BS CECC 22111-1983 Specification for harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Blank detail specification radio frequency coaxial connections series SMA《电.pdf

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BS CECC 22111-1983 Specification for harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Blank detail specification radio frequency coaxial connections series SMA《电.pdf_第1页
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BS CECC 22111-1983 Specification for harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Blank detail specification radio frequency coaxial connections series SMA《电.pdf_第2页
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BS CECC 22111-1983 Specification for harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Blank detail specification radio frequency coaxial connections series SMA《电.pdf_第3页
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BS CECC 22111-1983 Specification for harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Blank detail specification radio frequency coaxial connections series SMA《电.pdf_第4页
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BS CECC 22111-1983 Specification for harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Blank detail specification radio frequency coaxial connections series SMA《电.pdf_第5页
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1、Specification for Harmonized system of qua for electronic components Blank detail specification BS CECC 22111 : January 1983 I ity assessment Radio frequency coaxial connections, Series SMA Systme harmonis dassurance de la qualit des composants ICXKNIWS Spcification particulire cadre Connecteurs coa

2、xiaux pour frquence radiolectrique, Serie SMA Harmonisiertes Gtebesttigungssystem fr Bauelemente der Elektronik . . Vordruck fr Bauartspezifikation Hochfrequenz - Koaxial - Steckverbinder, Serie SMCI . ;, . Copyright . c A- .-e- -_. - -_ -. . Users of-British Standards are reminded that copyright su

3、bsisis in - ell BSI publications. No part of this publication may be reproduced In any form without the prior;perrnssion in ?riking of BSI. . r This does nQt prscltiila the free use, in the ;ourse of implemenBritish Standar BS CECC 22000 : 1980 Ihrmonized system of quality assessment for electronic

4、components : Generic specification : Radio frequency coaxial connectors (Identical) ES cmc 22110 : 1983 -0aea system of quality assessment QE electronic components : Sectional specification : Radio frequency coaxial connectors : Series SMA (Identical) The Technical Committee has reviewed the provisi

5、ons of fEcl69-1.5, to which reference is made in the text, and has decided that they are acceptable fox use in conjunction with this standard. A related British Standard to IM= 169-15 : 1979 is BS 9210 NO006 *Detail specification for radio frequency connectors of assessed quality* Paz+ 1 : 1978 *ROB

6、. coaxial connectors series SMA, unseaLed, soldered 5Oohm full assessment level!. This standard lists the rat-, characteristics and inspection requirements which shall be included as mandatory requirements in accordance with BS CECC 22110. Detail saecification layout. of this specification and the p

7、rovisions of BS 9000, the former shall take precedence except the front page layout will be in accordance with BS 9000 Circular Letter No i5 revised April 1981. In the event of conflict between the requirements BSI BS*CECC 221iLL 83 lb24669 0124790 = . CECC SPECIFICATION SYSTEM for R. F. Connectors

8、CECC 22 O00 GENERIC SPECIFICATION * Scope * General * Quaiity assessment procedures * Test and measurement procedures .i -22 120. SECTIONAL SPECIFICATION (SERJES BNC) I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I -1 I i- CECC 22 121 BLANK DETAIL SPECIFICATION I I I I I I I c CECC 22 121-001 DETAIL SPECIFICATION j 4

9、 I CECC 22 111-001 DETAIL SPE CIFICATIQN r - I I I I SECTIONAL SP ECIFTCATION (CONNECTOR SERIES SMA) * Drawings - mating face drawings for standard test connectors, general-purpose connectors and applicable gauges. * Standard conditions for testing * Qualification approval tests * Lot-by-lot tests *

10、 Periodic tests 1- -. CECC 22 111 BLANK DETAIL SPECIFEATION * Pro-forma for preparation of detail specifications CECC 22 111-002 DETAIL SPECIFICATION (Connector STYLE . . . ) * Description of style * Details of any variants, appropriate cables, etc. * Outline drawing(s) * Assessment level(s) * Ratin

11、gs (including limiting conditions * Test requirements of use) and characteristics -3 I I l I i V CECC 52 130 SECTIONAL SPECIFICATION (SERTES SMB) I- f. CECC 22 131 BLANK DETAIL SPE CIFICATTQN I I I I I I I CECC Y2 131-001 DETAIL + k SPECIFICATION NOTE: A detail specification is a completed blank det

12、ail specification CECC 22 111 Issue 1 Keg for owe 2 I The numbers between square brackets on page 5 corresaond to the fellowiag indications which should be gl ven: Identificatior, of the detail soecification til The name(5) of the National Standazds Orgdzation under whose authority the detail specif

13、ication is drfked. The CECC Symbol and the number of the CECC blank detail syec4fPcatisra CXCC 22 I11 followed by the number &lotted to the nationd detail specification by the CXCC General Secretaiat. rzi : 31 The number and issue number of the national generic specification and sectional specificat

14、ion. i41 The national number of the detail specification, date of issue md any further infornation requLced by the national system together with any amendment numbers, if issued. Identification of comoonent .Is1 Enter the following details: -: S tvle The method of cable/wire attachment to the centre

15、 and outer conductor - by deletion of inapplicable options giveno Saecia Features & Markinas.: Example: Fitted with both - Mass : The style designation qr model number of %he connector. panel and barrier seals. The maximum mass in grams, rounded upwards to the nearest whole number. If several varian

16、ts (having differing mess) are included, list the maximum mass of each variant separately, 61 Enter details of assessment level and climatic categoryc 7 1 An outline drawing and panel piercing details shall be provided. The outline drawing shall provide maximum envelope dimensions of the relevant bo

17、dy style and in the case of a fixed connector the position of the mounting plane(s) relative to the front facs of the connector. InTormation shall be given in the places indicated concerning the international document(c) - CECC 22 110 and IEC 169-15 - ta which the interface dimension an the outline

18、dimensions comply, together with any maximum panel thickness limitations for fixed connectors. -3- CECC 22 111 Issue 1 BsI BS*cECC 22131 83 W 3b24bbq 0324792 1 - L Other ixomticn to ja Aven .i.n the detail scecificakf-z al Particulars of all variants covered by the detail specification, Where approp

19、riate, the information Jhall include: - cable types (or sizes) applicable to each variant. - alternative plated or protective finishes. - details of alternative mounting flanges having either tapped - details of alternative solder spills or solder buckets for or plain mounting holes. microwave compo

20、nent-mounting styles. 91 Performance data listing the most important characteristics et the connector in accordance with the requirements of 3.1 of CECC 22 110. Deviations frcm the recommended requirements listed shall be clearly indicated. marked na, Non-applicable parameters shall be ria1 Suppleme

21、ntary information in accordance with the following requirements. - marking (see 2.4 of CECC 22 000) - marking and contents of package (see 2.5 and 2,a.l of - ordering information (see 2.6 of CECC 22 000) - related docurnen.ts (additional to those listed). - requirements for certified test records (s

22、ee 3.7 of CECC 22 OQ0). - structural similarity (see 3.2 and 3.4 of CECC 22 000). CECC 22 000) ill The applicable tests for Quality Conformance Inspection and Qualification Approval shall be entered in the spacss provided. The details provided in Section 5.1 of CECC 22 110 indicate the mandatory tes

23、ts required for Levels H and U, together with the approptiate Acceptable Quality (AQL) and Inspection (IL) levels, . As indicated Level U represent8 the lowest possible levei of quality assessment for Series SMA within the CECC System. Assessment levels intermediate between levels U and H or of gree

24、ter severity than level H may be created by the introduction of tightened sampling plans. to the capabilities of the relevant connector shell be entered, Performance requirements approprh%a -4- CECC 22 111 Issue 1 - BSI ES*CECC 22111 83 W 1b24bb 0124793 3 W -. il ELECTRONIC COMPONENT OF ASSESSED 31

25、QUUITY IN ACCORDAYCE WITH GENERIC SPECIFICATION u1 dzz- a. 41 1 issue CECC 22 111 - I SECLZONAL SPECIFICA“i7ON I I 51 DETAIL SPECIFICATION for RADIO FREQUENCY COAXIAL CONNECTOR OF ASSESSED QUALITY: SERIES 1 Style: . Special Features & Mvlarking: Method of cable/wire* attaxnent: centxe conductor - so

26、ider/crimp* . : outer conductor - solder/ciamp/crimp* . . SI Assessment level . Characteristic Impedance 50R Climatic category: / . / . 71 Outline and maximum dimensions Panel piercing and mounting details Fu mMlng imorira dlmmr(om and position of rdowna plane II. CECC 22 110 Maximum puH( thid:.Mil

27、Outn conductor continuity Insulitlm rnistance + Proof Voltaaa at u. 1W.l -01 . I“. “ . . I . .,., k V . . S.“ . . . “. 1“1 + Proof Voltaqe at 90 km Iltitude -01 . I . . , . . . . .I . -01 + Working Volhq. at ld. 1w.l . . I. . “. “ . . . . v 44 mbar (4,4 kPa) “ v “ . . 860 to 1060 mbw (86 to 1C6 kPa)

28、 4 Working Valtago It PO krn aitituda -01 . . I . . . I. a“ -01 I .- d4 mber 4,4 koa) . zt G . . . *. Scrnning effiCtivan+ir 4.4.8 - . . . .* - . . *. . . . ADDITIONAL ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTlCS , . . . . “ .-,. . - .- - - . -_ , il -,. . . . I. a . -*. :,. PROCEDURES Quaiitv Conformanca Inwutidn .

29、This shall consist of Tesi Groups A.t and BI. 0n.a IOt-by.iOt bnis and C1 on a Periodic basis. QuaIHlcation Aoroval and in Maintanine. 1 . :. - * * a L. This shall consist of rhrH conautivalots &Ins TnbGrouDs Al Knd E1 fallowd by sd.lon of =imans from iota as aporoprlat!. Thuaxaprcimen? shall sucnrt

30、ully pars tha sp.eifiw oniodic C! on? O ram. - . * : . , _. . . -L . . -. ._ - NOTES $ I for Qualiflcatidn Abproval IQA) e tola1 of 2 faiiurn Isf i d.Hructka tat - cprimens ir shall not ba raturnad to stock. IL - Inaoutlon Lwei .- Onlvcarminmd. I,. . AQL - ACCaotibie aualify Lwai - ,- . .c ._ CECCZZ 111 issue 1 .i

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