BS EN 29104-1991 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits - Methods of evaluating the performance of electromagnetic flow-meters for liquids《封闭管道中液体流量测量 液体电磁流量计性能评定方法》.pdf

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BS EN 29104-1991 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits - Methods of evaluating the performance of electromagnetic flow-meters for liquids《封闭管道中液体流量测量 液体电磁流量计性能评定方法》.pdf_第1页
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BS EN 29104-1991 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits - Methods of evaluating the performance of electromagnetic flow-meters for liquids《封闭管道中液体流量测量 液体电磁流量计性能评定方法》.pdf_第2页
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BS EN 29104-1991 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits - Methods of evaluating the performance of electromagnetic flow-meters for liquids《封闭管道中液体流量测量 液体电磁流量计性能评定方法》.pdf_第3页
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BS EN 29104-1991 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits - Methods of evaluating the performance of electromagnetic flow-meters for liquids《封闭管道中液体流量测量 液体电磁流量计性能评定方法》.pdf_第4页
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BS EN 29104-1991 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits - Methods of evaluating the performance of electromagnetic flow-meters for liquids《封闭管道中液体流量测量 液体电磁流量计性能评定方法》.pdf_第5页
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1、BRITISH STANDARD BS EN2 910 4 : 1993ISO 910 4 : 1991I n c orpora t ingA mendmen t N o. 1M e a surement of flu idflow in c los edc ond u i ts M e t hods of e v a l u a t ingt he perform a n c eofelec t roma gnet i cflow -me t ers for liqu idsT heE u ropea n S t a nda rdEN 2 910 4 :199 3 h a s t he st

2、a tus ofaB rit i s h S t a nda rdUDC5 32.57 . 0 8 2 . 7 4 :5 32.542CONFIRMED JANUARY 2008BSEN 2 910 4 : 199 3T his B rit i s h S t a nda rd, h a v ingb eenprepa red under thedirec t ionof theI ndust ria l-pro c e ss M e a surement a nd C ont rol S t a nda rds P olic yC ommi ttee, wa s p u b lis hedu

3、 nder t hea uthority of theS t a nda rds B o a rd a ndc omes int oeffec t on3 1 Oct o b er1991 BSI 1 2 -1999T hefollow ing BSI referenc e s rela t e to the workon this sta nda rd:C ommitteereferen c e PCL/2D r a f t forc omment 89/25907 DCISBN 0 580 20143 0C ommittees res pons i b le for this B rit

4、i s h S t a nda rdT heprepa r a t ionof this B rit i s h S t a nda rd wa s ent r ustedb y t heI ndustria l-proc e ss M e a surement a ndC ont rolS t a nda rds P olic y C ommittee( PCL/ -) to T e c hni cal C ommi tteePCL/2, upon whic h thefollo w ing b odie s wererepres ent ed:B rit i s h C ompre sse

5、d A ir S o c ietyB rit i s h Gas plcD epa r t ment ofE nergy ( Gas a ndO ilM e a surement B r a n c h)D epa r t ment ofT r a dea ndI ndustr y ( Nat ion a l E ngineeringLabora t ory )E lec t ric i ty I ndust r y inU nit edK ingdomE nerg y I ndust rie s C o u n c ilGAMBICA ( BEAMALt d.)I n sti tuteof

6、M e a surement a ndC ont rolI n sti tut eof P e t role u mI n sti tuteof T r a dingS t a nda rds A dministr a t ionI n sti tut ionof M e c h a nical E ngineer sS o c iety ofB rit i s h Gas I ndustrie sWat erS erv i c e s A sso c i a t ionof E ngla nda ndWalesT hefollow ingb odies w ere a l s orepres

7、 ent edin thedra f t ingof the st a nda rd,t hro u gh su bcommittees a ndp a nels :E ngineeringE q u ipment a ndMat eria l s U s ers A sso c i a t ionU nit edK ingdomA t omicEnergy A uthorityWat er R e s e a r c h C ent reA mendments i ssu ed sinc epu b licat ionA md.N o. Dat e C omments7 980 Oct o

8、b er1993 I ndicat edb y a s idelinein them a rginBSEN 2 910 4 : 199 3 BSI 1 2 -1999 iC ont entsPageC ommittees res pons i b le I n s idefront c o v erNat iona lforew ord iiF orew ord 2T e xt ofEN 2910 4 3P u b licat ion(s )referred to I n s ideback c o v erBSEN 2 910 4 : 199 3ii BSI1 2 -1999Nat iona

9、 lforew ordT his B rit i s h S t a nda rdh a s b eenprepa red under thedirec t ionof theI ndust ria l-pro c e ss M e a surement a ndC ont rolS t a nda rds P olic y C ommittee.I t i s ident i cal wi t h ISO910 4 :1991“ M e a surement of flu id flow in c los ed c ondu i ts M e t hods ofe v a l u a t i

10、ng theperforma n c eofelec t roma gnet i c flow -met ers forliqu ids ” ,p u b lis hedb y t heI n t erna t iona l O rga niz a t ionforS t a nda rdiz a t ion( ISO).I n1993 t heE u ropea n C ommitteeforS t a nda rdiz a t ion( CEN) accept edISO 910 4 :1991a s E u ropea n S t a nda rdEN 2 910 4 :1993 . A

11、 s acons equ enc eofimplement ing theE u ropea n S t a nda rd this B rit i s h S t a nda rdi s renu m b ereda s BS EN 2 910 4 a nda n y referenc e to BS 7 5 26:1991 shou ldb ere a d a s a referenc e toBS EN 2 910 4.C ross-referenc e sI n t erna t iona l S t a nda rd C orres ponding B rit i s h S t a

12、 nda rdISO 3 9 66:1977 BS1 0 4 2 M e a surement of flu id flow in c los ed c ondu i tsS e c t ion 2 .1:198 3 M e t hod us ing P i t o t sta t i c tu b e s( I dent i cal)ISO 4 006:1991 BS587 5 :1991 G lossa r y of terms a nd sy m b ols formea suremen t of flu id flo w in c los ed c ond u i ts( I den

13、t i cal)BS4185:1980 BS 6 199 M e a surement of liqu id flow in c los ed c ondu i ts using weighing a nd volu met ric met hodsPar t 1 :1981 W eighing met hod( I den t i cal)ISO 516 8 :197 8 a BS5844:1980 M e t hod s of mea surement of flu id flow :e stima t ionof un c ert a inty of a flow -ra t eme a

14、 surement( I dent i cal)BS 7 118 M e a surement of flu id flow :asse ssment ofu n c ert a inty in the calib r a t ion a nd us eofflow mea suremen t dev i c e sISO 7066-1:1989 Par t 1 :1990 L ine a r calib r a t ionrela t ion s hips( I dent i cal)ISO 7066- 2 :1988 Par t2:1989 N on-line a r calib r a

15、t ionrela t ion s hip s( I dent i cal)ISO 8 3 1 6 :1987 BS 6 199 M e a surement of liqu id flow in c los ed c ondu i ts using weighing a nd volu met ric met hodsPar t2:1988M e t hodfor mea suremen t b y c ollec t ion of theliqu id in a volu met ric ta nk( I dent i cal)IEC 6 8 BS 2011 E n v ironment

16、a l te stingIEC 6 8-2 - 3 :196 9 Par t2.1Ca:1977 T e st Ca. Damp hea t , ste a d y sta t e( I dent i cal)IEC 6 8-2 -4:1960bIEC 6 8-2 - 6 :1982 Par t2.1Fc:1983 T e st Fc. V i b r a t ion ( s inusoida l)( I den t i cal)IEC 6 8-2 - 27:1972 Par t2.1Ea:1988 T e st Ea. S hoc k( I dent i cal)IEC 770:1984 B

17、S450 9 :1985 M e t hod s forev a l u a t ing the performa n c eof tr a n s mitters for us einindust ria l-pro c e ss c ont rolsystems( I dent i cal)a R eferenc ein the te xt t o ISO 516 8is to t herev i s ionc u rrent l y inprepa r a t ion.I t i s env i s a ged th a t ,w hen therev i s ededit ionof

18、ISO516 8is p u b lis hed ,arev i s ededi t ionof BS5844 willb epu b lis hed.b IEC 6 8-2 -4: 1960 h a s now b eenreplacedb y IEC 6 8-2 - 30:198 0 . BS 2011“ E n v ironment a l te sting Par t2.1Db:1981 T e st Db a nd g u ida n c e :Da mp hea t ,cy c lic (12 +12 hou r c y c le)”is ident i cal wi t hIEC

19、 6 8-2 - 30:1980 .BSEN 2 910 4 : 199 3 BSI1 2 -1999 iiiT heT e c hnical C ommitteeh a s rev iew ed theprov i s ions ofISO 6 817 a ndIEC1 60,t o whic hreferenc eis m a dein the te xt,andh a s dec ided th a t they a reaccept ablefor us ein c onju n c t ion wi t h this sta nda rd.T herea renorela t edB

20、 rit i s h S t a nda rds t o thes e st a nda rds .ABrit i s h S t a nda rddoes not p u rpor t toin c l u dea ll thenec e ssa r y prov i s ions ofac ont r act . U s ers ofB rit i s h S t a nda rds a reres pons i b lefor theirc orrec t a pplicat ion.C omplia n c e w i t h aBrit i s h S t a nda rd does

21、 not of i tself c onfer immu nity from lega lob liga t ions .S u mma r y of p a gesT his doc u ment c ompris e s a front c o v er,anin s idefront c o v er, p a ges i toiv ,t heEN t i t lep a ge, p a ges2 to 20,anin s ideback c o v era ndaback c o v er.T his sta nda rdh a s b een upda t ed( s eec opy

22、 right d a t e)a ndm a y h a v eha da mendments inc orpora t ed.T his w illb eindicat edin thea mendment t ableon theins idefront c o v er.i v b l a nkEUROPEAN STANDARDNORME EUROPENNEEUROPISCHENORMEN 2 910 4J u ne1993UDC5 32.57 . 0 8 2 . 7 4 : 5 32.542D e s c ript ors :Liqu idflow , pipeflow , flow

23、mea surement , elec t roma gnet i c equ ipment , flow met ers , te sts, performa n c e te stsE nglis h vers ionM e a surement offlu idflow inc los edc ondu i ts M e t hod s ofe v a l u a t ing theperform a n c eofelec t rom a gne t i cflow -met ers forliqu ids( ISO910 4 :1991)M e surededb i t des fl

24、u ides d a n s les c ondu i t e s fermes M e t hodes dv a l u a t iondel aperforma n c ede s db i t mt res lec t roma gnt iqu e s utilis s pou rle s liqu ides( ISO 910 4 :1991)D u r c hfl u me ssu ng vonF l u ideninges c hlo ssenen L eitungen V erfa hren zu rB e u r t eilu ngdes B e t rieb sverha l

25、t ens v onm a gne t i s c h-ind u k t i v enD u r c hfl u meger t enf r F l ss igkeit en( ISO 910 4 :1991)T his E u ropea n S t a nda rd wa s a pprov edb y CENon1993 - 06-18.CENmemb ersa re b o u nd to c omply w i t h the CEN/ CENELEC I n t erna l R egu l a t ions w hic hstipu l a t e the c ondit io

26、ns for giv ing this E u ropea n S t a nda rd the st a tus of an a t iona l sta nda rd wi t hout a n y a l t era t ion.U p-t o-d a t eli sts a nd b i b liogra phicalreferen c e s c onc erning su c hna t iona lsta nda rds m a y b eob t a inedon a pplicat ion to the C ent r a l S e c ret a ria t or to

27、a n yCENmemb er.T he E u ropea n S t a nda rd e x i sts in three offic i a l vers ions ( E nglis h ,Frenc h ,G erma n). A vers ion in a n y o t her l a ngu a ge m a de b y t r a n s l a t ion under theres pons i b ility of aCEN memb er int oits o w nla ngu a ge a nd not ified to theC ent r a l S e c

28、 ret a ria t h a s the sa me st a tus a s t heoffic i a l vers ions .CEN memb ers a re the n a t iona l st a nda rds b odies of A ustria, B elgiu m ,D enma rk,Finla nd,Fr a n c e ,Germa n y ,Greec e ,Ic ela nd,Irela nd,It a l y ,L uxemb o u rg,Ne t herl a nds ,Norw a y ,Portug a l ,Sp a in,Sw eden,S

29、w i tzerl a nda ndU nit edK ingdom.CENE u ropea n C ommitteeforS t a nda rdiz a t ionC omi t E u ropendeN orm a lis a t ionE u rop i s c hes K omit eef r N ormu ngC ent r a l S e c ret a ria t : r u ede S t a ssa r t 36,B-10 5 0 B r ussels1993 C opy right res erv ed to CENmemb ersR ef.N o.EN 2 910 4

30、 :1993 EEN 2 910 4 : 199 32 BSI1 2 -1999F orew ordI n1991,ISO910 4 :1991M e a suremen t of flu id flo win c los ed c ond u i ts M e t hod s of e v a l u a t ing theperform a n c eofelec t rom a gne t i c flo w -me t ers forliqu ids wa s sub mitted to theCEN P rima r y Q u e stionna ireproc edu re.F

31、ollow ing R e s olution BTC 4 2/1992 ,ISO910 4 :1991w a s su b mitted to theforma l vo t e ; theresul t w a s pos i t i v e.T his E u ropea n S t a nda rd sh a llb egi v en the st a tus ofa n a t iona l sta nda rd, eit herb y p u b licat ionofa niden t i cal te xt orb y endors ement ,at t hel a t e

32、st b y D e c emb er199 3 ,andc onfli c t ingna t ion a l st a nda rds s h a llb e wi t hdra w n a t t hel a t e st b y D e c emb er1993 .Acc ording to theCEN / CENELECIn t ern a lR egu l a t ion s , thefollo w ing c o u n t rie s a reb o u nd toimplement t his E u ropea n S t a nda rd:Austria,B elgi

33、u m ,Denm a rk,Finl a nd,Fr a n c e ,Germ a n y ,G reec e ,Ic ela nd,Irela nd,It a l y ,Luxemb o u rg,N e t herla nds ,Norw a y ,Portug a l ,Sp a in,Sw eden,S w i tzerl a nda nd theU nit edK ingdom.NOTE T he E u ropea nreferenc e s toin t erna t iona lpu b licat ions a regiv enin A nnex ZA(norma t i

34、 v e).C ont entsPageF ore w ord 2I n t rod u c t ion 31 Scope 32 N orma t i v ereferenc e s33 D efinit ions 44 G enera l te stingproc edu re 45 E v a l u a t ionof theeffec t ofa ninflu enc equ a lity 86 T e sts for thee v a l u a t ionof theeffec ts ofo t herinfl u enc equ a n t i t ies 1 6A nnex A

35、 (informa t i v e)B i b liogra phy 19A nnex ZA(norma t i v e)N orma t i v ereferenc e s t oin t erna t iona lpu b licat ions w i t h theirrelev a n t E u ropea npu b licat ions20F igu re1Samplecalib r a t ion show ingdistrib utionof te st points 8F igu re 2 T y pical c irc u i t a rra ngements for u

36、 p strea mga t e va l v e te sts 9F igu re 3 E x a mples s how ing theeffec tof a n u p strea mga t e va l v eon threeelec t roma gnet i c met ers ofDN5 00( bas edonrea lda t a )11F igu re4A nnu l a ror segment a lo b str u c t ion sus ed t ode t ermine theeffec ts of a distur ban c ein theinlet flo

37、w on theres pons eof t heflow -met er 1 3F igu re5G enera l te st c irc u i t 14F igu re 6 T e st of theeffec t ofa )ma ins frequ enc y c ommon-mode volt a ge( v olt a gea pplied b e tween thee a r t hof theprima r y a nd se c onda r y dev i c e s ) a ndb )m a ins frequ enc y v olt a geb e tweenneut

38、r a la ndprima r y e a r t h(v olt a gea ppliedb e tweene a r t h a ndm a ins , ifpract i cable) 15F igu re 7 T e st of theeffec t ofm a ins frequ enc yvolt a geb e tweene a r t h a ndo utp ut t ermina l s 1 6F igu re8T e st of theeffec t ofa .c . c u rrents one a r t hedc onnec t ionb e tweenprima

39、r y a nds e c onda r y dev i c e s 1 7F igu re9T e st of theeffec t of series -modes igna l s a t t he su pply frequ enc y 18F igu re1 0 T e st of theeffec t of st r a y c u rrents w i t hin theliqu id 18Table1 6Table 2 7Table 3 7Table412EN 2 910 4 : 199 3 BSI 1 2 -1999 3I n t rodu c t ionT hemet ho

40、ds ofe v a l u a t ion spec ifiedin this I n t erna t ion a l S t a nda rda reint endedfor use b y m a n u f acturers t ode t ermine theperforma n c eoft heirprodu c ts a ndb y users orindependent t e stinge stablis hments t o verify m a n u f acturers performa n c e spec ificat ions a nd todemonstr

41、 a t esui t ability ofa pplicat ion.T he te st c ondit ion s spec ifiedin this I n t ern a t ion a lS t a nda rd, fore x a mple ther a ngeofa m b ient t empera tures a nd thepow er su pply , repres ent t hos ew hic h c ommonl y a ris edu ring us e.C ons equ ent l y ,t he va l u e s s pec ifiedherein

42、 shou ldb e us ed wherenoo t her va l u e s a re spec ified b y t hem a n u f acturer.T he te sts spec ifiedin this I n t ern a t ion a l S t a nda rda renot nec e ssa ril y suffi c ien t forinstr u ments s pec ifically des ignedfor u n usu a lly a rdu o us d uties .C onv ers ely ,arestric t ed seri

43、es of te sts m a y b esui t ableforinstr u men ts des igned toperform wi t hina limit edr a ngeof c ondi t ion s .1 Scope1.1 T his I n t erna t ion a l S t a nda rdrec ommends met hod s of te st for thee v a l u a t ionof theperform a n c eofelec t rom a gne t i c flo w -me t ers forliq u ids flo w

44、ingin c los edc ond u i ts. I t s pec ifies au niformproc edu re to verify t heperforma n c ec h a r act eri sti c s when theflow -met eri s sub jec t ed toident ifiedinflu enc equ a n t i t ies a ndmet hods ofrepre s ent ing theresul ts ofperforma n c emea surements.NOTE1 W hena f u lle v a l u a t

45、 ioninaccorda n c e wi t h this I n t ern a t ion a l S t a nda rdi s not requ ired, thos e te sts w hic h a rerequ ired shou ldb eperformeda nd theresul ts report edinaccord a n c e wi t h thos epa r ts of this I n t erna t iona l S t a nda rd whic ha rerelev a n t .1.2 T his I n t ern a t ion a l

46、S t a nda rda pplie s onl y t oindustria liz edpipe-mo u n t edelec t rom a gnet i cflow -me t ers . I t i s not a pplicable toin s ert ion-typeflow -met ers , liqu id-met a lflow -met ers a ndmedicalflow -met ers ,al t hou gh someof the te sts des c rib edm a y b e a pplied to suc hin str u ments i

47、fa greed tob e tween them a n u f acturera nd the us erore v a l u a t ing b ody .2 N orma t i v ereferenc e sT hefollow ing sta nda rds c ont a inprov i s ions whic h ,t hrou ghreferen c ein this t e xt,consti tuteprov i s ions of this I n t erna t iona l S t a nda rd.A t t he timeofp u b licat ion

48、, theedi t ion s indicat ed were va lid.A llsta nda rds a re sub jec t tore v i s ion ,andp a r t ies toa greemen ts bas edon this I n t erna t iona l S t a nda rda reenc o u r a ged toin v e stiga t e thepossi b ility ofa ppl y ing themost rec ent edit ions of the st a nda rds indicat edb elow . M

49、emb ers ofIECa ndISOm a int a inregisters ofc u rrent l y v a lidI n t erna t iona l S t a nda rds .ISO 3 9 66:1977, M e a suremen t of flu id flo w in c los edc ond u i ts V eloc i ty a rea met hod us ing P i t o t sta t i ctub e s .ISO 4 006:1991, M e a suremen t of flu id flo w in c los edc ond u i ts V o cabu l a r y a nd sy m b ols .ISO 4185:1980 , M e a surement ofliqu idflow inc los edc ond u i ts W eighing met hod.ISO 516 8 : , M e a suremen t of flu id flow E v a l u a t ion of un c ert a int ies 1).ISO 6 817 : , M

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