1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationAEROSPACE SERIESProcedure for inspection, testing and acceptance of wrought steels (other than plate, sheet, strip and tube)BS 6S nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullBS 6S 100:2010 B
2、RITISH STANDARDPublishing and copnullright infornullationThe BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates nullhen the document nullas last issuednullnull BSI 2010ISBN nullnullnull 0 nullnull0 6null01null 2InullS nullnullnull02nullnull10The nullollonulling BSI renullerences relate to the
3、 nullornull on this standard: nullommittee renullerence Anullnullnull61 Dranullt nullor comment 0nullnullnull01nullnullnullnullnull DnullPublication histornullnullirst punulllished nullenullruary 1nullnullnullSecond editionnull nullanuary 1nullnullnullThird editionnull Decemnuller 1null6nullnullourt
4、h editionnull Septemnuller 1nullnullnullnullinullth editionnull Septemnuller 1nullnullnullSinullth nullcurrentnull editionnull nullarch 2010Anullendnullents issued since publicationnullate nullenullt affected BRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2010 null iBS 6S 100:2010Contentsnullorenullord iiiSection nullnul
5、l nulleneral renulluirenullents 1null Scope 1null Normatinulle renullerences 1null Terms and denullnitions 2null nulleneral 5null Innullormation and renulluirements to nulle agreed and to nulle documented 66 nullanunullacture 8null Heat treatment 9null nullhemical composition 10null nullroduct analy
6、sis and permitted nullariations 11nullnull Temporary identinullcation up to the cast appronullal stage 13nullnull Surnullace dressing 13nullnull Surnullace inspection 13nullnull nullreedom nullrom denullects 13nullnull Sulnullur printing and deep etching tests 14nullnull nullead segregation 14null6
7、nullleanness 15nullnull nullltrasonic enullamination 15nullnull Testing 16nullnull nullondition onull supply 20nullnull Dimensional tolerances 21nullnull nullaintenance onull identity 21nullnull nullinal marnulling 21nullnull nullertinullcation 22Section nullnull Bar for nullachining delinullered in
8、 other than the nullnal heatnulltreated condition (for parts to be heat treated after nullachining) 24nullnull nulleneral 24nullnull Selection and preparation onull mechanical test samples 24null6 nullechanical tests 25nullnull Hardness test 25Section nullnull Bar and rod for nullachining delinuller
9、ed in the nullnal heatnulltreated condition, including austenitic corrosion resisting steels 27nullnull nulleneral 27nullnull Selection and preparation onull mechanical test samples 27nullnull nullechanical tests 28nullnull Hardness test 28Section nullnull Carbon steel bar and rod for nullachining,
10、not subnullect to hardening and tenullpering 30nullnull nulleneral 30nullnull Selection and preparation onull mechanical test samples 30nullnull nullechanical tests 31Section nullnull nullorging stocnull and billet and bar for subsenulluent hot wornulling 32nullnull nulleneral 32null6 Selection and
11、preparation onull mechanical test samples 32nullnull nullechanical tests 33nullnull Hardness test 34nullnull Surnullace inspection onull nullorging stocnull 34Section 6null nullorgings 35nullnull nulleneral 35nullnull nullanunullacture 35nullnull nullrenullproduction nullorgings 35nullnull nullroduc
12、tion nullorgings 36BS 6S 100:2010ii null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDnullnull nullrocedure null nullor process control testing 36nullnull Selection and preparation onull mechanical test samples nullor nullatch release testing 37null6 nullechanical tests 38nullnull Hardness test 39Section nullnull P
13、arts nullnallnull heat treated after nullachining 41nullnull nulleneral 41nullnull nullarts nullor normalinullingnull hardening and temperingnull or sonulltening 41nullnull nullarts nullor carnullurinulling 42nullnull nullarts nullor nitriding 44nullnull nullarts nullor precipitation hardening 46Sec
14、tion nullnull Bar and rod for the nullanufacture of forged bolts and forged nuts onlnull 48nullnull nulleneral 48nullnull nullanunullacture 48nullnull Hardening test 48null6 Tensile and hardness tests 49nullnull nullreedom nullrom carnullurinullation and decarnullurinullation 50nullnull nullreedom n
15、ullrom surnullace denullects 51nullnull Nonnulldestructinulle testing 52Section nullnull Spring steel rod and wire for springs 536null nulleneral 536null Rod nullor nullire dranulling 536null nullire nullor the manunullacture onull springs 556null Springs manunullactured nullrom nullire 57Annenulles
16、Annenull A nullnormatinullenull Rules nullor application onull nullalues nullor chemical composition and mechanical properties ginullen in material specinullcations 58Annenull B nullnormatinullenull nullleanness enullamination procedure 58Annenull null nullnormatinullenull nullltrasonic enullaminati
17、on procedure 63Annenull D nullnormatinullenull Inspection and testing renulluirements nullor springs 64Binullliography 66nullist of nullguresnulligure 1 null nullocation onull transnullerse test piece 17nullist of tablesTanullle 1 null nullanullimum limits on residual elements 10Tanullle 2 null null
18、ermitted nullariation onull product analysis nullrom specinulled range 11Tanullle null null Sampling onull ingots onull up to null 000 nullg mass nullor sulnullur printing and deep etching tests 14Tanullle null null nullanullimum mass onull a nullatch null nullar 30Tanullle null null nullanullimum m
19、ass onull a nullatch null coil 30Tanullle 6 null nullanullimum depth onull partial decarnullurinullation 50Tanullle null null Renullerse torsion test 51Tanullle Bnull1 null Acceptance criteria nullor macronullcleanness onull air melted steels assessed using the magnetic particle method61Tanullle Bnu
20、ll2 null nullrenulluency onull sampling ingots nullor micronullcleanness assessment 61Tanullle Bnullnull null nullicronullcleanness acceptance criteria nullor steels 62Tanullle nullnull1 null Acceptance criteria nullor ultrasonic testing 63Sunullnullarnull of pagesThis document comprises a nullront
21、conullernull an inside nullront conullernull pages i to inullnull pages 1 to 66null an inside nullacnull conuller and a nullacnull conullernullBRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2010 null iiiBS 6S 100:2010nullorewordPublishing infornullationThis British Standard is punulllished nully BSI and came into enullnu
22、llect on null1 nullarch 2010null It nullas prepared nully nullanel Anullnullnull61nullnullnull1nullnull Steelsnull under the authority onull Technical nullommittee Anullnullnull61null Metallic materials for aerospace purposesnull A list onull organinullations represented on this committee can nulle
23、onulltained on renulluest to its secretarynullSupersessionThis British Standard supersedes BS nullS 100:1nullnullnullnullA2:200nullnull nullhich is nullithdranullnnullInfornullation about this docunullentThis is a nullull renullision onull BS S 100null and introduces the nullollonulling principal ch
24、angesnullSection nullanull Temperature control during heat treatment to BS null nullnull replaced nully AnullS 2nullnull0nullnullnull nullse onull polymer nulluenchant addednullcnull Heat treatment temperature tolerances addednulldnull Renulluirements nullor application onull nullalues nullor chemic
25、al composition addednullenull Tensile testing at amnullient temperature to BS nullAnull:1null66null nullart 1null1 replaced nully BS nullN 2002null1nullnullnull Tensile testing at elenullated temperature to BS nullAnull:1null66null nullart 1null2 replaced nully BS nullN 2002null2nullgnull nullreep a
26、nd rupture testing to BS nullAnull:1null66null nullart 1nullnull replaced nully BS nullN 2002null00nullnullhnull Impact testing to BS nullAnull:1null66null nullart 2 replaced nully BS 1null1 and BS nullN 100nullnullnull1nullinull Brinell hardness testing to BS nullN 1000nullnull1 replaced nully BS n
27、ullN ISnull 6null06null1nullnullnull Rocnullnullell hardness testing to BS nullN 1010nullnull1 replaced nully BS nullN ISnull 6null0nullnull1nullnullnull nullrain sinulle test to BS nullnullnull0 replaced nully BS nullN ISnull 6nullnullnulllnull Hardenanullility test to BS nullnullnullnull replaced
28、nully BS nullN ISnull 6null2nullmnull Dimensional tolerances to BS nullnull0null1null BS nullnull0null2 and BS null11nullreplaced nully BS nullN 1001nullnull BS nullN 100nullnullnull BS nullN 100nullnullnull BS nullN 10060nullBS nullN 10061null BS nullN 100null2null1null BS nullN 1010null and BS nul
29、lN 102nullnullnull1nullSection nullnnull Renulluirements nullor nullar and nuts nullor the manunullacture onull nullorged nullolts and nullorged nuts only transnullerred nullrom Section nullnull nullIn the prenullious edition Section null nullas unallocatednullnullonull nullnullamination nullor carn
30、ullurinullation and decarnullurinullation to BS 661nullnull1 replaced nully BS nullN ISnull nullnullnullnullnullBS 6S 100:2010inull null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDSection nullpnull Renulluirements nullor spring steel rod and nullire nullor springs transnullerred nullrom Section nullnullnullnullnu
31、ll nullnullamination nullor carnullurinullation and decarnullurinullation to BS 661nullnull1 replaced nully BS nullN ISnull nullnullnullnullnullrnull nullechanical testing to BS nullnullnullnull replaced nully BS nullN 1021nullnull1nullSection nullnullsnull Section deleted and renulluirements transn
32、ullerred to Section nullnullAnnenull A nullnullas Annenull Dnulltnull Renullidentinulled as nullRules nullor application onull nullalues nullor chemical composition and mechanical properties ginullen in material specinullcationsnullnullunull Renullerence to nullithdranulln BS 1nullnullnull replaced
33、nully details nullor rounding onull nullaluesnullAnnenull B nullnullas Annenull Anullnullnull Renullidentinulled as nullnullleanness enullamination procedurenullnullAnnenull null nullnullas Annenull Bnullnullnull Renullidentinulled as nullnullltrasonic enullamination procedurenullnullAnnenull D null
34、nullas Annenull nullnullnullnull Renullidentinulled as nullInspection and testing renulluirements nullor springsnullnullnullanullard warningsnullARnullInullnullnull This British Standard calls nullor the use onull sunullstances andnullor procedures that can nulle innullurious to health inull adenull
35、uate precautions are not tanullennull It renullers only to technical suitanullility and does not anullsolnulle the user nullrom legal onullligations relating to health and sanullety at any stagenullnullse of this docunullentIt has nulleen assumed in the preparation onull this British Standard that t
36、he enullecution onull its pronullisions nullill nulle entrusted to appropriately nullualinulled and enullperienced peoplenull nullor nullhose use it has nulleen producednullPresentational connullentionsThe pronullisions onull this standard are presented in roman nullinullenull uprightnulltypenull It
37、s renulluirements are enullpressed in sentences in nullhich the principal aunulliliary nullernull is nullshallnullnullCommentary, explanation and nulleneral informatinulle material is presented in smaller italic type, and does not constitute a normatinulle elementnullContractual and legal considerat
38、ionsThis punulllication does not purport to include all the necessary pronullisions onull a contractnull nullsers are responsinullle nullor its correct applicationnullConullpliance with a British Standard cannot confer inullnullunitnull fronulllegal obligationsnullBRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2010 null
39、1BS 6S 100:2010Section nullnull nulleneral renulluirenullentsnull ScopeThis British Standard specinulles procedures nullor the inspectionnull testing and acceptance onull nullrought steel nullilletnull nullarnull rod and nullorgingsnull onull parts made nullrom such nullorms and sunullsenulluently h
40、eat treatednull and onull spring steel rod nullor nullire dranullingnull spring nullire and springsnull to nulle used nullor aerospace purposesnullThe standard is applicanullle to material specinullcations in the British Standard Aerospace S seriesnullnull nullornullatinulle referencesThe nullollonu
41、lling renullerenced documents are indispensanullle nullor the application onull this documentnull nullor dated renullerencesnull only the edition cited appliesnull nullor undated renullerencesnull the latest edition onull the renullerenced document nullincluding any amendmentsnull appliesnullBS 1nul
42、l1null1null nullotcnulled nullar tests null nullart 1null nullnulle nullnullod impact test of metalsBS 1null1nullnullnull nullotcnulled nullar tests null nullart 4null Calinullration of pendulum impact testinnull macnullines for metalsBS 6200null2null1null Samplinnull and analysis of iron, steel and
43、 otnuller ferrous metals null nullart 2null Samplinnull and sample preparation null Section 2null1nullMetnullods for iron and steelBS 6200null2null2null Samplinnull and analysis of iron, steel and otnuller ferrous metals null nullart 2null Samplinnull and sample preparation null Section 2null2nullMe
44、tnullods for ferroalloys and otnuller alloyinnull additinullesBS A 100null Specinullcation for nulleneral renulluirements for nullolts and free runninnull nuts of tensile strennulltnull not exceedinnull 1249 MnullaBS nullN 2002null1null Metallic materials null nullest metnullods null nullart 1null n
45、ullensile testinnull at amnullient temperatureBS nullN 2002null2null Metallic materials null nullest metnullods null nullart 2null nullensile testinnull at elenullated temperatureBS nullN 2002null00nullnull Metallic materials null nullest metnullods null nullart 005nullnullninterrupted creep and str
46、essnullrupture testinnullBS nullN null1nullnullnull nullualinullcation and appronullal of personnel for nonnulldestructinulle testinnullBS nullN 1001nullnull Steel rod for dranullinnull andnullor cold rollinnull null nullimensions and tolerancesBS nullN 100nullnullnull1null Cnullarpy impact test on
47、metallic materials null nullart 1null nullest metnullod nullnullnull and nullnullnotcnullesnullBS nullN 100nullnullnull nullot rolled nullat steel nullars for nulleneral purposes nullnullimensions and tolerances on snullape and dimensionsBS nullN 100nullnullnull nullot rolled snulluare steel nullars
48、 for nulleneral purposes nullnullimensions and tolerances on snullape and dimensionsBS nullN 10060null nullot rolled round steel nullars for nulleneral purposes nullnullimensions and tolerances on snullape and dimensionsBS nullN 10061null nullot rolled nullexanullon steel nullars for nulleneral purp
49、oses nullnullimensions and tolerances on snullape and dimensionsBS 6S 100:20102 null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDBS nullN 100null2null1null nullot rolled sprinnull steel nullat nullars null nullart 1null nulllat nullars nullnullimensions and tolerances on snullape and dimensionsBS nullN 1010nullnull nullound steel rod for cold nulleadinnull and cold extrusion nullnullimensions and tolerancesBS nullN 1021nullnull1null Steel nullire and nullire products null nulleneral null nullart 1nullnullest metnullodsBS nullN 102nullnullnull1null Steel die fornullinnulls null nullolerances on dimensions nu