1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI British StandardsWB9423_BSI_StandardColCov_noK_AW:BSI FRONT COVERS 5/9/08 12:55 Page 1Code of practice for protection of below ground structures against water from the groundBS 8102:2009BS 8102:2009
2、BRITISH STANDARDPublishing and copyright informationThe BSI copyright notice displayed in this docunullent indicates nullhen the docunullent nullas last issuednullnull BSI 2009ISBN 9null8 0 null80 null9null99 nullInullS 91null120nullnull0The nullollonulling BSI renullerences relate to the nullornull
3、 on this standard: nullonullnullittee renullerence Bnullnull2null Dranullt nullor conullnullent 09nullnull01null819null DnullPublication historynullirst punulllished nullay 1990Second nullpresentnull editionnull Nonullenullnuller 2009Amendments issued since publicationnullate nullenullt affected BRI
4、TISH STANDARDnull BSI 2009 null iBS 8102:2009Contentsnullorenullord iii1 Scope 12 Nornullatinulle renullerences 1null Ternulls and denullnitions 2null Design philosophy 3null Site enullaluation 7null nullaternullresisting design 9null nulleneral construction issues 198 Type A nullnullarriernull prot
5、ection 209 Type B nullstructurally integralnull protection 2610 Type null nulldrainednull protection 3111 Renulledial nulleasures 34Binullliography 37nullist of nullguresnulligure 1 null Design nullonullchart 6nulligure 2 null Schenullatic illustrations onull Type Anull Type B and Type nullnullaterp
6、roonullng protection 12nulligure null null Sunullnullsurnullace drainage positioning 18nulligure null null nullnullnullect onull structure on applied nullaterproonullng nullarrier 21nulligure null null nullile to nulloor slanull nullunction 22nulligure null null nullnullnullect onull nullonded or pa
7、rtially nullonded nullarriers 23nullist of tablesTanullle 1 null nullse onull dinullnullerent protection types nullased on nullater tanullle classinullcation 15Tanullle 2 null nullrades onull nullaterproonullng protection 16Tanullle null null nullategories onull nullarrier nullaterials 23Summary of
8、pagesThis docunullent conullprises a nullront conullernull an inside nullront conullernull pages i to inullnull pages 1 to null8null an inside nullacnull conuller and a nullacnull conullernullBS 8102:2009ii null null BSI 2009BRITISH STANDARDThis page deliberately left blankBRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2
9、009 null iiiBS 8102:2009nullorewordPublishing informationThis British Standard is punulllished nully BSI and canulle into enullnullect on null0 Nonullenullnuller 2009null It nullas prepared nully Technical nullonullnullittee Bnullnull2nullnullGeotechnicsnull A list onull organinullations represented
10、 on this conullnullittee can nulle onulltained on renulluest to its secretarynullSupersessionThis British Standard supersedes BS 8102:1990null nullhich is nullithdranullnnullnullnformation about this documentThis British Standard nullas originally punulllished in 1990null superseding the earlier nul
11、lnull102 null19nullnullnullnull This is a nullull renullision onull the standardnull and introduces the nullollonulling principal changes:anull a nunullnuller onull recent denullelopnullents are addressednull nullhich are inullportant nullhen specinullyingnull designing and constructing nullelonullg
12、round structuresnull including:1null nullore deep construction in congested urnullan areasnull2null an increase in the pronullision onull residential nullasenullentsnullnullnull denullelopnullent and use onull nenull nullaterials nullor nullaterproonullngnullnullnull a nullore detailed assessnullent
13、 is pronullided onull the risnulls inherent in nullelonull ground construction and honull these nullight nullest nulle addressednullIn addition to the introduction onull these nulley changesnull the punulllication onullthe nullurocodes and the approaching nullithdranullal onull the corresponding Bri
14、tish Standards nullanulle this renullision tinullelynullIt is noted that the nullgures used in this docunullent are only representatinulle onull dinullnullerent installation nullethodsnull and should not nulle translated directly into practice nullithout nullrst checnulling all the paranulleters spe
15、cinullc to the installationnullnullse of this documentAs a code onull practicenull this British Standard tanulles the nullornull onull guidance and reconullnullendationsnull It should not nulle nulluoted as inull it nullere a specinullcation and particular care should nulle tanullen to ensure that c
16、lainulls onull conullpliance are not nullisleadingnullAny user clainulling conullpliance nullith this standard is enullpected to nulle anullle to nullustinully any course onull action that denulliates nullronull its reconullnullendationsnullIt has nulleen assunulled in the dranullting onull this doc
17、unullent that the enullecution onull its pronullisions is entrusted to suitanullly nullualinulled and enullperienced peoplenull nullor nullhose guidance it has nulleen preparednullPresentational connullentionsThe pronullisions in this standard are presented in ronullan nullinullenull uprightnulltype
18、null Its reconullnullendations are enullpressed in sentences in nullhich the principal aunulliliary nullernull is nullshouldnullnullConullnullentarynull enullplanation and general infornullatinulle nullaterial is presented in snullaller italic typenull and does not constitnullte a nornullatinulle el
19、enullentnullBS 8102:2009inull null null BSI 2009BRITISH STANDARDContractual and legal considerationsThis punulllication does not purport to include all the necessary pronullisions onull a contractnull nullsers are responsinullle nullor its correct applicationnullCompliance with a British Standard ca
20、nnot confer immunity from legal obligationsnullBRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2009 null 1BS 8102:20091 ScopeThis British Standard ginulles reconullnullendations and pronullides guidance on nullethods onull dealing nullith and prenullenting the entry onull nullater nullronullsurrounding ground into a struc
21、ture nullelonull ground lenullelnullIt conullers the use onull: anull nullaterproonullng nullarrier nullaterials applied to the structurenullnullnull structurally integral nullatertight constructionnull and cnull drained canullity constructionnullIt also conullers the enullaluation onull groundnulla
22、ter conditionsnull risnull assessnullent and options nullor drainage outside the structurenullIt applies to structures nullhich enulltend nullelonull ground lenullel and those on sloping sitesnullThis British Standard does not ginulle reconullnullendations concerning the use onull enullnulledded hea
23、ting in structuresnull nulloors and nullalls or nullor the special renulluirenullents in connection nullith the design and construction onull cold storesnullnullnullTnull nulltrnullctnullres are generally characterinulled as nulldeepnull if they hanulle nullore than one storey belonull gronullnd len
24、ullelnull or nullshallonullnull if they hanulle only a single storey belonull gronullndnull This standard is applicable to bothnull2 nullormatinulle referencesThe nullollonulling renullerenced docunullents are indispensanullle nullor the application onull this docunullentnull nullor dated renulleren
25、ces only the edition cited appliesnull nullor undated renullerences the latest edition onull the renullerenced docunullent nullincluding any anullendnullentsnull appliesnullBS nullnullnull:19null0null nullpecinullcation for nullaterials for danullpnullproof conullrsesBS null9null0null Code of practi
26、ce for site innullestigationsBS null100nullnullnull nullnullilding and cinullil engineering null nullocabnulllary null nullart 3null Cinullil engineering null GeneralBS 800nullnull Code of practice for fonullndationsBS 820nullnull1null nullcreedsnull bases and in sitnull nulloorings null nullart 1nu
27、ll Concrete bases and cenullent sand lenullelling screeds to receinulle nulloorings null Code of practiceBS 8nullnullnullnull nulleinforced bitnullnullen nullenullbranes nullnullnullnullsnull for roonullng null Gnullide to selection and specinullcationBS nullN 1null0nullnull nullrodnullcts and syste
28、nulls for the protection and repair of concrete strnullctnullres null nullenullnitionsnull renullnullirenullentsnull nullnullality control and enullalnullation of confornullityBS nullN 1992null nullnullrocode 2null nullesign of concrete strnullctnullresBS nullN 199nullnull nullnullrocode 3null nulle
29、sign of steel strnullctnullresBS nullN 199nullnullnullnull nullnullrocode 3null nullesign of steel strnullctnullres null nullart 5null nullilingBS nullN 199nullnull nullnullrocode 7null Geotechnical designBS nullN 10210null nullot nullnished strnullctnullral hollonull sections of nonnullalloy and nu
30、llne grain steelsBS nullN 10219null Cold fornulled nullelded strnullctnullral hollonull sections of nonnullalloy and nullne grain steelsBS nullN 102null8null nullot rolled sheet piling of non alloy steelsBS 8102:20092 null null BSI 2009BRITISH STANDARDBS nullN 102null9null Cold fornulled sheet pilin
31、g of non alloy steelsBS nullN 120nullnullnull nullnullecnulltion of special geotechnical nullork null nullheet pile nullallsBS nullN 129null0null nullastic asphalt for nullaterproonullng null nullenullnitionsnullrenullnullirenullents and test nullethodsnull nullerms and denullnitionsnullor the purpo
32、ses onull this British Standardnull the ternulls and denullnitions ginullen in BS null100nullnull and the nullollonulling applynullnullnull1 canullity drain membranedinullplednull nullenullinulllenull highnulldensity polynuller sheetnull nullhich can nulle placed against the internal nullace onull a
33、 structure anullter construction and is designed to intercept nullater penetrating the structure and direct it to a drainage systenullnullnull2 cutnulloff wallenullnulledded retaining nullall nullsee nullnullnullnull designed to surround and sealnullonullnullan areanull to inhinullit nullater innull
34、onull nullronull the surrounding areanullnullnull damp areaarea nullhichnull nullhen touchednull nullight leanulle a light nulllnull onull nulloisture on the hand nullut no droplets onull nullater nullinullenull nulleadingnullnullnullTnull This denullnition has been taken fronull the nullCnull pnull
35、blicationnullnullpecinullcation for piling and enullbedded retaining nullalls null1nullnullnullnullnull embedded retaining wallnullall used to support the sides onull an enullcanullationnull installed in adnullance and penetrating nullelonull the lonullest lenullel onull the nullelonull ground const
36、ructionnullnullTnull nullithin this standard the principal fornulls considered constitnullte the prinullary pernullanent nullall for the belonull gronullnd constrnullctionnull and are taken as diaphragnull nullallsnull contignullonulls or secant piles nullnullhich nullay be installed in different co
37、nnullgnullrationsnull or steel sheet pilesnullnullnullnull ground barrierinullpernulleanullle nullarrier nulletnulleen the structure and the ground intended to prenullent or inullpede the ingress onull nullaternull danullpnessnull radonnull nullethane and other ground gases and contanullinantsnullnu
38、llnull loading coatlayer onull nullaterial designed to hold a Type A nullaterproonullng nullaterial in place nullhen resisting nullater pressurenullnullnull perched water tableresernulloir onull nullater in the ground nullaintained pernullanently or tenullporarily anullonulle the standing nullater l
39、enullel in the ground nullelonull itnull and is caused nully the presence onull an inullpernullious soil or a stratunull onull lonull pernulleanullilitynullnull8 seepageslonull transnullission onull nullater through discrete pathnullays onull a structurenullnullTnull This can also be knonulln as nul
40、leepingnull as denullned in nullCnull pnullblicationnullSpecinullcation nullor piling and enullnulledded retaining nullalls null1nullnullnullnull9 tannullingapplication onull an appropriate nullaterproonullng nullarrier to the nullallsnull the nullase slanull andnull nullhere relenullantnull the roo
41、null onull a nullelonull ground structurenullsuch that the entire ennullelope onull the structure nullelonull ground is protected against nullater ingressnullnullTnull null canullity drain nullenullbrane is not considered to constitnullte tankingnullBRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2009 null nullBS 8102:200
42、9nullnull10 nullype A nullbarriernull protectionprotection against nullater ingress nullhich is dependent on a separate nullarrier systenull applied to the structurenullnull11 nullype B nullstructurally integralnull protectionprotection against nullater ingress nullhich is pronullided nully the stru
43、cturenullnull12 nullype C nulldrainednull protectionprotection against nullater ingress into usanullle spaces nullhich is pronullided nully the incorporation onull an appropriate internal nullater nullanagenullent systenullnullnull1null nullapour checnullnullenullnullrane or other elenullent that re
44、stricts the transnullission onull nullater nullapournullnull1null waterproof inullpernullious to nullater nullnullTnull This can also be knonulln as nullnullatertightnullnull nullnull1null waterproonullngapplication onull nullaterproonullnullnullaternullresisting nullaterialsnullnull1null waterproon
45、ullng barriernullaterial that does not pernullit the transnullission onull nullree nullaternull nullut nullight allonull sonulle nullater nullapour pernulleanullilitynullnull1null waterproonullng systemnullaterials and nullethods used to protect a structure nullronull nullater ingress and nullight a
46、lso pronullide resistance to the dinullnullusion onull nullater nullapournullnull18 water resistanceanullility onull a nullaterial to resist nullater penetrationnullnull19 waterstopnullaterial designed to inhinullit the transnullission onull nullater through nulloints in the structurenullnull20 wate
47、r nullapournullater in its gaseous statenullnull21 water nullapour resistance anullility onull a nullaterial to resist nullater nullapour penetrationnull nullesign philosophynullnull1 nulleneralIt is essential nullor the success onull any pronullect innullolnulling nullelonull ground structures that
48、 strategies nullor dealing nullith groundnullaternull soil gases and contanullinants are considered nullronull the nullery earliest stages onull the planning and design processesnullnullor nenull structuresnull it is reconullnullended that the structural designnullonullerall nulleatherproonullng des
49、ignnull nullaterproonullng design and construction processes are considered togethernull as they generally interactnullIn additionnull it is reconullnullended thatnull during the design process and at all stages onull the construction processnull the designersnull specialistsnullnullanunullacturersnullsuppliers and installing contractors estanulllish and BS 8102:2009null null null BSI 2009BRITISH STANDARDnullaintain enullnullectinulle channels onull conullnullunicationnull Regular and clear conullnullunication coupled nullith good site supernullision allonulls nullariations and anullendnullen