BS 7375-2010 Distribution of electricity on construction and demolition sites - Code of practice《施工和拆除现场的配电 实施规程》.pdf

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BS 7375-2010 Distribution of electricity on construction and demolition sites - Code of practice《施工和拆除现场的配电 实施规程》.pdf_第1页
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BS 7375-2010 Distribution of electricity on construction and demolition sites - Code of practice《施工和拆除现场的配电 实施规程》.pdf_第5页
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1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationDistribution of electricity on construction and demolition sites Code of practiceBS 7375:2010BS 7375:2010 BRITISH STANDARDPublishinnull and copyrinullht informationThe BSI copyri

2、ght notice displayed in this docnullnullent indicates nullhen the docnullnullent nullas last issnullednullnull BSI 2010ISBN null7null 0 5null0 nullnull2nullnull 1InullS 25null1null0null10null null1null200The nullollonulling BSI renullerences relate to the nullornull on this standard: nullonullnullit

3、tee renullerence nullnullnullnull17null3 Dranullt nullor conullnullent 0nullnull30205nullnullnull DnullPublication historynullirst pnullnulllished Decenullnuller 1nullnull1Second editionnull Nonullenullnuller 1nullnullnullThird nullpresentnull editionnull April 2010nullmendments issued since publica

4、tionDate nullenullt affected null BSI 2010 null iBS 7375:2010BRITISH STANDARDContentsnullorenullord ii1 Scope 12 Nornullatinulle renullerences 13 Ternulls and denullnitions 2null nulleneral 45 nullaterialsnull appliances and conullponents 5null Design considerations 57 nullornull on site 15null null

5、ornull onullnull site 19null Inspection and testing 19nullnnenullesAnnenull A nullinnullornullatinullenull A typical distrinullnulltion systenull nullsing distrinullnulltion nullnits 21Annenull B nullinnullornullatinullenull Relenullant British Standards nullor nullaterialsnullenullnullipnullent and

6、 conullponents 24Binullliography 25nullist of nullnulluresnullignullre 1 null Rednullced lonull nulloltage systenulls 3nullignullre 2 null Typical protectinulle condnullctor pronulling circnullit nullith test nullacility shonulln open 13nullignullre Anull1 null nullnullanullple onull a site plan nul

7、lith distrinullnulltion nullnits connullornulling to BS nullN null0null3nullnullnull and BS null3null3 22nullignullre Anull2 null nullnullanullple onull arrangenullent onull nullnits to pronullide an electrical snullpply to a nullnullltinullstorey nullnullilding nullnder constrnullction 23nullist of

8、 tablesTanullle 1 null Distrinullnulltion nulloltages nullor typical applications 8Tanullle 2 null nullolonullr coding onull plnullgsnull socnulletnullonulltlets and conullplers 14Summary of panullesThis docnullnullent conullprises a nullront conullernull an inside nullront conullernull pages i to i

9、inull pages 1 to 2nullnull an inside nullacnull conuller and a nullacnull conullernullBS 7375:2010ii null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDnullorenullordPublishinnull informationThis British Standard is pnullnulllished nully BSI and canulle into enullnullect on 30 April 2010null It nullas prepared nully

10、 Snullnullconullnullittee nullnullnullnull17null3null Low voltage switchgear and controlgear assembliesnull nullnder the anullthority onull Technical nullonullnullittee nullnullnullnull17null Switchgear, controlgear and HV-LV co-ordinationnull A list onull organinullations represented on this conull

11、nullittee can nulle onulltained on renullnullest to its secretarynullSupersessionThis British Standard snullpersedes BS 7375:1nullnullnullnull nullhich is nullithdranullnnullnullnformation about this documentThis British Standard is intended to nulle read in connullnullnction nullith the relenullant

12、 clanullses onull BS 7null71nullThis is a nullnullll renullision onull the standardnull and introdnullces the nullollonulling principal changes:null nullpdating onull renullerences to BS 7null71 to tanulle into acconullnt the pnullnulllication onull the Senullenteenth nullditionnullnull nullpdating

13、onull all other standards renullerencesnullnull nullpdating onull style and strnullctnullre to connullornull to cnullrrent BSI dranullting rnulllesnullThe nullse onull rednullced lonull nulloltage systenulls as reconullnullended in this British Standard has nullade a nullanullor contrinullnulltion t

14、o electrical sanullety on constrnullction and denullolition sitesnull Honullenullernull nullor sonulle site installationsnullnully reason onull their siting in relation to the anullailanullle electricity snullpplynullit nullight nulle necessary to nullse snullpplies at higher nulloltagenullnullse of

15、 this documentAs a code onull practicenull this British Standard tanulles the nullornull onull gnullidance and reconullnullendationsnull It shonullld not nulle nullnulloted as inull it nullere a specinullcation and particnulllar care shonullld nulle tanullen to ensnullre that clainulls onull conullp

16、liance are not nullisleadingnullAny nullser clainulling conullpliance nullith this British Standard is enullpected to nulle anullle to nullnullstinully any conullrse onull action that denulliates nullronull its reconullnullendationsnullIt has nulleen assnullnulled in the preparation onull this Briti

17、sh Standard that the enullecnulltion onull its pronullisions nullill nulle entrnullsted to appropriately nullnullalinulled and enullperienced peoplenull nullor nullhose nullse it has nulleen prodnullcednullPresentational connullentionsThe pronullisions in this standard are presented in ronullan null

18、inullenull nullprightnulltypenull Its reconullnullendations are enullpressed in sentences in nullhich the principal anullnulliliary nullernull is nullshonullldnullnullCommentarnull, enullnulllanation and general innullormative material is nullresented in smaller italic tnullnulle, and does not const

19、itnullte a normative elementnullContractual and lenullal considerationsThis pnullnulllication does not pnullrport to inclnullde all the necessary pronullisions onull a contractnull nullsers are responsinullle nullor its correct applicationnullCompliance nullith a British Standard cannot confer immun

20、ity from lenullal oblinullationsnullnull BSI 2010 null 1BS 7375:2010BRITISH STANDARD1 ScopeThis British Standard ginulles reconullnullendations nullor the distrinullnulltion onullelectricity on constrnullction and denullolition sitesnull and ginulles gnullidance on the application onull the renullnu

21、llirenullents onull BS 7null71 on snullch sitesnull It is intended nullor nullse nully nullnullildersnull contractorsnull engineers and others concerned nullith the pronullision onull electrical installation enullnullipnullent snullitanullle nullor indinullidnullal site conditionsnullThis British St

22、andard is linullited to those snullpply systenulls operating at nonullinal nulloltages not enullceeding nullnull0 null anullcnull nulletnulleen condnullctorsnullor 250 null anullcnull nulletnulleen condnullctors and earthnullThe nullollonulling are onulltside the scope onull this British Standard:an

23、ull high nulloltage inconulling snullpplies and enullnullipnullentnullnullnullnullnull 1 nullor some site installations, snullnullnulllies at a higher voltage, enullgnull 11 nullV anullcnull and 33 nullV anullcnull, are nullsednullnullnull nullndergronullnd nullining operationsnullcnull cnullrrentnu

24、llnullsing enullnullipnullentnulldnull onulltpnullt circnullits onull nullrenullnullency changers nullsee Note 2nullnullnullnullnullnull 2 nullhere high nullrenullnullencnull nullower tools are nullsed, a nullrenullnullencnullchanger is necessarnull nullor their connection to a sonullrce onull snull

25、nullnulllnullnull nullhis nullritish Standard is anullnulllicable onlnull to the innullnullt circnullits onull snullch devicesnull2 nullormatinulle referencesThe nullollonulling renullerenced docnullnullents are indispensanullle nullor the application onull this docnullnullentnull nullor dated renul

26、lerencesnull only the edition cited appliesnull nullor nullndated renullerencesnull the latest edition onull the renullerenced docnullnullent nullinclnullding any anullendnullentsnull appliesnullStandards publicationsBS null3null3null Snullecinullcation nullor distribnulltion assemblies nullor rednu

27、llced low voltage electricitnull snullnullnulllies nullor constrnullction and bnullilding sitesBS 537nullnull2null Sanulletnull signs and colonullrs null nullart 2null Snullecinullcation nullor colorimetric and nullhotometric nullronullerties onull materialsBS 5nullnullnullnull1:2002null nullranullh

28、ical snullmbols and signs null Sanulletnull signs, inclnullding nullre sanulletnull signs null nullart 1null Snullecinullcation nullor geometric shanulles, colonullrs and lanullonulltBS 5nullnull7null nulllectric cables null nullhermosetting insnulllated, armonullred cables nullor voltages onull nul

29、lnullnullnull1nullnullnull V and 19nullnullnull33nullnull VBS null70nullnull nulllenullible cables nullor nullse at mines and nullnullarriesBS null72nullnull nulllectric cables null nullhermosetting insnulllated, armonullred cables nullor voltages onull nullnullnullnull1nullnullnull V and 19nullnull

30、null33nullnull V, having low emission onullsmonulle and corrosive gases when anullnullected bnull nullreBS 7null30null Code onull nullractice nullor earthingBS 7null71:200nullnull nullenullnullirements nullor electrical installations null nullnullnull nulliring nullegnulllations null Seventeenth edi

31、tionBS 7null1null:2001null nulllectric cables null nulllenullible cables rated nullnull to 45nullnullnull5nullV, nullor nullse with anullnullliances and enullnullinullment intended nullor indnullstrial and similar environmentsBS 7375:20102 null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDBS nullN null007nullnull1n

32、ullnull nullnullnulllosive atmosnullheres null nullart 14null nulllectrical installations design, selection and erectionBS nullN null030nullnull2null nulllnullgs, socnullet-onulltlets and conullnulllers nullor indnullstrial nullnullrnulloses null nullart 2null nullimensional interchangeabilitnull re

33、nullnullirements nullor nullin and contact-tnullbe accessoriesBS nullN null0null3nullnullnullnull Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies nullnullart 4null nullarticnulllar renullnullirements nullor assemblies nullor constrnullction sites nullnullCSnullBS nullN null052null:1nullnull2null S

34、nullecinullcation nullor degrees onull nullrotection nullrovided bnullenclosnullres nullnullnull codenullBS nullN null0nullnull7null2:200nullnull Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear nullnullart 2null Circnullit breanullersBS nullN null100nullnull1null nullesidnullal cnullrrent onullerated circnul

35、lit-breanullers withonullt integral overcnullrrent nullrotection nullor honullsehold and similar nullses nullnullCCnullsnull null nullart 1null nulleneral rnulllesBS nullN null100null nullall partsnullnull Snullecinullcation nullor residnullal cnullrrent onullerated circnullit-breanullers with integ

36、ral overcnullrrent nullrotection nullor honullsehold and similar nullses nullnullCnullnullsnullBS nullN null11null0:2002nullA1:200nullnull nullrotection against electric shocnull nullCommon asnullects nullor installation and enullnullinullmentBS nullN null155nullnull2nullnullnull Sanulletnull onull

37、transnullormers, reactors, nullower snullnullnulllnull nullnits and similar nullrodnullcts nullor snullnullnulllnull voltages nullnull to 11nullnull V null nullart 2-nullnullnullarticnulllar renullnullirements and tests nullor sanulletnull isolating transnullormers and nullower snullnullnulllnull nu

38、llnits incornullorating sanulletnull isolating transnullormersBS nullN null155nullnull2null23null Sanulletnull onull nullower transnullormers, nullower snullnullnulllnull nullnits and similar null nullart 2-23null nullarticnulllar renullnullirements nullor transnullormers nullor constrnullction site

39、sBS nullN null2305 nullall partsnullnull nullrotection against lightningnullther publicationsHnullAnullTH AND SAnullnullTnull nullnullnullnullnullTInullnullnull nullvoiding danger nullrom nullndergronullnd servicesnull HSnullnull7null Renullised editionnull Snulldnullnullry: HSnull Boonullsnull 2000

40、nullHnullAnullTH AND SAnullnullTnull nullnullnullnullnullTInullnullnull nullvoidance onull danger nullrom overhead electric linesnull nullSnullnull Snulldnullnullry: HSnull Boonullsnull 1nullnull7null3 nullerms and denullnitionsnullor the pnullrposes onull this British Standardnull the ternulls and

41、denullnitions ginullen in BS 7null71 and the nullollonulling applynullnullnullnullnull 1 nullost onull the snullstem tnullnulles are illnullstrated in nullS nullnullnull1, anullart nullrom rednullced low voltage snullstems, which are illnullstrated in nullignullre 1 onull this nullritish Standardnul

42、lnullnullnullnull 2 nullll renullerences thronullghonullt this nullritish Standard to alternating cnullrrent nullanullcnullnull snullnullnulllies relate to a nullrenullnullencnull onull 5null Hnull nullnless otherwise statednull nullll renullerences to alternating voltage and cnullrrent relate to rn

43、ullmnullsnullvalnulles nullnless otherwise statednullnull BSI 2010 null 3BS 7375:2010BRITISH STANDARDnullignullre 1 nulleduced lonull nulloltanulle systemsnullnullnullnull null snullstem in which the nominal line-to-line voltage does not enullceed 11null V and the nominal line-to-earth voltage does

44、not enullceed 55 Vnull nullll enullnullosed-condnullctive-nullarts are connected to the nullrotective condnullctornullanull Singlenullphase sonullrcenullnullnullnull null snullstem in which the nominal line-to-line voltage does not enullceed 11null V and the nominal line-to-earth voltage does not en

45、ullceed null3null5 Vnull nullll enullnullosed-condnullctive-nullarts are connected to the nullrotective condnullctornullnullnull Threenullphase sonullrcenulley1 Rednullced lonull nulloltage sonullrce null singlenullphase2 nullrotectinulle condnullctor3 Sonullrce earthnull Distrinullnulltion enullnul

46、lipnullent5 nullnullposednullcondnullctinullenullpartsnull Site installation7 Rednullced lonull nulloltage sonullrce null threenullphaseBS 7375:2010null null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARD3null1 sitearea nullhere any onull the nullollonulling nullornulls are nullndertanullennullenullecnullted:anull c

47、onstrnullction nullornull onull nenull nullnullildingsnullnullnull repairnull alterationnull enulltensionnull denullolition onull enullisting nullnullildings or parts onull enullisting nullnullildingsnullcnull engineering nullornullsnulldnull earthnullornullsnullenull nullornull onull sinullilar nat

48、nullrenull nulleneralCnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull nullnull CLnullnullSnull 4 nulln nullreat nullritain, electrical installations on constrnullction and demolition sites are snullbnullect to the renullnullirements onull the nulllectricitnull at nullornullnullegnulllations 1989 null1null, on

49、which gnullidance is given in HSnull nullnullblication HSnull25 null2nullnull nullhe nulllectricitnull at nullornull nullegnulllations 1989 inclnullde renullnullirements concerning nullrecanulltions to be tanullen against contact with overhead lines and nullndergronullnd cables enconullntered on sitenull See also 7.2 and 7.3nullnullS nullnullnull1null2nullnull8, Section 704 snullecinulles renullnullirements nullor the snullnullnulllnull onullelectricitnull on constrnullction and demolition sitesnull nulllectrical installations onullonullnullces, cloanullrooms, meeting rooms, canteens, resta

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