BS EN 50132-5-2-2011 Alarm systems CCTV surveillance systems for use in security applications IP Video Transmission Protocols《报警系统 闭路电视(CCTV)安全性监控系统 互联网视频传输协议》.pdf

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BS EN 50132-5-2-2011 Alarm systems CCTV surveillance systems for use in security applications IP Video Transmission Protocols《报警系统 闭路电视(CCTV)安全性监控系统 互联网视频传输协议》.pdf_第1页
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BS EN 50132-5-2-2011 Alarm systems CCTV surveillance systems for use in security applications IP Video Transmission Protocols《报警系统 闭路电视(CCTV)安全性监控系统 互联网视频传输协议》.pdf_第2页
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BS EN 50132-5-2-2011 Alarm systems CCTV surveillance systems for use in security applications IP Video Transmission Protocols《报警系统 闭路电视(CCTV)安全性监控系统 互联网视频传输协议》.pdf_第3页
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BS EN 50132-5-2-2011 Alarm systems CCTV surveillance systems for use in security applications IP Video Transmission Protocols《报警系统 闭路电视(CCTV)安全性监控系统 互联网视频传输协议》.pdf_第4页
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BS EN 50132-5-2-2011 Alarm systems CCTV surveillance systems for use in security applications IP Video Transmission Protocols《报警系统 闭路电视(CCTV)安全性监控系统 互联网视频传输协议》.pdf_第5页
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1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationBS EN 50132-5-2:2011Alarm systems CCTV surveillance systems for use in security applicationsPart 5-2: IP Video Transmission ProtocolsIncorporating corrigendum July 2012Copyright

2、European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CENELECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-National forewordBRITISH STANDARDBS EN 50132-5-2:2011A list of organizations represented on this subcommittee can be ob

3、tained on request to its secretary.This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations.ISBN 978 0 580 73700 8ICS 13.310; 33.160.40Th

4、is British Standard was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 30 November 2012. The British Standards Institution 2012. Published by BSI Standards Limited 2012Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication Date Text affectedThis British Standard is the UK im

5、plementation of Together with BS EN 50132-5-1:2011 and BS EN 50132-5-3:2012,which is withdrawn.The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted by Technical Committee GW/1, Electronic security systems, to Subcommittee GW/1/10, Closed circuit television (CCTV).The start and finish of text introd

6、uced or altered by corrigendum is indicated in the text by tags. Text altered by CENELEC corrigendum July 2012 is indicated in the text by .EN 50132-5-2:2011, incorporating corrigendum July supersedes BS EN 50132-5:2001Copyright European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Provide

7、d by IHS under license with CENELECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-EUROPEAN STANDARD EN 50132-5-2 NORME EUROPENNE EUROPISCHE NORM December 2011 CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Comit Europen de Normalisation Electrotec

8、hnique Europisches Komitee fr Elektrotechnische Normung Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B - 1000 Brussels 2011 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members. Ref. No. EN 50132-5-2:2011 E ICS 13.310; 33.160.40 English version Alarm syste

9、ms - CCTV surveillance systems for use in security applications - Part 5-2: IP Video Transmission Protocols Systmes dalarme - Systmes de surveillance CCTV usage dans les applications de scurit - Partie 5-2: Protocoles de Transmission de Vido dIP Alarmanlagen - CCTV-berwachungsanlagen fr Sicherungsan

10、wendungen - Teil 5-2: IP Video bertragung Protokolle This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2011-10-31. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without

11、any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CENELEC member. This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other

12、language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions. CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,

13、 the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Copyright European Committee for

14、 Electrotechnical Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CENELECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-2 Contents Page Foreword . 9 Introduction 10 1 Scope 11 2 Normative references . 11 3 Definitions and abbreviations 12 3.1 Terms and definiti

15、ons 12 4 Video Transmission network architecture (informative) 28 4.1 General . 28 4.2 Networking and connectivity . 30 4.3 Device discovery and description . 30 4.4 Video media types and payload formats . 31 4.5 Video Transport 31 4.6 Eventing and Health Check . 31 5 The Building Block of Existing

16、Standards (informative) 31 6 CCTV system device model . 32 6.1 Overview . 32 6.2 Device model elements 33 7 General IP interoperability requirements 33 7.1 General Protocol Requirements Overview 33 7.2 General High Level IP Video Interface and Protocol Requirements 34 7.3 Non-Conformance Video Trans

17、mission Systems and Devices 34 7.4 Mandatory Documentation for the IP Video Interface of a VTD . 35 8 Video and Data Transport: Mandatory Streaming Requirements 37 8.1 Detailed RTSP Protocol Requirements and Definitions . 37 9 Device discovery and description . 42 9.1 UPnP Device Discovery and Descr

18、iption (METHOD 1) . 42 9.2 Zeroconf service discovery and description (METHOD 2) 45 9.3 Web Service Discovery (METHOD 3) . 48 10 Eventing Requirements . 48 11 Video Network Device Management Requirements 49 11.1 Requirements for standard MIB compliance 49 11.2 SNMP Trap Notification Requirements 53

19、11.3 MIB Enterprise Tree Definitions for Video Transmission Devices . 54 11.4 Monitoring and Polling Applications . 62 11.5 CCTV SNMP Trap Requirements for Event Management . 62 11.6 Security Requirements SNMP . 62 BS EN 50132-5-2:2011 EN 50132-5-2:2011 (E)Copyright European Committee for Electrotec

20、hnical Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CENELECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3 12 Requirements on other IP Video Interfaces 63 13 Bibliography . 63 APPENDIX I - IP Interoperability Implementation Based on HTTP and REST Services .

21、 66 APPENDIX I.A REST Service Model Version 1.1 . 67 1 Introduction 67 2 Design Considerations . 67 2.1 REST Overview . 67 2.2 Conformance 68 2.3 HTTP Methods and REST . 69 2.4 HTTP Status Codes and REST . 69 2.5 Unique Identifiers . 72 2.6 ID Encoding 72 3 Architecture and Namespace. 73 4 System Fl

22、ow . 76 4.1 Service Discovery 76 4.2 Persistent Connections 77 4.3 Authentication 77 4.4 Access Restrictions . 78 4.5 Setting Configurations . 78 4.6 Getting Configurations . 79 4.7 Getting Capabilities 80 4.8 Uploading Data . 80 4.9 Receiving Data 81 4.10 Operations 81 4.11 Diagnostics . 82 4.12 Re

23、sponse Status 82 4.13 Processing Rules . 83 5 XML Modeling . 83 5.1 File Format 83 5.2 Data Structures. 83 5.3 Lists 83 5.4 Capabilities . 84 6 Custom Services ability for information or services to be exchanged directly and smoothly between providers and consumers 3.1.47 Internet Protocol (IP) basi

24、c connectionless network-layer protocol 3.1.48 IP camera device capturing and transmitting live video images over an IP network allowing remote viewing, recording, and management 3.1.49 IP video transmission of video signals over an IP network 3.1.50 IP video interface software point of communicatio

25、n for IP video between a device and the network 3.1.51 IP video network collection of video transmisison devices connected to each other allowing to communicate with each other, share resources and information over a variety of connection protocols 3.1.52 IP video packet transmission process of addr

26、essing, transferring, and controlling IP video packets passing through switching points in a network 3.1.53 IP video surveillance video surveillance system allowing analog and/or digital IP video to operate over a standard IP network by transmitting real-time video streams 3.1.54 IP video system com

27、binations of equipment, software, and processes that are used to gather video streams from various sources, organized into channels, creating or receiving digitized video signals, compressing digital video, packetizing video, distributed through various communication systems, managing the transfer o

28、f packets through a network, receiving and re-sequence the data packets, and rendering into a form that can be viewed by operators allowing them to select, monitor and control video on one or more types of presentation devices BS EN 50132-5-2:2011 EN 50132-5-2:2011 (E)Copyright European Committee fo

29、r Electrotechnical Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CENELECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-17 3.1.55 jitter variation in a network delay that is perceived by the receiver of each packet 3.1.56 keyframe see I-frame 3.1.57 latency de

30、lay in the response of far end participants, often a result of network congestion and geographic distance 3.1.58 link relationship between two network nodes when one resource refers to the other resource e.g. by the means of a URI 3.1.59 manage view, control, provision, update, monitor, health check

31、, notify components of an ip system, e.g. by a centralized application, called management system 3.1.60 managed objects parameters and values of network devices that can be read by the SNMP manager, like alarm status, control relay status, system uptime, etc defining in SNMP terms, every network dev

32、ice as a set of these managed objects 3.1.61 Management Information Base (MIB) formal description of a set of objects that can be managed via SNMP as data structure describing SNMP network elements as a list of data objects, implemented by an agent, described in a MIB document, written in the ASN.1

33、data description language NOTE To monitor SNMP devices, the SNMP manager will compile a MIB file for every different video transmission device in the network. 3.1.62 message authentication assessment of an entity about the certainty that the purported sender of the message is in fact the sender of t

34、hat message 3.1.63 Message Digest 5 (MD5) standard encryption algorithm that generates out of data input such as a message of arbitrary length an output of a 128-bit fingerprint or message digest for the purpose to detect any modifications made to the input data when transmitted by recalculating the

35、 fingerprint or digest in a similar concept to CRC NOTE The MD5 algorithm is used as part of the SNMPv3 security subsystem. 3.1.64 message basic unit of communication containing the data to be transmitted between network nodes such as client and server BS EN 50132-5-2:2011 EN 50132-5-2:2011 (E)Copyr

36、ight European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CENELECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-18 3.1.65 messaging exchange of messages, which are specially formatted data packets, describing events, commands,

37、 status information, requests, replies, etc of a messaging source to a subscribing or listening client 3.1.66 MIB extensions extension of a standard MIB for a single set of related management entities to include proprietary objects in SNMP 3.1.67 MIB family family of SNMP variables consisting all of

38、 the leaf MIB variables with the same immediate parent node, or root (the object identifier without the instance information) EXAMPLE In MIB-II the following variables form a single family since they are all children of ifEntry ( 3.1.68 MIB view set of MIB objects that are accessi

39、ble in a given user/group configuration in SNMP 3.1.69 MIB-II current standard for MIB definition in SNMP 3.1.70 MIB-CCTV SNMP MIB Object under the Network Management Private Enterprise Code with the Prefix private.enterprise.cctv 3.1.71 Moving Picture Experts

40、 Group (MPEG) working committee that defines and develops industry standards for digital video systems, specifying the data compression and decompression processes and how they are delivered on digital video systems 3.1.72 MPEG/H.264 level amount of capability that a MPEG or H.264 profile can offer

41、ranging from low level (low resolution) to high level (high resolution) 3.1.73 MPEG/H.264 profile particular implementation or set of required features and tools that enable a particular application 3.1.74 Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) standard system for identifying the type of data s

42、treamed across network including graphics, photos, sound, video and formatted text documents 3.1.75 namespace document information resource in UPnP identified by a namespace URI, e.g, that contains useful information, machine- and/or human-usable and readable about definitions in a part

43、icular domain BS EN 50132-5-2:2011 EN 50132-5-2:2011 (E)Copyright European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CENELECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-19 3.1.76 network architecture framework and technolo

44、gy foundation for the design, building and managing of a communication network, typically in a layered structure dividing the communication tasks into a number of smaller parts, each part accomplishing a particular sub-task and interacting with the other parts in a small number of well-defined ways

45、3.1.77 network connectivity physical (wired or wireless) and logical (protocol) connection of multiple devices or a single device to a network, such as a ip video network 3.1.78 network hub network device that can only send or receive at one time in the so-called half-duplex mode 3.1.79 network inte

46、rfaces point of communication between a device and the network 3.1.80 network node grouping of one or more network components which provides network related functions, administered as a single entity 3.1.81 network protocol defined rules and procedures for the network communications 3.1.82 network s

47、witch network device with the ability to send and receive data at the same time using the so-called full-duplex mode 3.1.83 Next-Generation Network (NGN) generic term used to describe packet-based networks converging traffic such as audio, video, and data with respect to the appropriate quality of s

48、ervice realized by special-purpose network technology 3.1.84 National Television Standards Committee (NTSC) standardized video signal format used in the United States, delivering 29.97 frames per second 3.1.85 Network Video Recorder (NVR) network video device recording multiple video streams onto a

49、hard disk in digital format, which allows viewing, replay and management remotely via a VT client 3.1.86 Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) nonprofit, international consortium whose goal is to promote the adoption of product-independent standards for information formats such as Extensible Markup Languages (XML), Hypert

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