BS EN 14465-2004 Textiles - Upholstery fabrics - Specification and methods of test《纺织品 家具装饰织物 规范和试验方法》.pdf

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BS EN 14465-2004 Textiles - Upholstery fabrics - Specification and methods of test《纺织品 家具装饰织物 规范和试验方法》.pdf_第1页
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BS EN 14465-2004 Textiles - Upholstery fabrics - Specification and methods of test《纺织品 家具装饰织物 规范和试验方法》.pdf_第2页
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BS EN 14465-2004 Textiles - Upholstery fabrics - Specification and methods of test《纺织品 家具装饰织物 规范和试验方法》.pdf_第3页
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BS EN 14465-2004 Textiles - Upholstery fabrics - Specification and methods of test《纺织品 家具装饰织物 规范和试验方法》.pdf_第4页
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BS EN 14465-2004 Textiles - Upholstery fabrics - Specification and methods of test《纺织品 家具装饰织物 规范和试验方法》.pdf_第5页
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1、BRITISH STANDARD BS EN 14465:2003 Incorporating corrigendum no. 1 and amendment no. 1 Textiles Upholstery fabrics Specification and methods of test The European Standard EN 14465:2003, incorporating amendment A1:2006, has the status of a British Standard ICS 59.080.30; 97.140 BS EN 14465:2003 This B

2、ritish Standard was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 17 February 2004 BSI 2007 ISBN 978 0 580 61016 5 National foreword This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 14465:2003, incorporating amendment A1:2006. It supersedes BS 2543:1995 which is

3、 withdrawn. The start and finish of text introduced or altered by amendment is indicated in the text by tags !“. Tags indicating changes to CEN text carry the number of the CEN amendment. For example, text altered by CEN amendment A1 is indicated by !“. The UK participation in its preparation was en

4、trusted to Technical Committee TCI/72, Furnishing fabrics. A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. Co

5、mpliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations. In particular, attention is drawn to: Statutory Instrument 1986 No. 26, The Textile Products (Indications of Fibre Content) Regulations 1986; Statutory Instrument 1988 No. 1324, The Furniture and Furnishings (Fire) (Safe

6、ty) Regulations 1988; Statutory Instrument 1989 No. 2358, The Furniture and Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) (Amendment) Regulations 1989 and; Statutory Instrument 1993 No. 207, The Furniture and Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) (Amendment) Regulations 1989. Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. Date C

7、omments 15130 Corrigendum No. 1 16 April 2004 Correction to national foreword 17540 31 December 2007 See national forewordEUROPEANSTANDARD NORMEEUROPENNE EUROPISCHENORM EN14465 December2003 ICS59.080.30;97.140 Englishversion TextilesUpholsteryfabricsSpecificationandmethodsoftest TextilesEtoffespoura

8、meublementSpcificationet mthodesdessai TextilienMbelstoffeSpezifikationundPrfverfahren ThisEuropeanStandardwasapprovedbyCENon3November2003. CENmembersareboundtocomplywiththeCEN/CENELECInternalRegulationswhichstipulatetheconditionsforgivingthisEurope an Standardthestatusofanationalstandardwithoutanya

9、lteration.Uptodatelistsandbibliographicalreferencesconcernings uchnational standardsmaybeobtainedonapplicationtotheManagementCentreortoanyCENmember. ThisEuropeanStandardexistsinthreeofficialversions(English,French,German).Aversioninanyotherlanguagemadebytra nslation undertheresponsibilityofaCENmembe

10、rintoitsownlanguageandnotifiedtotheManagementCentrehasthesamestatusasthe official versions. CENmembersarethenationalstandardsbodiesofAustria,Belgium,CzechRepublic,Denmark,Finland,France,Germany,Greece, Hungary,Iceland,Ireland,Italy,Luxembourg,Malta,Netherlands,Norway,Portugal,Slovakia,Spain,Sweden,S

11、witzerlandandUn ited Kingdom. EUROPEANCOMMITTEEFORSTANDARDIZATION COMITEUROPENDENORMALISATION EUROPISCHESKOMITEEFRNORMUNG ManagementCentre:ruedeStassart,36B1050Brussels 2003CEN Allrightsofexploitationinanyformandbyanymeansreserved worldwideforCENnationalMembers. Ref.No.EN14465:2003E + A1 June 2006EN

12、14465:2003(E) 2 Contents page Foreword. 3 Introduction 4 1 Scope . 5 2 Normativereferences . 5 3 Termsanddefinitions. 6 4 Requirements 6 5 AnnexA (normative) AbrasionresistanceDeterminationofspecimenbreakdown. 10 AnnexB (informative) Bibliography . 24 Presentationoftest resultsandclassification 9 Te

13、streport. 16EN14465:2003(E) 3 Foreword Thisdocument(EN14465:2003)hasbeenpreparedbyTechnicalCommitteeCEN/TC248“Textilesand textileproducts”,thesecretariatofwhichisheldbyBSI. ThisEuropeanStandardshallbegiventhestatusofanationalstandard,eitherbypublicationofanidentical textorbyendorsement,atthelatestby

14、June2004,andconflictingnationalstandardsshallbewithdrawnat thelatestbyJune2004. AnnexAisnormative.AnnexesBandCareinformative. ThisdocumentincludesaBibliography. AccordingtotheCEN/CENELECInternalRegulations,thenationalstandardsorganizationsofthefollowing countriesareboundtoimplementthisEuropeanStanda

15、rd:Austria,Belgium,CzechRepublic,Denmark, Finland,France,Germany,Greece,Hungary,Iceland,Ireland,Italy,Luxembourg,Malta,Netherlands, Norway,Portugal,Slovakia,Spain,Sweden,SwitzerlandandtheUnitedKingdom. Foreword to amendment A1 This document (EN 14465:2003/A1:2006) has been prepared by Technical Comm

16、ittee CEN/TC 248 “Textiles and textile products”, the secretariat of which is held by BSI. This Amendment to the European Standard EN 14465:2003 shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by December 2006, and conflic

17、ting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by December 2006. According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Fin

18、land, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. EN14465:2003(E) 4 Introduction Theassessmentofupholsteryfabricsisacomplicatedtask.

19、Thereisamultitudeofexperimentaldata available,butinterlaboratorytestingshowsalargescatteringoftestresults,inparticularforabrasiontesting, thusleadingtoimportantdifferencesinqualityperception.Furthermorethecorrelationbetweenlaboratory testingandactualwearbehaviourinpracticeisnotverywellestablished. T

20、hisEuropeanStandardalsointroducesasystemofcategories.Itisnotpossibletodivideupholsteryfabrics intojustafewperformanceclasses,becauseoftheenormousvarietyofconditionsofuse.Alsothetypeof upholstery(firmorsoft)influencestheabrasionoftheupholsteryfabricandhencetherequirementstothe abrasionresistance.Ther

21、eisforexampleatremendousdifferencebetweenfurnitureusedinaroomwithout windowsandfurniturewhichisdirectlyexposedtosunlight,orbetweenfurnitureusedbyelderpeopleand furnitureusedbyafamilywithsmallchildren.Thesedifferencesinconditionsandseverityofusenecessitate aflexibleapproach.Thisisdonebydefininganumbe

22、rofcategoriesforeachproperty.Thisallowstochoose theappropriatecategoryforeachparameterandsotocomposea“productprofile“,adaptedtoeachspecific typeofuse.Thismeansthathighresistancetoabrasioncanbecombinedwithforexamplelowcolour fastness.Duetotheinterrelationofsomeparametershowever,notallcombinationswill

23、bepossible.The categorizationsystemshouldabsolutelynotbeinterpretedasifanupholsteryfabricneedstoberated“A“for allpropertiesinordertoobtainan“A“category.EN14465:2003(E) 5 1Scope Thisstandardspecifiesasetofpropertiesrelevanttotheassessmentofupholsteryfabricsforindoorfurniture andtheappropriatetestmeth

24、odstodeterminetheseproperties.Italsodescribesamatrixsystemtoexpress thematerialpropertiesofanupholsteryfabric. Thisstandardappliestoupholsteryfabricsbothindomesticandpublicuse,exceptwhenusedfortheseatsof roadorrailwayvehicles,boatsoraeroplanes. Thisstandarddoesnotapplytoupholsteryfabricswithacoating

25、onthewearface. 2 Normativereferences ThisEuropeanStandardincorporatesbydatedorundatedreference,provisionsfromotherpublications. Thesenormativereferencesarecitedattheappropriateplacesinthetext,andthepublicationsarelisted hereafter.Fordatedreferences,subsequentamendmentstoorrevisionsofanyofthesepublic

26、ationsapplyto thisEuropeanStandardonlywhenincorporatedinitbyamendmentorrevision.Forundatedreferencesthe latesteditionofthepublicationreferredtoapplies(includingamendments). ENISO105B02:1999 TextilesTestsforcolourfastnessPartB02:Colourfastnesstoartificial light:Xenonarcfadinglamptest(ISO105B02:1994,i

27、ncludingamendment 1:1998). ENISO105C06 TextilesTestsforcolourfastnessPartC06:Colourfastnesstodomestic andcommerciallaundering(ISO105C06:1994). ENISO105D01 TextilesTestsforcolourfastnessPartD01:Colourfastnesstodry cleaning(ISO105D01:1993). ENISO105E01 TextilesTestsforcolourfastnessPartE01:Colourfastn

28、esstowater(ISO 105E01:1994). ENISO105X12 TextilesTestsforcolourfastnessPartX12:Colourfastnesstorubbing (ISO105X12:2001). ENISO6330 TextilesDomesticwashinganddryingproceduresfortextiletesting(ISO 6330:2000). ENISO129452 TextilesDeterminationoffabricpropensitytosurfacefuzzingandtopilling Part2:Modifie

29、dMartindalemethod(ISO129452:2000). ENISO129471 TextilesDeterminationoftheabrasionresistanceoffabricsbythe MartindalemethodPart1:Martindaleabrasiontestingapparatus(ISO 129471:1998). ENISO129472:1998 TextilesDeterminationoftheabrasionresistanceoffabricsbythe MartindalemethodPart2:Determinationofspecim

30、enbreakdown(ISO 129472:1998). ENISO139341 TextilesTensilepropertiesoffabricsPart1:Determinationofmaximum forceandelongationatmaximumforceusingthestripmethod(ISO13934 1:1999). !EN ISO 13936-2 Textiles - Determination of the slippage resistance of yarns at a seam in woven fabrics - Part 2: Fixed load

31、method (ISO 13936-2:2004).“ EN14465:2003(E) 6 ENISO139373 TextilesTearpropertiesoffabricsPart3:Determinationoftearforceof wingshapedtestspecimens(Singletearmethod)(ISO139373:2000). ISO5077 TextilesDeterminationofdimensionalchangeinwashinganddrying. 3 Termsanddefinitions ForthepurposesofthisEuropeanS

32、tandard,thefollowingtermsanddefinitionsapply. 3.2 chenillefabric wovenfabriccontainingachenilleyarninwarpand/orweft 3.4.1 uncutpilefabric pilefabricwithclosedpileloops,e.g.epingl 3.4.2 cutpilefabric pilefabricwithcutpileloops,e.g.velvetlikeorvelours 3.5 flockedfabric fabricwherethepile(flock)isfixed

33、ontoatextilesubstrate 4Requirements UpholsteryfabricsshallmeettherequirementsofTable1infunctionoftheirconstructiontypeandin correspondencewiththeperformanceprofileclaimedbythemanufacturerorrequiredbytheusersproduct specification.ThelevelsindicatedbyshadedboxesinTable1arenotapplicable,e.g.acolourfast

34、nessto lightlessthan4isconsideredinsufficient. !3.1 flat woven fabric woven fabric with warp threads and weft threads crossing at right angles“ !3.3 knitted fabric fabric produced from threads by looping. NOTE Knitted fabrics are divided into weft and warp-knitted fabrics 3.4 pile fabric fabric whic

35、h, in addition to the ground thread systems, includes a third thread system forming the pile“ !3.6 nonwoven fabric fabric with ultrafine fibres being mechanically, thermally or chemically bound with each other and thus forming a chamois-like surface 3.7 raised fabric fabric having a surface with a n

36、ap finish, e.g. a brushed surface“ EN14465:2003(E) 7 NOTEAmaterialprofileiscomposedofthedifferentcategoriesobtainedforeachoftheproperties,i.e.thecategory columnsinTable1shouldnotbeunderstoodasifafabrichastomeetorexceedalltherequirementsspecifiedinthefirst column(bestperformance)tobequalifiedasafirst

37、classproduct.Thematerialprofileismerelyawayofexpressing propertiesincategoriesratherthaninfigures.Hencethesecategoriescanvaryforthedifferentproperties,e.g.afabric canobtainacertaincategoryfortensilestrengthandatotallydifferentcategoryforseamslippage. Ifadditionalpropertiesareclaimedbythemanufacturer

38、orrequiredbytheusersproductspecification,test resultsshallbeprovidedbasedonthetestmethodsspecifiedinthisstandard(seeoptionalpropertiesinTable 2). DetachablecoversshallmeettherequirementsspecifiedinTable3withregardtocolourfastnessand dimensionalstabilityafterwashingordrycleaninginaccordancewiththeman

39、ufacturersinformation.EN14465:2003(E) 8 Table1Materialproperties !Property Test Method Units Performance levelA B C D E Tensile strength a) EN ISO 13934-1 N 600 400 350 250 Tear strength a) EN ISO 13937-3 N 40 30 25 20 15 Seam slippage a) EN ISO 13936-2 mm 4 6 8 a) these properties shall be determin

40、ed for all fabrics except for knitted fabrics and nonwovens Bursting strength b) EN ISO 13938 1 kPa 600 400 200 b) this property shall be determined only for knitted fabrics and nonwovens; a diaphragm of 50 cm and a volume increase of 100 cm/min shall be used see Annex A of this EN: flat woven fabri

41、cs 35 12-30 4-10 chenille fabrics 35 12-30 4-10 knitted fabrics 35 12-30 4-10 cut pile fabrics 45 25-40 10-20 uncut pile fabrics 45 25-40 10-20 flock 45 25-40 10-20 nonwovens 45 25-40 10-20 Abrasion resistance raised fabrics rubs (x 1 000) 35 12-30 4-10 Pilling resistance c) EN ISO 12945-2 after 2 0

42、00 rubs grade 1 to 5 4-5 4 3-4 3 c) this property shall be determined for flat woven fabrics, knitted fabrics (without pile), uncut pile fabrics and nonwovens; the standard wool abradant (as described in EN ISO 12947-1) shall be used and the performance level shall be determined after 2 000 rubs, bu

43、t the test shall be continued to 5 000 rubs and the rating (on the scale of 1 to 5) at that point shall also be reported. The test result at 5 000 rubs is purely informative; Colour fastness to light d) EN ISO 105 B02 (method 2) e) grade 1 to 8 6 5 4 Colour fastness to rubbing (dry) EN ISO 105 X12 g

44、rade 1 to 5 4-5 4 3-4 Colour fastness to rubbing (wet)EN ISO 105 X12 grade 1 to 5 3-4 3 2-3 d) an allowance of scale point is made for light colours; e) method 3 may be used for quality control purposes. “EN14465:2003(E) 9 Table2Optionalmaterialproperties Property Testmethod Units Performancelevel AB Colourfastnesstowater ENISO105E01 changein colour staining grade 1to5 4 34 34 3 Table3Additionalmaterialpropertiesfordetachablecovers a Property Testmethod Units Performance level Remark AB Colourfastnessto handwashing ENISO105 C06A2S changein colour staining

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