BS 7371-7-2010 Coatings on metal fasteners - Specification for mechanically applied zinc and zinc based coatings《金属紧固件涂层 采用机械法施加锌涂层规范》.pdf

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BS 7371-7-2010 Coatings on metal fasteners - Specification for mechanically applied zinc and zinc based coatings《金属紧固件涂层 采用机械法施加锌涂层规范》.pdf_第1页
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BS 7371-7-2010 Coatings on metal fasteners - Specification for mechanically applied zinc and zinc based coatings《金属紧固件涂层 采用机械法施加锌涂层规范》.pdf_第2页
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BS 7371-7-2010 Coatings on metal fasteners - Specification for mechanically applied zinc and zinc based coatings《金属紧固件涂层 采用机械法施加锌涂层规范》.pdf_第3页
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BS 7371-7-2010 Coatings on metal fasteners - Specification for mechanically applied zinc and zinc based coatings《金属紧固件涂层 采用机械法施加锌涂层规范》.pdf_第4页
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BS 7371-7-2010 Coatings on metal fasteners - Specification for mechanically applied zinc and zinc based coatings《金属紧固件涂层 采用机械法施加锌涂层规范》.pdf_第5页
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1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationCoatings on metal fastenersPart 7: Specification for mechanically applied zinc and zinc based coatingsBS 7371-7:2010BS 7371-7:2010 BRITISH STANDARDPublishing and copyright inform

2、ationThe BSI copyright notice displayed in this docnullnullent indicates nullhen the docnullnullent nullas last issnullednullnull BSI 2010ISBN null7null 0 nullnull0 null71nullnull 1InullS 21null0null0null10null 2nullnull220nullnull0The nullollonulling BSI renullerences relate to the nullornull on th

3、is standard: nullonullnullittee renullerence nullnullnullnullnullnull1 Dranullt nullor conullnullent 0nullnull1nullnull7nullnull7null Dnullnull 0nullnull30203null73 DnullPublication historynullirst pnullnulllished nullarch 1nullnullnullSecond nullpresentnull editionnull April 2010 Amendments issued

4、since publicationnullate nullenullt affected null BSI 2010 null iBS 7371-7:2010BRITISH STANDARDContentsnullorenullord iiiIntrodnullction 11 Scope 12 Nornullatinulle renullerences 23 Ternulls and denullnitions 3null Application and type onull coating 3null nulloating 4null nullonnullersion coating nu

5、llpassinullation treatnullentnull 67 Snullitanullility onull coatings nullor conullponents nullith parallel threads 7null Innullornullation to nulle docnullnullented and snullpplied to the coater 7null Identinullcation 7AnnenullesAnnenull A nullnornullatinullenull nulloating thicnullness nullor thre

6、aded parts 8Annenull B nullnornullatinullenull nulleasnullrenullent onull coating thicnullness 10Annenull null nullinnullornullatinullenull nullnullidance on procednullres that nullay nulle adopted to acconullnullodate thicnull coatings 11Binullliography 13nullist of nullguresnullignullre Bnull1 nul

7、l nulleasnullring area nullor local coating thicnullness nulleasnullrenullent on nullasteners 10nullist of tablesTanullle 1 null Designation onull passinullation nullchronullatenull treatnullents 4Tanullle 2 null Designation onull tri-nullalent nullased treatnullents 4Tanullle 3 null Nonullinal coat

8、ing thicnullnesses 5Tanullle null null nulloating designation and corrosion resistance 6Tanullle Anull1 null nullpper linullits onull nonullinal coating thicnullness 9Tanullle nullnull1 null nullininullnullnull nullnullndanullental denulliation renullnullired to acconullnullodate coatings too thicnu

9、ll to nulle applied to standard nulletric threads 12Summary of pagesThis docnullnullent conullprises a nullront conullernull an inside nullront conullernull pages i to inullnull pages 1 to 1nullnull an inside nullacnull conuller and a nullacnull conullernullBS 7371-7:2010ii null null BSI 2010BRITISH

10、 STANDARDThis page deliberately left blanknull BSI 2010 null iiiBS 7371-7:2010BRITISH STANDARDnullorenullordPublishing informationThis part onull BS 7371 is pnullnulllished nully BSI and canulle into enullnullect on 30 April 2010nullIt nullas prepared nully Snullnullconullnullittee nullnullnullnulln

11、ullnull1null Mechanical properties of fastenersnull nullnder the anullthority onull Technical nullonullnullittee nullnullnullnullnullnullFastenersnull A list onull organinullations represented on this conullnullittee can nulle onulltained on renullnullest to its secretarynullSupersessionThis part on

12、ull BS 7371 snullpersedes BS 7371-7:1nullnullnullnull nullhich is nullithdranullnnullnullelationship nullith other publicationsnullther pnullnulllished nullarts onull BS 7371 are as nullollonullsnullnull BS 7371-1null nullpecinullcation for general renullnullirenullents and selection gnullidelines 1

13、nullnullnull BS 7371-2null nullpecinullcation for tornullnullenullclanullping force relationshipnullnull BS 7371-3null nullpecinullcations for electroplated nullinc coatingsnullnull BS 7371-nullnull nullpecinullcation for electroplated nickelnull nickelnullchronullinullnulland coppernullnicnullelnul

14、lchronullinullnull coatingsnullnull BS 7371-nullnull nullpecinullcation for hot dipped galnullaninulled coatingsnullnull BS 7371-nullnull nullpecinullcation for sheradinulled coatingsnullnull BS 7371-nullnull nullpecinullcation for phosphate or phosphate and oil coatingsnullnull BS 7371-10null nullp

15、ecinullcation for organic coatingsnullnull BS 7371-11null nullpecinullcation for nullinc nullake nonnullelectrolytically applied cnullred coatingsnullnull BS 7371-12null nullenullnullirenullents for inullperial fastenersnullnullnformation about this documentThis is a nullnullll renullision onull the

16、 standardnull and introdnullces the nullollonulling principal changesnullnull nullhange to nullignullre Bnull1nullnull Inclnullsion onull henullanullalent-chronullinullnull-nullree-type connullersion coatingsnullnull Inclnullsion onull higher thicnullnesses onull coatingsnullnullanullard nullarnings

17、nullAnullnullnullnullnullnull This British Standard calls nullor the nullse onull snullnullstances andnullor procednullres that can nulle innullnullrionulls to health inull adenullnullate precanulltions are not tanullennull It renullers only to technical snullitanullility and does not anullsolnulle

18、the nullser nullronull legal onullligations relating to health and sanullety at any stagenull1nullThis is snullpplenullentary to all other parts onull BS 7371nullBS 7371-7:2010inull null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDPresentational connullentionsThe pronullisions onull this standard are presented in

19、ronullan nullinullenull nullprightnulltypenull Its renullnullirenullents are enullpressed in sentences in nullhich the principal anullnulliliary nullernull is nullshallnullnullnullonullnullentarynull enullplanation and general infornullatinulle nullaterial is presented in snullaller italic typenull

20、and does not constitnullte a nornullatinulle elenullentnullContractual and legal considerationsThis pnullnulllication does not pnullrport to inclnullde all the necessary pronullisions onull a contractnull nullsers are responsinullle nullor its correct applicationnullCompliance nullith a British Stan

21、dard cannot confer immunity from legal obligationsnullAttention is dranulln to the restriction placed on the nullse and snullpply onullhenullanullalent chronullinullnull containing snullnullstances nully nullnullnull Directinulle 2000nullnull3nullnullnullonull 1nullth Septenullnuller 2000 on nullnd

22、onull nullinulle nullehicles null1null and the anullendnullent onull Annenull II nully nullonullnullission Decision onull 27th nullnullne 2002 nullDocnullnullent Nonull nullnull2002null 223nullnull null2nullnull nullhich prohinullits its nullse on nullotor nullehicles less than 3nullnull tonnesnull

23、nullarnulleted anullter nullnullly 2007nullThe nullaste nulllectrical and nulllectronic nullnullnullipnullent nullnullnullnullnullnull Directinulle null2002nullnullnullnullnullnullnull null3null also has sinullilar restrictions nullhich canulle into nullorce on 31st Decenullnuller 200nullnullnull BS

24、I 2010 null 1BS 7371-7:2010BRITISH STANDARDnullntroductionBS 7371 deals nullith the pernullornullance and selection onull coatings on nulletal nullasteners and accessoriesnull This part onull BS 7371 specinulles the renullnullirenullents nullor nullechanically applied nullinc and nullinc nullased co

25、atingsnullnullechanically applied nullinc and nullinc nullased coatings conullered nully this part onull BS 7371 are nullor nullse on nullasteners and accessories nullhere the nullollonulling applynullanull A coating ginulling galnullanic protection is renullnullired nullor nullerronulls nullastener

26、snullnullnull A nullase treatnullent is renullnullired to inullpronulle the corrosion resistance onull snullnullsenullnullent coatings on nullerronulls nullastenersnull enullgnull organic nullsee BS 7371-10nullnullcnull Anulloidance onull the risnull onull hydrogen enullnullrittlenullent onull high

27、tensile steel nullasteners is renullnullired nullsee Note to nullnull1nullnullThe coating has a nullatt silnuller appearance nullhich can nulle nullodinulled to yellonullnull olinulle green or nulllacnull nully a henullanullalent chronullinullnull connullersion nullpassinullationnull treatnullent or

28、 an iridescentnullsilnuller appearance nully a tri-nullalent or chronullinullnull-nullree treatnullent applied to inullpronulle corrosion resistancenull The latter nullnishes are onullten snullpplied nullith a seal coat to inullpronulle danullage resistancenull corrosion or lnullnullricitynullAdditi

29、onal coatings are anullailanullle to nullnullrther nullodinully colonullrnull nullnullt these nullight innullnullence coating pernullornullancenull enullgnull lnullnullricity or electrical condnullctinullitynullnullechanical coating can only nulle applied nully nullnulllnull processingnullThe shape

30、and sinulle onull certain parts nullay create dinullnullcnulllties in the application onull a coating onull nullninullornull thicnullness and renullerence to the coater is reconullnullended to ennullnullire inull a dinullnullcnulllty enullists or inull it can nulle onullerconulle nully the nullse on

31、ull specialinulled processing nullethodsnullTypicallynull dinullnullcnulllties arise nullhen nullnulllnull processing:anull parts longer than 1null0 nullnull and heanullier than 0nullnull nullgnullnullnull parts lianullle to snullstain danullage nullhen tnullnullnullled togethernullcnull parts nulli

32、th recesses nullhich retain the conullpacting nulledia nullenullanullple nulledia: glass nulleadsnullnulldnull parts nullith shapes that indnullce nesting and interlocnullingnullenull the internal snullrnullaces onull hollonull partsnull1 ScopeThis part onull BS 7371 specinulles renullnullirenullent

33、s nullor coatings applied nully nullechanically inullpacting nullinc ponulldernull or nullinc nullased ponullder on to the conullponent snullrnullace in an anullnulleonulls nulledinullnullnull The coating is not applied nully nullsing inullpact nulledia accelerated nully conullpressed air or centrin

34、ullnullge nullethodsnull The coatings consist principally onull nullinc and can nulle lnullnullricated to ginulle controlled tornullnullenullclanullping nullorce properties nullhen renullnullirednullnullnullTnull 1 nulleenull for enullanullplenull nullnull 7371null2nullIn addition to the renullnulli

35、renullents in this part onull BS 7371null the renullnullirenullents in BS 7371-1 nullhich are applicanullle to nullechanically applied nullinc nullased coatings applynullBS 7371-7:20102 null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDThis part onull BS 7371 also specinulles renullnullirenullents nullor:anull the

36、coating thicnullnessnullnullnull the type onull connullersion treatnullent to nulle appliednull nullhich can nulle henullanullalentnull tri-nullalent or chronullinullnull nullreenullcnull the nullnullality assessnullent onull the corrosion resistance onull nullnnullsed coated parts nullhen snullnull

37、nullected to nenulltral salt spray testingnullnullnullTnull 2 nulleenull for enullanullplenull nullnull nullnull nullnullnull 9227nulldnull the adhesion testnullThe coatings are snullitanullle nullor application to nulletal conullponents snullch as:1null parallel threaded nullasteners and accessorie

38、snull2null screnulls that cnullt or nullornull their onulln threadsnull enullgnull selnull-tapping screnullsnullnullnullTnull 3 nulleenull for enullanullplenull nullnull 4174null3null nulloodscrenullsnullnullnullTnull 4 nulleenull for enullanullplenull nullnull 1210nullnullnull springs and spring co

39、nullponentsnullnullnull pipe nnullts and connectors nullith parallel or tapered threadsnullnullnull conullposite nullasteners incorporating non-condnullcting nullaterials nullenullgnull rnullnullnuller-nullonded assenullnulllynullnullnullhen these coatings are applied to non-nullerronulls nullastene

40、rsnull the only part onull the specinullcation that applies is the coating thicnullness renullnullirenullentsnullAnnenulles inclnullde tanullles indicating snullitanullle coating grades nullor standard screnull threads and nullethods onull deternullination onull coating thicnullnessnull2 nullormatin

41、ulle referencesThe nullollonulling renullerenced docnullnullents are indispensanullle nullor the application onull this docnullnullentnull nullor dated renullerencesnull only the edition cited appliesnull nullor nullndated renullerencesnull the latest edition onull the renullerenced docnullnullent n

42、ullinclnullding any anullendnullentsnull appliesnullBS nullnull11-2null Methods of test for nulletallic and related coatings nullnullart 2null nullenullienull of nullethods of nulleasnullrenullent of thicknessBS nullnull11-nullnull Methods of test for nulletallic and related coatings nullnullart 4nu

43、ll nullonulllonulletric nullethod for the nulleasnullrenullent of coating thicknessBS nullnull11-nullnull Methods of test for nulletallic and related coatings nullnullart 5null Measnullrenullent of local thickness of nulletal and onullide coatings by the nullicroscopical enullanullination of crossnu

44、llsectionsBS nullnull11-nullnull Methods of test for nulletallic and related coatings nullnullart 8null Measnullrenullent of coating thickness of nulletallic coatingsnull nullnullray spectronulletric nullethodsBS nullnull11null10null Methods of test for nulletallic and related coatings nullnullart 1

45、0null nullenullienull of nullethods anullailable for testing adhesion of electrodeposited and chenullically deposited nulletallic coatings on nulletallic snullbstratesnull BSI 2010 null 3BS 7371-7:2010BRITISH STANDARDBS 7371-1:200nullnull nulloatings on nulletal fasteners null nullart 1null nullpeci

46、nullcation for general renullnullirenullents and selection gnullidelinesBS 7371-2null nulloatings on nulletal fasteners null nullart 2: nullpecinullcation for tornullnullenullclanullping force relationshipBS nullN ISnull null227null nullorrosion tests in artinullcial atnullospheres null nullalt spra

47、y tests3 nullerms and denullnitionsnullor the pnullrposes onull this part onull BS 7371null the ternulls and denullnitions ginullen in BS 7371-1 applynullnull Application and type of coatingnullnull1 Cleaning and pretreatmentnullartsnull nullasteners and accessories shall nulle cleaned and pretreate

48、d in accordance nullith BS 7371-1nullnullnullTnull nullestrictions applicable to the anulloidance of enullbrittlenullent of high tensile parts shonullld be obsernullednull nullt is reconullnullended that high tensile parts shonullld not be nullsed nullntil a nullininullnullnull of 36 h nullpreferabl

49、y 48 hnull hanulle elapsed after nullechanical processingnullnullnull2 nullype of coatingThe coating shall nulle either nullatt silnuller in appearance or nullodinulled nully passinullation types nullnull D or Bnull nullsee nulllanullse nullnullnull nullor connullersion treatnullentsnullsee Tanullle 1 and Tanullle 2nullnullnullTnull 1 The colonullr can be fnullrther nullodinulled by the addition of an organic top coatnullThe coating shall nulle electrically condnullctinulle and galnullanically protectinulle to steel nullnder nullost clinullatic conditionsnullnullnullTnull 2 The presence of pa

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