BS EN 1773-1997 Textiles - Fabrics - Determination of width and length《纺织物 织物 幅宽和长度测定》.pdf

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BS EN 1773-1997 Textiles - Fabrics - Determination of width and length《纺织物 织物 幅宽和长度测定》.pdf_第1页
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BS EN 1773-1997 Textiles - Fabrics - Determination of width and length《纺织物 织物 幅宽和长度测定》.pdf_第2页
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BS EN 1773-1997 Textiles - Fabrics - Determination of width and length《纺织物 织物 幅宽和长度测定》.pdf_第3页
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BS EN 1773-1997 Textiles - Fabrics - Determination of width and length《纺织物 织物 幅宽和长度测定》.pdf_第4页
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BS EN 1773-1997 Textiles - Fabrics - Determination of width and length《纺织物 织物 幅宽和长度测定》.pdf_第5页
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1、| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | BRITISH STANDARD BS EN 1773 : 1997 The Eur

2、opean Standard EN 1773 : 1996 has the status of a British Standard ICS 59.080.30 NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW Textiles Fabrics Determination of width and lengthBS EN 1773 : 1997 This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Sector Bo

3、ard for Materials and Chemicals, was published under the authority of the Standards Board and comes into effect on 15 June 1997 BSI 1997 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference TCI/24 Draft for comment 94/111303 DC ISBN 0 580 27434 9 Amendments issued si

4、nce publication Amd. No. Date Text affected Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to Technical Committee TCI/24, Physical testing of textiles, upon which the following bodies were represented: Association of Consulting Scientists Asso

5、ciation of Suppliers to the British Clothing Industry British Apparel and Textile Confederation British Measurement and Testing Association British Polyolefin Textiles Association British Retail Consortium British Textile Machinery Association British Textile Technology Group British Throwsters Asso

6、ciation International Wool Secretariat Ministry of Defence Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain SATRA Footwear Technology Centre Soap and Detergent Industry Association Society of Dyers and Colourists Textile Finishers Association Textile Institute United Kingdom Accreditation ServiceBS EN

7、1773 : 1997 BSI 1997 i Contents Page Committees responsible Inside front cover National foreword ii Foreword 2 1 Scope 3 2 Normative references 3 3 Definitions 3 4 Principle 3 5 Sampling 3 6 Apparatus 3 7 Atmosphere for conditioning, testing and relaxation 3 8 Procedure 3 9 Calculation and expressio

8、n of results 4 10 Test report 4 Annex A (informative) Arrangement for conditioning, relaxing and measurement 5ii BSI 1997 BS EN 1773 : 1997 National foreword This British Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee TCI/24 and is the English language version of EN 1773 : 1996, Textiles Fabrics

9、Determination of width and length, published by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). It supersedes BS 1930 : 1990 and BS 1931 : 1968 which are withdrawn. NOTE. BS 1930 : 1990 and BS 1931 : 1968 were technically equivalent to ISO 3932 : 1976 and ISO 3933 respectively. Cross-references Pu

10、blication referred to Corresponding British Standard EN 20139 : 1992 BS EN 20139 : 1992 Textiles. Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing ISO 10012-1 : 1992 BS EN 30012 Quality assurance requirements for measuring equipment BS EN 30012-1 : 1993 Metrological confirmation system for measurin

11、g equipment Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii, the EN title page, pages 1 to 6, an inside back cover and a back cover.CEN European Committee for S

12、tandardization Comite Europe en de Normalisation Europa isches Komitee fu r Normung Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels 1996 Copyright reserved to CEN members Ref. No. EN 1773 : 1996 E EUROPEAN STANDARD EN 1773 NORME EUROPE ENNE EUROPA ISCHE NORM December 1996 ICS 59.080.30 Desc

13、riptors: Textiles, fabrics, tests, dimensional measurements, length, width English version Textiles Fabrics Determination of width and length Textiles Etoffes De termination de la largeur et de la longeur Textilien Textile Fla chengebilde Bestimmung der Breite und La nge This European Standard was a

14、pproved by CEN on 1996-11-25. CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national

15、standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member. This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notifie

16、d to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions. CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingd

17、om.Page 2 EN 1773 : 1996 BSI 1997 Foreword This European Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 248, Textiles and textile products, the Secretariat of which is held by BSI. This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identica

18、l text or by endorsement, at the latest by June 1997, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by June 1997. According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Au

19、stria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Annex A is informativePage 3 EN 1773 : 1996 BSI 1997 1 Scope This European Standard specifies a method for the determinati

20、on of length and width of textile fabrics that are in a tension-free relaxed state. The test is applicable to textile fabrics of full width, folded lengthwise down the middle, or in tubular form, but no longer than 100 m. This standard does not specify a method to determine or describe construction

21、defects or other defects. This standard is not applicable to coated fabrics. 2 Normative references This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications a

22、re listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incoroporated in it by amendment or revision. For dated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies. EN 20139 Textiles Stan

23、dard atmospheres for conditioning and testing (ISO 139 : 1973) ISO 10012-1 Quality assurance requirements for measuring equipment Part 1: Metrological confirmation system for measuring equipment 3 Definitions For the purposes of this standard, the following definitions apply. 3.1 length of piece The

24、 distance between the beginning and the end of the sample in the lengthwise or machine direction. 3.2 overall width of piece The distance between the outermost edges of the sample measured perpendicular to the longitudinal edges. 3.3 usable width of piece The width of the fabric excluding any selved

25、ge materials, marks, pin-holes or other non-homogeneous areas of the fabric. NOTE. For some end uses or specifications the usable width may be defined differently, as agreed between the interested parties. 4 Principle A sample of textile fabric, conditioned in the relaxed state in the standard atmos

26、phere for testing, is laid out on a smooth surface. A calibrated rule is used to determine the length and the width of the piece. For determination of the length of a sample it may be necessary to measure partial lengths. The total length of the sample then results from the sum of length of these pa

27、rtial lengths. 5 Sampling Samples shall be selected either in accordance with the procedure laid down in the material specification for the fabric or as agreed between the interested parties. 6 Apparatus 6.1 Calibrated rule, conforming to ISO 10012-1, and having a length greater than the width of th

28、e fabric, graduated in millimetres. 6.2 Measuring table having a smooth flat surface and a width and length greater than the fabric when placed for measuring. The table shall be at least 3 m in length to allow measuring of samples with a length greater than 2 m. Along the two longest parallel sides

29、of the table consecutive markers are placed at distances of 1 m 1 mm. The distance of the first marker from the nearest end of the table shall be 0,5 m to allow proper positioning of the sample. For long pieces to be measured in partial lengths the whole piece shall be placed on the table during the

30、 measurement of the individual length intervals (see annex A). 7 Atmosphere for conditioning, testing and relaxation The atmospheres for preconditioning, conditioning and testing shall be as specified in EN 20139. The fabric shall be conditioned and measured in the relaxed state. To ensure the relax

31、ed state, the sample shall be laid out, free of tension, either in its full width, folded down the middle along the length of fabric, or tubular, depending on the make up of the sample. NOTE. An illustration of handling of fabrics of great length is given in annex A. To ensure if the relaxed state i

32、s reached, place preliminary markers at two intervals along the fabric. The sample shall be considered adequately relaxed if the difference between length measurements at time intervals of 24 h is less than 0,25 %. If knitted fabrics are to be tested not as received but after special treatment this

33、shall be agreed by the interested parties and shall be stated in the test report. 8 Procedure 8.1 General The sample shall be laid out flat on the surface of the measuring table. The test shall be performed on the fabric as made up in full width or folded down the middle along the length of the fabr

34、ic or in tubular form. Avoid distortion of the fabric in its own plane.Page 4 EN 1773 : 1996 BSI 1997 8.2 Measuring the length of the sample 8.2.1 Samples shorter than 1 m Samples having a length of less than 1 m shall be measured by placing the rule (see 6.1) parallel to the longitudinal edges to t

35、he nearest millimetre. Repeat the procedure of measuring the full length of the sample three times at different places across the width of the fabric. 8.2.2 Samples longer than 1 m Mark the fabric at the edges. Place second markers at a distance of 1 m using the markers on the table as stated in 6.2

36、. Mark the entire sample in consecutive increments of 1 m. The residual length of less than 1 m is measured using the calibrated rule described in 6.1. The total length of the sample is the sum of the 1 m increments plus the residual length. Repeat the procedure three times with new marker strokes b

37、eing placed on the sample if necessary. The interested parties shall agree in advance whether the connecting strips at the beginning and the end of the sample are to be included in the length measurement. 8.3 Measuring the width of the sample The width of fabrics made up full width is the distance b

38、etween the outermost edges measured perpendicular to the edges. The width of a fabric folded vertical down the middle is double the distance from the folded edge to the congruently superimposed outer edges, measured perpendicular to the folded edge. If the outer edges are not superimposed congruentl

39、y, the measurement shall be made from the folded edge to the edge nearest to it. This shall be stated in the test report. The width of a fabric in tubular form is the distance from edge to edge measured perpendicular to the edges when the sample is positioned properly and the edges are kept flat. Me

40、asure the width of the sample distributed uniformly over the entire length of the sample. For: sample length up to 5 m: 5 determinations; sample length up to 20 m: 10 determinations; sample length greater than 20 m: at least 10 determinations at distances of 2 m. If the width of the fabrics is not t

41、o be measured as the overall width from edge to edge then the parties interested in the result shall agree on the definition of the usable width. This shall be stated in the test report. If the usable width is to be measured, then the measurements shall be made according to the overall width, but av

42、oiding any selvedge etc. described in 3.3. The usable width may be defined differently because of variations in weaving construction or because of special requirements for the manufacturing of garments or other made-up products. 9 Calculation and expression of results 9.1 Length of piece Calculate t

43、he arithmetic mean of the length of the sample in metre to the nearest centimetre. If required, calculate the coefficient of variation in percent to the nearest 1 % and the 95 % confidence limits to the nearest centimetre, or state the results of the individual measurements in metre to the nearest c

44、entimetre. 9.2 Width of piece Calculate the arithmetic mean of the width of the sample in metres to the nearest centimetre and, if required, the coefficient of variation in percent to the nearest 1 % and the 95 % confidence limits to the nearest centimetre. 10 Test report The test report shall inclu

45、de the following information. 10.1 General information a) The number and date of this standard and the date of test. b) Identification of the sample and sampling procedure. c) Configuration of the sample (made up full width, folded down in the middle along the length of the fabric, tubular form). St

46、ate, if the sample was tested after special treatment. d) Any deviation from the given procedure. 10.2 Length of sample a) Arithmetic mean of the length, in metres. b) If required, the coefficient of variation, in percent, and the 95 % confidence limits, in metres, or the results of the individual m

47、easurements, in metres. c) State if the length of the edges varies, e.g. because of stretching of one edge and if connecting strips are included in the measurement. 10.3 Width of sample a) State if the width is measured as overall width or as usable width or as some other defined and agreed width. b

48、) Arithmetric mean of the width, in metres. c) If required, the coefficient of variation, in percent, and the 95 % confidence limits, in metres. d) The minimum width, in metres.Page 5 EN 1773 : 1996 BSI 1997 Figure A.1 Loose-folding Figure A.2 Cuttle-folding Annex A (informative) Arrangement for con

49、ditioning, relaxing and measurement A convenient and effective method of arranging a long piece of fabric for conditioning so that it is free from applied tension and is well exposed to the conditioning atmosphere is to unroll the piece and lay it in loose corrugated folds of suitable size. (See figure A.1.) During marking and measuring, it is essential that the piece of fabric whose width is being determined should be free from tension as it lies on the measuring table. To achieve this, it has been found convenient to cuttle-fold (se

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