BS 7642-1993 Performance standards in building - Contents and format of standards for evaluation of performance《建筑物的性能标准 性能评估标准的内容和格式》.pdf

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BS 7642-1993 Performance standards in building - Contents and format of standards for evaluation of performance《建筑物的性能标准 性能评估标准的内容和格式》.pdf_第1页
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BS 7642-1993 Performance standards in building - Contents and format of standards for evaluation of performance《建筑物的性能标准 性能评估标准的内容和格式》.pdf_第2页
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BS 7642-1993 Performance standards in building - Contents and format of standards for evaluation of performance《建筑物的性能标准 性能评估标准的内容和格式》.pdf_第3页
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BS 7642-1993 Performance standards in building - Contents and format of standards for evaluation of performance《建筑物的性能标准 性能评估标准的内容和格式》.pdf_第5页
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1、BRITISH STANDARD BS 7642:1993 ISO 7162:1992 Performance standards in building Contentsand format of standards for evaluation of performance UDC 69.004.15:006.83.05BS7642:1993 This British Standard, having been prepared under the directionof the Technical Sector Board for Building and Civil Engineeri

2、ng, was published underthe authority of the Standards Board and comes intoeffect on 15March1993 BSI 09-1999 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference B/500 Draft for comment 85/12080 DC ISBN 0 580 21640 3 Committees responsible for this British Standard Th

3、e preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Technical Sector Board for Building and Civil Engineering (B/-) to Technical Committee B/500, upon which the following bodies were represented: Building Employers Confederation Consumer Policy Committee of BSI Convention of Scottish Local A

4、uthorities Department of Education and Science Department of the Environment Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment) Incorporated Association of Architects and Surveyors Meteorological Office National Building Specification Ltd. National Council of Building Material Producers

5、 National House-Building Council Royal Institute of British Architects Society of Chief Architects of Local Authorities Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. Date CommentsBS7642:1993 BSI 09-1999 i Contents Page Committees responsible Inside front cover National foreword ii Introduction 1 1 Sc

6、ope 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Definitions 1 4 Clauses for inclusion in standards for evaluation of performance 1 Annex A (informative) Guidance on methods for performance evaluation 3 List of references Inside back coverBS7642:1993 ii BSI 09-1999 National foreword This British Standard has been p

7、repared under the direction of Technical Committee B/500, Basic data, and is identical with ISO 7162:1992 Performance standards in building Contents and format of standards for evaluation of performance, published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO 7162 was prepared by

8、Subcommittee 3, Functional/user requirements and performance in building construction, with the active participation and approval of the United Kingdom. The Technical Committee has reviewed the provisions of ISO 6241:1984, to which normative reference is made in the text, and has decided that they a

9、re acceptable for use in conjunction with this standard. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from leg

10、al obligations. Cross-references International Standard Corresponding British Standard ISO 5725:1986 BS 5497 Precision of test methods Part 1:1987 Guide for the determination of repeatability and reproducibility for a standard test method by inter-laboratory tests (Identical) ISO 6240:1980 BS 6019:1

11、980 Recommendations for performance standards in building: contents and presentation (Identical) Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii, pages1 to 4, an inside back cover and a back cover. This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and

12、may have had amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the inside front cover.BS7642:1993 BSI 09-1999 1 Introduction All parts (components, assemblies, subsystems, etc.) that together constitute a building each have to fulfil certain defined functions for the building

13、 to satisfy the needs of its users. When these parts are to be specified in terms of the required functions, ISO6240 gives the correct formulation of their performance requirements, stating that each requirement shall have specified methods of assessment of verification. These methods serve either t

14、o predict the performance that a part will have, thereby enabling the designer to chose what is appropriate for the building, or to verify that the users needs are met by the completed building. Annex A to this International Standard discusses such considerations more fully. 1 Scope This Internation

15、al Standard establishes some rules for the contents and presentation of standards for evaluation of performance in buildings. It is intended for application by international and national standards committees when preparing standards for evaluation of the performance of whole buildings, of parts of b

16、uildings (components, assemblies and subsystems) and of spaces within and around buildings. 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicate

17、d were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid Intern

18、ational Standards. ISO 5725:1986, Precision of test methods Determination of repeatability and reproducibility for a standard test method by inter-laboratory tests. ISO6240:1980, Performance standards in building Contents and presentation. ISO6241:1984, Performance standards in building Principles f

19、or their preparation and factors to be considered. 3 Definitions For the purposes of this International Standard, the definitions given in ISO 6241 apply. 4 Clauses for inclusion in standards for evaluation of performance 4.1 A standard for the methods of evaluation should include the following clau

20、ses: a) Scope State the item and the performance for which the standard gives evaluation method(s). List the properties on which the performance assessment is to be based. Indicate whether performance is to be assessed before use, and whether this will be by test, calculation or expert judgement, or

21、 to be verified after the item is in use in a building. Indicate any limitations of the applicability of the standard or its parts. b) References List any relevant standards, particularly existing test methods. c) Definitions Define all new and specialized terms used in the standard, using existing

22、standard definitions where possible. d) Principle Describe the principle(s) of the method of evaluation. e) Equipment List all the test equipment that will be needed. Indicate the required accuracy of any measuring devices. f) Condition of test piece(s) Define the intended state of the items to be t

23、ested, for example their temperature and moisture content, and the state of the environment in which they are to be tested. g) Procedure Describe the operations and the sequence to be followed during a test, indicating the number of measurements to be made and the arrangement of test equipment. Give

24、 any other details needed to safeguard the intended quality of results. h) Precision of results Indicate the precision to be expected, preferably in terms of repeatability and reproducibility, in accordance with the principles given in ISO5725. i) Presentation and interpretation of results List the

25、items that are required to be stated in the evaluation report. Indicate whether results are to be expressed numerically or graphically and whether values are to be rounded.BS7642:1993 2 BSI 09-1999 NOTE 1In the clauses listed in 4.1, particular attention should be given to: a) Expression of the accu

26、racy to be expected or the required accuracy in probabilistic terms. The standards should include those rules which are necessary to safeguard the quality of the results (for example, validity, accuracy) which the evaluation aims to provide. b) Rules necessary for processing or interpreting test res

27、ults if special methods are needed, for example, statistical calculations, comparison with standard values or curves, grades of values. Special conditions for approval or verification which are not a necessary part of a meaningful presentation of the test results should not be included.BS7642:1993 B

28、SI 09-1999 3 Annex A (informative) Guidance on methods for performance evaluation A.1 Selection of methods for evaluation Performance evaluation may be for prediction or for verification of performance achieved. The evaluation methods can be divided roughly into test, calculation and expert judgemen

29、t. These methods are often used in combination. In some cases the evaluation may be carried out separately and independently for each function and by the help of one method for each function. In other cases different methods are needed for different levels of performance. An overall evaluation may b

30、e carried out with the help of property profiles or weighted properties. As a rule such problems should not be dealt with in a test standard but rather in a standard concerned with the performance itself. As judgement by experts is often inevitable in the evaluation of performance, the judgement sho

31、uld be as objective as possible by the application of strict rules. The decision-making process, the procedure used and the factors taken into account should be documented in such a way that this process can be reconstructed if necessary. Performance standards should generally refer to methods of te

32、st, but some of the points made in this annex will also apply to other techniques. A.2 Development of methods Often traditional methods of evaluation are not sufficiently performance-related and committees wish to seek or develop better methods. This calls for close cooperation between committees co

33、ncerned with performance itself (composed of members who are experts in the design, production and use of buildings and building parts) and committees responsible for evaluation methods. Frequently a theoretically ideal solution seen from the point of view of performance cannot be found, and a balan

34、ce between different concerns must be sought. In such cases, committees should consider particularly the intended use of the standard(s) in question, and the system of control and acceptance of which the evaluation method sought will be a part. Establishment of a standard method of evaluating perfor

35、mance requires the following stages: a) an understanding of all natural and man-made phenomena originating from the environment, the design and the use which govern the performance (e.g. humidity, wear, compatibility); b) an understanding of the mechanisms by which the product develops and loses its

36、 performance for the requirement in question (e.g. resistance to bending, thermal transmittance, mechanism of degradation); c) provisional determination of an evaluation method, together with an agreed definition of its field of applicability (e.g. to groups of products with particular constructiona

37、l or material characteristics, to particular geographical zones, to particular conditions of use); d) verification of the assumed correlation between the results of the provisional method and the performance achieved to provide a confirmed method (with further successive improvements as necessary);

38、e) a definition of the interpretation procedure and the reporting of data. A.3 Prediction of future performance Committees or other bodies who are establishing methods of performance evaluation are always concerned with the problem of predicting performance over time, for example: a) by reviewing pa

39、st experience, during their activity of correlating their proposed method(s) with results in practice; b) by establishing methods which simulate predictable future degradation of the product (e.g. by tests which accelerate mechanical wear, or other forms of degradation by extra agents as listed in I

40、SO 6241:1984, Table4). Where committees are dealing with a product forming part of a larger system within the building, or when they are dealing with only one or a few of the properties of a product, they should establish an appropriate level of concern for performance over time, similar to that app

41、lied to other related product standards, or to other properties of the same product. A.4 Uses of standard methods of performance evaluation Standard methods of performance evaluation may have several uses, including those listed below. These uses may have different implications for the best choice o

42、f method, in terms of its cost, convenience, degree of significance, ease of interpretation, accuracy and bias. Committees or other bodies who are standardizing evaluation methods are advised to confirm the likely principal uses, liaising with any other standards committees who may wish to refer to

43、this work later on.BS7642:1993 4 BSI 09-1999 Principal uses include: a) confirmation of acceptability/rejection under building regulations or other legal controls; b) evaluation by suppliers in order to describe a product in their range; c) evaluation by purchasers to establish the suitability of a

44、product for a specific job, or for a continuing series of work. Less frequent uses may include: d) establishment of an International Standard reference method to which local methods of evaluation may be related; e) performance evaluation during the development of new or improved products; f) use of

45、performance evaluation methods for control of the consistency of quality in a product during manufacture, although suitability for this use is coincidental; g) reference to standard evaluation methods in cases of dispute over the adequacy of products supplied. A.5 Test specimens and sampling Samplin

46、g, preparation of test specimens, number of tests, etc. may differ depending on the object to be evaluated. Therefore as a rule these problems should not be dealt with in the evaluation standard. However, the following should be considered. When the intention is that the standard is used in connecti

47、on with evaluation of prototypes or routine testing, rules are needed concerning the test specimen. In most cases rules are needed concerning the state of the specimen during testing (e.g. temperature, moisture content). For prototype evaluation, the size(s) of the prototype(s) should be given and,

48、in some cases, a statement of the other sizes for which the evaluation is valid. When only parts of a product are used as test specimens (e.g. cut from the product), rules should be given on how to produce the specimen. When the test specimens are considered a sample of a population, rules concernin

49、g the sampling may be needed; if not, general sampling rules suffice. When more than one property is tested, it must be decided whether the same specimen should be tested for only one property or not; in the latter case the order of tests may be important. A.6 Accuracy of performance tests Committees establishing methods for performance evaluation are always concerned to achieve the best balance between the accuracy of the method and its simplicity, convenience and cost, bearing in mind the dominant uses of the method, as indicated inA.4; the product(s) to which it

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