BS 7273-2-1992 Code of practice for the operation of fire protection measures - Part 2 Mechanical actuation of gaseous total flooding and local application extinguishing systems《防火.pdf

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BS 7273-2-1992 Code of practice for the operation of fire protection measures - Part 2 Mechanical actuation of gaseous total flooding and local application extinguishing systems《防火.pdf_第1页
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BS 7273-2-1992 Code of practice for the operation of fire protection measures - Part 2 Mechanical actuation of gaseous total flooding and local application extinguishing systems《防火.pdf_第2页
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BS 7273-2-1992 Code of practice for the operation of fire protection measures - Part 2 Mechanical actuation of gaseous total flooding and local application extinguishing systems《防火.pdf_第3页
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BS 7273-2-1992 Code of practice for the operation of fire protection measures - Part 2 Mechanical actuation of gaseous total flooding and local application extinguishing systems《防火.pdf_第4页
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BS 7273-2-1992 Code of practice for the operation of fire protection measures - Part 2 Mechanical actuation of gaseous total flooding and local application extinguishing systems《防火.pdf_第5页
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1、BRITISH STANDARDC ode of pract i c eforT he opera t ion of fireprot e c t ion mea sures Par t 2 :Me c h a nical actua t ion of g a s eous t o t a lflooding a nd local a ppli cat ione xtingu i s hing systemsBS 7273-2: 1992Incorporating Amendment No. 1NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMIT

2、TED BY COPYRIGHT LAWICS 13.220.20BS 7273- 2 : 1992T his B rit i s h S t a nda rd, h a v ingb een prepa red under thedirec t ionof the F ire S t a nda rds P olic y C ommittee, wa s p u b lis hed u nder the a uthority of t he S t a nda rds B o a rd a ndc omes int oeffec t on1 May 1992T he follo w ing

3、BSI referen c e srel a t e to the work on this sta nda rd:C ommittee referen c e FSM/ 1 2D r a f t for c omment 9 0/44410 DCC ommittees res pons i b le for this B rit i s h S t a nda rdT he prepa r a t ion of this B rit i s h S t a nda rd wa s ent r usted b y t he F ire S t a nda rds P olic y C ommi

4、ttee ( FSM/ -) to T e c hnical C ommittee FSM/ 1 2 , upon whic h thefollow ing b odies w ere repres ent ed:B rit i s h Cable Maker s C onfedera t ionB rit i s h F ire P rot e c t ion S ystems A sso c i a t ion L t d.B rit i s h F ire S erv i c e s A sso c i a t ionB rit i s h T ele c omm u nicat ion

5、 s plcC h a r t ered I n sti tut ionof B u ilding S erv i c e s E ngineer sC hief a nd A ssi sta n t C hief F ire O ffi c ers A sso c i a t ionD epa r t ment of H e a l t hD epa r t men t of the E n v ironmen t ( B u ilding R e s e a r c h E stablis hment )D epa r t men t of the E n v ironmen t Cent

6、 r a l(DCSS F ire B r a n c h)D epa r t ment of T r a n s port ( Marine D irec t ora t e)E lec t rical C ont r act ors A sso c i a t ionE lec t rical I n sta lla t ion E q u ipmen t Man u f acturer s A sso c i a t ion(BEAMALt d.)H ome O ffi c eI n sti tution of E lec t rical E ngineersI n sti tution

7、 of F ire E ngineersL ondon F ire a nd C i v il D efenc e A uthorityL o ss P rev ent ion C o u n c ilM ini str y of D efenc eNat ion a l A sso c i a t ionof F ire O ffic ersNat ion a l Car a v a n C o u n c il L imit edNat iona l I n s pec t ion C o u n c il for E lec t rical I n sta lla t ion C ont

8、 r act ingNat ion a l I n s pec t ion C o u n c il ( Q u a lity A ssur a n c e L t d.)S o c iety of F ire P rot e c t ion E ngineersT r a des U nion C ongressT he follow ing b ody w a s a l s orepres ent ed in the dra f t ingof the st a nda rd,t hro u gh su bcommittees a nd p a nels :B rit i s h C o

9、mp uter S o c ietyA mendments i ssued sinc epu b licat ionISBN 978 0 580 59894 4BSI 2007Amd. No. Date Comments17276 31 August 2007 See national forewordBS 7273- 2 : 1992iC ont entsPageC ommittees res pons i b le I n s ide front c o v erF ore w ordii1 Scope 12 D efinit ions 13 S ystem des ign 14 T he

10、rma llink systems 15 P neu m a t i c systems26 Man u a lrelea s ede v i c e s37 A uxilia r y f u n c t ions a nd a n c illa r y c ont rols38 I n s pec t ion, init i a l te sting,commissioning a nd c ert ificat ionof system9 S u perv i s ion 41 0 S erv i c ing 4A ppendix AEx a mple of a simple dia gr

11、a mma t i c repres ent a t ionof a ty pical sequ enc eof act ions lea ding to the relea s eoffiree xting u i s hing mediu m 6Table 1T empera ture r a t ings a nd c olou r c oding of fra ngib leb u l b s a nd soldered met a l therma llink systems2P u b licat ion(s )referred to I n s ide back c o v er

12、 BSI 2007BS 7273- 2 : 1992iiF orew ordT his B rit i s h S t a nda rd c ode of pract i c eha s b een prepa red under the direc t ion oft he F ire S t a nda rds P olic y C ommittee. I t s hou ld b ere a din c onju n c t ion w i t hB rit i s h S t a nda rds c onc erned wi t hfire e xting u i s hing sys

13、tems ( s ee BS 5 306) a nds hou ld a l s o b e us ed in c onju n c t ion wi t hot her Par ts of this sta nda rd.M e c h a nical actua t ion s a re widely us ed in spec ifi capplicat ion s , e.g. pro c e ss h a z a rds , d u e to t heir inherent simplic i ty a nd reliability. T heir use can b ea d v

14、a n t a geous w here elec t rically act i v a t ed systems a re c ons idered less des irable.S u c h systems can b e used in c onju n c t ion w i t h , or supplemen t , o t her types ofdet e c t ion systems .S inc eme c h a nical systems do not nec e ssa rily h a v e a nelec t ricalpo w er so u r c

15、ea v a ilable, elec t ricalmoni t oringis not a l w a ys possi b le.I n c ert a ina pplicat ions t heabs enc eofelec t ricalmonit oring of the system m a y m a ke suc h a mec h a nicalsystem un accept able.A ttent ionis dra w n to A ppendix A whic hgi v e s a simple dia gra mma t i crepres ent a t i

16、on of a ty pical sequ enc eof act ions lea ding to the relea s eoffiree xtingu i s hing mediu m.S u mma r y of p a gesT his doc u ment c ompris e s a front c o v er,anin s ide front c o v er, p a ges i a nd ii,p a ges 1 to 6,anin s ide back c o v er a nd aback c o v er.T his sta nda rd h a s b een u

17、pda t ed ( s ee c opy right d a t e) a nd m a y h a v eha da mendments inc orpora t ed. T his w ill b eindicat ed in the a mendment t able on theins idefron t c o v er.The start and finish of text introduced or altered by amendment is indicated in the text by tags !“. Tags indicating changes to text

18、 carry the number of the amendment. For example, text altered by amendment 1 is indicated by !“.This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.Compliance with a British Stqndard cannot confer immunity from le

19、gal obligations. BSI 2007BS 7273- 2 : 199211 ScopeT his Par t ofBS 7273 giv e s rec ommenda t ions for thepla nning, insta lla t ion a nd serv i c ingofme c h a nicalequ ipmen t for the actua t ionofga s eous firee xting u i s hing systems . I t a pplies only t omec h a nically actua t ed to t a lfl

20、ooding a nd locala ppli cat ion g a s eous fire e xting u i s hing systems .2 D efinit ionst herm a llinkspoint type, fix ed tempera ture det e c t orsNOTE E x a mples of thes e a re fra ngib le b u l b s or soldered met a llinks .3 S ystem des ign3 .1 G enera lT he system des ign shou ld c omply wi

21、 t h t hea ppropria t erequ iremen ts a nd rec ommenda t ions ofS ystem actua t ion shou ld init i a t e the requ iredindicat ions a nd c ont rol s a s giv en in BS 5 306 .3 . 2 S ystem spec ificat ionT he requ irements for t he prot e c t ed sp ace(s ) shou ldb e a s c ert a ined b y c onsul t a t

22、ion b e tween the c lient a nd,as a ppropria t e , the a r c hit e c t , the c onsul t a n t ,t he fire det e c t ion a nd a l a rm system c ont r act or, thefire e xting u i s hing c ont r act or( s ) , the fire a uthori ty,t he fire insurer , the H e a l t h a nd Safety E x e c uti v e ,a nd a n y

23、 p u b licauthority c onc erned.I t i s e ssent i a l th a t in the e v ent of fire a pre-pla nneda nd pract i s ed c o u r s eof act ion , shou ld b e ta ken toensure the sa fety of o ccu p a n ts a nd the effe c t i v eopera t ionof the e xting u i s hing system. S u c hnec e ssa r y act ion s s h

24、ou ld b edi s c uss ed a t t he des ignsta ge a nd inc orpora t ed wi t hin the propos ed system.3 . 3 T y pes of system actua t orsM e c h a nical actua t ors used for init i a t ing thea utoma t i c relea s eoffire e xtingu i s hing systems s hou ld b eone of the follow ing ty pes :a ) therma llin

25、ks ( s ee c l a use 4 ) ;NOTE Rat eofri s e systems s hou ld inc orpora t efi x edt emper a ture elements.4 T herma llink systems4.1 G enera l4.1.1 T herma llinks a re des igned toopera t e whent he tempera ture of the a ssemb l y reaches apredet ermined tempera ture, whic his rela t ed tot heir nom

26、in a loper a t ing tempera ture a nd theirres pons e c h a r act eristi c s . T hehea t s ens i t i v eelement m a y b e a fra ngi b le b u l b or a soldered met a llink.T he r a i s ing of the tempera ture a rou nd a therma llink to a point where i t reaches or e x c eed s the links e tting will ca

27、use the c ont rol line topa r t init i a t ingt he relea s eof the e xtingu i s hing mediu m.T herma llinks , wi t hdifferent c olou r c odes ,area v a ilable for oper a t ion a t the tempera tures giv enin Table T herma llinks w ill not opera t e un t il a su i t ablet emper a ture b u ild-

28、u pha s o ccu rred,and m a y not f u n c t ion a s q u i c kly a s o t herdet e c t ionmea n s suc h a s s moke det e c t ors . T his rela t i v ely s low res pons e cana id reliabili ty sinc e the links a re ins ens i t i v e tot r a n s ient c ondit ions .T his system h a s t he follow ing fea tur

29、es w hic h can b eusefu lin some si t e c ondit ions :a ) s imple tooper a t e a nd m a int a in;b )reli able, t norma lly susc ept i b le tofa l s eactua t ion s;c ) sui t able in some a d v ers een v ironmen ts,e.g. high working t empera ture env ironments,elec t rom a gnet i c int erferenc

30、 e , e t c .T he follow ing undes irable fea tures h a v e a l s o b eenrec ogni z ed:1) genera lly slow res pons ein c ompa ris on wi t ho t her ty pes of system;2 )gener a lly u n sui t able for very l a rge a rea s;3 )no t s elf-res e tting a f t er opera t ion;4) not a utoma t i cally superv i s

31、 ed.4.2 D e s ign4.2 .1 T he links sho u ld b e c onnec t ed in series b y a m u l t i-str a nded flex i b le met a l cable r u nin aprot e c t i v eme t a l c ondu i t w i t hen c los ed p u lley w heels a t a ll m a jor c h a nge s of direc t ion.O ne end of the c ont rol line, th us formed, i s s

32、 e c u rely a n c hored a nd the o t her end supports a nopera t ingw eight or spring whic hkeeps t he line in tens ion.4.2 . 2 T he system shou ld b ede s igned so th a t cablestret c h va ria t ions do not hinder the c orrec t oper a t ion of the system.!Mechanical detection devices are not suitab

33、le where the fire is likely to be of a smouldering or primarily smoke producing type.NOTE The titles of the publications referred to in this standard are listed on the inside back cover.“!the relevant Part of BS 5306 or BS ISO 4520 as appropriate, and be in accordance“ with the manufacturers recomme

34、ndations.b )pneu m a t i c hea t actua t ed dev i c e s ( s ee c l a use 5 ) ;c )ma n u a lrele a s ede v i c e s ( s ee c l a use 6 ).For the purposes of this British Standard, the definitions given in BS 5306, BS 5839, !BS ISO 1450“ and BS 7273-1 apply, together with the following. BSI 2007BS 7273

35、- 2 : 199224.2 . 3 T he follo w ingfact ors s hou ld b e c ons ideredw hen sele c t ing the cab le a nd loa dra t ingof thet herma llink s used in the system:a ) the opera t ing loa drequ ired a t t he point ofrele a s e toov erc ome the fric t ion in the systema ndt oprov ide the nec e ssa r y forc

36、 e toopera t e thet ripping mec h a nis m ;b ) the n u m b er of p u lley w heels or cable g u ides int he system;c )en v ironment a l c ondi t ion s , e.g. c orros ion.4.2 .4 T herma llinks whic hha v e a nopera t ingt emper a ture a t lea st 30 Cab o v e the m a x imu me x pec t ed working tempera

37、 ture shou ld b e selec t ed.4.2 .5 T he a rea pro t e c t ed b y a therma llink shou ldnot e x c eed 1 2 m 2 . T he m a x imu mdi sta n c e b e tweent herma llink s s hou ld not e x c eed 3 .5 m a nd them a x imu mdi sta n c e b e tween a therma llink a nda w a ll or aceiling b e a m shou ld not e

38、x c eed 2 m.4.2 . 6 T herma llinks s hou ld b elo cat ed in the hea t p a t h a t a m a x imu mheight of 4mabo v e the ris k ,a ndnot less th a n 2 5mm a ndnot more th a n15 0 mmb elo w t he c eiling. Acco u n t s hou ld a l s o b e ta ken ofo b str u c t ion s suc h a s b e a m s w hic hma y a ffec

39、 t t heres pon s eof the therma llink.Table 1T empera ture r a t ings a nd c olou rc oding of fra ngi b le b u l band soldered met a lt herma llink systems4.3 I n sta lla t ionL o cat ion shou ld ta ke int o c ons idera t ion su c hfact ors a s the n a ture of the h a z a rd b eing prot e c t ed,air

40、v eloc i ty, tempera ture va ria t ions , shielding, open orc los ed st r u c tures a nd o t her va riable c ondit ions .WARNING NOTE. S hou ld open c ondit ions e x i st w i t hout t heb enefi t of a su i t able c eiling abo v e the ris k to tr a p the hea t ris e , i t i s e ssent i a l th a t the

41、 therma llink i s fitted wi t h a hea t c olle c t ingpla t elo cat ed in t he most hea t s ens i t i v epo s i t ion.5 P neu m a t i c systems5.1 G enera lP neu m a t i c systems inc orpora t epneu m a t i c hea t actua t eddev i c e s using a ir(oriner t g a s ) a s t he signa lmediu m. T hes ema

42、y b era t eof tempera ture ris eactua t ed w i t h a fix ed t empera ture element or afix ed tempera ture element type only .I n c ondit ions w here i t i s know n th a t e x c e ssi v ec h a nge s of temper a ture canoccu r , suc h a s in t hev i c ini ty of o v ens , e t c . , fix ed temper a ture

43、 onl ydev i c e s s hou ldb e us ed wi t hopera t ing tempera tures a ppropria t e to the a n t i c ipa t ed tempera tureflu c tua t ions , e.g. 30 Cab o v e the m a x imu me x pec t ed working tempera tures .F r a ngi b le b u l b s ( s ee c l a use 4 ) can b e us ed tore t a inpneu m a t i c press

44、ure wi t hin a det e c t ion a nd c ont rolc irc u i t . T his pressure candirec t l y open a norma lly s h ut e xting u i s hing mediu mflow c ont rol va l v e , orindirec t l y open a nelec t rically c ont rolled flo w v a l v ev i aapressure opera t ed elec t rical sw i t c h. H e a t b u r sting

45、 the fra ngib le b u l bca use s t he pneu m a t i cpressu re to b elo st,and this loss actua t e s t hec ont rolv a l v e toinit i a t eextingu i s hing mediu mflow .A l t ern a t i v ely , pressu riz ed, hea t s ens i t i v e ,t hermopla sti c s tub ing m a y b e used. T his w illr u p ture a t a

46、fix ed tempera ture when a spec ifiedpressure h a s b een reached wi t hin t he tub ing. T hetub ing shou ld b ere s i sta n t to ul t r a v iolet light .P neu m a t i c hea t s ens i t i v e systems h a v e thefollow ing a d v a n t a ges :a )noextern a lmo v ing c omponen ts so they a rep a r t i

47、c u l a rly sui t ed todirty a nd r u ggedenv ironmen ts;b )dono t nec e ssa rily requ irea nexterna l so u r c eofenerg y;c ) su i t able in pot ent i a lly e x plos i v e a rea s .T he follow ing dis a d v a n t a ges h a v e a l s o b eenrec ogniz ed:1) they a re not a utoma t i cally superv i s

48、ed;2 )if the tu b ing us ed i s m a de of thermopla sti c s m a t eri a l , i t w ill need replacement a f t er opera t iona nd a s rec ommended b y t he m a n u f acturer.a ) S oldered ty peT empera ture r a t ing I den t ifi cat ion c olo u r C6 8 /749 3/1 00141182227Natur a l(u n c olou red)W hit

49、 eB l u eY ellowR edb ) B u l b ty peT empera ture r a t ing C olo u rof b u l b liqu id C5 76 87 99 3141182204 /260O r a ngeR edY ellowG reenB l u eMauveB l ackNOTE T hes e c olou r s a re thos e c u rrent l y rec ommendedin BS 5 306 - 2 .!Location and spacing of detectors may be in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations, which should be based upon test data or field operating experience.Note deleted“Note deleted“! BSI 2007BS 7273- 2 : 199235.2 D e s ign5.2 .1 D e v i c e s s hou ld b e c onnec t ed toget her b y tub ing t oform a se a led system. W her

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