BS DD ISO TS 13399-150-2009 Cutting tool data representation and exchange - Usage guidelines《切削工具数据表示和交换 使用指南》.pdf

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1、DD ISO/TS13399-150:2008ICS 25.100.01; 35.240.50NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWDRAFT FOR DEVELOPMENTCutting tool datarepresentation andexchangePart 150: Usage guidelinesThis Draft for Developmentwas published under theauthority of the StandardsPolicy and Strateg

2、yCommittee on 28 February2009 BSI 2009ISBN 978 0 580 64782 6Amendments/corrigenda issued since publicationDate CommentsDD ISO/TS 13399-150:2008National forewordThis Draft for Development is the UK implementation of ISO/TS13399-150:2008.This publication is not to be regarded as a British Standard.It

3、is being issued in the Draft for Development series of publications andis of a provisional nature. It should be applied on this provisional basis,so that information and experience of its practical application can beobtained.Comments arising from the use of this Draft for Development arerequested so

4、 that UK experience can be reported to the internationalorganization responsible for its conversion to an international standard.A review of this publication will be initiated not later than 3 years afterits publication by the international organization so that a decision can betaken on its status.

5、Notification of the start of the review period will bemade in an announcement in the appropriate issue of Update Standards.According to the replies received by the end of the review period,the responsible BSI Committee will decide whether to support theconversion into an international Standard, to e

6、xtend the life of theTechnical Specification or to withdraw it. Comments should be sent tothe Secretary of the responsible BSI Technical Committee at BritishStandards House, 389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL.The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to TechnicalCommittee MTE/18, Tool

7、s tips and inserts for cutting applications.A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained onrequest to its secretary.This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisionsof a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.Compliance with a Bri

8、tish Standard cannot confer immunityfrom legal obligations.Reference numberISO/TS 13399-150:2008(E)ISO 2008TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ISO/TS13399-150First edition2008-12-01Cutting tool data representation and exchange Part 150: Usage guidelines Reprsentation et change des donnes relatives aux outils co

9、upants Partie 150: Lignes directrices dutilisation ISO/TS 13399-150:2008(E) PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobes licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and

10、installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobes licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area. Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Details of the software

11、products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is fou

12、nd, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below. COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ISO 2008 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and mic

13、rofilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web Published in Switzerland ii ISO

14、2008 All rights reservedDD ISO/TS 13399-150:2008ISO/TS 13399-150:2008(E) ISO 2008 All rights reserved iiiContents Page Foreword vi 1 Scope1 2 Normative references1 3 Usage guidelines .1 3.1 Legend1 3.2 Fundamental assumptions.2 3.2.1 Item representation .2 3.2.2 Reference data library.2 3.3 Represen

15、ting basic item information3 3.3.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 3 3.3.2 Representation 3 3.3.3 ISO 10303-21 example.5 3.4 Representing information in multiple languages.5 3.4.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 5 3.4.2 Representation 5 3.4.3 ISO 10303-21 example.6 3.5 Representing perso

16、n and organization.7 3.5.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 7 3.5.2 Representation 7 3.5.3 ISO 10303-21 example.8 3.6 Representing a classification based on P-Lib8 3.6.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 8 3.6.2 Representation 8 3.6.3 ISO 10303-21 example.10 3.7 Representing a classificatio

17、n based on a general external library10 3.7.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 10 3.7.2 Representation 10 3.7.3 ISO 10303-21 example.12 3.8 Representing a classification without external references.12 3.8.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 12 3.8.2 Representation 12 3.8.3 ISO 10303-21 exam

18、ple.13 3.9 Representing classification relationships 14 3.9.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 14 3.9.2 Representation 14 3.9.3 ISO 10303-21 example.15 3.10 Representing ownership of classifications 15 3.10.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 15 3.10.2 Representation 16 3.10.3 ISO 10303-21

19、example.17 3.11 Representing a property based on P-Lib17 3.11.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 17 3.11.2 Representation 18 3.11.3 ISO 10303-21 example.20 3.12 Representing a property based on a general external library 20 3.12.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 20 3.12.2 Representation 2

20、0 3.12.3 ISO 10303-21 example.21 3.13 Representing a property without external references.22 3.13.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 22 3.13.2 Representation 22 3.13.3 ISO 10303-21 example.23 DD ISO/TS 13399-150:2008ISO/TS 13399-150:2008(E) iv ISO 2008 All rights reserved3.14 Representing prope

21、rty values24 3.14.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 24 3.14.2 Representation.24 3.14.3 ISO 10303-21 example .26 3.15 Representing property value lists27 3.15.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 27 3.15.2 Representation.27 3.15.3 ISO 10303-21 example .28 3.16 Representing property value lim

22、itations.29 3.16.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 29 3.16.2 Representation.29 3.16.3 ISO 10303-21 example .31 3.17 Representing property value relationships based on P-Lib .32 3.17.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 32 3.17.2 Representation.32 3.17.3 ISO 10303-21 example .33 3.18 Represe

23、nting property versions 34 3.18.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 34 3.18.2 Representation.34 3.18.3 ISO 10303-21 example .35 3.19 Representing alias identification .35 3.19.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 35 3.19.2 Representation.35 3.19.3 ISO 10303-21 example .36 3.20 Representing as

24、sembly structure (Bill of Material)37 3.20.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 37 3.20.2 Representation.37 3.20.3 ISO 10303-21 example .38 3.21 Representing mating structure 39 3.21.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 39 3.21.2 Representation.39 3.21.3 ISO 10303-21 example .41 3.22 Represent

25、ing relationships between different versions of an item .42 3.22.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 42 3.22.2 Representation.42 3.22.3 ISO 10303-21 example .43 3.23 Representing derived relationship between different item_versions 43 3.23.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 43 3.23.2 Repres

26、entation.43 3.23.3 ISO 10303-21 example .45 3.24 Representing supplied relationship between different item_versions 45 3.24.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 45 3.24.2 Representation.45 3.24.3 ISO 10303-21 example .46 3.25 Representing multiple views or functions 47 3.25.1 Required cutting_too

27、l_schema entities 47 3.25.2 Representation.47 3.25.3 ISO 10303-21 example .49 3.26 Representing effectivity 50 3.26.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 50 3.26.2 Representation.50 3.26.3 ISO 10303-21 example .51 3.27 Representing effectivity relationships.51 3.27.1 Required cutting_tool_schema e

28、ntities 51 3.27.2 Representation.51 3.27.3 ISO 10303-21 example .53 3.28 Representing compatible relationship between items 53 3.28.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 53 3.28.2 Representation.53 3.28.3 ISO 10303-21 example .55 DD ISO/TS 13399-150:2008ISO/TS 13399-150:2008(E) ISO 2008 All rights

29、 reserved v3.29 Representing substitutable relationship between items.55 3.29.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 55 3.29.2 Representation 55 3.29.3 ISO 10303-21 example.57 3.30 Representing digital documents57 3.30.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 57 3.30.2 Representation 58 3.30.3 ISO 1

30、0303-21 example.59 3.31 Representing DMU structures with 3D models 59 3.31.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 59 3.31.2 Representation 60 3.31.3 ISO 10303-21 example.61 3.32 Representing DMU structures with 2D models 62 3.32.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 62 3.32.2 Representation 62 3.

31、32.3 ISO 10303-21 example.64 3.33 Representing external models as 3D 65 3.33.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 65 3.33.2 Representation 65 3.33.3 ISO 10303-21 example.66 3.34 Representing external model as 2D 66 3.34.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 66 3.34.2 Representation 67 3.34.3 IS

32、O 10303-21 example.68 3.35 Representing physical items68 3.35.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 68 3.35.2 Representation 69 3.35.3 ISO 10303-21 example.70 3.36 Representing physical items based on an item .70 3.36.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 70 3.36.2 Representation 71 3.36.3 ISO 1

33、0303-21 example.72 3.37 Representing realized item definition relationship72 3.37.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 72 3.37.2 Representation 73 3.37.3 ISO 10303-21 example.74 3.38 Representing physical item structures.74 3.38.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 74 3.38.2 Representation 74

34、3.38.3 ISO 10303-21 example.75 3.39 Representing work piece feature.76 3.39.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 76 3.39.2 Representation 76 3.39.3 ISO 10303-21 example.77 3.40 Representing grade.77 3.40.1 Required cutting_tool_schema entities 77 3.40.2 Representation 77 3.40.3 ISO 10303-21 examp

35、le.79 Annex A (informative) Complete ISO 10303-21 file of the examples .80 DD ISO/TS 13399-150:2008ISO/TS 13399-150:2008(E) vi ISO 2008 All rights reservedForeword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The

36、 work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-gove

37、rnmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. T

38、he main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vot

39、e. In other circumstances, particularly when there is an urgent market requirement for such documents, a technical committee may decide to publish other types of document: an ISO Publicly Available Specification (ISO/PAS) represents an agreement between technical experts in an ISO working group and

40、is accepted for publication if it is approved by more than 50 % of the members of the parent committee casting a vote; an ISO Technical Specification (ISO/TS) represents an agreement between the members of a technical committee and is accepted for publication if it is approved by 2/3 of the members

41、of the committee casting a vote. An ISO/PAS or ISO/TS is reviewed after three years in order to decide whether it will be confirmed for a further three years, revised to become an International Standard, or withdrawn. If the ISO/PAS or ISO/TS is confirmed, it is reviewed again after a further three

42、years, at which time it must either be transformed into an International Standard or be withdrawn. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. IS

43、O/TS 13399-150 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 29, Small tools. ISO 13399 consists of the following parts, under the general title Cutting tool data representation and exchange: Part 1: Overview, fundamental principles and general information model Part 2: Reference dictionary for the cut

44、ting items Technical Specification Part 3: Reference dictionary for tool items Technical Specification Part 4: Reference dictionary for adaptive items Technical Specification Part 5: Reference dictionary for assembly items Technical Specification Part 50: Reference dictionary for reference systems a

45、nd common concepts Technical Specification Part 60: Reference dictionary for connection systems Technical Specification Part 100: Definitions, principles and methods for reference dictionaries Technical Specification Part 150: Usage guidelines Technical Specification DD ISO/TS 13399-150:2008TECHNICA

46、L SPECIFICATION ISO/TS 13399-150:2008(E) ISO 2008 All rights reserved 1Cutting tool data representation and exchange Part 150: Usage guidelines 1 Scope This part of ISO 13399 gives guidelines for the application of ISO 13399 as a whole, including guidance on the instantiation of the EXPRESS schema a

47、s described in ISO 13399-1, and the use of the reference data described in ISO/TS 13399-2, ISO/TS 13399-3, ISO/TS 13399-4, ISO/TS 13399-5, ISO/TS 13399-50 and ISO/TS 13399-60. This part of ISO 13399 does not define the terms and properties for cutting items, tool items, adaptive items assembly items

48、, reference systems or common features and connection systems. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document

49、 (including any amendments) applies. ISO 639-2, Codes for the representation of names of languages Part 2: Alpha-3 code ISO 3166-1, Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions Part 1: Country codes ISO 13584, Industrial automation systems and integration Parts library ISO 10303-21, Industrial automation systems and integration Product data representation and exchange Part 21: Implementation methods: Clear text encoding of the exchange structure 3 Usage guidelines This secti


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