6626:2010BRITISH STANDARD3null16 overhaulcomprehens

46、inulle set onull enullaminations and actions carried out in order to maintain the renulluired lenullel onull anullailanullility and sanullety onull an itemnullnullnullnull 1 nullverhanulll manull nulle nullernullormed at nullrescrinulled intervals onull time or nnullmnuller onull onullerationsnullnu

47、llnullnullnull 2 nullverhanulll manull renullnullire a comnulllete or nullartial dismantling onullthe itemnullnullBS nullN 1nullnull06:2001null nullnull6null3null1null postnullfault nullaintenancemaintenance nullhich might nulle necessary anullter a specinulled numnuller onullnullault clearance or m

48、anulling operations3null1null preventive nullaintenancemaintenance carried out nullith the onullnullectinulle onull prenullenting nullailurenullnullnullnull nullt manull inclnullde ronulltine or nonronulltine maintenancenull3null1null routine nullaintenancemaintenance organinulled and carried out in

49、 accordance nullith a predetermined policy or plan to prenullent nullailure or decide the linullelihood onull an item nullailing to nulle in an acceptanullle condition3null2null servicingnullornull carried out to ensure that the enulluipment is nullept in an acceptanullle conditionnull nullhich usually does not innullolnulle any dismantlingnulland is typically limited to cleaningnull adnullustment and lunullrication3null21 switchgeara general term conullering snullitching denullices and their comnullination nullith associated controlnull measuringnull protectinulle and regulating enu

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